991 resultados para Illinois Agent Orange Study Commission.


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Technology boosters, such as strain, HKMG and FinFET, have been introduced into semiconductor industry to extend Moore’s law beyond 130 nm technology nodes. New device structures and channel materials are highly demanded to keep performance enhancement when the device scales beyond 22 nm. In this work, the properties and feasibility of the proposed Junctionless transistor (JNT) have been evaluated for both Silicon and Germanium channels. The performance of Silicon JNTs with 22 nm gate length have been characterized at elevated temperature and stressed conditions. Furthermore, steep Subthreshold Slopes (SS) in JNT and IM devices are compared. It is observed that the floating body in JNT is relatively dynamic comparing with that in IM devices and proper design of the device structure may further reduce the VD for a sub- 60 mV/dec subthreshold slope. Diode configuration of the JNT has also been evaluated, which demonstrates the first diode without junctions. In order to extend JNT structure into the high mobility material Germanium (Ge), a full process has been develop for Ge JNT. Germanium-on-Insulator (GeOI) wafers were fabricated using Smart-Cut with low temperature direct wafer bonding method. Regarding the lithography and pattern transfer, a top-down process of sub-50-nm width Ge nanowires is developed in this chapter and Ge nanowires with 35 nm width and 50 nm depth are obtained. The oxidation behaviour of Ge by RTO has been investigated and high-k passivation scheme using thermally grown GeO2 has been developed. With all developed modules, JNT with Ge channels have been fabricated by the CMOScompatible top-down process. The transistors exhibit the lowest subthreshold slope to date for Ge JNT. The devices with a gate length of 3 μm exhibit a SS of 216 mV/dec with an ION/IOFF current ratio of 1.2×103 at VD = -1 V and DIBL of 87 mV/V.


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The Tribbles family of genes consist of three members; TRIB1, TRIB2 and TRIB3. Trib1 and Trib2 have been identified as oncogenes that can induce AML in mice. However little is known about how the expressions of the Tribbles family genes are controlled in the cell during haematopoiesis or leukaemogenesis. To investigate the Tribbles genes in leukaemia a bioinformatics approach was used. TRIB2 expression was found to be elevated in T-ALL and ALL with t(1;19). TRIB1 was found not to be significantly elevated in any leukaemic subtypes. Analyses of the TRIB1 and TRIB2 gene signatures in both leukaemic and normal haematopoietic cells identified pathways and transcription factors associated with these signatures. Pathways enriched for the TRIB1 signature included TLR signalling pathways and NF-κB pathways. Transcription factors enriched for this signature include C/EBP and SRF. Enriched for the TRIB2 signature includes T cell signalling pathways and Notch signalling pathways. Transcription factors enriched for this signature include E2F and ETS. Further investigation in vitro confirmed the finding that E2F1 was as a potential regulator of TRIB2 expression. E2F1 is able to directly bind to the TRIB2 promoter region and induce TRIB2 expression. C/EBPα p42 was found to inhibit E2F1 and the p30 isoform was found to cooperate with E2F1 induced activation of the TRIB2 promoter. Indicating the potential presence of a regulatory loop involved in the regulation of the TRIB2 gene. In conclusion we have investigated the Tribbles gene signatures in both normal haematopoietic and leukaemic cells. This has led to the identification of a number of pathways and transcription factors associated with these genes. We have also identified a family of transcription factors directly responsible for the regulation of TRIB2 expression. This regulatory pathway has the potential to be targeted in the treatment of leukaemia with a high TRIB2 signature.


