697 resultados para Hydration.
The ability to predict macromolecular conformations from sequence and thermodynamic principles has long been coveted but generally has not been achieved. We show that differences in the hydration of DNA surfaces can be used to distinguish between sequences that form A- and B-DNA. From this, a "triplet code" of A-DNA propensities was derived as energetic rules for predicting A-DNA formation. This code correctly predicted > 90% of A- and B-DNA sequences in crystals and correlates with A-DNA formation in solution. Thus, with our previous studies on Z-DNA, we now have a single method to predict the relative stability of sequences in the three standard DNA duplex conformations.
Aqueous gel sieving chromatography on Sephadex G-10 of the Group IA cations (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+) plus NH4+ as the Cl- salts, in combination with previous results for the halide anions (F-, Cl-, Br-, I-) as the Na+ salts [Washabaugh, M.W. & Collins, K.D. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 12477-12485], leads to the following conclusions. (i) The small monovalent ions (Li+, Na+, F-) flow through the gel with water molecules attached, whereas the large monovalent ions (K+, Rb+, Cs+, Cl-, Br-, I-) adsorb to the nonpolar surface of the gel, a process requiring partial dehydration of the ion and implying that these ions bind the immediately adjacent water molecules weakly. (ii) The transition from strong to weak hydration occurs at a radius of about 1.78 A for the monovalent anions, compared with a radius of about 1.06 A for the monovalent cations (using ionic radii), indicating that the anions are more strongly hydrated than the cations for a given charge density. (iii) The anions show larger deviations from ideal behavior (an elution position corresponding to the anhydrous molecular weight) than do the cations and dominate the chromatographic behavior of the neutral salts. These results are interpreted to mean that weakly hydrated ions (chaotropes) are "pushed" onto weakly hydrated surfaces by strong water-water interactions and that the transition from strong ionic hydration to weak ionic hydration occurs where the strength of ion-water interactions approximately equals the strength of water-water interactions in bulk solution.
The cleavage specificity of the Pvu II and BamHI restriction endonucleases is found to be dramatically reduced at elevated osmotic pressure. Relaxation in specificity of these otherwise highly accurate and specific enzymes, previously termed "star activity," is uniquely correlated with osmotic pressure between 0 and 100 atmospheres. No other colligative solvent property exhibits a uniform correlation with star activity for all of the compounds tested. Application of hydrostatic pressure counteracts the effects of osmotic pressure and restores the natural selectivity of the enzymes for their canonical recognition sequences. These results indicate that water solvation plays an important role in the site-specific recognition of DNA by many restriction enzymes. Osmotic pressure did not induce an analogous effect on the specificity of the EcoRV endonuclease, implying that selective hydration effects do not participate in DNA recognition in this system. Hydrostatic pressure was found to have little effect on the star activity induced by changes in ionic strength, pH, or divalent cation, suggesting that distinct mechanisms may exist for these observed alterations in specificity. Recent evidence has indicated that BamHI and EcoRI share similar structural motifs, while Pvu II and EcoRV belong to a different structural family. Evidently, the use of hydration water to assist in site-specific recognition is a motif neither limited to nor defined by structural families.
