965 resultados para Homologous Coding Gene


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Variability and complexity of phenotypes observed in microdeletion syndromes can be due to deletion of a single gene whose product participates in several aspects of development or can be due to the deletion of a number of tightly linked genes, each adding its own effect to the syndrome. The p6H deletion in mouse chromosome 7 presents a good model with which to address this question of multigene vs. single-gene pleiotropy. Mice homozygous for the p6H deletion are diluted in pigmentation, are smaller than their littermates, and manifest a nervous jerky-gait phenotype. Male homozygotes are sterile and exhibit profound abnormalities in spermiogenesis. By using N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (EtNU) mutagenesis and a breeding protocol designed to recover recessive mutations expressed hemizygously opposite a large p-locus deletion, we have generated three noncomplementing mutations that map to the p6H deletion. Each of these EtNU-induced mutations has adverse effects on the size, nervous behavior, and progression of spermiogenesis that characterize p6H deletion homozygotes. Because EtNU is thought to induce primarily intragenic (point) mutations in mouse stem-cell spermatogonia, we propose that the trio of phenotypes (runtiness, nervous jerky gait, and male sterility) expressed in p6H deletion homozygotes is the result of deletion of a single highly pleiotropic gene. We also predict that a homologous single locus, quite possibly tightly linked and distal to the D15S12 (P) locus in human chromosome 15q11-q13, may be associated with similar developmental abnormalities in humans.


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Many human malignant cells lack methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP) enzyme activity. The gene (MTAP) encoding this enzyme was previously mapped to the short arm of chromosome 9, band p21-22, a region that is frequently deleted in multiple tumor types. To clone candidate tumor suppressor genes from the deleted region on 9p21-22, we have constructed a long-range physical map of 2.8 megabases for 9p21 by using overlapping yeast artificial chromosome and cosmid clones. This map includes the type IIFN gene cluster, the recently identified candidate tumor suppressor genes CDKN2 (p16INK4A) and CDKN2B (p15INK4B), and several CpG islands. In addition, we have identified other transcription units within the yeast artificial chromosome contig. Sequence analysis of a 2.5-kb cDNA clone isolated from a CpG island that maps between the IFN genes and CDKN2 reveals a predicted open reading frame of 283 amino acids followed by 1302 nucleotides of 3' untranslated sequence. This gene is evolutionarily conserved and shows significant amino acid homologies to mouse and human purine nucleoside phosphorylases and to a hypothetical 25.8-kDa protein in the pet gene (coding for cytochrome bc1 complex) region of Rhodospirillum rubrum. The location, expression pattern, and nucleotide sequence of this gene suggest that it codes for the MTAP enzyme.


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Both the DNA elements and the nuclear factors that direct termination of ribosomal gene transcription exhibit species-specific differences. Even between mammals--e.g., human and mouse--the termination signals are not identical and the respective transcription termination factors (TTFs) which bind to the terminator sequence are not fully interchangeable. To elucidate the molecular basis for this species-specificity, we have cloned TTF-I from human and mouse cells and compared their structural and functional properties. Recombinant TTF-I exhibits species-specific DNA binding and terminates transcription both in cell-free transcription assays and in transfection experiments. Chimeric constructs of mouse TTF-I and human TTF-I reveal that the major determinant for species-specific DNA binding resides within the C terminus of TTF-I. Replacing 31 C-terminal amino acids of mouse TTF-I with the homologous human sequences relaxes the DNA-binding specificity and, as a consequence, allows the chimeric factor to bind the human terminator sequence and to specifically stop rDNA transcription.


