607 resultados para IoT hub
Extraído da dissertação: "Os impactos psicossociais da Doença Celíaca" Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, Universidade de Brasília, 2015.
One in four residents of Baltimore City live in a food desert. Food desert disproportionately affects the low income neighborhoods more than the neighborhoods with financial stability. Throughout history, food became a commodity that depends on and dictates the market force. Food sources were being eliminated in the inner city while the suburbs saw rising development of grocery stores. Without grocery stores and other food retailers, communities are missing gathering and commercial hubs that make neighborhoods livable and help the local economy sustain and thrive. This thesis studies why food was further displaced from suffering communities and how an inclusive sustainable urban food system can help create a hub of neighborhood revitalization and promote health, social, safety, stability, and economic well-being of the community.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasilia, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2016.
The proliferation of new mobile communication devices, such as smartphones and tablets, has led to an exponential growth in network traffic. The demand for supporting the fast-growing consumer data rates urges the wireless service providers and researchers to seek a new efficient radio access technology, which is the so-called 5G technology, beyond what current 4G LTE can provide. On the other hand, ubiquitous RFID tags, sensors, actuators, mobile phones and etc. cut across many areas of modern-day living, which offers the ability to measure, infer and understand the environmental indicators. The proliferation of these devices creates the term of the Internet of Things (IoT). For the researchers and engineers in the field of wireless communication, the exploration of new effective techniques to support 5G communication and the IoT becomes an urgent task, which not only leads to fruitful research but also enhance the quality of our everyday life. Massive MIMO, which has shown the great potential in improving the achievable rate with a very large number of antennas, has become a popular candidate. However, the requirement of deploying a large number of antennas at the base station may not be feasible in indoor scenarios. Does there exist a good alternative that can achieve similar system performance to massive MIMO for indoor environment? In this dissertation, we address this question by proposing the time-reversal technique as a counterpart of massive MIMO in indoor scenario with the massive multipath effect. It is well known that radio signals will experience many multipaths due to the reflection from various scatters, especially in indoor environments. The traditional TR waveform is able to create a focusing effect at the intended receiver with very low transmitter complexity in a severe multipath channel. TR's focusing effect is in essence a spatial-temporal resonance effect that brings all the multipaths to arrive at a particular location at a specific moment. We show that by using time-reversal signal processing, with a sufficiently large bandwidth, one can harvest the massive multipaths naturally existing in a rich-scattering environment to form a large number of virtual antennas and achieve the desired massive multipath effect with a single antenna. Further, we explore the optimal bandwidth for TR system to achieve maximal spectral efficiency. Through evaluating the spectral efficiency, the optimal bandwidth for TR system is found determined by the system parameters, e.g., the number of users and backoff factor, instead of the waveform types. Moreover, we investigate the tradeoff between complexity and performance through establishing a generalized relationship between the system performance and waveform quantization in a practical communication system. It is shown that a 4-bit quantized waveforms can be used to achieve the similar bit-error-rate compared to the TR system with perfect precision waveforms. Besides 5G technology, Internet of Things (IoT) is another terminology that recently attracts more and more attention from both academia and industry. In the second part of this dissertation, the heterogeneity issue within the IoT is explored. One of the significant heterogeneity considering the massive amount of devices in the IoT is the device heterogeneity, i.e., the heterogeneous bandwidths and associated radio-frequency (RF) components. The traditional middleware techniques result in the fragmentation of the whole network, hampering the objects interoperability and slowing down the development of a unified reference model for the IoT. We propose a novel TR-based heterogeneous system, which can address the bandwidth heterogeneity and maintain the benefit of TR at the same time. The increase of complexity in the proposed system lies in the digital processing at the access point (AP), instead of at the devices' ends, which can be easily handled with more powerful digital signal processor (DSP). Meanwhile, the complexity of the terminal devices stays low and therefore satisfies the low-complexity and scalability requirement of the IoT. Since there is no middleware in the proposed scheme and the additional physical layer complexity concentrates on the AP side, the proposed heterogeneous TR system better satisfies the low-complexity and energy-efficiency requirement for the terminal devices (TDs) compared with the middleware approach.
