991 resultados para I ANTIBODIES
Australian Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquitoes colonized from the Torres Strait and three mainland localities (Charters Towers, Townsville, and Cairns) were fed on blood suspensions containing dengue virus type 2 (DEN-2) or dengue virus type 4 (DEN-4). Variation was found in oral susceptibility to DEN-2 (59-99% infection) and DEN-4 (28-79% infection) among Ae. aegypti assayed for virus at 8, 12, 16, or 20 d after ingestion of infected blood. Torres Strait Ae. aegypti were the most susceptible to DEN-2 and were significantly more efficient in transmission to capillary tube at 16 d (76% transmission) than mainland Ae. aegypti populations (20-28% transmission). Torres Strait Ae. aegypti were also the most susceptible to DEN-4, although transmission did not vary significantly from mainland populations at 16 d (12% compared with 0-4%) or 20 d (16% compared with 4-16%). Disseminated infection (i.e., leg infection) with either DEN-2 or DEN-4 was not an accurate predictor of transmission potential. This study demonstrates differences among Australian Ae. aegypti populations in vector competence for DEN-2 and DEN-4. Torres Strait Ae. aegypti were more frequently infected and able to transmit DEN-2 at higher rates than mainland populations. These data indicate that the Torres Strait region is potentially more receptive to dengue transmission than mainland localities, a finding discussed with respect to past outbreaks.
We evaluated the ability of epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) to detect West Nile virus (WNV) antibodies in domestic mammals. Sera were collected from experimentally infected horses, cats, and pigs at regular intervals and screened in ELISAs and plaque reduction neutralization tests. The diagnostic efficacies of these techniques were similar.
Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein with growth regulatory and immunomodulatory properties. It is an extracellular form of the mitochondrial matrix protein chaperonin 10 (Cpn10), a molecular chaperone. An understanding of the mechanism of action of EPF and an exploration of therapeutic potential has been limited by availability of purified material. The present study was undertaken to develop a simple high-yielding procedure for preparation of material for structure/function studies, which could be scaled up for therapeutic application. Human EPF was expressed in Sf9 insect cells by baculovirus infection and in Escherichia coli using a heat inducible vector. A modified molecule with an additional N-terminal alanine was also expressed in E coli. The soluble protein was purified from cell lysates via anion exchange (negative-binding mode), cation exchange, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography, yielding similar to42 and 36 mg EPF from 300 ml bacterial and I L Sf9 cultures, respectively. The preparations were highly purified ( greater than or equal to99% purity on SDS-PAGE for the bacterial products and greater than or equal to97% for that of insect cells) and had the expected mass and heptameric structure under native conditions, as determined by mass spectrometry and gel permeation chromatography, respectively. All recombinant preparations exhibited activity in the EPF bioassay, the rosette inhibition test, with similar potency both to each other and to the native molecule. In two in vivo assays of immuno suppressive activity, the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the insect cell and modified bacterial products, both with N-terminal additions (acetylation or amino acid), exhibited similar levels of suppressive activity, but the bacterial product with no N-terminal modification had no effect in either assay. Studies by others have shown that N-terminal addition is not necessary for Cpn10 activity. By defining techniques for facile production of molecules with and without immunosuppressive properties, the present studies make it possible to explore mechanisms underlying the distinction between EPF and Cpn10 activity. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The visual biology of Hawaiian reef fishes was explored by examining their eyes for spectral sensitivity of their visual pigments and for transmission of light through the ocular media to the retina. The spectral absorption curves for the visual pigments of 38 species of Hawaiian fish were recorded using microspectrophotometry. The peak absorption wavelength (lambda(max)) of the rods varied from 477-502 nm and the lambda(max) of individual species conformed closely to values for the same species previously reported using a whole retina extraction procedure. The visual pigments of single cone photoreceptors were categorized, dependent on their lambda(max)-values, as ultraviolet (347-376 nm), violet (398-431 nm) or blue (439-498 nm) sensitive cones. Eight species possessed ultraviolet-sensitive cones and 14 species violet-sensitive cones. Thus, 47% of the species examined displayed photosensitivity to the short-wavelength region of the spectrum. Both identical and nonidentical paired and double cones were found with blue sensitivity or green absorption peaks (> 500 nm). Spectrophotometry of the lens, cornea, and humors for 195 