973 resultados para Lacrimal duct obstruction


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El manejo de la obstrucción intestinal por adherencias es un reto para cualquier especialista en Cirugía debido a que existe controversia sobre el alcance del manejo médico y el momento adecuado para llevar el paciente a cirugía para la resolución del cuadro clínico. En el presente trabajo se pretende, identificar los factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por adherencias. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en una relación de 1:1, con una recolección de muestra estadística de 48 pacientes en cada grupo, entre mayo 2012 y mayo 2014 en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi y en Barrios Unidos. Se consideraron casos los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por obstrucción intestinal por bridas y controles los pacientes manejados con tratamiento médico. Se evaluaron factores como edad, antecedentes personales patológicos y quirúrgicos, tiempo de evolución del cuadro clínico, hallazgos en imágenes y laboratorio entre otros. Resultados: Se recolectaron un total de 158 pacientes, (78 casos, 80 controles). Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables (p=0.13). Los factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico estadísticamente significativos fueron género masculino, presencia de fiebre al ingreso, el hallazgo de engrosamiento de la pared intestinal y de obstrucción de asa cerrada en imágenes diagnósticas (p<0,05). Discusión: Los principales factores asociados para que un paciente con obstrucción intestinal por bridas requiera de manejo quirúrgico son consistentes con literatura. Se requiere la socialización de los resultados para disminuir la morbimortalidad de nuestros pacientes.


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Revisión sistemática de la literatura tomando ensayos clínicos aleatorizados sobre el uso de la inyección intraprostática de la toxina botulínica en los pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna evaluando una escala validada de síntomas del tracto urinario bajo como desenlace primario


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A study of the spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of Helicolenus dactylopterus was conducted. Females of this species have the capacity to store sperm within their ovaries, and male gametes have a considerable cytoplasmic mass surrounding their heads to survive the long period of intraovarian sperm storage. Our observations show that early spermatids are round-shaped cells and have a spherical nucleus with diffuse chromatin. The nuclear volume decreases as a result of progressive chromatin condensation during spermiogenesis, causing the nucleus to take on a U-shape. Flagellar insertion is not central to the nucleus but consistently occurs at an oblique angle towards one side of it. The flagellum is inserted into the nuclear fossa, without subsequent nuclear rotation. In mature spermatozoa, the flagellum is adjacent to the nucleus. A comparison of the spermatozoa in the testicular lobules and those in the intraovarian storage structures suggests that the increase in volume of the cytoplasmic mass may occur in the posterior region of the testis, in the testicular duct. Spermatozoa enter the ovary in groups that reach the ovarian lumen and are surrounded by the ovarian epithelium for storage in sperm storage crypts


