1000 resultados para Informação pública governamental
The information and communication technologies, to suggest new ways of production circulation and reception of symbolic products, contributing together with the aesthetic discussion related to post-modernity to make the current cultural scene becoming increasingly complex. Multiple layers of information are added to the cultural products, signalling the formation of a new type of knowledge necessary for the critical and understanding of the works. The article reflects on this process, focusing on cultural information present on the Internet.
This work is an approach to some problems and challenges to a contemporary social construction of knowledge from some paradoxes generated around the concepts of knowledge, information, culture and information society. The article proposes to think over problems about a common sense concept which is that the technologies would automatically release the man from repetitive work and would allow the access to information and knowledge. In this sense, it points out to the importance of cultural mediation and information activities in the field of Information Science.
This paper approaches the meaning of school library through a multidisciplinary perspective including the Information Science, the French Discourse Analysis and Education. It aims to understand how the imaginary about this institution is constructed, in the area of Information Science, and to reflect on how this symbol is influenced by the social, historical and ideological conditions of discourse production and by memory. To develop these questions, first of all, it accomplishes a brief review of the literature concerning the French Discourse Analysis; then it analyzes discourses about the school library in nineteen scientific documents ( articles and works presented at scientific events), and also the different meanings of this information unit, its objectives and its ways of constituting the social imaginary. It is concluded that the information professionals could and should collaborate to the spreading of new practices and meaning in the school library.
The terms librarianship (Biblioteconomia), Documentation, and Informatiom Science are widely used in Brazil. However, the second is the less known. thereby the article presents a mapping of the appearance and consolidation of Documentation, aiming to provide subsidies for the understanding of the influence of this movement in brazil. It presents abibliographical revision starting from works which present the conception and the development of Documentation, and historical data of the field in Brazil. It concludes that the european influence in brief, although effective, whilst the influence of documentation, which occurred between 1950 and 1960, was strongly inheritence of documentation in france, spain and portugal, and the importance of this movement to the overcoming of the restrictive approaches attributed to librarianship and the continuous clashes over the object of information science.
This paper presents and reviews the recommendations done by experts during the specialists meeting held in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, in the end of 2005 and, according to this information, the Brazilian situation is analyzed. Internationalization and institutionalization of information literacy and lifelong learning as essential factors to the development of the nations are also explored. Beacons of the Information Society translate the vision and concepts involved. In Brazil, the actions around information literacy are not a consensus. The challenges to be faced include: to discover forms to foster and to appropriately disseminate national and local knowledge, to advance discussions and deepen the subject, to discover adequate alternatives for disseminating information practices that encompass distinct professional groups and populations, to overcome structural development gaps. As a matter that permeates each and every process of learning, research, development, problem-solving and decision-making, information literacy went beyond the boundaries of librarianship and transformed itself into a world transdiciplinary movement, even under the aegis of different denominations and emphasis.
A simula????o visa preparar gerentes e assessores para organizarem informa????es e diagn??sticos para tomada de decis??o. Apresenta diversos pontos de vista sobre um programa em andamento e estimula debates entre gestores e atores das ??reas envolvidas. A partir da aprecia????o dos pontos de vista desses atores, os participantes dever??o se preparar, em curto espa??o de tempo, para uma reuni??o com o dirigente rec??m-empossado respons??vel pelo programa em quest??o
A pesquisa apresentada neste documento analisa, interpreta e sistematiza o material das onze edi????es do curso, desenvolvidas pela ENAP, de 1988 a 2006. Consideremos que esta ?? uma hist??ria que merece ser conhecida, permitindo extrair, dos acertos e erros, importantes li????es, as quais a ENAP, com o prop??sito de contribuir para seu cont??nuo aprimoramento, deseja compartilhar com as demais Escolas de Governo, institui????es e profissionais dedicados ao of??cio de forma????o de servidores p??blicos
A pesquisa apresentada nestes dois cadernos analisa, interpreta e sistematiza o material das onze edi????es do curso forma????o, desenvolvidas pela ENAP, entre 1988 e 2006. A obra pretende mostrar as influ??ncias de valores e de diferentes perspectivas que as atividades sofreram ao longo desse per??odo. O curso est?? diretamente associado ?? cria????o da ENAP e, em agosto de 2008, completou 20 anos
Pref??cio da colet??nea, estabelece seu objetivo de fornecer material did??tico focado no desenvolvimento profissional da administra????o p??blica brasileira.
Esta introdu????o, al??m de apresentar e contextualizar cada tem??tica, objetiva ser um texto did??tico b??sico para os cursos da ENAP. Nesse sentido, traz, adicionalmente, uma s??ntese dos temas desenvolvidos nos respectivos textos da colet??nea.
O texto sintetiza os principais fundamentos do m??todo PES. Esse m??todo contrap??e-se ao planejamento tradicional e prop??e uma abordagem tecnopol??tica do planejamento.
O texto traz uma s??ntese do Enfoque do Quadro L??gico e constr??i um exemplo da matriz de planejamento do projeto, que ilustra para o leitor a estrutura do QL
O texto faz uma s??ntese did??tica dos planos de desenvolvimento e de estabiliza????o econ??mica implementados no Brasil, nas ??ltimas seis d??cadas. O relato abrange desde os primeiros exerc??cios de planejamento, no imediato p??s-Segunda Guerra Mundial, at?? os ??ltimos PPAs e, ainda, faz refer??ncias ??s tentativas de planejamento de longo prazo com o ???Brasil 2020???, no governo Fernando Henrique.
O texto apresenta um cen??rio dos avan??os recentes no planejamento governamental. Em sua primeira parte, procura referenciar o debate atual acerca das possibilidades, das limita????es e dos avan??os introduzidos pelo PPA, especialmente a partir de 2000, com destaque para a integra????o ???plano-or??amento???, por meio de programas formulados com origem em problemas ou demandas da sociedade; um plano e um or??amento orientados para resultado; e o novo sistema de planejamento e or??amento como pe??a fundamental para a implanta????o da gest??o por resultados no Pa??s. A segunda parte do texto refere-se ao modelo de gest??o do plano. S??o apresentados os fundamentos do modelo de sua gest??o e os avan??os propostos para o PPA 2004-2007. Em s??ntese, a gest??o do plano ?? fundamentada no princ??pio da responsabiliza????o e nos processos de monitoramento, avalia????o e retroalimenta????o do ciclo do gasto p??blico
O texto incorpora uma diversidade de ferramentas de planejamento estrat??gico. Sua principal caracter??stica ?? a de ver o planejamento estrat??gico como um processo e n??o apenas como um projeto que se finda com a antevis??o de cen??rios prospectivos e suas poss??veis solu????es estrat??gicas.