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We describe a complete gene family encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL; EC in one particular plant species. In parsley (Petroselinum crispum), the PAL gene family comprises two closely related members, PAL1 and PAL2, whose TATA-proximal promoter and coding regions are almost identical, and two additional members, PAL3 and PAL4, with less similarity to one another and to the PAL1 and PAL2 genes. Using gene-specific probes derived from the 5' untranslated regions of PAL1/2, PAL3, and PAL4, we determined the respective mRNA levels in parsley leaves and cell cultures treated with UV light or fungal elicitor and in wounded leaves and roots. For comparison, the functionally closely related cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) and 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL) mRNAs were measured in parallel. The results indicate various degrees of differential responsiveness of PAL4 relative to the other PAL gene family members, in contrast to a high degree of coordination in the overall expression of the PAL, C4H, and 4CL genes. The only significant sequence similarities shared by all four PAL gene promoters are a TATA-proximal set of three putative cis-acting elements (boxes P, A, and L). None of these elements alone, or the promoter region containing all of them together, conferred elicitor or light responsiveness on a reporter gene in transient expression assays. The elements appear to be necessary but not sufficient for elicitor- or light-mediated PAL gene activation, similar to the situation previously reported for 4CL.


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The yeast gene KEM1 (also named SEP1/DST2/XRN1/RAR5) produces a G4-DNA-dependent nuclease that binds to G4 tetraplex DNA structure and cuts in a single-stranded region 5' to the G4 structure. G4-DNA generated from yeast telomeric oligonucleotides competitively inhibits the cleavage reaction, suggesting that this enzyme may interact with yeast telomeres in vivo. Homozygous deletions of the KEM1 gene in yeast block meiosis at the pachytene stage, which is consistent with the hypothesis that G4 tetraplex DNA may be involved in homologous chromosome pairing during meiosis. We conjectured that the mitotic defects of kem1/sep1 mutant cells, such as a higher chromosome loss rate, are also due to failure in processing G4-DNA, especially at telomeres. Here we report two phenotypes associated with a kem1-null allele, cellular senescence and telomere shortening, that provide genetic evidence that G4 tetraplex DNA may play a role in telomere functioning. In addition, our results reveal that chromosome ends in the same cells behave differently in a fashion dependent on the KEM1 gene product.


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The ability of p53 protein to activate transcription is central to its tumor-suppressor function. We describe a genetic selection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae which was used to isolate a mutant strain defective in p53-mediated transcriptional activation. The defect was partially corrected by overexpression of a yeast gene named PAK1 (p53 activating kinase), which localizes to the left arm of chromosome IX. PAK1 is predicted to encode an 810-aa protein with regions of strong similarity to previously described Ser/Thr-specific protein kinases. PAK1 sequences upstream of the coding region are characteristic of those regulating genes involved in cell cycle control. Expression of PAK1 was associated with an increased specific activity of p53 in DNA-binding assays accompanied by a corresponding increase in transactivation. Thus, PAK1 is the prototype for a class of genes that can regulate the activity of p53 in vivo, and the system described here should be useful in identifying other genes in this class.


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The nucleotide sequences of four genes encoding Trimeresurus gramineus (green habu snake, crotalinae) venom gland phospholipase A2 (PLA2; phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase, EC isozymes were compared internally and externally with those of six genes encoding Trimeresurus flavoviridis (habu snake, crotalinae) venom gland PLA2 isozymes. The numbers of nucleotide substitutions per site (KN) for the noncoding regions including introns were one-third to one-eighth of the numbers of nucleotide substitutions per synonymous site (KS) for the protein-coding regions of exons, indicating that the noncoding regions are much more conserved than the protein-coding regions. The KN values for the introns were found to be nearly equivalent to those of introns of T. gramineus and T. flavoviridis TATA box-binding protein genes, which are assumed to be a general (nonvenomous) gene. Thus, it is evident that the introns of venom gland PLA2 isozyme genes have evolved at a similar rate to those of nonvenomous genes. The numbers of nucleotide substitutions per nonsynonymous site (KA) were close to or larger than the KS values for the protein-coding regions in venom gland PLA2 isozyme genes. All of the data combined reveal that Darwinian-type accelerated evolution has universally occurred only in the protein-coding regions of crotalinae snake venom PLA2 isozyme genes.