species from 49 families found that the spectral composition of the light transmitted to the retina was most often limited by the lens (73% of species examined). Except for two unusual species with humor-limited eyes, Acanthocybium solandri (Scombridae) and the priacanthid fish, Heteropriacanthus cruentatus, the remainder had corneal-limited eyes. The wavelength at which 50% of the light was blocked (T50) was classified according to a system modified from Douglas and McGuigan (1989) as Type I, T50 < = 355 nm, (32 species); Type IIa, 355 < T50 < = 380 nm (30 species); Type IIb, 380 < T50 405 nm (84 species). Possession of UV-transmitting ocular media follows both taxonomic and functional lines and, if the ecology of the species is considered, is correlated with the short-wavelength visual pigments found in the species. Three types of short-wavelength vision in fishes are hypothesized: UV-sensitive, UV-specialized, and violet-specialized. UV-sensitive eyes lack UV blockers (Type I and IIa) and can sense UV light with the secondary absorption peak or beta peak of their longer wavelength visual pigments but do not possess specialized UV receptor cells and, therefore, probably lack UV hue discrimination. UV-specialized eyes allow transmission of UV light to the retina (Type I and IIa) and also possess UV-sensitive cone receptors with peak absorption between 300 and 400 nm. Given the appropriate perceptual mechanisms, these species could possess true UV-color vision and hue discrimination. Violet-specialized eyes extend into Type IIb eyes and possess violet-sensitive cone cells. UV-sensitive eyes are found throughout the fishes from at least two species of sharks to modern bony fishes. Eyes with specialized short-wavelength sensitivity are common in tropical reef fishes and must be taken into consideration when performing research involving the visual perception systems of these fishes. Because most glass and plastics are UV-opaque, great care must be taken to ensure that aquarium dividers, specimen holding containers, etc., are UV-transparent or at least to report the types of materials in use.
Distance learners are self-directed learners traditionally taught via study books, collections of readings, and exercises to test understanding of learning packages. Despite advances in e-Learning environments and computer-based teaching interfaces, distance learners still lack opportunities to participate in exercises and debates available to classroom learners, particularly through non-text based learning techniques. Effective distance teaching requires flexible learning opportunities. Using arguments developed in interpretation literature, we argue that effective distance learning must also be Entertaining, Relevant, Organised, Thematic, Involving and Creative—E.R.O.T.I.C. (after Ham, 1992). We discuss an experiment undertaken with distance learners at The University of Queensland Gatton Campus, where we initiated an E.R.O.T.I.C. external teaching package aimed at engaging distance learners but using multimedia, including but not limited to text-based learning tools. Student responses to non-text media were positive.
We analyzed the codon usage bias of eight open reading frames (ORFs) across up to 79 human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes from three distinct phylogenetic groups. All eight ORFs across HPV genotypes show a strong codon usage bias, amongst degenerately encoded amino acids, toward 18 codons mainly with T at the 3rd position. For all 18 degenerately encoded amino acids, codon preferences amongst human and animal PV ORFs are significantly different from those averaged across mammalian genes. Across the HPV types, the L2 ORFs show the highest codon usage bias (73.2 +/- 1.6% and the E4 ORFs the lowest (51.1 +/- 0.5%), reflecting as similar bias in codon 3rd position A + T content (L2: 76.1 +/- 4.2%; E4: 58.6 +/- 4.5%). The E4 ORF, uniquely amongst the HPV ORFs, is G + C rich, while the other ORFs are A + T rich. Codon usage bias correlates positively with A + T content at the codon 3rd position in the E2, E6, L1 and L2 ORFs, but negatively in the E4 ORFs. A general conservation of preferred codon usage across human and non-human PV genotypes whether they originate from a same supergroup or not, together with observed difference between the preferred codon usage for HPV ORFs and for genes of the cells they infect, suggests that specific codon usage bias and A + T content variation may somehow increase the replicational fitness of HPVs in mammalian epithelial cells, and have practical implications for gene therapy of HPV infection. