991 resultados para Java (Programming Language)
In this session we build on inheritance and look at overriding methods and dynamic binding. Together these give us Polymorphism - the third pillar of Object Oriented Programming - and a very powerful feature that allows us to build methods that deal with superclasses, but whose calls get redirected when we pass in sub-classes.
In this session we look at how to use Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Object Oriented Design - especially as a way to get all the advantages of multiple inheritance without any of the problems.
In this session we look at the how to use noun verb parsing to try and identify the building blocks of a problem, so that we can start to create object oriented solutions. We also look at some of the challenges of software engineering, and the processes that software engineers use to meet them, and finally we take a look at some more Design Patterns that may help us reuse well known and effective solutions in our own designs.
This is the revision session for our Programming Principles course. We take a whistle-stop tour of the topics covered in the course, look at the three pillars of object oriented programming, and look ahead to the exam.
This is a batch file written to help students on ECS' Programming 1 course (COMP1202) using iSolutions machines which have the JDK, but do not add it to the PATH variable, making compilation from the command line difficult. It attempts to find the JDK directory and add it to the Windows PATH. The code is as follows: @SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java @FOR /F %%G IN ('DIR /B "%JAVA_HOME%\JDK*"') DO @SET JDK_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%\%%G @SET PATH=%JDK_HOME%\bin;%PATH% @javac -version @echo. @echo %JDK_HOME%\bin successfully added to Windows PATH @echo. @echo Now type 'javac'. @echo. @echo. @echo. @CMD
SEXTANTE es un marco para el desarrollo de algoritmos dedicados al procesamiento de información geográficamente referenciada, que actualmente cuenta con más de doscientos algoritmos que son capaces de operar sobre datos vectoriales, alfanuméricos y raster. Por otra parte, GearScape es un sistema de información geográfico orientado al geoprocesamiento, que dispone de un lenguaje declarativo que permite el desarrollo de geoprocesos sin necesidad de herramientas de desarrollo complejas. Dicho lenguaje está basado en el estándar SQL y extendido mediante la norma OGC para el acceso a fenómenos simples. Al ser un lenguaje mucho más simple que los lenguajes de programación imperativos (java, .net, python, etc.) la creación de geoprocesos es también más simple, más fácil de documentar, menos propensa a bugs y además la ejecución es optimizada de manera automática mediante el uso de índices y otras técnicas. La posibilidad de describir cadenas de operaciones complejas tiene también valor a modo de documentación: es posible escribir todos los pasos para la resolución de un determinado problema y poder recuperarlo tiempo después, reutilizarlo fácilmente, comunicárselo a otra persona, etc. En definitiva, el lenguaje de geoprocesamiento de GearScape permite "hablar" de geoprocesos. La integración de SEXTANTE en GearScape tiene un doble objetivo. Por una parte se pretende proporcionar la posibilidad de usar cualquiera de los algoritmos con la interfaz habitual de SEXTANTE. Por la otra, se pretende añadir al lenguaje de geoprocesamiento de GearScape la posibilidad de utilizar algoritmos de SEXTANTE. De esta manera, cualquier problema que se resuelva mediante la utilización de varios de estos algoritmes puede ser descrito con el lenguaje de geoprocesamiento de GearScape. A las ventajas del lenguaje de GearScape para la definición de geoprocesos, se añade el abanico de geoprocesos disponible en SEXTANTE, por lo que el lenguaje de geoprocesamiento de GearScape nos permite "hablar" utilizando vocabulario de SEXTANTE
MPJ Express is a thread-safe Java messaging library that provides a full implementation of the mpiJava 1.2 API specification. This specification defines a MPI-like bindings for the Java language. We have implemented two communication devices as part of our library, the first, called niodev is based on the Java New I/O package and the second, called mxdev is based on the Myrinet eXpress library MPJ Express comes with an experimental runtitne, which allows portable bootstrapping of Java Virtual Machines across a cluster or network of computers. In this paper we describe the implementation of MPJ Express. Also, we present a performance comparison against various other C and Java messaging systems. A beta version of MPJ Express was released in September 2005.
The Java language first came to public attention in 1995. Within a year, it was being speculated that Java may be a good language for parallel and distributed computing. Its core features, including being objected oriented and platform independence, as well as having built-in network support and threads, has encouraged this view. Today, Java is being used in almost every type of computer-based system, ranging from sensor networks to high performance computing platforms, and from enterprise applications through to complex research-based.simulations. In this paper the key features that make Java a good language for parallel and distributed computing are first discussed. Two Java-based middleware systems, namely MPJ Express, an MPI-like Java messaging system, and Tycho, a wide-area asynchronous messaging framework with an integrated virtual registry are then discussed. The paper concludes by highlighting the advantages of using Java as middleware to support distributed applications.
