926 resultados para Hoosac Tunnel.
A cultura da alface é extremamente exigente em água, sendo bastante recomendável a utilização de irrigação por gotejamento, pois neste método é mais fácil se controlar o teor de água no solo próximo a capacidade de campo. Com a evolução das características hidráulicas dos emissores, vem se intensificando cada vez mais o uso do gotejamento abaixo da superfície do solo (gotejamento subsuperficial), com a alegação de se obter algumas vantagens sobre a forma tradicional (gotejamento superficial), como por exemplo a possibilidade de maior vida útil do equipamento e maior eficiência de uso da água. Almejando esta segunda possibilidade, buscou-se no presente trabalho comparar parâmetros de produtividade da cultura da alface submetida a diferentes lâminas de irrigação através de gotejamento superficial e subsuperficial. A alface foi cultivada em um túnel alto, na Fazenda Experimental São Manuel, da Faculdade Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, localizada no município de São Manuel. Instalou-se no centro do túnel um tanque Classe A que serviu de base para reposição das lâminas de irrigação. Estas lâminas foram equivalentes a 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% da evaporação do tanque Classe A no intervalo entre duas irrigações, que foi igual a três dias. Entre os parâmetros estudados, as duas menores lâminas de irrigação (25% e 50%) responderam melhor ao gotejamento subsuperficial. Os melhores resultados obtidos, tanto no gotejamento superficial como no subsuperficial, se deu através do manejo que utilizou uma reposição de lâmina igual a 100% da evaporação do tanque Classe A.
O experimento foi realizado na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas – Unesp/Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, em duas estufas dispostas em diferentes orientações geográficas, Leste/Oeste e Norte/Sul. A alface (Lactuva sativa L.) cv. Elisa foi cultivada em ambas estufas, sendo semeada em 05/05/99, transplantada em 29/05/99 e colhida em 31/06/99. Utilizou-se tensiômetros para monitorar o potencial de água no solo para realizar o manejo do sistema de irrigação por gotejamento. Microevaporímetros eqüidistantes de 3 m e colocados em 3 alturas, 0.50, 1.00 e 1.50 m, termohigrógrafos e tanques Classe “A” foram instalados nas duas estufas. Através de análise geoestatística, não se observou dependência espacial nem variabilidade espacial da evaporação nas duas estufas. Entretanto, a altura dos evaporímetros apresentou diferenças significativas: a evaporação à altura de 1.50 foi menor que nas outras duas.As médias de temperatura, umidade relativa e déficit de pressão de vapor do arnão diferiram estatisticamente entre as estufas e o ambiente externo. Os valores médios de evaporação de água no tanque Classe A instalado fora das estufas diferiram estatisticamente quando comparados com os instalados no interior das estufas, porém, entre as orientações não se constatou diferença significativa. Pôde-se verificar que não houve diferença significativa das características agronômicas da alface em ambas orientações estudadas. No entanto, houve diferença significativa para essas características entre os canteiros no interior das mesmas, havendo variância espacial para os dados de matéria fresca apenas na estufa N/S.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: The potential attraction from 1-octen-3-ol for sandflies has been documented; however, studies using other primary alcohols are limited.Findings: We used a wind tunnel to compare the activation and attractive behaviors in male and female Lutzomyia longipalpis using 1-octen-3-ol and three additional alcohols, 1-octanol, 1-heptanol and 1-nonanol at three different concentrations: neat (100%) and diluted in hexane (10% and 50%). The compounds 1-octen-3-ol and 1-nonanol induced a clear concentration-dependent activation and attraction response in females. In males, 1-octen-3-ol, 1-nonanol and 1-heptanol yielded the same results.Conclusions: L. longipalpis is attracted to 1-octen-3-ol, 1-nonanol and 1-heptanol, which are found in many plant volatiles.
