1000 resultados para Leucotrieno B4
Kirjallisessa osassa tarkasteltiin pikornavirusten käyttöä geenivektoreina ja syöpäterapiassa. Pikornavirukset ovat positiivissäikeisiä RNA-viruksia, ja niiden genomi koostuu rakenteellisista kuoriproteiineista VP1-VP4 sekä ei-rakenteellisista proteiineista 2A-2C ja 3A-3D. Geenivektoritutkimukset ovat keskittyneet erilaisten inserttien kloonaamiseen virusten VP1-VP4-alueelle ja genomin 5'-päähän sekä näiden muutosten vaikutusten seuraamiseen virusten elinkierrossa solu- ja hiirimalleissa. Geenivektoreina on parhaiten toimineet coxsackievirukset B3, B4 ja A9 sekä mengo- ja poliovirus. Niitä on käytetty hiirissä mm. neuronien motorisen BDNF-reseptorin ilmentämiseen sekä hiiren interleukiini-10:n tuottamiseen selkäydinkanavan vaurioiden korjaamiseksi. Syöpäterapiatutkimuksissa on saatu lupaavia tuloksia coxsackieviruksilla A21, A13, A15 ja A18 sekä echo-, Seneca Valley 001- ja EMCV-viruksilla. Viruksilla on saatu mm. rintasyövän pääkasvain ja metastasoituneet etäpesäkkeet häviämään sekä eturauhassyövän kasvaimia pienenemään. Seneca Valley 001 -virus on osoittautunut tehokkaaksi syöpiä vastaan, joilla on neuroendokriinisiä ominaisuuksia. Viruksen käyttämistä faasi 2:n kliinisiin kokeisiin ollaan parhaillaan suunnittelemassa pienisoluisen keuhkosyövän ja lasten neuroendokriinisen syövän kohdalla. Kokeellisessa osassa optimoitiin RT-PCR-menetelmä coxsackievirus A7:n (CV-A7) genomin tuottamiseksi PCR-reaktiolla (FL-PCR). FL-PCR:n optimointi tehtiin vektoreilla, joihin oli kloonattu CV-A7-USSR- (USSR-pcDNA3) ja CV-A7-Parkerisolaattien (Parker-TA) genomit. Menetelmää käytettiin myöhemmin muiden CV-A7- virusisolaattien (275/58, ET1080 ja SVK) tutkimiseen. Näistä isolaateista eristettiin virus-RNA, joka käännettiin cDNA:ksi RT-entsyymillä. PCR:ssä käytetyt, CV-A7- spesifiset koettimet oli suunniteltu aiemmin sekvensoidun CV-A7-sekvenssin (GenBank AY421765) pohjalta. Infektiivisen kloonin tuottamiseksi USSR-pcDNA3- ja Parker-TA-vektoreista tuotettiin PCR:n avulla (T7-PCR) virusgenomin sisältävä DNAjakso, jonka 5'-päähän muodostui alukkeiden avulla T7RNA-polymeraasipromoottori ja 3'-päähän polyA-häntä. Työssä myös sekvensoitiin ja analysoitiin CV-A7-virusisolaatit Parker, USSR, 275/58, ET1080 ja SVK sekä kloonattiin täyspitkiä virusgenomeja cDNA-muodossa mutaatiokokeita varten. FL-PCR:n optimointi onnistui, ja neljä viidestä CV-A7-isolaatista sekvensoitiin. Virusgenomien pituus vaihteli 7403–7405 nt:n välillä. CV-A7-ET1080, -Parker ja - USSR osoittautuivat yli 99 % ja CV-A7-275/58 82,6 % nt samankaltaisiksi koko genomin pituudelta AY421765:en suhteen. Yksittäisten geenien ja proteiinien osalta CV-A7-275/58 oli 75,8–90,4 % nt ja 93,7–98,8 % aa samankaltainen muiden suhteen. Simplot-analyysissä 3B-geenialue oli heterogeenisin. CV-A7-SVK-isolaatti osoittautui echovirus kolmeksi. Infektiivistä kloonia ei saatu tuotettua T7-PCR-tuotteista.
OBJETIVO: Estudar os efeitos de múltiplas esterilizações em formaldeido em baixa temperatura, na estrutura molecular (físico-químico) e no desenvolvimento de microorganismos na tela de polipropileno, utilizada na correção cirúrgica das diferentes hérnias da parede abdominal. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se tela de polipropileno plana padrão (Ethicon), de 15cm x 15cm, a qual foi recortada em fragmentos iguais de 2cm x 1cm, após múltiplas esterilizações. Foram denominadas amostras A (controle), A1 (uma esterilização) e A3 (três esterilizações); e B (controle), B1 (uma esterilização), B2 (duas esterilizações), B3 (três esterilizações), B4 (quatro esterilizações) e B5 (cinco esterilizações). As amostras A foram submetidas à análise por Espectroscopia no Infravermelho (FTIR) e Microscopia Eletrônica por Varredura (MEV) e as amostras B foram semeadas em meios de "Brain Heart Infusion" (BHI), Ágar Sabouraud Dextrosado e Ágar Chocolate (hemácias de carneiro a 5%). RESULTADOS: A análise comparativa das amostras A, A1 e A3 revela suficientes evidências experimentais de que sejam idênticas, do ponto de vista da composição, mantendo, inclusive, os mesmos padrões de porosidade. Nas amostras B1, B2, B3, B4 e B5 não houve desenvolvimento de microorganismos nos fragmentos submetidos até cinco esterilizações. CONCLUSÕES: A tela de polipropileno não sofre alterações na sua estrutura molecular, podendo ser submetida até cinco esterilizações, sem que ocorra o desenvolvimento de microorganismos nas amostras.