O principal resíduo da indústria de café solúvel é a borra de café, gerada após a extração de sólidos solúveis com água, sendo usualmente queimada em caldeiras para geração de energia para a própria indústria. Entretanto, este co-produto pode conter de 15 a 20 % de óleo, componente de grande interesse na indústria alimentícia. Em paralelo, na indústria de produção de óleos vegetais o solvente frequentemente utilizado é o hexano. Contudo, por este ser um derivado de combustíveis fósseis, alternativas para sua substituição por solventes mais amigáveis ao meio ambiente, que podem ser obtidos por via biotecnológica, estão sendo estudadas. Deste modo, o objetivo principal desta dissertação de mestrado foi a viabilização técnica do emprego de solventes alcoólicos no processo de extração de óleo de borra de café proveniente da indústria de processamento de café solúvel. Foram realizadas extrações sólido-líquido em um estágio para estudar a influência das variáveis de processo temperatura (60 a 90 °C), tipo de solvente (etanol, ET ou isopropanol, IPA) e a hidratação do solvente (absoluto ou azeotrópico) nas características das fases extrato e rafinado, em termos de rendimento de extração de óleo, de ácidos clorogênicos (ACG), de carboidratos totais, teor de proteínas e índice de solubilidade de nitrogênio (ISN) da fase rafinado. Pré-tratamento enzimático ao processo de extração também foi realizado para investigar a sua atuação sobre o rendimento de extração de óleo e ACG, além do ISN das fases rafinado obtidas na temperatura de 70 °C. De forma geral, pode-se inferir que a temperatura favorece a extração de compostos lipídicos, mas a hidratação do solvente prejudica a extração destes compostos pelo aumento da polaridade do solvente. Do mesmo modo, como o ET é mais polar que o IPA, o primeiro solvente proporcionou a obtenção de menores rendimentos de extração de óleo. A temperatura de processo também influenciou a extração de ACG, a qual foi beneficiada a temperaturas mais baixas pelo aumento da polaridade dos solventes utilizados. De tal forma, que a 60 °C, nos experimentos utilizando etanol azeotrópico obteve-se os menores rendimentos de extração de óleo, porém maior rendimento de extração de ACG. O pré-tratamento enzimático apresentou diferenças significativas nas características das fases extrato e rafinado. No entanto, somente os experimentos com etanol absoluto resultaram em rendimentos de extração de óleo economicamente viáveis. De fato, será relevante um estudo mais aprofundado das variáveis de pré-tratamento enzimático para obter resultados mais expressivos em relação à extração de compostos lipídicos. Diante dos dados experimentais obtidos, conclui-se que é tecnicamente viável o emprego de solventes alcoólicos no processo de extração de óleo de borra de café. Entretanto, nota-se que as condições de processo devem ser avaliadas minuciosamente com o objetivo de se obter altos rendimentos de extração de óleo com maior teor de ACG.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do suplemento de colostro (SC) associado ao colostro materno (CM) de alta ou média qualidade na saúde e desempenho de bezerros leiteiros. No primeiro experimento foram utilizados 44 machos da raça Holandesa, distribuídos nos tratamentos: 1) CM de alta qualidade fornecido em volume correspondente a 15% do peso ao nascer (PN); 2) CM de média qualidade (15%PN) e 3) CM de média qualidade (15% PN) + SC. O protocolo de colostragem afetou a concentração de proteína total nas primeiras 48 horas de vida e durante a fase de aleitamento (P<0,05). Em relação a saúde, o protocolo de colostragem não afetou o escore fecal, bem como o número de dias com diarreia, dias com febre e dias de hidratação (P>0,05); no entanto, os animais que receberam CM de alta qualidade foram medicados por um menor número de dias (P<0,05). O consumo e o desempenho não foram afetados pelos tratamentos (P>0,05), embora tenha ocorrido efeito de idade (P<0,0001). O fornecimento de suplemento de colostro associado ao CM de média qualidade não afetou a transferência de imunidade passiva, o desempenho ou o metabolismo dos animais durante o período de aleitamento. No segundo experimento foram utilizadas 80 fêmeas da raça Holandesa nos seguintes tratamentos: 1) CM de alta qualidade fornecido em volume correspondente a 15% PN; e 2) CM de alta qualidade (15% PN) + SC. Não houve diferença na qualidade do colostro ingerido pelos animais (P>0,05). Os parâmetros sanguíneos nas primeiras 24 horas não foram afetados pelos tratamentos (P>0,05). O consumo e o desempenho não foram afetados pela administração do suplemento de colostro (P>0,05), no entanto houve efeito de idade para ambos os parâmetros (P<0,0001). Em relação à saúde, o fornecimento adicional de Ig não afetou os dias com diarreia, dias com febre ou dias medicados (P>0,05). A taxa de mortalidade observada durante o experimento foi de 2,5%. O consumo adicional de Ig através do fornecimento de suplemento de colostro em associação ao colostro materno de alta qualidade não melhorou a imunidade, bem como não afetou o desempenho ou a saúde de bezerros leiteiros. No terceiro experimento, foram utilizadas 67 fêmeas da raça Holandesa ou mestiças Girolando nos seguintes tratamentos: 1) CM de alta qualidade fornecido em volume correspondente a 10% PN; e 2) CM de alta qualidade (10% PN) + SC. O consumo e o desempenho não foram afetados pelo SC (P>0,05). O escore fecal também não foi afetado (P>0,05), mas observou-se maior frequência de animais com escore de desidratação nas 2ª e 3ª semana de vida, quando os escores fecais foram mais altos para todos os tratamentos. Houve uma maior porcentagem de animais suplementados sendo medicados devido a diarreias na segunda semana de vida. Houve maior frequência dos animais do grupo não suplementado com escore 1 de descarga nasal nas semanas 3 a 7. O consumo adicional de imunoglobulinas através do fornecimento de suplemento de colostro em associação ao colostro materno de alta qualidade não afetou o desempenho ou a saúde dos animais.