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El present treball analitza la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat de Sus domesticus, la histologia del conducte epididimari i la qualitat de l'esperma epididimari. El material d'estudi prové de mascles reproductors porcins de les races Landrace i Pietrain, sans i sexualment madurs. La metodologia emprada es basa en l'examen al microscopi òptic (camp dar, contrast de fases i contrast interferencial) i al microscopi electrònic (de rastreig i de transmissió). Per a l'anàlisi estadística de les dades s'ha utilitzat el test de la X2 de Pearson (p<0,01). L'estudi de la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat permet distingir diversos tipus de gàmetes que s'han classificat en tres grups: espermatozoides madurs, espermatozoides immadurs i espermatozoides aberrants, així com algunes cèI.lules somàtiques. L'espermatozoide madur de Sus domesticus és un gàmeta típic de mamífer (format per tres parts: cap, peça de connexió i cua) en que destaquen: la forma oval i plana del cap, el desenvolupament d'una protuberància acrosòmica apical en una de les cares del cap i la presencia dels cossos laminars en la peça de connexió. L'espermatozoide immadur es caracteritza per la presencia de la gota citoplasmàtica, el major desenvolupament de la protuberància acrosòmica apical i per la flexibilitat del cap. Els espermatozoides aberrants es descriuen i classifiquen segons la morfologia externa i la morfologia interna, distingint-se una amplia gama de malformacions que afecten les diverses parts de l'espermatozoide. Les cèl·lules somàtiques presents en l'ejaculat ofereixen les característiques pròpies d'un macròfag i se les ha observat englobant espermatozoides immadurs. L'estudi de l'estructura i la ultraestructura de les tres regions anatòmiques de l'epidídim (caput, corpus i cauda) revela que: a) l'epiteli epididimari és pseudoestratificat amb esterocilis, b) cada regió epididimària presenta uns valors característics en relació al diàmetre intern del conducte, a l'alçada de l'epiteli, a la longitud dels esterocilis i al nombre de cèl·lules somàtiques luminals, i c) l'epiteli epididimari esta format per cinc tipus cel·lulars: les cèl·lules principals, les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules dares, les cèl·lules estretes i les cèl·lules basòfiles. Dels resultats obtinguts es pot deduir que: a) aquests cinc tipus cel·lulars es distribueixen al llarg del conducte epididimari de forma no homogènia, b) les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules principals, les cèI.Iules dares i les cèl·lules estretes són diversos estadis del desenvolupament d'un mateix tipus cel·lular especialitzat en la secreció i reabsorció cel·lular, i c) les cèl·lules basòfiles són les precursores de les cèl·lules somàtiques luminals. La qualitat de l'esperma procedent de les tres regions de l'epidídim ha estat analitzada a partir dels següents paràmetres espermàtics: vitalitat, resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes, estabilitat cefàlica, morfologia, malformacions i aglutinació. La vitalitat espermàtica disminueix progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari. La resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes s'assoleix en la regió corporal de l'epidídim. L'estabilitat cefàlica dels espermatozoides és més elevada en les dues primeres regions de l'epidídim que en la regió caudal. Cada regió de l'epidídim es caracteritza per una morfologia espermàtica específica: a) el caput es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica proximal, b) el corpus es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica distal, i c) el cauda es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides madurs. S'han estudiat les següents malformacions d'origen epididimari: espermatozoides de cua doblegada per l'anell de Jensen (origen en el cauda), espermatozoides de cua enrotllada i espermatozoides de cues fusionades (origen en el corpus). Els espermatozoides perden la capacitat de doblegar la cua per la peça intermèdia a mesura que avancen pel conducte epididimari. L'aglutinació espermàtica tendeix a augmentar progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari, si bé, no s'han observat variacions significatives en els diversos tipus d'aglutinació. La maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides de Sus domesticus és un procés lent i complex, i la qualitat de l'ejaculat depèn de que aquesta maduració hagi estat completa. La presencia en l'esperma ejaculat de formes gamètiques pròpies de l'esperma epididimari és un signe d'una incompleta maduració dels espermatozoides; i, pot considerar-se com un paràmetre indicador d'estrés del mascle reproductor, tant més quant més s'assembli a la morfologia espermàtica de la regió cefàlica de l'epidídim.


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Salt marshes constitute habitat islands for many endemic animal species, particularly along the California coast, where urban sprawl has fragmented this habitat. Recreational activities in salt marshes have increased recently, posing an interesting problem: how do endemic species lacking alternative habitat modify their tolerance to humans? We assessed seasonal and site variations in three tolerance parameters (distances at which animals became alert, fled, and moved after fleeing) of California's endangered Belding’s Savannah Sparrow ((Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi). We approached individuals on trails in three salt marshes with different levels of vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Belding’s Savannah Sparrows became aware and fled at shorter distances in the salt marsh coincident with greater levels of recreational activity as a result of habituation or visual obstruction effects. Seasonal effects in tolerance varied between sites. Alert and flight initiation distances were higher in the pre-nesting than in the non-breeding season in the site with the highest levels of recreational use likely due to greater exposure of breeding individuals; however, the opposite seasonal trend was found in each of the two sites with relatively lower human use, probably because individuals were less spatially attached in the non-breeding season when they foraged in aggregations. Distance fled was greater in the non-breeding than in the breeding season. Our findings call for dynamic management of recreational activities in different salt marshes depending on the degree of exposure to humans and seasonal variations in tolerance. We recommend a minimum approaching distance of 63 m and buffer areas of 1.3 ha around Belding's Savannah Sparrows.


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A low resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model OAGCM is used to study the characteristics of the large scale ocean circulation and its climatic impacts in a series of global coupled aquaplanet experiments. Three configurations, designed to produce fundamentally different ocean circulation regimes, are considered. The first has no obstruction to zonal flow, the second contains a low barrier that blocks zonal flow in the ocean at all latitudes, creating a single enclosed basin, whilst the third contains a gap in the barrier to allow circumglobal flow at high southern latitudes. Warm greenhouse climates with a global average air surface temperature of around 27C result in all cases. Equator to pole temperature gradients are shallower than that of a current climate simulation. Whilst changes in the land configuration cause regional changes in temperature, winds and rainfall, heat transports within the system are little affected. Inhibition of all ocean transport on the aquaplanet leads to a reduction in global mean surface temperature of 8C, along with a sharpening of the meridional temperature gradient. This results from a reduction in global atmospheric water vapour content and an increase in tropical albedo, both of which act to reduce global surface temperatures. Fitting a simple radiative model to the atmospheric characteristics of the OAGCM solutions suggests that a simpler atmosphere model, with radiative parameters chosen a priori based on the changing surface configuration, would have produced qualitatively different results. This implies that studies with reduced complexity atmospheres need to be guided by more complex OAGCM results on a case by case basis.