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Consumer demand is revolutionizing the way products are being produced, distributed and marketed. In relation to the dairy sector in developing countries, aspects of milk quality are receiving more attention from both society and the government. However, milk quality management needs to be better addressed in dairy production systems to guarantee the access of stakeholders, mainly small-holders, into dairy markets. The present study is focused on an analysis of the interaction of the upstream part of the dairy supply chain (farmers and dairies) in the Mantaro Valley (Peruvian central Andes), in order to understand possible constraints both stakeholders face implementing milk quality controls and practices; and evaluate “ex-ante” how different strategies suggested to improve milk quality could affect farmers and processors’ profits. The analysis is based on three complementary field studies conducted between 2012 and 2013. Our work has shown that the presence of a dual supply chain combining both formal and informal markets has a direct impact on dairy production at the technical and organizational levels, affecting small formal dairy processors’ possibilities to implement contracts, including agreements on milk quality standards. The analysis of milk quality management from farms to dairy plants highlighted the poor hygiene in the study area, even when average values of milk composition were usually high. Some husbandry practices evaluated at farm level demonstrated cost effectiveness and a big impact on hygienic quality; however, regular application of these practices was limited, since small-scale farmers do not receive a bonus for producing hygienic milk. On the basis of these two results, we co-designed with formal small-scale dairy processors a simulation tool to show prospective scenarios, in which they could select their best product portfolio but also design milk payment systems to reward farmers’ with high milk quality performances. This type of approach allowed dairy processors to realize the importance of including milk quality management in their collection and manufacturing processes, especially in a context of high competition for milk supply. We concluded that the improvement of milk quality in a smallholder farming context requires a more coordinated effort among stakeholders. Successful implementation of strategies will depend on the willingness of small-scale dairy processors to reward farmers producing high milk quality; but also on the support from the State to provide incentives to the stakeholders in the formal sector.


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Using quantum chemical calculations, we investigate surface reactions of copper precursors and diethylzinc as the reducing agent for effective Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) of Cu. The adsorption of various commonly used Cu(II) precursors is explored. The precursors vary in the electronegativity and conjugation of the ligands and flexibility of the whole molecule. Our study shows that the overall stereochemistry of the precursor governs the adsorption onto its surface. Formation of different Cu(II)/Cu(I)/Cu(0) intermediate complexes from the respective Cu(II) compounds on the surface is also explored. The surface model is a (111) facet of a Cu55 cluster. Cu(I) compounds are found to cover the surface after the precursor pulse, irrespective of the precursor chosen. We provide new information about the surface chemistry of Cu(II) versus Cu(I) compounds. A pair of CuEt intermediates or the dimer Cu2Et2 reacts in order to deposit a new Cu atom and release gaseous butane. In this reaction, two electrons from the Et anions are donated to copper for reduction to metallic form. This indicates that a ligand exchange between the Cu and Zn is important for the success of this transmetalation reaction. The effect of the ligands in the precursor on the electron density before and after adsorption onto the surface has also been computed through population analysis. In the Cu(I) intermediate, charge is delocalized between the Cu precursor and the bare copper surface, indicating metallic bonding as the precursor densifies to the surface.


