950 resultados para Hand colored
Conditions leading to a maximum range for a small, round projectile, fired by hand, are discussed taking into account air drag and the dependence of the initial speed on the mass launched. Both the optimal angle of release for given projectile and initial speed, and the optimal radius for given density (i.e., among a bed of pebbles) are determined; an increase on the height of release is found to always decrease the angle and increase the radius. The influence of the projectile mass on the optimal manner of launching is considered. The validity of the approximations used in the analysis is discussed. Results from very simple measurements show good agreement with theory.
Esta tesis propone un sistema biométrico de geometría de mano orientado a entornos sin contacto junto con un sistema de detección de estrés capaz de decir qué grado de estrés tiene una determinada persona en base a señales fisiológicas Con respecto al sistema biométrico, esta tesis contribuye con el diseño y la implementación de un sistema biométrico de geometría de mano, donde la adquisición se realiza sin ningún tipo de contacto, y el patrón del usuario se crea considerando únicamente datos del propio individuo. Además, esta tesis propone un algoritmo de segmentación multiescala para solucionar los problemas que conlleva la adquisición de manos en entornos reales. Por otro lado, respecto a la extracción de características y su posterior comparación esta tesis tiene una contribución específica, proponiendo esquemas adecuados para llevar a cabo tales tareas con un coste computacional bajo pero con una alta precisión en el reconocimiento de personas. Por último, este sistema es evaluado acorde a la norma estándar ISO/IEC 19795 considerando seis bases de datos públicas. En relación al método de detección de estrés, esta tesis propone un sistema basado en dos señales fisiológicas, concretamente la tasa cardiaca y la conductancia de la piel, así como la creación de un innovador patrón de estrés que recoge el comportamiento de ambas señales bajo las situaciones de estrés y no-estrés. Además, este sistema está basado en lógica difusa para decidir el grado de estrés de un individuo. En general, este sistema es capaz de detectar estrés de forma precisa y en tiempo real, proporcionando una solución adecuada para sistemas biométricos actuales, donde la aplicación del sistema de detección de estrés es directa para evitar situaciónes donde los individuos sean forzados a proporcionar sus datos biométricos. Finalmente, esta tesis incluye un estudio de aceptabilidad del usuario, donde se evalúa cuál es la aceptación del usuario con respecto a la técnica biométrica propuesta por un total de 250 usuarios. Además se incluye un prototipo implementado en un dispositivo móvil y su evaluación. ABSTRACT: This thesis proposes a hand biometric system oriented to unconstrained and contactless scenarios together with a stress detection method able to elucidate to what extent an individual is under stress based on physiological signals. Concerning the biometric system, this thesis contributes with the design and implementation of a hand-based biometric system, where the acquisition is carried out without contact and the template is created only requiring information from a single individual. In addition, this thesis proposes an algorithm based on multiscale aggregation in order to tackle with the problem of segmentation in real unconstrained environments. Furthermore, feature extraction and matching are also a specific contributions of this thesis, providing adequate schemes to carry out both actions with low computational cost but with certain recognition accuracy. Finally, this system is evaluated according to international standard ISO/IEC 19795 considering six public databases. In relation to the stress detection method, this thesis proposes a system based on two physiological signals, namely heart rate and galvanic skin response, with the creation of an innovative stress detection template which gathers the behaviour of both physiological signals under both stressing and non-stressing situations. Besides, this system is based on fuzzy logic to elucidate the level of stress of an individual. As an overview, this system is able to detect stress accurately and in real-time, providing an adequate solution for current biometric systems, where the application of a stress detection system is direct to avoid situations where individuals are forced to provide the biometric data. Finally, this thesis includes a user acceptability evaluation, where the acceptance of the proposed biometric technique is assessed by a total of 250 individuals. In addition, this thesis includes a mobile implementation prototype and its evaluation.
This paper presents a novel method for the calibration of a parallel robot, which allows a more accurate configuration instead of a configuration based on nominal parameters. It is used, as the main sensor with one camera installed in the robot hand that determines the relative position of the robot with respect to a spherical object fixed in the working area of the robot. The positions of the end effector are related to the incremental positions of resolvers of the robot motors. A kinematic model of the robot is used to find a new group of parameters, which minimizes errors in the kinematic equations. Additionally, properties of the spherical object and intrinsic camera parameters are utilized to model the projection of the object in the image and thereby improve spatial measurements. Finally, several working tests, static and tracking tests are executed in order to verify how the robotic system behaviour improves by using calibrated parameters against nominal parameters. In order to emphasize that, this proposed new method uses neither external nor expensive sensor. That is why new robots are useful in teaching and research activities.
Una idea en la palma de una mano. Texto en italiano e inglés.
Una Idea Bien Cabe en una Mano. Sobre las maquetas pequeñas como síntesis del espacio arquitectónico = An Idea Fits in the Palm of a Hand
Jewish laws prescribed that when a first-born son was presented in the temple shortly after birth, the offering consisted of two turtle doves or pigeons. And if the family were very poor, a handful of wheat would suffice: the wheat that would fit in the palm of one’s hand. That wonderful Jewish custom, which I learnt about when writing this text, moved me deeply on account of what it shares with my proposal of making models capable of fitting into the palm of one’s hand.