Wireless power transfer (WPT) and radio frequency (RF)-based energy har- vesting arouses a new wireless network paradigm termed as wireless powered com- munication network (WPCN), where some energy-constrained nodes are enabled to harvest energy from the RF signals transferred by other energy-sufficient nodes to support the communication operations in the network, which brings a promising approach for future energy-constrained wireless network design. In this paper, we focus on the optimal WPCN design. We consider a net- work composed of two communication groups, where the first group has sufficient power supply but no available bandwidth, and the second group has licensed band- width but very limited power to perform required information transmission. For such a system, we introduce the power and bandwidth cooperation between the two groups so that both group can accomplish their expected information delivering tasks. Multiple antennas are employed at the hybrid access point (H-AP) to en- hance both energy and information transfer efficiency and the cooperative relaying is employed to help the power-limited group to enhance its information transmission throughput. Compared with existing works, cooperative relaying, time assignment, power allocation, and energy beamforming are jointly designed in a single system. Firstly, we propose a cooperative transmission protocol for the considered system, where group 1 transmits some power to group 2 to help group 2 with information transmission and then group 2 gives some bandwidth to group 1 in return. Sec- ondly, to explore the information transmission performance limit of the system, we formulate two optimization problems to maximize the system weighted sum rate by jointly optimizing the time assignment, power allocation, and energy beamforming under two different power constraints, i.e., the fixed power constraint and the aver- age power constraint, respectively. In order to make the cooperation between the two groups meaningful and guarantee the quality of service (QoS) requirements of both groups, the minimal required data rates of the two groups are considered as constraints for the optimal system design. As both problems are non-convex and have no known solutions, we solve it by using proper variable substitutions and the semi-definite relaxation (SDR). We theoretically prove that our proposed solution method can guarantee to find the global optimal solution. Thirdly, consider that the WPCN has promising application potentials in future energy-constrained net- works, e.g., wireless sensor network (WSN), wireless body area network (WBAN) and Internet of Things (IoT), where the power consumption is very critical. We investigate the minimal power consumption optimal design for the considered co- operation WPCN. For this, we formulate an optimization problem to minimize the total consumed power by jointly optimizing the time assignment, power allocation, and energy beamforming under required data rate constraints. As the problem is also non-convex and has no known solutions, we solve it by using some variable substitutions and the SDR method. We also theoretically prove that our proposed solution method for the minimal power consumption design guarantees the global optimal solution. Extensive experimental results are provided to discuss the system performance behaviors, which provide some useful insights for future WPCN design. It shows that the average power constrained system achieves higher weighted sum rate than the fixed power constrained system. Besides, it also shows that in such a WPCN, relay should be placed closer to the multi-antenna H-AP to achieve higher weighted sum rate and consume lower total power.
El principal objetivo de Internet of Things (IoT) es integrar las tecnologías informáticas en el quehacer cotidiano de las personas, facilitando su interacción con un entorno de dispositivos interconectados, pero el estado actual del arte hace que dicha interacción esté aún lejos de resultar trivial, precisando de continua intervención del usuario. Como alternativa a esta situación, iniciativas emergentes como la de Internet of People (IoP) pretenden integrar de forma más efectiva el IoT en la vida de las personas. En línea con este propósito, el modelo People as a Service (PeaaS) facilita estas tareas por medio del uso del teléfono móvil como interfaz del usuario con el IoT y haciendo uso del contexto del usuario del mismo. PeaaS permite elaborar un perfil sociológico del usuario, que puede ser explotado por el mismo y servido a terceros de forma segura y controlada. En este trabajo presentamos una aplicación móvil para la supervisión de personas afectadas de alzhéimer mediante el aprendizaje y monitorización de sus rutinas como prueba de concepto del modelo PeaaS, teniendo como resultado una funcionalidad que va mucho más allá de la ofrecida por otros productos similares en este campo, y una tecnología que es base para infinidad de aplicaciones que provoquen el avance hacia IoP.
Lexical combinations of at least two roots around "carbon" as the hub, such as "carbon finance" or "carbon footprint," have recently become ubiquitous in English-speaking science, politics, and mass media. They are part of a new language evolving around the issue of climate change that can reveal how it is framed by various stakeholders. In this article, the authors study the role of these "carbon compounds" as tools of communication in different online discourses on climate change mitigation. By combining a quantitative analysis of their occurrences with a qualitative analysis of the contexts in which the compounds were used, the authors identify three clusters of compounds focused on finance, lifestyle, and attitudes and elucidate the communicative purposes to which they were put between the 1990s and the early 21st century. This approach may open up new ways of analyzing the framings of climate change mitigation initiatives in the public sphere.