The repetitive use of iodosulfuron for the control of weeds in winter cereals in the south of Brazil has favored the emergence of resistant Raphanus sativus biotypes. The objective of this study was to evaluate: the response of Raphanus sativus biotypes susceptible and resistant to different dosages of iodosulfuron; the control of biotypes with alternative registered herbicides for the control of the species in crops of wheat, corn and soybean; and the existence of cross-resistance of the biotypes. Thus, four experiments were done in a greenhouse, with a completely randomized design and four replicates. The experimental units were composed of vases with a volumetric capacity of 0.75 L filled with substrate, containing a plant each. For the dose-response curve, three biotypes (factor A) and nine doses of the iodosulfuron herbicide (factor B) were used. For the alternative control, the recommendation was herbicides in pre or postemergence of the crops, and the crossed-resistance was evaluated by using herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme of different chemical groups. The analyzed variables were control and shoot dry matter. GR50 of the susceptible biotype (B1) was 0.11 g a.i. ha-1, whereas GR50 of resistant biotypes (B4 and B13) was 102.9 and 86.8 g a.i. ha-1 of the iodosulfuron herbicide, respectively. The resistant biotypes presented crossed resistance to herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme, where the control can be efficient with the use of herbicides with different action mechanisms.
Classical studies of macroglial proliferation in muride rodents have provided conflicting evidence concerning the proliferating capabilities of oligodendrocytes and microglia. Furthermore, little information has been obtained in other mammalian orders and very little is known about glial cell proliferation and differentiation in the subclass Metatheria although valuable knowledge may be obtained from the protracted period of central nervous system maturation in these forms. Thus, we have studied the proliferative capacity of phenotypically identified brain stem oligodendrocytes by tritiated thymidine radioautography and have compared it with known features of oligodendroglial differentiation as well as with proliferation of microglia in the opossum Didelphis marsupialis. We have detected a previously undescribed ephemeral, regionally heterogeneous proliferation of oligodendrocytes expressing the actin-binding, ensheathment-related protein 2'3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase), that is not necessarily related to the known regional and temporal heterogeneity of expression of CNPase in cell bodies. On the other hand, proliferation of microglia tagged by the binding of Griffonia simplicifolia B4 isolectin, which recognizes an alpha-D-galactosyl-bearing glycoprotein of the plasma membrane of macrophages/microglia, is known to be long lasting, showing no regional heterogeneity and being found amongst both ameboid and differentiated ramified cells, although at different rates. The functional significance of the proliferative behavior of these differentiated cells is unknown but may provide a low-grade cell renewal in the normal brain and may be augmented under pathological conditions.
This paper presents the first isolation of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in Brazil and its physicochemical, morphological and molecular characterization. The virus was isolated from 33 samples of nasotracheal secretions, successively inoculated into a Madin-Darby bovine kidney cell culture, which was characterized by physicochemical tests and morphological observation by electron microscopy. The Brazilian sample is an RNA pleomorphic, enveloped, thermolabile and non-hemagglutinating spicular virus. Reverse transcription, followed by nested polymerase chain reaction (nRT-PCR) assay was carried out using oligonucleotides B1, B2A, B3 and B4 for the fusion proteins (F) and B5A, B6A, B7A and B8 for the attachment protein (G). The nRT-PCR-F amplified a fragment of 481 bp corresponding to part of the gene that codes for protein F, whereas nRT-PCR-G amplified a fragment of 371 bp, in agreement with part of the G gene. The virus isolated from Brazilian samples in this study corresponded to the bovine respiratory syncytial virus, and RT-PCR proved to be useful for the diagnosis of bovine clinical samples.
Dedikaatio: Carolus XI, Petrus Brahe, Laurentius Kaggh, Caralus [!] Gustaf Wrangel, Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie, Gvstavus Bonde.
Painovuosi oletettu väitöskirjojen painovuosien perusteella.
Invokaatio: In nomine s. s.ctae et individuae trinitatis.
Osa nimekkeestä ladottu kreikkalaisin kirjaimin.
Invokaatio: D.F.G.
Invokaatio: I.N.S.S.T.
Invokaatio: D.F.G.
Invokaatio: D.D.
Invokaatio: Deus benedicat.
Invokaatio: I.N.J.