In this paper we describe an exploratory assessment of the effect of aspect-oriented programming on software maintainability. An experiment was conducted in which 11 software professionals were asked to carry out maintenance tasks on one of two programs. The first program was written in Java and the second in AspectJ. Both programs implement a shopping system according to the same set of requirements. A number of statistical hypotheses were tested. The results did seem to suggest a slight advantage for the subjects using the object-oriented system since in general it took the subjects less time to answer the questions on this system. Also, both systems appeared to be equally difficult to modify. However, the results did not show a statistically significant influence of aspect-oriented programming at the 5% level. We are aware that the results of this single small study cannot be generalized. We conclude that more empirical research is necessary in this area to identify the benefits of aspect-oriented programming and we hope that this paper will encourage such research.
Since its introduction in 1993, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) has become a de facto standard for writing High Performance Computing (HPC) applications on clusters and Massively Parallel Processors (MPPs). The recent emergence of multi-core processor systems presents a new challenge for established parallel programming paradigms, including those based on MPI. This paper presents a new Java messaging system called MPJ Express. Using this system, we exploit multiple levels of parallelism - messaging and threading - to improve application performance on multi-core processors. We refer to our approach as nested parallelism. This MPI-like Java library can support nested parallelism by using Java or Java OpenMP (JOMP) threads within an MPJ Express process. Practicality of this approach is assessed by porting to Java a massively parallel structure formation code from Cosmology called Gadget-2. We introduce nested parallelism in the Java version of the simulation code and report good speed-ups. To the best of our knowledge it is the first time this kind of hybrid parallelism is demonstrated in a high performance Java application. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
With the transition to multicore processors almost complete, the parallel processing community is seeking efficient ways to port legacy message passing applications on shared memory and multicore processors. MPJ Express is our reference implementation of Message Passing Interface (MPI)-like bindings for the Java language. Starting with the current release, the MPJ Express software can be configured in two modes: the multicore and the cluster mode. In the multicore mode, parallel Java applications execute on shared memory or multicore processors. In the cluster mode, Java applications parallelized using MPJ Express can be executed on distributed memory platforms like compute clusters and clouds. The multicore device has been implemented using Java threads in order to satisfy two main design goals of portability and performance. We also discuss the challenges of integrating the multicore device in the MPJ Express software. This turned out to be a challenging task because the parallel application executes in a single JVM in the multicore mode. On the contrary in the cluster mode, the parallel user application executes in multiple JVMs. Due to these inherent architectural differences between the two modes, the MPJ Express runtime is modified to ensure correct semantics of the parallel program. Towards the end, we compare performance of MPJ Express (multicore mode) with other C and Java message passing libraries---including mpiJava, MPJ/Ibis, MPICH2, MPJ Express (cluster mode)---on shared memory and multicore processors. We found out that MPJ Express performs signicantly better in the multicore mode than in the cluster mode. Not only this but the MPJ Express software also performs better in comparison to other Java messaging libraries including mpiJava and MPJ/Ibis when used in the multicore mode on shared memory or multicore processors. We also demonstrate effectiveness of the MPJ Express multicore device in Gadget-2, which is a massively parallel astrophysics N-body siimulation code.
Mutation testing has been used to assess the quality of test case suites by analyzing the ability in distinguishing the artifact under testing from a set of alternative artifacts, the so-called mutants. The mutants are generated from the artifact under testing by applying a set of mutant operators, which produce artifacts with simple syntactical differences. The mutant operators are usually based on typical errors that occur during the software development and can be related to a fault model. In this paper, we propose a language-named MuDeL (MUtant DEfinition Language)-for the definition of mutant operators, aiming not only at automating the mutant generation, but also at providing precision and formality to the operator definition. The proposed language is based on concepts from transformational and logical programming paradigms, as well as from context-free grammar theory. Denotational semantics formal framework is employed to define the semantics of the MuDeL language. We also describe a system-named mudelgen-developed to support the use of this language. An executable representation of the denotational semantics of the language is used to check the correctness of the implementation of mudelgen. At the very end, a mutant generator module is produced, which can be incorporated into a specific mutant tool/environment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper the architecture of an experimental multiparadigmatic programming environment is sketched, showing how its parts combine together with application modules in order to perform the integration of program modules written in different programming languages and paradigms. Adaptive automata are special self-modifying formal state machines used as a design and implementation tool in the representation of complex systems. Adaptive automata have been proven to have the same formal power as Turing Machines. Therefore, at least in theory, arbitrarily complex systems may be modeled with adaptive automata. The present work briefly introduces such formal tool and presents case studies showing how to use them in two very different situations: the first one, in the name management module of a multi-paradigmatic and multi-language programming environment, and the second one, in an application program implementing an adaptive automaton that accepts a context-sensitive language.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)