This article deals with climate change from a linguistic perspective. Climate change is an extremely complex issue that has exercised the minds of experts and policy makers with renewed urgency in recent years. It has prompted an explosion of writing in the media, on the internet and in the domain of popular science and literature, as well as a proliferation of new compounds around the word ‘carbon’ as a hub, such as ‘carbon indulgence’, a new compound that will be studied in this article. Through a linguistic analysis of lexical and discourse formations around such ‘carbon compounds’ we aim to contribute to a broader understanding of the meaning of climate change. Lexical carbon compounds are used here as indicators for observing how human symbolic cultures change and adapt in response to environmental threats and how symbolic innovation and transmission occurs.
Notre mémoire porte sur la mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique sur la côte nord du Pérou. À partir de deux études de cas, Chan Chan et Huacas de Moche, nous cherchons à faire ressortir différentes approches de mise en valeur au complexe archéologique et d’exposition au musée de site. La cité de Chan Chan aurait été la capitale de l’Empire chimor (900 à 1476 ap. J.C.) et utilisée à titre de siège pour le gouvernement, de résidence, de centre administratif et de centre religieux. Le complexe de Huaca del Sol y de la Luna aurait été la capitale de la civilisation moche (100 av. J.C. à 700 ap. J.C.) à son apogée. Il représente l’un des plus anciens centre urbain-cérémonial de la côte nord du Pérou. Le cas du Musée de site de Chan Chan présente un modèle muséographique des années 1990, tandis que le cas du Musée de site de Huacas de Moche propose une approche puisant ses concepts dans la nouvelle muséologie (2010). D’autre part, ces modèles de gestion, l’un issu du secteur public (Chan Chan) et l’autre (Huacas de Moche) émanant d’une gestion mixte ont une influence sur la manière de présenter l’archéologie au public. Le premier chapitre aborde l’histoire du développement de l’archéologie, des musées et du tourisme au Pérou. La deuxième partie de ce chapitre traite des questions liées à l’herméneutique de la culture matérielle, des questions esthétiques et de l’architecture précolombienne, ainsi que des approches de médiation. Le deuxième chapitre met en parallèle l’analyse du circuit de visite du complexe archéologique de Chan Chan et celui de Huacas de Moche. Le troisième chapitre présente l’analyse de la mise en exposition des musées de site des deux études de cas et des liens créés avec leur site archéologique. Le quatrième chapitre porte sur les formes de financement des projets de fouilles, de conservation, de restauration et de mise en valeur de l’archéologie, ainsi que des stratégies utilisées pour sa diffusion et sa mise en tourisme. Enfin, la dernière section du quatrième chapitre traite des différents moyens utilisés par chacun des complexes archéologiques et leurs musées pour intégrer la communauté locale aux projets de recherche et de mise en valeur archéologique.
L'Internet of Things (IoT) è oggetto di grande interesse per la ricerca e per l'industria. Le numerose tecnologie che sono state sviluppate rendono possibile la creazione di nuovi e utili servizi, ma introducono problemi legati alla reciproca incompatibilità. Nell'elaborato si analizza nel dettaglio questa situazione e si descrive l'implementazione di un sistema che ha come obiettivo la realizzazione di una rete composta da dispositivi che fanno uso di tecnologie differenti. Il progetto usa un Raspberry Pi come router, il cui scopo è quello di gestire le differenze fra gli standard di comunicazione utilizzati. Le tecnologie wireless supportate sono: WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, nRF24L01 e moduli radio 433MHz. Sulla rete cosi formata è inoltre possibile lo sviluppo di applicazioni IoT, grazie alle logiche di funzionamento messe a disposizione dal sistema.
This dissertation introduces a new approach for assessing the effects of pediatric epilepsy on the language connectome. Two novel data-driven network construction approaches are presented. These methods rely on connecting different brain regions using either extent or intensity of language related activations as identified by independent component analysis of fMRI data. An auditory description decision task (ADDT) paradigm was used to activate the language network for 29 patients and 30 controls recruited from three major pediatric hospitals. Empirical evaluations illustrated that pediatric epilepsy can cause, or is associated with, a network efficiency reduction. Patients showed a propensity to inefficiently employ the whole brain network to perform the ADDT language task; on the contrary, controls seemed to efficiently use smaller segregated network components to achieve the same task. To explain the causes of the decreased efficiency, graph theoretical analysis was carried out. The analysis revealed no substantial global network feature differences between the patient and control groups. It also showed that for both subject groups the language network exhibited small-world characteristics; however, the patient’s extent of activation network showed a tendency towards more random networks. It was also shown that the intensity of activation network displayed ipsilateral hub reorganization on the local level. The left hemispheric hubs displayed greater centrality values for patients, whereas the right hemispheric hubs displayed greater centrality values for controls. This hub hemispheric disparity was not correlated with a right atypical language laterality found in six patients. Finally it was shown that a multi-level unsupervised clustering scheme based on self-organizing maps, a type of artificial neural network, and k-means was able to fairly and blindly separate the subjects into their respective patient or control groups. The clustering was initiated using the local nodal centrality measurements only. Compared to the extent of activation network, the intensity of activation network clustering demonstrated better precision. This outcome supports the assertion that the local centrality differences presented by the intensity of activation network can be associated with focal epilepsy.