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Surface modification of silicon with organic monolayers tethered to the surface by different linkers is an important process in realizing future (opto-)electronic devices. Understanding the role played by the nature of the linking group and the chain length on the adsorption structures and electronic properties of these assemblies is vital to advance this technology. This Thesis is a study of such properties and contributes in particular to a microscopic understanding of induced changes in the work function of experimentally studied functionalized silicon surfaces. Using first-principles density functional theory (DFT), at the first step, we provide predictions for chemical trends in the work function of hydrogenated silicon (111) surfaces modified with various terminations. For nonpolar terminating atomic species such as F, Cl, Br, and I, the change in the work function is directly proportional to the amount of charge transferred from the surface, thus relating to the difference in electronegativity of the adsorbate and silicon atoms. The change is a monotonic function of coverage in this case, and the work function increases with increasing electronegativity. Polar species such as −TeH, −SeH, −SH, −OH, −NH2, −CH3, and −BH2 do not follow this trend due to the interaction of their dipole with the induced electric field at the surface. In this case, the magnitude and sign of the surface dipole moment need to be considered in addition to the bond dipole to generally describe the change in work function. Compared to hydrogenated surfaces, there is slight increase in the work function of H:Si(111)-XH, where X = Te, Se, and S, whereas reduction is observed for surfaces covered with −OH, −CH3, and −NH2. Next, we study the hydrogen passivated Si(111) surface modified with alkyl chains of the general formula H:Si–(CH2)n–CH2 and H:Si–X–(CH2)n–CH3, where X = NH, O, S and n = (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), at half coverage. For (X)–Hexyl and (X)–Dodecyl functionalization, we also examined various coverages up to full monolayer grafting in order to validate the result of half covered surface and the linker effect on the coverage. We find that it is necessary to take into account the van der Waals interaction between the alkyl chains. The strongest binding is for the oxygen linker, followed by S, N, and C, irrespective of chain length. The result revealed that the sequence of the stability is independent of coverage; however, linkers other than carbon can shift the optimum coverage considerably and allow further packing density. For all linkers apart from sulfur, structural properties, in particular, surface-linker-chain angles, saturate to a single value once n > 3. For sulfur, we identify three regimes, namely, n = 0–3, n = 5–7, and n = 9–11, each with its own characteristic adsorption structures. Where possible, our computational results are shown to be consistent with the available experimental data and show how the fundamental structural properties of modified Si surfaces can be controlled by the choice of linking group and chain length. Later we continue by examining the work function tuning of H:Si(111) over a range of 1.73 eV through adsorption of alkyl monolayers with general formula -[Xhead-group]-(CnH2n)-[Xtail-group], X = O(H), S(H), NH(2). The work function is practically converged at 4 carbons (8 for oxygen), for head-group functionalization. For tail-group functionalization and with both head- and tail-groups, there is an odd-even effect in the behavior of the work function, with peak-to-peak amplitudes of up to 1.7 eV in the oscillations. This behavior is explained through the orientation of the terminal-group's dipole. The shift in the work function is largest for NH2-linked and smallest for SH-linked chains and is rationalized in terms of interface dipoles. Our study reveals that the choice of the head- and/or tail-groups effectively changes the impact of the alkyl chain length on the work function tuning using self-assembled monolayers and this is an important advance in utilizing hybrid functionalized Si surfaces. Bringing together the understanding gained from studying single type functionalization of H:Si(111) with different alkyl chains and bearing in mind how to utilize head-group, tail-group or both as well as monolayer coverage, in the final part of this Thesis we study functionalized H:Si(111) with binary SAMs. Aiming at enhancing work function adjustment together with SAM stability and coverage we choose a range of terminations and linker-chains denoted as –X–(Alkyl) with X = CH3, O(H), S(H), NH(2) and investigate the stability and work function of various binary components grafted onto H:Si(111) surface. Using binary functionalization with -[NH(2)/O(H)/S(H)]-[Hexyl/Dodecyl] we show that work function can be tuned within the interval of 3.65-4.94 eV and furthermore, enhance the SAM’s stability. Although direct Si-C grafted SAMs are less favourable compared to their counterparts with O, N or S linkage, regardless of the ratio, binary functionalized alkyl monolayers with X-alkyl (X = NH, O) is always more stable than single type alkyl functionalization with the same coverage. Our results indicate that it is possible to go beyond the optimum coverage of pure alkyl functionalized SAMs (50%) by adding a linker with the correct choice of the linker. This is very important since dense packed monolayers have fewer defects and deliver higher efficiency. Our results indicate that binary anchoring can modify the charge injection and therefore bond stability while preserving the interface electronic structure.


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The category of ‘religion’ as contemporary scholarship has demonstrated is a fairly recent innovation, dating back only a few hundred years in Western thought, and ‘world religions’ as we think of it and as we teach it is an even more recent category, emerging out of European colonialism. Thus the academic study of religion is both the product and, at times, the agent of colonial modes of knowledge. And yet, it is perhaps because ‘religion’ continues to be invented and reinvented through connections across cultures that investigating the work of religious ideas and practices offers such fruitful possibilities for understanding the work of culture and power. This article investigates religion and the study of religion as a mode of anti-colonial practice, seeking to understand how each have the potential to cross boundaries, build bridges and produce critical insights into assumptions and worldviews too often taken for granted.