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A comparative study has been made of the radiation grafting of styrene onto poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropyl vinyl ether) (PFA) and polypropylene (PP) substrates, using the simultaneous irradiation method. Effects of grafting conditions such as monomer concentrations, type of solvent, dose rate and irradiation dose on the grafting yield were investigated. Under the same grafting conditions it was found that a higher degree of grafting of styrene was obtained using a mixture of dichloromethane/methanol solvents for PFA and methanol for PP and the degree of grafting was higher in PP than in PFA at all doses. However, the micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of the graft revealed that, for the same degree of grafting, the penetration depth of the grafted polystyrene into the substrate was higher in PFA than in PP substrates. In both polymers the crystallinity was hardly affected by the grafting process and the degree of crystallinity decreased slightly with grafting dose. The dependence of the initial rate of grafting on the dose rate and the monomer concentration was found to be 0.6 and 1.4 order for PFA and 0.15 and 2.2 for PP, respectively. The degree of grafting increased with increasing radiation dose in both polymers. However, the grafting yield decreased with an increase in the dose rate. The increase in the overall grafting yield for PFA and PP was accompanied by a proportional increase in the penetration depth of the graft into the substrates. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
Low temperature during panicle development in rice increases spikelet sterility. This effect is exacerbated by high rates of nitrogen (N) application in the field. Spikelet sterility induced by low temperature and N fertilisation was examined in glasshouse experiments to clarify the mechanisms involved. In two glasshouse experiments, 12-h periods of low (18/13degreesC) and high (28/23degreesC) day/night temperatures were imposed over periods of 5-7 days during panicle development, to determine the effects of low temperature and N fertilisation on spikelet sterility. In one experiment, 50% sunlight was imposed together with low temperature to investigate the additive effects of reduced solar radiation and low temperature. The effect of increased tillering due to N fertilisation was examined by a tiller removal treatment in the same experiment. Pollen grain number and spikelet sterility were recorded at heading and harvest, respectively. Although there was no significant effect of low temperature on spikelet sterility in the absence of applied N, low temperature greatly increased spikelet sterility as a result of a reduction in the number of engorged pollen grains per anther in the presence of applied N. Spikelet sterility was strongly correlated with the number of engorged pollen grains per anther. Low temperature during very early ( late stage of spikelet differentiation-pollen mother cell stage) and peak ( second meiotic division stage-early stage of extine formation) microspore development caused a severe reduction in engorged pollen production mainly as a result of reduced total pollen production. Unlike low temperature, the effect of shading was rather small. The increased tillering due to application of high rates of N, increased both spikelet number per plant and spikelet sterility under low temperature conditions. The removal of tillers as they appeared reduced the number of total spikelets per plant and maintained a large number of engorged pollen grains per anther which, in turn, reduced spikelet sterility. The number of engorged pollen grains per anther determined the numbers of intercepted and germinated pollen grains on the stigma. It is concluded that N increased tillering and spikelet number per plant and this, in turn, reduced the number of engorged pollen grains per anther, leading into increased spikelet sterility under low temperature condition.
Maria Cec??lia, divorciada e com dois filhos, ?? servidora p??blica h?? vinte anos e h?? seis trabalha como coordenadora em um projeto da Secretaria de Educa????o do seu Estado. Com a proposta de se transformar em uma pol??tica p??blica e com um or??amento significativo, o projeto passa por um momento de crise, pois os resultados est??o abaixo do esperado. Maria Cec??lia e outros membros da equipe entram em conflito e divergem quanto aos ajustes que devem ser feitos no plano de trabalho. Nesse contexto, todos, incluindo Maria Cec??lia, encontram-se em um momento de tomada de decis??o
Texto elaborado para apoiar as atividades did??ticas do M??dulo I do curso de qualifica????o de cerca de quarenta t??cnicos do Minist??rio da Sa??de (MS) na utiliza????o do enfoque participativo do Planejamento Estrat??gico-Situacional (PES), de Carlos Matus, realizado presencialmente na Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP), em Bras??lia
Texto elaborado para apoiar as atividades did??ticas do M??dulo II do curso de qualifica????o de cerca de quarenta t??cnicos do Minist??rio da Sa??de (MS) na utiliza????o do enfoque participativo do Planejamento Estrat??gico-Situacional (PES), de Carlos Matus, realizado presencialmente na Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP), em Bras??lia
Este documento trata de: or??amento p??blico: conceito, fun????es, t??cnicas, princ??pios e marcos legais; enfoques do or??amento: enfoque fiscal dos or??amentos e enfoque program??tico da despesa; roteiro da elabora????o e execu????o or??ament??ria anual; classifica????es or??ament??rias da despesa e da receita; execu????o dos or??amentos; execu????o or??ament??ria e financeira
Os temas abrangidos no Concurso dizem respeito ao Servi??o P??blico, e neles estando contidos quaisquer assuntos de interesse para a Administra????o P??blica e para o Servidor P??blico