La temperatura de curado, utilizada por la industria de fibrocemento como catalizador en la hidratación del cemento para lograr alta resistencia inicial en sus productos, genera la hipótesis de expansión causada por formación tardía de etringita. Para el planteamiento de dicha hipótesis, el siguiente estudio contempló dos grupos de muestras con el objetivo de estudiar aisladamente su comportamiento químico y físico: uno de los grupos conformado por pasta cementicia con 35% de sustitución de calcario, y el otro conformado por fibrocemento con incorporación de PVA y celulosa. Por calorimetría isotérmica se observó la cinética de reacción de dos pastas, una de ellas curada a 23 ºC y la otra a 85 ºC donde esta última experimentó un efecto catalizador en sus reacciones. Ensayos de DRX y DTG/TG mostraron la presencia de etringita a 23 °C durante todas las edades de hidratación exhibiendo una tendencia de aumento en la intensidad de los picos y en la cantidad, respectivamente, en función del tiempo; sin embargo, a 85 ºC la presencia de esta fase fue inconstante durante las primeras edades de hidratación, a partir de mes de hidratación mostró aumento en cada una de las siguientes medidas realizadas mensualmente; a 85 °C hubo una menor formación de portlandita en comparación con los resultados obtenidos a 23 °C. Utilizando el método Rietveld y análisis químico fueron determinadas las cantidades y las composiciones químicas, respectivamente, de las fases del cemento anhidro y del calcario para alimentar el programa GEMS y simular la hidratación de la pasta estudiada en laboratorio para un tiempo infinito bajo la influencia de la temperatura. Simulaciones de la hidratación de la pasta se aproximaron a los resultados reportados por la revisión bibliográfica permitiendo predecir la presencia de fases en función de la estabilidad termodinámica. Resultados de porosimetría por inyección de mercurio mostraron una mayor concentración de poros, asociados a defectos, en muestras curadas a 85°C con respecto a las de 23 °C. Finalmente, medidas de variación longitudinal para muestras de fibrocemento elaboradas en laboratorio y en fábrica presentaron dispersión en los resultados de expansión para cada uno de los escenarios sin poder correlacionar todos los datos con el aumento de masa exhibido por cada una de las muestras; no obstante, se resalta el riesgo de deterioro del fibrocemento por el aumento de defectos causado por la temperatura así como la creación de todas las condiciones necesarias que favorecen la formación tardía de etringita a partir del proceso de fabricación empleado para este producto.
To obtain insights into archaeal nitrogen signaling and haloadaptation of the nitrogen/carbon/energy-signaling protein PII, we determined crystal structures of recombinantly produced GlnK2 from the extreme halophilic archaeon Haloferax mediterranei, complexed with AMP or with the PII effectors ADP or ATP, at respective resolutions of 1.49 Å, 1.45 Å, and 2.60 Å. A unique trait of these structures was a three-tongued crown protruding from the trimer body convex side, formed by an 11-residue, N-terminal, highly acidic extension that is absent from structurally studied PII proteins. This extension substantially contributed to the very low pI value, which is a haloadaptive trait of H. mediterranei GlnK2, and participated in hexamer-forming contacts in one crystal. Similar acidic N-extensions are shown here to be common among PII proteins from halophilic organisms. Additional haloadaptive traits prominently represented in H. mediterranei GlnK2 are a very high ratio of small residues to large hydrophobic aliphatic residues, and the highest ratio of polar to nonpolar exposed surface for any structurally characterized PII protein. The presence of a dense hydration layer in the region between the three T-loops might also be a haloadaptation. Other unique findings revealed by the GlnK2 structure that might have functional relevance are: the adoption by its T-loop of a three-turn α-helical conformation, perhaps related to the ability of GlnK2 to directly interact with glutamine synthetase; and the firm binding of AMP, confirmed by biochemical binding studies with ATP, ADP, and AMP, raising the possibility that AMP could be an important PII effector, at least in archaea.
