995 resultados para Indicadores climáticos


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As redes de comunicação sem fios são uma área de grande desenvolvimento. As tecnologias progridem e criam-se novas oportunidades de implementação de novos dispositivos nesta área. Neste tipo de redes, encontram-se as redes de sensores sem fios (WSN- Wireless Sensor Networks), que são constituídas por vários dispositivos (Nós Sensores) que colaboram entre si, para recolher e encaminhar informação sobre um determinado fenómeno físico até uma estação base. A um outro nível, a preservação das obras de arte é uma preocupação fundamental de todos os Museus. Existe a necessidade de conservar ao máximo as características genuínas de cada artefacto. Para tal, torna-se essencial uma monitorização e controlo de alguns factores ambientais, que podem danificar ou alterar as características dos materiais. Essa monitorização é realizada nos museus da Madeira, mas de uma forma manual e recorrendo a aparelhos que são dispendiosos e um pouco arcaicos. Assim sendo, tornou-se necessário encontrar uma solução, para a realização dessa tarefa de uma forma automática e contínua. As WSN oferecem uma resposta para estas necessidades, surgindo assim o projecto WISE-MUSE, que visa a monitorização ambiental para a conservação de obras de arte e artigos históricos, através de redes sem fios.Portanto, este projecto de Mestrado em Telecomunicações e Redes tem como área de acção a camada física da arquitectura do sistema WISE-MUSE. Neste sentido, desenvolveu-se um conjunto de dispositivos electrónicos, para monitorização e controlo de factores climáticos no Museu de arte contemporânea do Funchal. A ligação entre dispositivos e transmissão dos dados recolhidos foi assegurada através da implementação de uma rede sem fios. Ao nível dos nós sensores construídos, os desenvolvimentos mais importantes tiveram como meta a minimização de custos, consumo energético e dimensões dos mesmos. Além dos sensores, foram desenvolvidos outros componentes da rede, nomeadamente dispositivos routers e um dispositivo que permite o controlo automático da humidade.


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CARVALHO, Aurean de Paula et al. Determinaçao do indice de balneabilidade do açude de Bodocongo em Campina Grande-PB, Brasil, a partir de indicadores biologicos. Educação Ambiental em Ação, v. 28, 2009


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The current study examined spatial-temporal modifications and water quality through chemical and biotic indicators during both dry (January, February and November 2006) and wet seasons (March to June 2006). This study was carried out in Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Reservoir, RN, Canal do Pataxó and after the water station treatment (WST). The physical-chemical parameters were measured in situ and inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll a and Free Oxygen Demand (FOD) were analyzed in laboratory conditions. Quali quantitative analyses of phytoplankton were carried out utilizing Sedgwick-Rafter camera. Results indicate that DQO concentrations were low. FOD concentrations in the reservoir were comparatively higher in the dry season (5.21 mgL-1; 5.64 mgL-1 e 6.05 mgL-1) in relation to the wet season (4.52 mgL-1; 4.12 mgL-1 e 4.92 mgL-1), in surface, intermediate and bottom waters, respectively. FOD values were inferior to 1.0mgL-1in both Canal do Pataxó and after WST, which is considered adequate for public use reservoirs. Although FOD concentrations were low, Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Reservoir, Canal do Pataxó and WST were classified as euthophizied, mesotrophic ad oligotrophic, respectively, considering the Index of Trophic State Criteria. Chlorophyll a concentrations in the study reservoir were higher in the surface (199.2 µgL-1) during the wet season, whereas in Canal do Pataxó concentrations decreased from 1.56 µgL-1 to 0.028 µgL-1, and after WST values were low (0.059 µgL-1). Dominance of cianobacterias, such as Planktotrhix agardhii (dry season) and Microcystis sp (wet season) was registered in all three areas. In the reservoir and Canal do Pataxó, density of cianobacterias, such as P. agardhii and Microcistys sp., was superior to the values allowed by the Health ministry (HM). However, after WST, density values of cianobacteria were inferior to values established by the HM