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Under low latitude conditions, minimisation of solar irradiance within the urban environment may often be an important criterion in urban design. This can be achieved when the obstruction angle is large (high H/W ratio, H = height, W = width). Solar access to streets can always be decreased by increasing H/W to larger values. It is shown in this paper that the street canyon orientation (and not only the H/W ratio) has a considerable effect on solar shading and urban microclimate. The paper demonstrates through a series of shading simulation and temperature measurements that a number of useful relationships can be developed between the geometry and the microclimate of urban street canyons. These relationships are potentially helpful to assist in the formulation of urban design guidelines governing street dimensions and orientations for use by urban designers.


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A finite element numerical study has been carried out on the isothermal flow of power law fluids in lid-driven cavities with axial throughflow. The effects of the tangential flow Reynolds number (Re-U), axial flow Reynolds number (Re-W), cavity aspect ratio and shear thinning property of the fluids on tangential and axial velocity distributions and the frictional pressure drop are studied. Where comparison is possible, very good agreement is found between current numerical results and published asymptotic and numerical results. For shear thinning materials in long thin cavities in the tangential flow dominated flow regime, the numerical results show that the frictional pressure drop lies between two extreme conditions, namely the results for duct flow and analytical results from lubrication theory. For shear thinning materials in a lid-driven cavity, the interaction between the tangential flow and axial flow is very complex because the flow is dependent on the flow Reynolds numbers and the ratio of the average axial velocity and the lid velocity. For both Newtonian and shear thinning fluids, the axial velocity peak is shifted and the frictional pressure drop is increased with increasing tangential flow Reynolds number. The results are highly relevant to industrial devices such as screw extruders and scraped surface heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An efficient algorithm based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the two-dimensional shallow water equations in a generalised coordinate system. The scheme is based on solving linearised Riemann problems approximately and in more than one dimension incorporates operator splitting. The scheme has good jump capturing properties and the advantage of using body-fitted meshes. Numerical results are shown for flow past a circular obstruction.


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An approximate Riemann solver, in a Lagrangian frame of reference, is presented for the compressible flow equations with cylindrical and spherical symmetry, including flow in a duct of variable cross section. The scheme is applied to a cylindrically symmetric problem involving the interaction of shocks.


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Strong vertical gradients at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer affect the propagation of electromagnetic waves and can produce radar ducts. A three-dimensional, time-dependent, nonhydrostatic numerical model was used to simulate the propagation environment in the atmosphere over the Persian Gulf when aircraft observations of ducting had been made. A division of the observations into high- and low-wind cases was used as a framework for the simulations. Three sets of simulations were conducted with initial conditions of varying degrees of idealization and were compared with the observations taken in the Ship Antisubmarine Warfare Readiness/Effectiveness Measuring (SHAREM-115) program. The best results occurred with the initialization based on a sounding taken over the coast modified by the inclusion of data on low-level atmospheric conditions over the Gulf waters. The development of moist, cool, stable marine internal boundary layers (MIBL) in air flowing from land over the waters of the Gulf was simulated. The MIBLs were capped by temperature inversions and associated lapses of humidity and refractivity. The low-wind MIBL was shallower and the gradients at its top were sharper than in the high-wind case, in agreement with the observations. Because it is also forced by land–sea contrasts, a sea-breeze circulation frequently occurs in association with the MIBL. The size, location, and internal structure of the sea-breeze circulation were realistically simulated. The gradients of temperature and humidity that bound the MIBL cause perturbations in the refractivity distribution that, in turn, lead to trapping layers and ducts. The existence, location, and surface character of the ducts were well captured. Horizontal variations in duct characteristics due to the sea-breeze circulation were also evident. The simulations successfully distinguished between high- and low-wind occasions, a notable feature of the SHAREM-115 observations. The modeled magnitudes of duct depth and strength, although leaving scope for improvement, were most encouraging.


