1000 resultados para LEY 1581 DE 2012
Infliximab es un anticuerpo monoclonal efectivo en la psoriasis. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 56 pacientes tratados con infliximab. Resultados: El 82% y 91,1% de los pacientes alcanzaron respuestas PASI 75 en la semana 12 y al año.La probabilidad de supervivencia global del tratamiento fue de 40% a los 4 años. Conclusiones: Infliximab ha demostrado ser efectivo y seguro a corto y largo plazo. La intensificación fue el predictor positivo más importante de aumento de supervivencia del tratamiento, seguido por el tratamiento combinado. El factor predictor negativo de supervivencia más importante parece ser el fracaso previo a otros anti-TNF.
Iowa Women and the Law - Spanish (2002)
Análisis de seis de las distribuciones de GNU/Linux más populares en la actualidad.
Significant scientific advances have been made over the last five years in the pathogenesis of hyperuricemia and understanding how monosodium urate (MSU) crystals provoke gout. New detection methods using ultrasound (US) have been evaluated and may become part of our routine diagnostic approach in a patient presenting with gout. This review will concentrate on the latest developments in the field, and discuss how these data may impact on clinical practice. Finally, a brief review of the therapeutic implications and new therapies that have become available will be presented.
CJJP takes a look at the forecast of inmates population in the state of Iowa in a ten year period. Information was produced by Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning. This report was made possible partially through funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics and its program for State Statistical Analysis Centers. Points of view or opinions expressed in this report are those of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP), and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the U.S. Department of Justice.
En los inicios del siglo XXI, se presentan nuevas exigencias de cambio en la educación. Hombres y mujeres mayores de 55 años anhelan ampliar sus conocimientos para participar de forma más activa y completa en el cambiante mundo que estamos viviendo, y quieren relacionarse más activamente con el medio donde viven sus años de madurez. Nunca un movimiento educativo de esas características ha pasado tan desapercibido para tantos pedagogos. La educación permanente supone una ruptura con el pasado y una opción para el futuro y se plantea como “el sistema de los sistemas educativos” con importantes repercusiones para la educación. Preocuparse por la participación de las personas mayores es una cuestión central en la agenda gerontológica actual.
Statewide and Regional projected industry employment 2002 - 2012
Gaysurvey est une enquête menée périodiquement en Suisse parmi les hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes (HSH). Elle s'inscrit dans le dispositif de surveillance du VIH, établi par l'Office fédéral de la santé publique, en tant qu'instrument de suivi des comportements face au VIH/Sida dans ce groupe cible. Elle a déjà été réalisée à neuf reprises : en 1987, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2007 et 2009. En 2010, l'enquête européenne EMIS a permis d'obtenir certains indicateurs qui sont présentés avec les données des enquêtes Gaysurvey lorsqu'ils sont disponibles. Les résultats de cette enquête servent directement au pilotage et à l'évaluation de la stratégie de lutte contre le VIH/Sida en Suisse, telle qu'elle a été définie par l'OFSP et ses partenaires. Elle permet d'établir des tendances temporelles au niveau des pratiques sexuelles et des expositions au risque d'infection par le VIH. Elle permet, en outre, d'approfondir certaines thématiques pertinentes pour le travail de prévention (gestion du risque au sein d'une relation stable, entrée dans la sexualité, pratiques de réduction des risques). Ce rapport a pour objectif de faire la synthèse des tendances, mises à jour lors de la dernière vague d'enquête réalisée en 2012. [Introduction p. 17]
The feasibility of opportunistic screening of urogenital infections with Chlamydia trachomatis was assessed in a cross-sectional study in 2012, in two cantons of south-western Switzerland: Vaud and Valais. Sexually active persons younger than 30 years, not tested for C. trachomatis in the last three months, were invited for free C. trachomatis testing by PCR in urine or self-applied vaginal swabs. Of 2,461 consenting participants, 1,899 (77%) were women and all but six (0.3%) submitted a sample. Forty-seven per cent of female and 25% of male participants were younger than 20 years. Overall, 134 (5.5%) of 2,455 tested participants had a positive result and were followed up. Seven per cent of all candidates for screening were not invited, 10% of invited candidates were not eligible, 15% of the eligible candidates declined participation, 5% of tested participants testing positive were not treated, 29% of those treated were not retested after six months and 9% of those retested were positive for C. trachomatis. Opportunistic C. trachomatis testing proved technically feasible and acceptable, at least if free of charge. Men and peripheral rural regions were more difficult to reach. Efforts to increase testing and decrease dropout at all stages of the screening procedure are necessary.
Background and Aims: The international E EsAI s tudy g roup is currently d eveloping the first activity index ( EEsAI) specific for E osinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). G oal: T o develop, e valuate and validate the EEsAI. Methods: T he development c omprises three p hases: 1. Selection of c andidate items ( completed); 2. Evaluation of t he activity index i n a first patient cohort (in progress, p atient recruitment completed); and 3. Validation in a s econd EoE patient cohort. F ocus group interviews with patients were used in p hase 1 to g enerate patient r eported outcomes (PRO) according to g uidelines o f regulatory authorities (FDA a nd EMA), whereas the section of biologic items was developed by Delphi rounds o f international E oE experts from E urope and North America. Results: T he EEsAI has a modular c omposition to a ssess the following components o f EoE activity: p atient r eported outcomes, e ndoscopic activity, histologic activity, laboratory activity, a nd quality of l ife (QoL). Definitions for a ll aspects o f endoscopic and histologic appearance were e stablished by consensus r ounds a mong E oE experts. S ymptom a ssessment tools were c reated that t ake into account d ifferent food consistencies as w ell as f ood avoidance and specific processing strategies. The EEsAI i s currently e valuated in a cohort of a dult EoE patients since M arch 2 011 (patient recruitment completed). Conclusions: The EEsAI standardizes outcome assessment in EoE t rials. T he collaboration with i nternational E oE e xperts a s well as f ollowing o f the guidelines f rom regulatory authorities will lead to its wide applicability.