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Innumerable studies have focused been reported on the sleep spindles (SS), Sharp Vertex Waves (SVW) and REM, NREM Sleep as indicators interpreting EEG patterns in children. However, Frequency and Amplitud Gradient (FAG) is rarely cited sleep parameter in children,that occurs during NREM Sleep. It was first described by Slater and Torres, in 1979, but has not been routinely evaluated in EEG reports. The aim of this study was to assess the absence of SS, SVW and FAG, as an indication of neurological compromise in children. The sample consisted of 1014 EEGs of children referred to the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory, Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB), from January 1997 to March 2003, with ages ranging from 3 months to 12 years old, obtained in spontaneous sleep or induced by choral hydrate. The study was transversal and analytical, in which, visual analysis of EEG traces was perfumed individually and independently by two electroencephalographers without prior knowledge of the EEG study or neurological findings. After EEG selection, the investigators analyzed the medical reports in order to define and correlate neurological pattern was classified according to the presence or absence of neurological compromise, as Normal Neurological Pattern (NNP), and Altered Neurological Pattern (ANP) respectively. From the visual analysis of the EEG(s), it was possible to characterize 6 parameters: 1- FAG present (64,1%); 2- FAG absent (35,9%); 3 - normal SS (87,9%); 4 - altered SS s (12,1%); 5 - normal SVW s (95,7%); 6 - altered SVW s (4,3%). The prevalence of well-formed FAG is found in the 3 months to 5 years age group in the children with NNF. FAG was totally absent from the age of 10 years. When comparing the three sleep graphielements, it was observed that SVW and SS were predominant in children with NNF. However, FAG absent was more prevalent in the ANF than in altered SS an SVW. The statistical analysis showed that there is a strong association of FAG absent, with isolated alteration, in ANF patients, in that the prevalence ratio was 6,60. The association becomes stronger when FAG absent + altered SS(s) is considered (RP= 6,68). Chi-square test, corrected by Yates technique, showed a highly significant relation for FAG ρ= 0,00000001, for error X of 5%, or else the 95% confidence interval (ρ<0,05). Thus, the FAG absent were more expressive in ANF patient than altered SS(s) and SVW(s). The association becomes stronger in order to establish a prognostic relation, when the FAG is combined with the SS. The results os this study allow us to affirm that the FAG, when absent at ages ranging from 3 months to 5 years , is an indication of neurological compromise. FAG is an age-dependent EEG parameter and incorporated systematically, in the interpretation criteria of the EEG of children s sleep, not only in the maturational point of view, but also neurological disturbances with encephalic compromise


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This study examined in municipalities of Northeast of Brazil with more than one hundred thousand people who incorporation of Oral Health Teams (OHT) into the Family Health Strategy (FHE) the possible impact on oral health indicators. Sought to answer whether implementation OHT brought the best indicators of health problems and coverage, compared to areas without coverage by the FHE through a community trial in parallel, quasi-randomized. In each of the municipalities surveyed were 20 census tracts, 10 were located in areas covered by oral health teams in the ESF and 10 industries in areas not covered. The final sample consisted of 59.221 individuals. We compared oral health indicators related to health problems, access to services and coverage of oral health actions. The analysis strategy was based on the calculation of prevalence ratios and confidence intervals, adjusted for confounding factors through Poisson regression with robust variance. It also has measured the association between an indicator of social inequality for comparison between areas. The best results are associated with indicators of access and coverage of oral health actions at the expense of the indicators of health problems, suggesting a possible maintenance of a traditional model of practice yet. The results also suggest a possible effect of a specific policy in the area of primary care on inequality in access. From the discussions presented throughout this work, we can see that the impact analysis of public policy, obtained by comparing areas with and without the intervention, not only captures the effect on the target population, but other dimensions of organization service and therefore should be understood as one of the analytical possibilities related to the management