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We report on a distributed moisture detection scheme which uses a cable design based on waterswellable hydrogel polymers. The cable modulates the loss characteristic of light guided within a multi-mode optical fibre in response to relative water potentials in the surrounding environment. Interrogation of the cable using conventional optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) instruments allows water ingress points to be identified and located with a spatial resolution of 50 cm. The system has been tested in a simulated tendon duct grouting experiment as a means of mapping the extent of fill along the duct during the grouting process. Voided regions were detected and identified to within 50 cm. A series of salt solutions has been used to determine the sensor behaviour over a range of water potentials. These experiments predict that measurements of soil moisture content can be made over the range 0 to – 1500 kPa. Preliminary data on soil measurements have shown that the sensor can detect water pressure changes with a resolution of 45 kPa. Applications for the sensor include quality assurance of grouting procedures, verification of waterproofing barriers and soil moisture content determination (for load-bearing calculations).


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Aluminium is not a physiological component of the breast but has been measured recently in human breast tissues and breast cyst fluids at levels above those found in blood serum or milk. Since the presence of aluminium can lead to iron dyshomeostasis, levels of aluminium and iron-binding proteins (ferritin, transferrin) were measured in nipple aspirate fluid (NAF), a fluid present in the breast duct tree and mirroring the breast microenvironment. NAFs were collected noninvasively from healthy women (NoCancer; n = 16) and breast cancer-affected women (Cancer; n = 19), and compared with levels in serum (n = 15) and milk (n = 45) from healthy subjects. The mean level of aluminium, measured by ICP-mass spectrometry, was significantly higher in Cancer NAF (268.4 ± 28.1 μg l−1; n = 19) than in NoCancer NAF (131.3 ± 9.6 μg l−1; n = 16; P < 0.0001). The mean level of ferritin, measured through immunoassay, was also found to be higher in Cancer NAF (280.0 ± 32.3 μg l−1) than in NoCancer NAF (55.5 ± 7.2 μg l−1), and furthermore, a positive correlation was found between levels of aluminium and ferritin in the Cancer NAF (correlation coefficient R = 0.94, P < 0.001). These results may suggest a role for raised levels of aluminium and modulation of proteins that regulate iron homeostasis as biomarkers for identification of women at higher risk of developing breast cancer. The reasons for the high levels of aluminium in NAF remain unknown but possibilities include either exposure to aluminium-based antiperspirant salts in the adjacent underarm area and/or preferential accumulation of aluminium by breast tissues.


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Small gaseous combustion systems are being targeted by strict pollution legislation which will provide challenges to reduce the NOx being emitted. A novel type of gas burner has been successfully designed and developed which incorporates a Coanda ejector to promote recirculation of flue gas from the burner exit. This provides a combustion system which gives very low emissions of NOx and CO, whilst maintaining a high degree of flame stability over a range of air/fuel ratios and fuel flow rates. Recirculation of flue gas was obtained by manipulating the aerodynamics of the system, without the aid of external duct work or moving parts. The design of the burner allowed very low pollutant emissions near stoichiometric conditions, resulting in high temperatures of the exit gas. Potential applications of this type of burner are in small and intermediate furnaces where low NOx emissions are required. Moreover, very high-temperature applications, such as glass furnaces could benefit in both cost and pollutant emissions from such a burner.


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Air distribution systems are one of the major electrical energy consumers in air-conditioned commercial buildings which maintain comfortable indoor thermal environment and air quality by supplying specified amounts of treated air into different zones. The sizes of air distribution lines affect energy efficiency of the distribution systems. Equal friction and static regain are two well-known approaches for sizing the air distribution lines. Concerns to life cycle cost of the air distribution systems, T and IPS methods have been developed. Hitherto, all these methods are based on static design conditions. Therefore, dynamic performance of the system has not been yet addressed; whereas, the air distribution systems are mostly performed in dynamic rather than static conditions. Besides, none of the existing methods consider any aspects of thermal comfort and environmental impacts. This study attempts to investigate the existing methods for sizing of the air distribution systems and proposes a dynamic approach for size optimisation of the air distribution lines by taking into account optimisation criteria such as economic aspects, environmental impacts and technical performance. These criteria have been respectively addressed through whole life costing analysis, life cycle assessment and deviation from set-point temperature of different zones. Integration of these criteria into the TRNSYS software produces a novel dynamic optimisation approach for duct sizing. Due to the integration of different criteria into a well- known performance evaluation software, this approach could be easily adopted by designers in busy nature of design. Comparison of this integrated approach with the existing methods reveals that under the defined criteria, system performance is improved up to 15% compared to the existing methods. This approach is interpreted as a significant step forward reaching to the net zero emission building in future.