984 resultados para Infecção por Toxoplasma gondii


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To evaluate chicken toxoplasmosis both as an economic and a public health subject, 84 broiler chicks of a commercial strain, 30 days old, were distributed into seven groups of 12 birds (three replications of four chicks) experimentally infected with three developing T. gondii stages of the P strain as follows: tachyzoites. intravenous (two groups: 5.0 x 10(5) and 5.0 x 10(6)), cysts, per os (two groups: 1.0 x 10(2) and 1.0 x 10(3)) and oocysts, per os (three groups: 5.0 x 10(2), 5.0 x 10(3) and 5.0 x 10(4)). Twelve chicks received only a placebo (control group). During the next 30 days the following parameters were estimated: productivity (weight gain and feed conversion), clinical signs, including rectal temperature and parasitemia (bioassay). No clinical signs suggesting toxoplasmosis were seen and no statistical differences on productivity standards were found in comparison between inoculated and control chicks. However, fowls inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts occasionally showed hyperthermia. Some haematological changes were detected in fowls inoculated with T. gondii. Anatomo-histopathological changes were not observed. From 14 parasitemias detected, 35.7% appeared on the 5th day after inoculation and 57.1% of them resulted from oocysts inoculation. After 30-35 days all birds were slaughtered: fragments from 12 organs or tissues from each of them were subjected to artificial peptic digestion and after that injected into T. gondii antibody-free mice (IIFR). T. gondii was detected in brain (12), pancreas (five), spleen (five), retina (five), kidney (two), heart (four), proventriculus (three), liver (two), intestine (two), lung (one), and skeletal muscle (one). Similar to observations with parasitemia, from 42 T. gondii isolations, 59.5% came from chicks which had received oocysts. It can thus be inferred that the developing form, expelled by cats, is the most important for T. gondii chicken infection and that brain is the most infected organ in birds. Attention must be paid to the potential importance of chicken meat in public health, since T. gondii was isolated from skeletal and heart muscles. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Considering that little is known about the epidemiology of Neospora caninum infection in humans, particularly in populations with high Toxoplasma gondii infection rates, the present study aimed to investigate the presence of antibodies to N. caninum in T. gondii-seropositive and -seronegative individuals. A total of 256 serum samples divided into four groups (61 samples from human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]-positive patients, 50 samples from patients with neurological disorders, 91 samples from newborns, and 54 samples from healthy subjects) were assessed for N. caninum and T. gondii serologies by indirect fluorescent-antibody test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and immunoblotting (IB). Immunoglobulin G antibodies to N. caninum were predominantly detected in HIV-infected patients (38%) and patients with neurological disorders (18%), while newborns and healthy subjects showed lower seropositivity rates (5% and 6%, respectively). Seropositivity to N. caninum was significantly associated with seropositivity to T. gondii in both HIV-infected patients and patients with neurological disorders. Seroreactivity to N. caninum was confirmed by IB, with positive sera predominantly recognizing the 29-kDa antigen of N. caninum. The results of this study indicate the presence of N. caninum infection or exposure in humans, particularly in HIV-infected patients or patients with neurological disorders, who could have opportunistic and concurrent infections with T. gondii. These findings may bring a new concern for the unstable clinical health of HIV-infected patients and the actual role of N. caninum infection in immunocompromised patients.


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Toxoplasma gondii infection may lead to important pathological questions, especially in rural areas, where several sources of infection exist. Therefore, it is important to determine risk factors in order to establish adequate prophylactic measures. The present study aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors involved in human toxoplasmosis infection in a rural community, in Eldorado, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. This community was composed of 185 farms - with 671 inhabitants - from which 20 were randomly chosen. In these farms, blood samples were collected from rural workers, who also answered a risk factor questionnaire. Serum samples were analyzed by means of direct agglutination test for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies. From 73 samples collected, 79.45% were positive. None of the studied variables was significantly associated with the prevalence of the infection. However, among the individuals who reported eyesight impairments, 94.4% had anti-T. gondii antibodies, compared with 74.0% who did not report eyesight changes (p = 0.0594). Moreover, most individuals in the study (68.20%) were older than 18 years and presented 84.44% positivity, compared with 66.67% of positive individuals younger than 18 years old. We were able to conclude that a high prevalence of antibodies did not imply significant associations with the risk factors studied.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Purpose - To study the incidence and the etiology of the cardiac lesions in AIDS patients. Methods - The autopsy protocols and the filled slides of the heart from 73 consecutive AIDS patients were reviewed. There were, at least, 2 slides of each heart stained by haematoxylin-eosin; when indicated, Ziehl-Nielsen, Gram and Gomori Grocott stains were used. Results - No cause of death was assigned to the heart. There was involvement of the heart in 66 (90%) cases. Marked atrophy of cardiac fibers with or without lipomatosis was observed in 38 patients. Interstitial infiltrates of myocardium were present in 38 necropsies and in 13 of these cases a probable pathogen was demonstrated: cryptococcus neoforms in three cases and mycobacteria tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, toxoplasma gondii, trypanosoma cruzi and cytomegalovirus in two cases each. Bacterial endocarditis was found in 4 autopsies and Kaposi sarcome in one. The pericardium was involved in 22 cases; in 12 there was only non specific mononuclear infiltration. Conclusion - Autopsy examination of the heart from AIDS patients revealed frequent pathologic involvement.