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Copper is the main interconnect material in microelectronic devices, and a 2 nm-thick continuous Cu film seed layer needs to be deposited to produce microelectronic devices with the smallest features and more functionality. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is the most suitable method to deposit such thin films. However, the reaction mechanism and the surface chemistry of copper ALD remain unclear, which is deterring the development of better precursors and design of new ALD processes. In this thesis, we study the surface chemistries during ALD of copper by means of density functional theory (DFT). To understand the effect of temperature and pressure on the composition of copper with substrates, we used ab initio atomistic thermodynamics to obtain phase diagram of the Cu(111)/SiO2(0001) interface. We found that the interfacial oxide Cu2O phases prefer high oxygen pressure and low temperature while the silicide phases are stable at low oxygen pressure and high temperature for Cu/SiO2 interface, which is in good agreement with experimental observations. Understanding the precursor adsorption on surfaces is important for understanding the surface chemistry and reaction mechanism of the Cu ALD process. Focusing on two common Cu ALD precursors, Cu(dmap)2 and Cu(acac)2, we studied the precursor adsorption on Cu surfaces by means of van der Waals (vdW) inclusive DFT methods. We found that the adsorption energies and adsorption geometries are dependent on the adsorption sites and on the method used to include vdW in the DFT calculation. Both precursor molecules are partially decomposed and the Cu cations are partially reduced in their chemisorbed structure. It is found that clean cleavage of the ligand−metal bond is one of the requirements for selecting precursors for ALD of metals. 2 Bonding between surface and an atom in the ligand which is not coordinated with the Cu may result in impurities in the thin film. To have insight into the reaction mechanism of a full ALD cycle of Cu ALD, we proposed reaction pathways based on activation energies and reaction energies for a range of surface reactions between Cu(dmap)2 and Et2Zn. The butane formation and desorption steps are found to be extremely exothermic, explaining the ALD reaction scheme of original experimental work. Endothermic ligand diffusion and re-ordering steps may result in residual dmap ligands blocking surface sites at the end of the Et2Zn pulse, and in residual Zn being reduced and incorporated as an impurity. This may lead to very slow growth rate, as was the case in the experimental work. By investigating the reduction of CuO to metallic Cu, we elucidated the role of the reducing agent in indirect ALD of Cu. We found that CuO bulk is protected from reduction during vacuum annealing by the CuO surface and that H2 is required in order to reduce that surface, which shows that the strength of reducing agent is important to obtain fully reduced metal thin films during indirect ALD processes. Overall, in this thesis, we studied the surface chemistries and reaction mechanisms of Cu ALD processes and the nucleation of Cu to form a thin film.