This paper presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) application about the axial fan design used in an agricultural spraying system with a theoretical and experimental analysis of comparative results between the characteristic curves of a fan for several rotations and numerical results for the influence of blade attack angle variation and optimization of the spraying system, both for a same rotation. Flow was considered three-dimensional, turbulent, isothermal, viscous and non-compressible in a steady state, disregarding any influence of the gravity field. The average turbulent field was obtained from the application of time average where the turbulence model required for closing the set of equations was the k-E model. Resolution of all connected phenomena was achieved with the help of a fluid dynamics computer, CFX, which uses the finite volumes technique as a numerical method. In order to validate the theoretical analysis, an experiment was conducted in a circular section of a horizontal wind tunnel, using a Pitot tube for pressure readings. The main results demonstrate that the methodology used, based on CFD techniques, is able to reproduce the phenomenological behavior of an axial fan in a spraying system because results were very reliable and similar to experimentally measured ones.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In a combustion process involving fossil fuels, there is the formation of species Chemiluminescent, especially CH*, C2* and OH*, whose spontaneous emission can be used as a diagnostic tool. In the present work, mapping and determination of the rotational temperature of the species CH* produced in flames on a burner fueled by Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) was carried out. This study is part of a project involving the characterization of supersonic combustion in scramjets engines, whose study has been conducted in the hypersonic shock tunnel IEAv laboratories. The technique used was the natural emission spectroscopy, which has as main advantage of being non-intrusive. The rotational temperature determination was made using the Boltzmann method, whose principle is to relate the emission intensity of the species to the temperature by means of spectroscopic constants established.The temperature values were determined from the analysis of electronic bands AX and BX of the radical CH*. In order to confirm the results of flame temperatures obtained by the natural emission technique, was also used the technique of line reversal sodium. The results of both techniques showed that the temperature of the flames investigated is about 2500K a 2700K
The objective of this study was to develop a model that allows testing in the wind tunnel at high angles of attack and validates its most critical components by analyzing the results of simulations in finite element software. During the project this structure suffered major loads identified during the flight conditions and, from these, we calculated the stresses in critical regions defined as the parts of the model that have higher failure probabilities. All aspects associated with Load methods, mesh refining and stress analysis were taken into account in this approach. The selection of the analysis software was based on project needs, seeking greater ease of modeling and simulation. We opted for the software ANSYS® since the entire project is being developed in CAD platforms enabling a friendly integration between software's modeling and analysis
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
It is a fact that between the child and the adult there is an adolescent being that experiments his experiences in a different way than those others. Therefore, in clinical care, the use of toys and play do not have the same value as for the children, and, on the other hand, the majority of adolescents are not ready, as the adult is, for the exclusive use of speech in the psychotherapy context. There is the need to introduce some specific strategy in order to give the adolescent conditions to express himself openly in the psychotherapy process. The mediator's resource introduces this variable to enable the expression of emotions for those who cannot find the available channels for that. This paper seeks to answer this question by presenting the Time Tunnel Game in the psychotherapy with young people, based, during several years, on its clinical use with patients during this period of their lives. Explaining, when it is a question of a demand for a game, that the youngster tries to respect the rules, therefore, expressing his experiences more at ease. By using the mentioned game, it is not the psychotherapist that questions or addresses the youngster, but it is through this playing that the questions arise, providing the youngster a facilitating context for his experiences, even for the more difficult ones. At the direct request of the psychotherapist, it is possible that the adolescent may have the imposing idea that he is being evaluated, which is inadequate when attending any youngster. It is understood that this facilitation also occurs because in a game the atmosphere of lucidity is less threatening to the patient to reveal himself as playing. It is the game that "interviews" and, therefore, the youngster has less to be afraid of when expressing his experiences.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cultivation of strawberry in plastic tunnels has increased considerably in Norway and in southeastern Brazil, mainly in an attempt to protect the crop from unsuitable climatic factors and some diseases as well as to allow growers to expand the traditional production season. It has been hypothesized that cultivation under tunnels could increase the incidence of one of its major pests in many countries where strawberry is cultivated, including Norway and Brazil, the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of tunnels on the incidence of T. urticae and on its natural enemies on strawberry in two ecologically contrasting regions, Norway (temperate) and southeastern Brazil (subtropical). In both countries, peak densities of T. urticae in tunnels and in the open fields were lower than economic thresholds reported in the literature. Factors determining that systematically seem to be the prevailing relatively low temperature in Norway and high relative humidity in both countries. The levels of occurrence in Norway and Brazil in 2010 were so low that regardless of any potential effect of the use of tunnel, no major differences were observed between the two cropping systems in relation to T. urticae densities. In 2009 in Norway and in 2011 in Brazil, increase in T. urticae population seemed to have been restrained mainly by rainfall in the open field and by predatory mites in the tunnels. Phytoseiids were the most numerous predatory mite group of natural occurrence on strawberry, and the prevalence was higher in Brazil, where the most abundant species on strawberry leaves were Neoseiulus anonymus and Phytoseiulus macropilis. In Norway, the most abundant naturally occurring phytoseiids on strawberry leaves were Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) rhenanus and Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) pyri. Predatory mites were very rare in the litter samples collected in Norway. Infection rate of the pest by the fungus Neozygites floridana (Neozygitaceae) was low. The results of this work suggest that in Norway the use of tunnels might not affect the population densities of T. urticae on strawberry in years of lower temperatures. When temperature is not a limiting factor for the development of T. urticae in that country (apparently always the case in southern Brazil), strawberry cultivation in the tunnels may allow T. urticae to reach higher population levels than in open fields (because of the provided protection from the direct impact of rainfall), but natural enemies may prevent higher levels from being reached.