Developing Cyber-Physical Systems requires methods and tools to support simulation and verification of hybrid (both continuous and discrete) models. The Acumen modeling and simulation language is an open source testbed for exploring the design space of what rigorousbut- practical next-generation tools can deliver to developers of Cyber- Physical Systems. Like verification tools, a design goal for Acumen is to provide rigorous results. Like simulation tools, it aims to be intuitive, practical, and scalable. However, it is far from evident whether these two goals can be achieved simultaneously. This paper explains the primary design goals for Acumen, the core challenges that must be addressed in order to achieve these goals, the “agile research method” taken by the project, the steps taken to realize these goals, the key lessons learned, and the emerging language design.
Over the last decade, there has been a trend where water utility companies aim to make water distribution networks more intelligent in order to improve their quality of service, reduce water waste, minimize maintenance costs etc., by incorporating IoT technologies. Current state of the art solutions use expensive power hungry deployments to monitor and transmit water network states periodically in order to detect anomalous behaviors such as water leakage and bursts. However, more than 97% of water network assets are remote away from power and are often in geographically remote underpopulated areas, facts that make current approaches unsuitable for next generation more dynamic adaptive water networks. Battery-driven wireless sensor/actuator based solutions are theoretically the perfect choice to support next generation water distribution. In this paper, we present an end-to-end water leak localization system, which exploits edge processing and enables the use of battery-driven sensor nodes. Our system combines a lightweight edge anomaly detection algorithm based on compression rates and an efficient localization algorithm based on graph theory. The edge anomaly detection and localization elements of the systems produce a timely and accurate localization result and reduce the communication by 99% compared to the traditional periodic communication. We evaluated our schemes by deploying non-intrusive sensors measuring vibrational data on a real-world water test rig that have had controlled leakage and burst scenarios implemented.
Notre mémoire porte sur la mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique sur la côte nord du Pérou. À partir de deux études de cas, Chan Chan et Huacas de Moche, nous cherchons à faire ressortir différentes approches de mise en valeur au complexe archéologique et d’exposition au musée de site. La cité de Chan Chan aurait été la capitale de l’Empire chimor (900 à 1476 ap. J.C.) et utilisée à titre de siège pour le gouvernement, de résidence, de centre administratif et de centre religieux. Le complexe de Huaca del Sol y de la Luna aurait été la capitale de la civilisation moche (100 av. J.C. à 700 ap. J.C.) à son apogée. Il représente l’un des plus anciens centre urbain-cérémonial de la côte nord du Pérou. Le cas du Musée de site de Chan Chan présente un modèle muséographique des années 1990, tandis que le cas du Musée de site de Huacas de Moche propose une approche puisant ses concepts dans la nouvelle muséologie (2010). D’autre part, ces modèles de gestion, l’un issu du secteur public (Chan Chan) et l’autre (Huacas de Moche) émanant d’une gestion mixte ont une influence sur la manière de présenter l’archéologie au public. Le premier chapitre aborde l’histoire du développement de l’archéologie, des musées et du tourisme au Pérou. La deuxième partie de ce chapitre traite des questions liées à l’herméneutique de la culture matérielle, des questions esthétiques et de l’architecture précolombienne, ainsi que des approches de médiation. Le deuxième chapitre met en parallèle l’analyse du circuit de visite du complexe archéologique de Chan Chan et celui de Huacas de Moche. Le troisième chapitre présente l’analyse de la mise en exposition des musées de site des deux études de cas et des liens créés avec leur site archéologique. Le quatrième chapitre porte sur les formes de financement des projets de fouilles, de conservation, de restauration et de mise en valeur de l’archéologie, ainsi que des stratégies utilisées pour sa diffusion et sa mise en tourisme. Enfin, la dernière section du quatrième chapitre traite des différents moyens utilisés par chacun des complexes archéologiques et leurs musées pour intégrer la communauté locale aux projets de recherche et de mise en valeur archéologique.