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One hundred and sixteen women with measurable metastatic breast cancer participated in a randomised phase II study of single agent liposomal pegylated doxorubicin (Caelyx) given either as a 60 mg/m2 every 6 weeks (ARM A) or 50 mg/m2 every 4 weeks (ARM B) schedule. Patients were over 65 years of age or, if younger, had refused or been unsuitable for standard anthracyclines. The aims of the study were to evaluate toxicity and dose delivery with the two schedules and obtain further information on the response rate of liposomal pegylated doxorubicin as a single agent in anthracycline nai ve advanced breast cancer. Twenty-six patients had received prior adjuvant chemotherapy (including an anthracycline in 10). Sixteen had received non-anthracycline-based first-line chemotherapy for advanced disease. One hundred and eleven patients were evaluable for toxicity and 106 for response. The delivered dose intensity (DI) was 9.8 mg/m2 (95% CI, 7.2-10.4) with 37 (69%) achieving a DI of >90% on ARM A and 11.9 mg/m2 (95% CI, 7.5-12.8) with 37 (65%) achieving a DI of >90% on ARM B. The adverse event profiles of the two schedules were distinctly different. Mucositis was more common with the every 6 weeks regimen (35% CTC grade 3/4 in ARM A, 14% in ARM B) but palmar plantar erythrodysesthesia (PPE) was more frequent with the every 4 weeks regimen (2% CTC grade 3/4 in ARM A, 16% in ARM B). Confirmed objective partial responses by RECIST criteria were seen with both schedules; 15/51 (29%) on ARM A and 17/56 (31%) on ARM B. Liposomal pegylated doxorubicin showed significant activity in advanced breast cancer with a generally favourable side-effect profile. The high frequency of stomatitis seen with 6 weekly treatment makes this the less preferred of the two schedules tested.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Docetaxel is an active agent in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. We evaluated the feasibility of docetaxel-based sequential and combination regimens as adjuvant therapies for patients with node-positive breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three consecutive groups of patients with node-positive breast cancer or locally-advanced disease, aged < or = 70 years, received one of the following regimens: a) sequential A-->T-->CMF: doxorubicin 75 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 3, followed by docetaxel 100 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 3, followed by i.v. CMF days 1 + 8 q 4 weeks x 3; b) sequential accelerated A-->T-->CMF: A and T were administered at the same doses q 2 weeks; c) combination therapy: doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 + docetaxel 75 mg/m2 q 3 weeks x 4, followed by CMF x 4. When indicated, radiotherapy was administered during or after CMF, and tamoxifen started after the end of CMF. RESULTS: Seventy-nine patients have been treated. Median age was 48 years. A 30% rate of early treatment discontinuation was observed in patients receiving the sequential accelerated therapy (23% during A-->T), due principally to severe skin toxicity. Median relative dose-intensity was 100% in the three treatment arms. The incidence of G3-G4 major toxicities by treated patients, was as follows: skin toxicity a: 5%; b: 27%; c: 0%; stomatitis a: 20%; b: 20%; c: 3%. The incidence of neutropenic fever was a: 30%; b: 13%; c: 48%. After a median follow-up of 18 months, no late toxicity has been reported. CONCLUSIONS: The accelerated sequential A-->T-->CMF treatment is not feasible due to an excess of skin toxicity. The sequential non accelerated and the combination regimens are feasible and under evaluation in a phase III trial of adjuvant therapy.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the performance of WHO's "Guidelines for care at the first-referral level in developing countries" in an area of intense malaria transmission and identify bacterial infections in children with and without malaria. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: District hospital in Muheza, northeast Tanzania. PARTICIPANTS: Children aged 2 months to 13 years admitted to hospital for febrile illness. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Sensitivity and specificity of WHO guidelines in diagnosing invasive bacterial disease; susceptibility of isolated organisms to recommended antimicrobials. RESULTS: Over one year, 3639 children were enrolled and 184 (5.1%) died; 2195 (60.3%) were blood slide positive for Plasmodium falciparum, 341 (9.4%) had invasive bacterial disease, and 142 (3.9%) were seropositive for HIV. The prevalence of invasive bacterial disease was lower in slide positive children (100/2195, 4.6%) than in slide negative children (241/1444, 16.7%). Non-typhi Salmonella was the most frequently isolated organism (52/100 (52%) of organisms in slide positive children and 108/241 (45%) in slide negative children). Mortality among children with invasive bacterial disease was significantly higher (58/341, 17%) than in children without invasive bacterial disease (126/3298, 3.8%) (P<0.001), and this was true regardless of the presence of P falciparum parasitaemia. The sensitivity and specificity of WHO criteria in identifying invasive bacterial disease in slide positive children were 60.0% (95% confidence interval 58.0% to 62.1%) and 53.5% (51.4% to 55.6%), compared with 70.5% (68.2% to 72.9%) and 48.1% (45.6% to 50.7%) in slide negative children. In children with WHO criteria for invasive bacterial disease, only 99/211(47%) of isolated organisms were susceptible to the first recommended antimicrobial agent. CONCLUSIONS: In an area exposed to high transmission of malaria, current WHO guidelines failed to identify almost a third of children with invasive bacterial disease, and more than half of the organisms isolated were not susceptible to currently recommended antimicrobials. Improved diagnosis and treatment of invasive bacterial disease are needed to reduce childhood mortality.


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BACKGROUND: Despite the high prevalence and global impact of knee osteoarthritis (KOA), current treatments are palliative. No disease modifying anti-osteoarthritic drug (DMOAD) has been approved. We recently demonstrated significant involvement of uric acid and activation of the innate immune response in osteoarthritis (OA) pathology and progression, suggesting that traditional gout therapy may be beneficial for OA. We therefore assess colchicine, an existing commercially available agent for gout, for a new therapeutic application in KOA. METHODS/DESIGN: COLKOA is a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial comparing a 16-week treatment with standard daily dose oral colchicine to placebo for KOA. A total of 120 participants with symptomatic KOA will be recruited from a single center in Singapore. The primary end point is 30% improvement in total Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) score at week 16. Secondary end points include improvement in pain, physical function, and quality of life and change in serum, urine and synovial fluid biomarkers of cartilage metabolism and inflammation. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) substudy will be conducted in 20 participants to evaluate change in synovitis. Logistic regression will be used to compare changes between groups in an intention-to-treat analysis. DISCUSSION: The COLKOA trial is designed to evaluate whether commercially available colchicine is effective for improving signs and symptoms of KOA, and reducing synovial fluid, serum and urine inflammatory and biochemical joint degradation biomarkers. These biomarkers should provide insights into the underlying mechanism of therapeutic response. This trial will potentially provide data to support a new treatment option for KOA. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial has been registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02176460 . Date of registration: 26 June 2014.