Introducción: El triatlón es un deporte de resistencia que comprende tres disciplinas: natación, ciclismo y carrera a pie. Es necesario establecer pautas de hidratación para prevenir deshidrataciones durante entrenamientos o competiciones y mantener un buen estado de hidratación antes, durante y después del ejercicio. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la ingesta de líquido, pérdida de peso y tasa de sudoración en jóvenes triatletas, durante diferentes entrenamientos. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo-observacional en 14 triatletas (7 chicos y 7 chicas) durante una sesión de natación, otra de ciclismo y otra de carrera a pie. Se valoró la ingesta de líquido, pérdida de peso, % agua corporal total, % deshidratación y tasa de sudoración. Los triatletas bebieron agua en sus respectivos bidones de 750 ml y se realizó una medición de orina en containers. Resultados: Los resultados del estudio siguiendo el orden de natación, ciclismo y carrera a pie fueron: ingesta agua 2,66±1,94ml/min, 7,91±7,69ml/min y 7,08±4,13ml/min en chicos y 3,43±1,53ml/min, 6,39±5,36ml/min y 8,33±2,74ml/min en chicas; pérdida de peso 0,83±0,5kg, 0,47±0,3kg y 0,98±0,4kg en chicos y 0,79±0,3kg, 0,47±0,58kg y 0,28±0,21kg en chicas; y tasa sudoración 4,44±4,9ml/min, 11,81±6,46ml/min y 5,29±3,13ml/min en chicos y 3,89±2,4ml/min, 4,69±4,20ml/min y 7,96±5,06ml/min en chicas. Conclusiones: Se comparó el porcentaje de agua corporal y deshidratación, la pérdida de peso y la tasa de sudoración con otros estudios y se observa que nuestros resultados son inferiores a los estudios comparados, además están por debajo de la media de recomendaciones de líquido establecidas por el consenso de hidratación.
Remineralization of organic matter in reactive marine sediments releases nutrients and dissolved organic matter (DOM) into the ocean. Here we focused on the molecular-level characterization of DOM by high-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) in sediment pore waters and bottom waters from contrasting redox regimes in the northern Black Sea with particular emphasis on nitrogen-bearing compounds to derive an improved understanding of the molecular transformations involved in nitrogen release. The number of nitrogen-bearing molecules is generally higher in pore waters than in bottom waters. This suggests intensified degradation of nitrogen-bearing precursor molecules such as proteins in anoxic sediments: No significant difference was observed between sediments deposited under oxic vs anoxic conditions (average O/C ratios of 0.55) suggesting that the different organic matter quality induced by contrasting redox conditions does not impact protein diagenesis in the subseafloor. Compounds in the pore waters were on average larger, less oxygenated, and had a higher number of unsaturations. Applying a mathematical model, we could show that the assemblages of nitrogen-bearing molecular formulas are potential products of proteinaceous material that was transformed by the following reactions: (a) hydrolysis and deamination, both reducing the molecular size and nitrogen content of the products and intermediates; (b) oxidation and hydration of the intermediates; and (c) methylation and dehydration.
Data on lithium, rubidium and cesium concentrations in waters of open seas and oceans are summarized. Average amounts of these elements in the World Ocean inferred from published data and those obtained by the author are as follows: Li - 0.18 mg/l, Rb - 0.12 mg/l and Cs - 0.004 mg/l. Rare alkaline elements in the oceans and open seas are distributed (like sodium and potassium) in accordance with salinity. The ability of lithium to become a constituent of clay minerals accounts for its relatively low concentration in sea water as compared with that of sodium and potassium. Compared to rubidium and cesium that have high absorption energy and low hydration energy, lithium relatively enriches sea water. Residence times of these elements in the ocean are: Na - 120 My, Li - 2.7 My, Rb - 2.3 My and Cs - 0.3 My.