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Inquiries about toxoplasmosis are essential because its zoonotic potential and pathogenicity in pets and production animals. The dog can be involved in the mechanical transmission of the infection by Toxoplasma gondii and in spite of not being the definitive host, it has an epidemiological role in this disease. The high rate of dogs naturally infected by T. gondii and the great possibility of adquiring this protozoan, justify the importance of attempting against for the occurrence of this illness. The aim of this article was to demonstrated through literature revision, some clinical aspects, epidemic and pathological of the toxoplasmosis in the canine species.


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Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii and its definitive host is the domestic and wild felids infecting human beings and other warmblooded animals. Dogs are considered a potential risk on the transmission due they can mechanically transmit oocysts to man. In this study, a retrospective analysis of toxoplasmic infection in dog serum samples sent to Serviço de Diagnóstico de Zoonoses/FMVZ-UNESP/Botucatu, SP, in the period of 1998 to 2007 was performed. During this period 1097 serum samples were analyzed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), with 299 (27.25%) positive. The most frequent titer was 16 (42.80%), followed by 64 (37.79%). The results indicate that T.gondii is distributed in the environment showing the role of the dog as sentinel animal to toxoplasmosis to monitor public health actions to the control of this zoonosis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of the protein annexin A1 (ANXA1), a potent endogenous regulator of the inflammatory process, in ocular toxoplasmosis. Methods: C57BL/6 female mice were infected using intravitreal injections of either 10 6 tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii (RH strain; T. gondii) or PBS only (control groups). After 24, 48, and 72 h, animals were sacrificed and their eyes were harvested for histopathological, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural immunocytochemical analysis of ANXA1. Human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells (ARPE-19) were infected in vitro with T. gondii and collected after 60, 120, 240 min, and 24 h. Results: Compared with non-infected eyes, an intense inflammatory response was observed in the anterior (24 h after infection) and posterior segments (72 h after infection) of the infected eye, characterized by neutrophil infiltration and by the presence of tachyzoites and their consequent destruction along with disorganization of normal retina architecture and RPE vacuolization. T. gondii infection was associated with a significant increase of ANXA1 expression in the neutrophils at 24, 48, and 72 h, and in the RPE at 48 and 72 h. In vitro studies confirmed an upregulation of ANXA1 levels in RPE cells, after 60 and 120 min of infection with T. gondii. Conclusions: The positive modulation of endogenous ANXA1 in the inflammatory and RPE cells during T. gondii infection suggests that this protein may serve as a therapeutic target in ocular toxoplasmosis. © 2012 Molecular Vision.


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In this study, we aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated to Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep from northeastern Brazil. A total of 932 ovine serum samples from 54 properties in 19 municipalities of the state of Sergipe were collected and assayed using indirect fluorescent antibody test. The assay used antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii (IFAT-IgG) with a cutoff point of 1:64. We observed that 28.22% (263/932) of the ovine samples were serum-reactive. In a logistic regression, factors such as consumption of water directly from the source, consumption of water from a deep well, and age below 12 months were associated with protection; whereas factors such as presence of cats on the property, presence of slatted floor, and use of exchanged or borrowed breeding males were associated with infection. The studied area can be considered endemic for toxoplasmosis, so it is necessary to adopt preventive and control measures because this zoonotic infection poses risks to public health.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dapsona é uma sulfona sintética que é utilizada como um antibiótico em seres humanos e animais para prevenir e tratar doenças, incluindo hanseníase, tuberculose, malária, e pneumonia por Pneumocystis carinii e encefalites por Toxoplasma gondii em pacientes com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS), bem como em doenças anti-inflamatórias como dermatite herpetiforme. No entanto, este fármaco também está associado com vários efeitos adversos, incluindo a hemólise relacionada com a dose, metemoglobinemia, psicose, neuropatia periférica, agranulocitose, anemia aplástica, síndrome de hipersensibilidade, síndrome de sulfona, e outros. Destes efeitos, a metemoglobinemia é o mais comum efeito adverso da dapsona, que leva a anemia funcional e hipóxia celular com sintomas de cianose, dores de cabeça, fadiga, taquicardia, fraqueza e tonturas. Assim, esta revisão sumariza informações relevantes sobre a estrutura, mecanismo de ação, indicação clínica, e reações adversas de dapsona.