989 resultados para Klemetti, Sanna-Maria
Mit dem 8. Mai 1945 ist das Exil der aus dem nationalsozialistischen Deutschland und Österreich Geflohenen und Vertriebenen nicht beendet. Aber Versuche, Kontakt aufzunehmen und an alte Beziehungen anzuknüpfen, setzen ein, um Lebensumstände, Positionen, Stimmungen und aktuelle Entwicklungen zu klären. In den Beiträgen des Sammelbandes geht es um Briefe von Frauen unterschiedlicher sozialer Herkunft und Lage, politischer Überzeugung und beruflicher Ausbildung und Perspektive: Ella Bergmann- Michel, Ilse Bing, Erna Blencke, Erna Döblin, Maria Gleit, Gabriele Kätzler, Hildegard Kramer, Vera Lachmann, Luise von Leyden, Johanna Marum, Lili Pollatz, Anna Siemsen, Minna Specht, Hilde Spiel, Grete Weil und Alma S. Wittlin schreiben über traumatische Erfahrungen, über die NS-Verbrechen, die Entfremdung und auch über ihre Akkulturation im Exilland sowie über ihre Pläne und die Vorbereitung einer möglichen Rückkehr, sofern diese nicht kategorisch abgelehnt wird, und über ihre Hoffnungen und Enttäuschungen nach der Remigration.
hrsg. nach drei Handschriften mit einer ausführlichen Einl.und deutscher Übers., nebst zwei Anhängen versehen von L. Landau
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G04629
... fon ... Jeḥezkel Landa
ges. von Magnus M. Perzager
When on 26 May 1662 the founding first stone was laid for a new church on the island Nordstrand at the coast of Schleswig, relics of Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) and of the Dutch Carmelite abbess Maria Margaretha ab Angelis (1605-1658) were inserted. This church was built for Dutch dyke builders who were called to reconstruct the island after its destruction by flood in 1634; coming from a Catholic background and from the Dutch Republic which was at war with Spain at that time, the dyke builders and their families were guaranteed religious freedom in the Lutheran duchy of Holstein. In this paper, the reasons for the choice for the Spanish mystic Teresa of Avila and for the Dutch Carmelite abbess Maria Margaretha are discussed. The latter patroness was never beatified but had died in the smell of holiness; after her death several miracles were ascribed to her. It is understandable that migrants brought relics of their appreciated holy persons who would remind them of their homeland. The paper will first shortly introduce the two patronesses of the church. In the second part, the reasons for this choice will be discussed. Behind this translation of relics not only spiritual reasons played a role. The function of the translation of the saints was first to keep up geographical and political connections with the old country (both Spain and the Netherlands), secondly to perpetuate personal-familial relationships (esp. with Maria Margaretha), thirdly to strengthen the confessional identity in a non-Catholic environment. Fourthly the transfer brought a certain model of Christian life and reform to the new place of living, which in the second part of the 17th century became marked as “Jansenist”. The paper shows the transformation of the island into an enclave of Dutch Catholic culture.
Jacob Plessner
Theodor Harburger
Johann Paul von Breanl