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os indicadores fisiológicos da interação entre deficit hídrico e acidez do solo em plantas jovens de cana-de-açúcar. As plantas foram submetidas a três tratamentos de disponibilidade hídrica, medidos em percentagem de capacidade de campo (CC) - sem estresse (70% CC), estresse moderado (55% CC) e estresse severo (40% CC); e três tratamentos de acidez no solo, medidos em termos de saturação por bases (V) - baixa acidez (V = 55%), média acidez (V = 33%) e alta acidez (V = 23%). O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação a 29,7±4,3ºC e 75±10% UR. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3x3, com quatro repetições. Após 60 dias, foram determinados os teores de solutos compatíveis - trealose, glicina betaína e prolina - na folha diagnóstico e o crescimento inicial da parte aérea. Os solutos compatíveis trealose, glicina betaína e prolina são indicadores do efeito da interação dos estresses hídrico e ácido no solo. O acúmulo dos solutos compatíveis nos tecidos foliares das plantas não é capaz de impedir a redução na produção de matéria seca da cana-de-açúcar, resultante do agravamento nas condições de disponibilidade hídrica e de acidez no solo.


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The present study aimed to compare the main zootechnical and economic indicators of farming tilapia in superintensive system developed in two different net cages dimensions: 6 and 18 m(3). Were used 12,960 juveniles male reversed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), strain supreme, with an initial average weight of 32.0 g (+/- 0.85) for 6 m(3) net cages and 88.5 g (+/- 0.96) for 18 m(3) net cages. The fish were fed three times a day with commercial extruded ration, crude protein levels from 40 to 32%, particle size from 2 to 8 mm and daily feeding rate starting with 8% of live weight (LW), decreasing up to 1% LW. It was conclued that, although no statistical difference in most indicators zootechnical (P>0.05), the production of tilapias in bigger net cages resulted in lower average total cost and higher rentability per kg of fish produced, 34.4% higher, resulting in better profitability.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar zonas diferenciadas de manejo por meio de indicadores de fertilidade em Latossolos cultivados com cana-de-açúcar, utilizando-se a técnica de krigagem indicatriz, com vistas em buscar um aprimoramento na utilização de técnicas de agricultura de precisão. O estudo foi realizado em uma área de 90 ha pertencente a uma área maior de 1.900 ha, localizada em Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (21 ° 15 ' S e 48 ° 18 ' W). Na área experimental, foi estabelecida uma malha de amostragem regular de 50 m, com 420 pontos. em cada ponto, coletou-se uma amostra de solo, na qual foram determinados os teores de matéria orgânica, P, K disponíveis e o valor de V. Os dados obtidos para estas características do solo, assim como as combinações entre elas, foram codificados em valores indicadores 0 ou 1, conforme as variáveis apresentassem valores acima ou abaixo do valor de corte estabelecido, escolhido para cada variável, respectivamente. Os resultados propiciaram a confecção de mapas de probabilidade de cada variável (individual e combinada), o que possibilitou identificar regiões com diferentes níveis de fertilidade do solo na área experimental.


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When scientists study methods, theory and standards in an inseparable form, he is facing a paradigm. Throughout the development of a determined science, paradigms can change by changing the methods, objective and standards of research. Fisheries science is changing the paradigm moving from the paradigm of maximization in the use of resources, quantified by the index of the catch, which was influenced by evolutionary concepts such as Optimal Foraging Theory, to the sustainability paradigm that seeks its foundation in the fishery ecosystem perspective. The goal of this study was to review methods, theory and the history of ecosystem indexes of fishery science that attempts to determine sustainability of fishery resources from the data capture. Ecosystems indexes by themselves may not be useful to measure the sustainability of fishing because they focus only on the environmental or ecological side of the sustainability tripod. Probably to measure the sustainability of fishing these indexes should include in the future the Payments for Ecosystem Services and Social Resilience. Thus the methods and theories are in constantly changing within science to meet the most current paradigm