993 resultados para Kaempfer, Engelbert, 1651-1716.
Despite decades of research, the exact pathogenic mechanisms underlying acute mountain sickness (AMS) are still poorly understood. This fact frustrates the search for novel pharmacological prophylaxis for AMS. The prevailing view is that AMS results from an insufficient physiological response to hypoxia and that prophylaxis should aim at stimulating the response. Starting off from the opposite hypothesis that AMS may be caused by an initial excessive response to hypoxia, we suggest that directly or indirectly blunting-specific parts of the response might provide promising research alternatives. This reasoning is based on the observations that (i) humans, once acclimatized, can climb Mt Everest experiencing arterial partial oxygen pressures (PaO2 ) as low as 25 mmHg without AMS symptoms; (ii) paradoxically, AMS usually develops at much higher PaO2 levels; and (iii) several biomarkers, suggesting initial activation of specific pathways at such PaO2 , are correlated with AMS. Apart from looking for substances that stimulate certain hypoxia triggered effects, such as the ventilatory response to hypoxia, we suggest to also investigate pharmacological means aiming at blunting certain other specific hypoxia-activated pathways, or stimulating their agonists, in the quest for better pharmacological prophylaxis for AMS.
AIM: This study examined whether problematic Internet use was associated with substance use among young adolescents and assessed whether this association accounted for the use of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and other drugs. METHODS: Using the Internet Addiction Test, we divided a representative sample of 3067 adolescents in Switzerland (mean age 14 years) into regular and problematic Internet users. We performed a bivariate analysis and two logistic regression models, to analyse substances separately and simultaneously, and developed a log-linear model to define the associations between significant variables. RESULTS: Problematic Internet users were more likely to be female, to use substances, to come from nonintact families, to report poor emotional well-being and to be below average students. The first model showed significant associations between problematic users and each substance, with adjusted odds ratios of 2.05 for tobacco, 1.72 for alcohol, 1.94 for cannabis and 2.73 for other drugs. Only smoking remained significant in the second model, with an adjusted odds ratio of 1.71. CONCLUSION: Problematic Internet use is associated with other risky behaviours and may be an important early predictor of adolescent substance use. Therefore, it should be included in the psychosocial screening of adolescents.
AIM: Managing neonatal Bartter syndrome by achieving adequate weight gain is challenging. We assessed the correlation between weight gain in neonatal Bartter syndrome and the introduction of fluid and sodium supplementations and indomethacin during the first 4 weeks of life. METHODS: Daily fluid and electrolytes requirements were analysed using linear regression and Spearman correlation coefficients. The weight gain coefficient was calculated as daily weight gain after physiological neonatal weight loss. RESULTS: We studied seven infants. The highest weight gain coefficients occurred between weeks two and four in the five neonates who either received prompt amounts of fluid (maximum 810 mL/kg/day) and sodium (maximum 70 mmol/kg/day) or were treated with indomethacin. For the two patients with the highest weight gain coefficient, water and sodium supplementations were decreased in weeks two to four leading to a significant negative Spearman correlation between weight gain and fluid supplements (r = -0.55 and -0.68) and weight gain and sodium supplementations (r = -0.96 and -0.72). The two patients with the lowest weight gain coefficient had positive Spearman correlation coefficients between weight gain and fluid and sodium supplementations. CONCLUSION: Infants with neonatal Bartter syndrome required rapid and enormous fluid and sodium supplementations or the early introduction of indomethacin treatment to achieve adequate weight gain during the early postnatal period.
AIM: This study quantified the impact of perinatal predictors and medical centre on the outcome of very low-gestational-age neonates (VLGANs) born at <32 completed weeks in Switzerland. METHODS: Using prospectively collected data from a 10-year cohort of VLGANs, we developed logistic regression models for three different time points: delivery, NICU admission and seven days of age. The data predicted survival to discharge without severe neonatal morbidity, such as major brain injury, moderate or severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy of prematurity (≥stage three) or necrotising enterocolitis (≥stage three). RESULTS: From 2002 to 2011, 6892 VLGANs were identified: 5854 (85%) of the live-born infants survived and 84% of the survivors did not have severe neonatal complications. Predictors for adverse outcome at delivery and on NICU admission were low gestational age, low birthweight, male sex, multiple birth, birth defects and lack of antenatal corticosteroids. Proven sepsis was an additional risk factor on day seven of life. The medical centre remained a statistically significant factor at all three time points after adjusting for perinatal predictors. CONCLUSION: After adjusting for perinatal factors, the survival of Swiss VLGANs without severe neonatal morbidity was strongly influenced by the medical centre that treated them.