This paper presents the implementation of a robust grasp mapping between a 3-finger haptic device (master) and a robotic hand (slave). Mapping is based on a grasp equivalence defined considering the manipulation capabilities of the master and slave devices. The metrics that translate the human hand gesture to the robotic hand workspace are obtained through an analytical user study. This allows a natural control of the robotic hand. The grasp mapping is accomplished defining 4 control modes that encapsulate all the grasps gestures considered.
A more natural, intuitive, user-friendly, and less intrusive Human–Computer interface for controlling an application by executing hand gestures is presented. For this purpose, a robust vision-based hand-gesture recognition system has been developed, and a new database has been created to test it. The system is divided into three stages: detection, tracking, and recognition. The detection stage searches in every frame of a video sequence potential hand poses using a binary Support Vector Machine classifier and Local Binary Patterns as feature vectors. These detections are employed as input of a tracker to generate a spatio-temporal trajectory of hand poses. Finally, the recognition stage segments a spatio-temporal volume of data using the obtained trajectories, and compute a video descriptor called Volumetric Spatiograms of Local Binary Patterns (VS-LBP), which is delivered to a bank of SVM classifiers to perform the gesture recognition. The VS-LBP is a novel video descriptor that constitutes one of the most important contributions of the paper, which is able to provide much richer spatio-temporal information than other existing approaches in the state of the art with a manageable computational cost. Excellent results have been obtained outperforming other approaches of the state of the art.
The aim of this Master Thesis is the analysis, design and development of a robust and reliable Human-Computer Interaction interface, based on visual hand-gesture recognition. The implementation of the required functions is oriented to the simulation of a classical hardware interaction device: the mouse, by recognizing a specific hand-gesture vocabulary in color video sequences. For this purpose, a prototype of a hand-gesture recognition system has been designed and implemented, which is composed of three stages: detection, tracking and recognition. This system is based on machine learning methods and pattern recognition techniques, which have been integrated together with other image processing approaches to get a high recognition accuracy and a low computational cost. Regarding pattern recongition techniques, several algorithms and strategies have been designed and implemented, which are applicable to color images and video sequences. The design of these algorithms has the purpose of extracting spatial and spatio-temporal features from static and dynamic hand gestures, in order to identify them in a robust and reliable way. Finally, a visual database containing the necessary vocabulary of gestures for interacting with the computer has been created.
Proteins containing the EF-hand Ca2+-binding motif, such as calmodulin and calcineurin B, function as regulators of various cellular processes. Here we focus on p22, an N-myristoylated, widely expressed EF-hand Ca2+-binding protein conserved throughout evolution, which was shown previously to be required for membrane traffic. Immunofluorescence studies show that p22 distributes along microtubules during interphase and mitosis in various cell lines. Moreover, we report that p22 associates with the microtubule cytoskeleton indirectly via a cytosolic microtubule-binding factor. Gel filtration studies indicate that the p22–microtubule-binding activity behaves as a 70- to 30-kDa globular protein. Our results indicate that p22 associates with microtubules via a novel N-myristoylation–dependent mechanism that does not involve classic microtubule-associated proteins and motor proteins. The association of p22 with microtubules requires the N-myristoylation of p22 but does not involve p22’s Ca2+-binding activity, suggesting that the p22–microtubule association and the role of p22 in membrane traffic are functionally related, because N-myristoylation is required for both events. Therefore, p22 is an excellent candidate for a protein that can mediate interactions between the microtubule cytoskeleton and membrane traffic.
Two groups of humans are found in the Near East ≈100,000 years ago, the late archaic Neanderthals and the early modern Skhul/Qafzeh humans. Observations that Neanderthals were more heavily muscled, had stronger upper-limb bones, and possessed unusual shapes and orientations of some upper-limb joint complexes relative to the Skhul/Qafzeh hominids, have led some researchers to conclude that significant between-group upper-limb-related behavioral differences must have been present, despite the association of the two groups with similar Middle Paleolithic archeological complexes. A three-dimensional morphometric analysis of the hand remains of the Skhul/Qafzeh hominids, Neanderthals, early and late Upper Paleolithic humans, and Holocene humans supports the dichotomy. The Skhul/Qafzeh carpometacarpal remains do not have any unique morphologies relative to the other fossil samples remains examined. However, in the functionally significant metacarpal 1 and 3 bases they resemble Upper Paleolithic humans, not Neanderthals. Furthermore, the Skhul/Qafzeh sample differs significantly from the Neanderthals in many other aspects of hand functional anatomy. Given the correlations between changes in tool technologies and functional adaptations seen in the hands of Upper Paleolithic humans, it is concluded that the Skhul/Qafzeh hand remains were adapted to Upper Paleolithic-like manipulative repertoires. These results support the inference of significant behavioral differences between Neanderthals and the Skhul/Qafzeh hominids and indicate that a significant shift in human manipulative behaviors was associated with the earliest stages of the emergence of modern humans.