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Electromagnetic Levitation (EML) is a valuable method for measuring the thermo-physical properties of metals - surface tensions, viscosity, thermal/electrical conductivity, specific heat, hemispherical emissivity, etc. – beyond their melting temperature. In EML, a small amount of the test specimen is melted by Joule heating in a suspended AC coil. Once in liquid state, a small perturbation causes the liquid envelope to oscillate and the frequency of oscillation is then used to compute its surface tension by the well know Rayleigh formula. Similarly, the rate at which the oscillation is dampened relates to the viscosity. To measure thermal conductivity, a sinusoidally varying laser source may be used to heat the polar axis of the droplet and the temperature response measured at the polar opposite – the resulting phase shift yields thermal conductivity. All these theoretical methods assume that convective effects due to flow within the droplet are negligible compared to conduction, and similarly that the flow conditions are laminar; a situation that can only be realised under microgravity conditions. Hence the EML experiment is the method favoured for Spacelab experiments (viz. TEMPUS). Under terrestrial conditions, the full gravity force has to be countered by a much larger induced magnetic field. The magnetic field generates strong flow within the droplet, which for droplets of practical size becomes irrotational and turbulent. At the same time the droplet oscillation envelope is no longer ellipsoidal. Both these conditions invalidate simple theoretical models and prevent widespread EML use in terrestrial laboratories. The authors have shown in earlier publications that it is possible to suppress most of the turbulent convection generated in the droplet skin layer, through use of a static magnetic field. Using a pseudo-spectral discretisation method it is possible compute very accurately the dynamic variation in the suspended fluid envelope and simultaneously compute the time-varying electromagnetic, flow and thermal fields. The use of a DC field as a dampening agent was also demonstrated in cold crucible melting, where suppression of turbulence was achieved in a much larger liquid metal volume and led to increased superheat in the melt and reduction of heat losses to the water-cooled walls. In this paper, the authors describe the pseudo-spectral technique as applied to EML to compute the combined effects of AC and DC fields, accounting for all the flow-induced forces acting on the liquid volume (Lorentz, Maragoni, surface tension, gravity) and show example simulations.


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This paper presents an investigation into applying Case-Based Reasoning to Multiple Heterogeneous Case Bases using agents. The adaptive CBR process and the architecture of the system are presented. A case study is presented to illustrate and evaluate the approach. The process of creating and maintaining the dynamic data structures is discussed. The similarity metrics employed by the system are used to support the process of optimisation of the collaboration between the agents which is based on the use of a blackboard architecture. The blackboard architecture is shown to support the efficient collaboration between the agents to achieve an efficient overall CBR solution, while using case-based reasoning methods to allow the overall system to adapt and “learn” new collaborative strategies for achieving the aims of the overall CBR problem solving process.


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Signage systems play an important role in aiding occupants during both circulation and evacuation. Despite the fact that signage systems are an important component in building wayfinding systems, there is a lack of relevant data regarding how occupants detect, interpret and use the information conveyed by emergency signage. The effectiveness of signage systems is therefore difficult to assess. In this paper we address this issue through experimentation. The experiment involved measuring the impact of a signage system on a population of 68 test subjects who were instructed to individually vacate a building as quickly as possible via any means they thought appropriate. The evacuation path involved a number of decision points at which emergency signage was available to identify the appropriate path. Through analysis of video footage and data derived from questionnaires, the number of people who saw and utilised the signage information to assist their egress is determined. The results are then incorporated within the buildingEXODUS software and used in a demonstration of agent interaction with signage systems in a hypothetical evacuation scenario.


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This paper presents the perception of practitioners of the impact of the Moser Committee recommendations and the Skills for Life agenda it generated. The paper further explores areas of convergence and divergence between practitioners’ perceptions and the underpinning values of the Moser Committee recommendations. The study utilised a range of research tools including an online questionnaire, documentary analysis and elements of discourse analysis in the collection and analysis of data. It found that there is substantial divergence between the perception of practitioners and the values underpinning policy. It concludes by suggesting that a varying perception of what constitutes sustainable education and the lack of input from practitioners into policy might be responsible for this significant divergence of opinion and also raised a question on the perceived role of practitioners in the policy‐making process.