L'article 31 del Decret de Nova Planta de gener de 1716 establia que el nou Ajuntament de la ciutat de Barcelona estaria compost de vint-i-quatre regidors de nomenament reial. No era gaire el que fins fa poc coneixíem de la composició humana i social d'aquella institució. Així com les Rúbriques de Bruniquer i les Memorias históricas d'Antoni de Capmany ja donaven la relació dels consellers de la ciutat de Barcelona des del segle XIII fins al 1714, els regidors borbònics no han gaudit de la mateixa atenció. Només n'era coneguda la primera promoció, els regidors designats el 1718, que eren citats en la part final d'estudis sobre la Guerra de Successió. Antoni de Bofarull considerava que entre els setze administradors nomenats el 1714 no s'hi trobava la principal noblesa i que fins i tot hi havia «figuras vulgares y oscuras».
El Decreto de Nueva Planta (1716) suprimió las instituciones propias del Principado, derogó el derecho público e impidió la evolución del derecho privado catalán.1 Desde entonces, el derecho castellano o común y el llamado derecho foral o catalán configuraron un sistema jurídico que pervivió en Cataluña hasta que las sucesivas comisiones, proyectos codificadores y la promulgación de leyes generales del siglo XIX facilitaron la redacción definitiva del Código Civil (CC) español de 1889. Los códigos tendían a centralizar y uniformizar el ordenamiento jurídico, y restringían la pluralidad de fuentes y de ordenamientos de un país.
BACKGROUND: Postoperative hemithoracic radiotherapy has been used to treat malignant pleural mesothelioma, but it has not been assessed in a randomised trial. We assessed high-dose hemithoracic radiotherapy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and extrapleural pneumonectomy in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. METHODS: We did this phase 2 trial in two parts at 14 hospitals in Switzerland, Belgium, and Germany. We enrolled patients with pathologically confirmed malignant pleural mesothelioma; resectable TNM stages T1-3 N0-2, M0; WHO performance status 0-1; age 18-70 years. In part 1, patients were given three cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) and pemetrexed 500 mg/m(2) on day 1 given every 3 weeks) and extrapleural pneumonectomy; the primary endpoint was complete macroscopic resection (R0-1). In part 2, participants with complete macroscopic resection were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive high-dose radiotherapy or not. The target volume for radiotherapy encompassed the entire hemithorax, the thoracotomy channel, and mediastinal nodal stations if affected by the disease or violated surgically. A boost was given to areas at high risk for locoregional relapse. The allocation was stratified by centre, histology (sarcomatoid vs epithelioid or mixed), mediastinal lymph node involvement (N0-1 vs N2), and T stage (T1-2 vs T3). The primary endpoint of part 1 was the proportion of patients achieving complete macroscopic resection (R0 and R1). The primary endpoint in part 2 was locoregional relapse-free survival, analysed by intention to treat. The trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00334594. FINDINGS: We enrolled patients between Dec 7, 2005, and Oct 17, 2012. Overall, we analysed 151 patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy, of whom 113 (75%) had extrapleural pneumonectomy. Median follow-up was 54·2 months (IQR 32-66). 52 (34%) of 151 patients achieved an objective response. The most common grade 3 or 4 toxic effects were neutropenia (21 [14%] of 151 patients), anaemia (11 [7%]), and nausea or vomiting (eight [5%]). 113 patients had extrapleural pneumonectomy, with complete macroscopic resection achieved in 96 (64%) of 151 patients. We enrolled 54 patients in part 2; 27 in each group. The main reasons for exclusion were patient refusal (n=20) and ineligibility (n=10). 25 of 27 patients completed radiotherapy. Median total radiotherapy dose was 55·9 Gy (IQR 46·8-56·0). Median locoregional relapse-free survival from surgery, was 7·6 months (95% CI 4·5-10·7) in the no radiotherapy group and 9·4 months (6·5-11·9) in the radiotherapy group. The most common grade 3 or higher toxic effects related to radiotherapy were nausea or vomiting (three [11%] of 27 patients), oesophagitis (two [7%]), and pneumonitis (two [7%]). One patient died of pneumonitis. We recorded no toxic effects data for the control group. INTERPRETATION: Our findings do not support the routine use of hemithoracic radiotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and extrapleural pneumonectomy. FUNDING: Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research, Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Eli Lilly.
Invocatio: I.N.D.
Arkit: A-B4.
Invocatio: Favente divino numine.
Arkit: A-C4.