Serpentinized abyssal peridotites sampled by the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 209 along the mid-Atlantic Ridge near the 15°20'N Fracture Zone have been analyzed for oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine isotope compositions in order to determine isotopic behavior under a wide range of serpentinization conditions and place constraints on fluid history. Oxygen and hydrogen thermometry suggests peak serpentinization temperatures of 300-500°C. Serpentine separates have low deltaD values possibly due to a magmatic fluid component or low-temperature exchange during seafloor weathering. Chlorine geochemistry focused on three holes: 1274A and 1272A (serpentinized peridotites) and 1268A (serpentinite locally altered to talc). Concentrations of both, water-soluble chloride (WSC) and structurally bound chloride (SBC) are significantly lower at Hole 1268A compared to Holes 1274A and 1272A. The delta37Cl values for WSC and SBC of serpentinites in Holes 1274A and 1272A are slightly positive (avg. WSC = 0.20 per mil, n = 22 and avg. SBC = 0.35 per mil, n = 22), representing typical seawater-hydration conditions commonly determined for abyssal peridotite. The SBC of serpentinites from Hole 1268A are also positive (avg. = 0.63 per mil); whereas, the SBC in talc-dominated samples is negative (avg. = -1.22 per mil). The WSC of both talc- and serpentine-dominated samples are also negative (avg. = -0.15 per mil). We interpret the chlorine isotope data to preserve a record of multiple fluid events. As seawater hydrated the peridotite, 37Cl was preferentially incorporated into the forming serpentine and water-soluble salts, yielding similar delta37Cl values on a regional scale as sampled by Holes 1268A, 1274A and 1272A. The resultant pore fluid was left depleted in 37Cl. Locally (Hole 1268A), this evolved fluid was remobilized possibly due to the initiation of hydrothermal circulation in response to emplacement of a mafic magma body. The low delta37Cl pore fluids attained elevated SiO2 and sulfur concentrations due to interaction with the gabbroic intrusion and, when ascending through the surrounding serpentinite, caused formation of isotopically negative talc. This secondary fluid also flushed the preserved serpentinite of its previously formed salts, resulting in negative delta37Cl WSC values. The delta37Cl SBC values of the serpentinite samples remained unmodified by reaction with the secondary fluid.
Fluid inclusions in variably altered diabase recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Legs 137 and 140 at Hole 504B, Costa Rica Rift, exhibit fluid salinities up to 3.7 times that of seawater values (11.7 wt% NaCl equivalent) and exhibit uncorrected homogenization temperatures of 125°C to 202°C. The liquid-dominated inclusions commonly are entrapped in zones of secondary plagioclase and may be primary in origin. Fluid salinities are similar to compositions of fluids venting on the seafloor (0.4-7.0 wt% NaCl) and overlap with those measured in metabasalt samples recovered from near the Kane Fracture Zone on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. The salinity variations may reflect hydration reactions involving formation of secondary mineral assemblages under rock-dominated conditions, which modify the ionic strength of hydrothermal fluids by consuming or liberating water and chloride ion. Rare CO2-CH4-bearing inclusions, subjacent to zones where talc after olivine becomes an important secondary mineral phase (1700 mbsf), may have formed due to local interaction of seawater and olivine at low water to rock ratios. Corrected average fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures exhibit a gradient from 159°C at a depth of 1370 mbsf to 183°C at a depth of 1992 mbsf and are in apparent equilibrium with the present conductive downhole temperatures. These data indicate that fluid inclusions may be used to estimate downhole temperatures if logging data are unavailable. The compositional and thermal evolution of the diabase-hosted fluids may reflect late-stage, off-axis circulation and conductive heating of compositionally modified seawater in the sheeted dike complex at Hole 504B.
The development of solutions that prevent dehydration or promote adequate re-hydration play a vital role in preventing fatigue during exercise, however, the methods commonly used to assess the hydration ability of such solutions are invasive and often assess the components of absorption separately. This paper describes using a non-invasive deuterium tracer technique that assesses gastric emptying and intestinal absorption simultaneously to evaluate the uptake of water during rest and exercise. The kinetics of absorption are further examined by mathematical modelling of the data generated. For the rest group, 0.05 g/kg of body weight of deuterium, contained in gelatine capsules, was ingested with ordinary tap water and saliva samples were collected every 5 min for one hour while the subject remained seated. The deuterium was administered as above for the exercise group but sample collection was during one hour of exercise on a treadmill at 55% of the subject's maximum heart rate. The enrichment data for each subject were mathematically modelled and the parameters obtained were compared across groups using an independent samples t-test. Compared with the rest condition, the exercise group showed delayed absorption of water as indicated by significant differences for the modelling parameters t(2), t(1/2), maximum absorption rate and solution absorption amount at t(1). Labelling with a deuterium tracer is a good measure of the relative rate ingested fluids are absorbed by the body. Mathematical modelling of the data generates rates of maximum absorption and allows calculation of the percentage of the solution that is absorbed at any given time during the testing period. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.