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Calcium, a universal second messenger, regulates diverse cellular processes in eukaryotes. Ca2+ and Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated protein phosphorylation play a pivotal role in amplifying and diversifying the action of Ca(2+)-binding domain was cloned and characterized from lily. The cDNA clone contains an open reading frame coding for a protein of 520 amino acids. The predicted structure of CCaMK contains a catalytic domain followed by two regulatory domains, a calmodulin-binding domain and a visinin-like Ca(2+)-binding domain. The amino-terminal region of CCaMK contains all 11 conserved subdomains characteristic of serine/threonine protein kinases. The calmodulin-binding region of CCaMK has high homology (79%) to alpha subunit of mammalian Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. The calmodulin-binding region is fused to a neural visinin-like domain that contains three Ca(2+)-binding EF-hand motifs and a biotin-binding site. The Escherichia coli-expressed protein (approximately 56 kDa) binds calmodulin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Furthermore, 45Ca-binding assays revealed that CCaMK directly binds Ca2+. The CCaMK gene is preferentially expressed in developing anthers. Southern blot analysis revealed that CCaMK is encoded by a single gene. The structural features of the gene suggest that it has multiple regulatory controls and could play a unique role in Ca2+ signaling in plants.


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The suppressor of Hairy-wing [su(Hw)] protein exerts a polar effect on gene expression by repressing the function of transcriptional enhancers located distally from the promoter with respect to the location of su(Hw) binding sequences. The directionality of this effect suggests that the su(Hw) protein specifically interferes with the basic mechanism of enhancer action. Moreover, mutations in modifier of mdg4 [mod(mdg4)] result in the repression of expression of a gene when the su(Hw) protein is bound to sequences in the copy of this gene located in the homologous chromosome. This effect is dependent on the presence of the su(Hw) binding region from the gypsy retrotransposon in at least one of the chromosomes and is enhanced by the presence of additional gypsy sequences in the other homology. This phenomenon is inhibited by chromosomal rearrangements that disrupt pairing, suggesting that close apposition between the two copies of the affected gene is important for trans repression of transcription. These results indicate that, in the absence of mod-(mdg4) product, the su(Hw) protein present in one chromosome can act in trans and inactivate enhancers located in the other homolog.


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Mutations in the APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) gene appear to be responsible for not only familial adenomatous polyposis but also many sporadic cases of gastrointestinal cancers. Using homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells, we constructed mice that contained a mutant gene encoding a product truncated at a 716 (Apc delta 716). Mendelian transmission of the gene caused most homozygous mice to die in utero before day 8 of gestation. The heterozygotes developed multiple polyps throughout the intestinal tract, mostly in the small intestine. The earliest polyps arose multifocally during the third week after birth, and new polyps continued to appear thereafter. Surprisingly, every nascent polyp consisted of a microadenoma covered with a layer of the normal villous epithelium. These microadenomas originated from single crypts by forming abnormal outpockets into the inner (lacteal) side of the neighboring villi. We carefully dissected such microadenomas from nascent polyps by peeling off the normal epithelium and determined their genotype by PCR: all microadenomas had already lost the wild-type Apc allele, whereas the mutant allele remained unchanged. These results indicate that loss of heterozygosity followed by formation of intravillous microadenomas is responsible for polyposis in Apc delta 716 intestinal mucosa. It is therefore unlikely that the truncated product interacts directly with the wild-type protein and causes the microadenomas by a dominant negative mechanism.


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We have identified a murine gene, metaxin, that spans the 6-kb interval separating the glucocerebrosidase gene (GC) from the thrombospondin 3 gene on chromosome 3E3-F1. Metaxin and GC are transcribed convergently; their major polyadenylylation sites are only 431 bp apart. On the other hand, metaxin and the thrombospondin 3 gene are transcribed divergently and share a common promoter sequence. The cDNA for metaxin encodes a 317-aa protein, without either a signal sequence or consensus for N-linked glycosylation. Metaxin protein is expressed ubiquitously in tissues of the young adult mouse, but no close homologues have been found in the DNA or protein data bases. A targeted mutation (A-->G in exon 9) was introduced into GC by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells to establish a mouse model for a mild form of Gaucher disease. A phosphoglycerate kinase-neomycin gene cassette was also inserted into the 3'-flanking region of GC as a selectable marker, at a site later identified as the terminal exon of metaxin. Mice homozygous for the combined mutations die early in gestation. Since the same amino acid mutation in humans is associated with mild type 1 Gaucher disease, we suggest that metaxin protein is likely to be essential for embryonic development in mice. Clearly, the contiguous gene organization at this locus limits targeting strategies for the production of murine models of Gaucher disease.


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The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-chromosome-linked recessive disease characterized by eczema, thrombocytopenia, and immunodeficiency. The disease gene has been localized to the proximal short arm of the X chromosome and recently isolated through positional cloning. The function of the encoded protein remains undetermined. In this study we have characterized mutations in 12 unrelated patients to confirm the identity of the disease gene. We have also revised the coding sequence and genomic structure for the WAS gene. To analyze further the transmittance of the disease gene, we have characterized a polymorphic microsatellite at the DXS6940 locus within 30 kb of the gene and demonstrate the inheritance of the affected alleles in families with a history of WAS.


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Members of the IRF family mediate transcriptional responses to interferons (IFNs) and to virus infection. So far, proteins of this family have been studied only among mammalian species. Here we report the isolation of cDNA clones encoding two members of this family from chicken, interferon consensus sequence-binding protein (ICSBP) and IRF-1. The predicted chicken ICSBP and IRF-1 proteins show high levels of sequence similarity to their corresponding human and mouse counterparts. Sequence identities in the putative DNA-binding domains of chicken and human ICSBP and IRF-1 were 97% and 89%, respectively, whereas the C-terminal regions showed identities of 64% and 51%; sequence relationships with mouse ICSBP and IRF-1 are very similar. Chicken ICSBP was found to be expressed in several embryonic tissues, and both chicken IRF-1 and ICSBP were strongly induced in chicken fibroblasts by IFN treatment, supporting the involvement of these factors in IFN-regulated gene expression. The presence of proteins homologous to mammalian IRF family members, together with earlier observations on the occurrence of functionally homologous IFN-responsive elements in chicken and mammalian genes, highlights the conservation of transcriptional mechanisms in the IFN system, a finding that contrasts with the extensive sequence and functional divergence of the IFNs.


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The evolution of the chalcone synthase [CHS; malonyl-CoA:4-coumaroyl-CoA malonyltransferase (cyclizing), EC] multigene family in the genus Ipomoea is explored. Thirteen CHS genes from seven Ipomoea species (family Convolvulaceae) were sequenced--three from genomic clones and the remainder from PCR amplification with primers designed from the 5' flanking region and the end of the 3' coding region of Ipomoea purpurea Roth. Analysis of the data indicates a duplication of CHS that predates the divergence of the Ipomoea species in this study. The Ipomoea CHS genes are among the most rapidly evolving of the CHS genes sequenced to date. The CHS genes in this study are most closely related to the Petunia CHS-B gene, which is also rapidly evolving and highly divergent from the rest of the Petunia CHS sequences.


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The sulfur regulatory system of Neurospora crassa is composed of a set of structural genes involved in sulfur catabolism controlled by a genetically defined set of trans-acting regulatory genes. These sulfur regulatory genes include cys-3+, which encodes a basic region-leucine zipper transcriptional activator, and the negative regulatory gene scon-2+. We report here that the scon-2+ gene encodes a polypeptide of 650 amino acids belonging to the expanding beta-transducin family of eukaryotic regulatory proteins. Specifically, SCON2 protein contains six repeated G beta-homologous domains spanning the C-terminal half of the protein. SCON2 represents the initial filamentous fungal protein identified in the beta-transducin group. Additionally, SCON2 exhibits a specific amino-terminal domain that potentially defines another subfamily of beta-transducin homologs. Expression of the scon-2+ gene has been examined using RNA hybridization and gel mobility-shift analysis. The dependence of scon-2+ expression on CYS3 function and the binding of CYS3 to the scon-2+ promoter indicate the presence of an important control loop within the N. crassa sulfur regulatory circuit involving CYS3 activation of scon-2+ expression. On the basis of the presence of beta-transducin repeats, the crucial role of SCON2 in the signal-response pathway triggered by sulfur limitation may be mediated by protein-protein interactions.