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Historiallisesti yrityksen HR-toiminto (engl. human resources) on hahmotettu hallinnollisena tuki-organisaationa, joka on mielletty ennemminkin kontrolloivaksi rajoitteeksi kuin arvoa tuottavaksi ja muutosta edistäväksi kumppaniksi. Vastatakseen työelämän ja liiketoimintaympäristön muutoksiin, henkilöstöammattilaisten työn painopiste on muuttunut (ja on yhä edelleen jatkuvasti muuttumassa) suhteellisen lyhyessä ajassa operatiivisesta henkilöstöhallinnosta strategiseen suunnitteluun ja suunnannäyttämiseen. Tässä intensiivisessä tapaustutkimuksessa tarkastellaan mitkä yksilö- ja organisaatiotason te¬kijät tukevat toimimista strategisen HR-kumppanin roolissa. Varsinaiseen tutkimuskysymykseen vas-taamista tuetaan tarkastelemalla miten HR-kumppanuus voi tukea henkilöstöstrategian imple¬men-tointia, ja toisaalta millaisia sisäisiä ja ulkoisia muutospaineita yrityksen HR-toimintoihin koh¬dis¬tuu. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatio on suuren kansainvälisen vähittäiskaupan alalla toimivan konser¬nin Suomessa toimiva maayhtiö. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin kohdeorganisaation viidestä tavaratalosta kustakin henkilöstöasian¬tuntija (HR business partner), henkilöstöpäällikkö sekä maan henkilöstöjohtaja. Tutkimustulosten perusteella strategista HR-kumppanuutta tukevat tekijät jaoteltiin yksilölähtöisiin ja organisatorisiin tekijöihin. Yksilöllisiksi tekijöiksi tunnistettiin aiempi kokemus, liiketoiminnan ymmärrys, oma asenne sekä osallistuminen, joka voitiin luokitella myös organisatoriseksi tekijäksi. Organisaatiotason tekijöiksi tunnistettiin HR:n rooli organisaatiossa, johdon tuki, käytettävissä ole-vat resurssit sekä odotusten selkeys. Tutkimuksen perusteella havaittiin, että strategisen kumppanin roolilla henkilöstötoiminto pystyy vastaamaan paremmin nykyajan moniulotteisen ja -kanavaisen liiketoiminnan haasteisiin. Lisäksi se pystyy tukemaan liiketoimintaa aivan uudenlaisista lähtökoh-dista käsin verrattuna perinteisellä tavalla ajateltuun ja organisoituun henkilöstötoimintoon. Kump-panuus mahdollistaa pureutumisen syvälle liiketoiminnan ydinkysymyksiin, ymmärryksen lisään-tymisen ja sitä kautta tarjoaa mahdol¬lisuuden tukea esimiehiä aiempaa laaja-alaisemmin. Tutkimuksen perusteella HR-asi¬antuntijan tulisi olla organisaation perustehtävästä ja liiketoiminnan lainalaisuuksista kiinnostunut käytännönläheinen ammattilainen, joka hahmottaa suuremman kuvan, muttei myöskään pelkää ope¬ratiivisia rutiineja ja tehtäviä.
The successful performance of company in the market relates to the quality management of human capital aiming to improve the company's internal performance and external implementation of the core business strategy. Companies with matrix structure focusing on realization and development of innovation and technologies for the uncertain market need to select thoroughly the approach to HR management system. Human resource management has a significant impact on the organization and use a variety of instruments such as corporate information systems to fulfill their functions and objectives. There are three approaches to strategic control management depending on major impact on the major interference in employee decision-making, development of skills and his integration into the business strategy. The mainstream research has focus only on the framework of strategic planning of HR and general productivity of firm, but not on features of organizational structure and corporate software capabilities for human capital. This study tackles the before mentioned challenges, typical for matrix organization, by using the HR control management tools and corporate information system. The detailed analysis of industry producing and selling electromotor and heating equipment in this master thesis provides the opportunity to improve system for HR control and displays its application in the ERP software. The results emphasize the sustainable role of matrix HR input control for creating of independent project teams for matrix structure who are able to respond to various uncertainties of the market and use their skills for improving performance. Corporate information systems can be integrated into input control system by means of output monitoring to regulate and evaluate the processes of teams, using key performance indicators and reporting systems.
A diagram of a horse, labelled and illustrated by Dorothy Rungeling.
Diagram of the north crib float. This document is stained, n.d.
Diagram of lot no. 10 in Willoughby. The names on the outside of this document include: Matthew Singh, provincial land surveyor, Toronto; George S. Field, contractor, Niagara Falls; E. T. Phelps and H. Lyman, lawyer, Niagara Falls. The document is quite warn and fragile. This does not affect the text, n.d.
Diagram of Lot 142 and Lot 186 showing the line of the road in red, Dec.10, 1856.
Diagram of the waste weir, n.d.
In this study the relationship between Innovative HR practices and selected HR outcomes is investigated.The current study represents a unique attempt to study the effects of innovative HR practices,with job satisfaction,organisational commitment and organisational citizenship bahaviour considered as the consequent variables.Results have affirmed the role of intervening variables such as job satisfaction and organisational commitment in establishing the link between IHRP and OCB obliterating any direct relation between IHRP and organisational citizenship behaviour.This finding may enable researchers in the human resource management to develop more robust understandings of the positive effects of innnovative HR practices on HR outcomes.Thus the present study provides the obvious contribution of weaving up yet another linkage between the two complimentary disciplines of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour.The present study also contributes to the understanding of OCB by exploring its antecedents and extending the intervening role of job satisfaction and organisational commitment.The findings indicate that a higher level of introduction/initiation and satisfaction of innovative HR practices produces high job satisfaction and organisational commitment which lead to OCB.The researcher drew upon the perception-attitude-behaviour model to further realise the expected relationship among innovative HR practices,job satisfaction,organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.Consequently,this study makes a contribution to the broader organisational citizenship behaviour literature by manifesting the extended relationship path from innovative HR practices to organisational citizenship behaviour,and demonstrating that innovative Hr practices at the organisational level has an effect on employee attitudes and behaviours as well.
We present the first relativistic many-electron SCF correlation diagram for a superheavy quasimolecule: Pb - Pb. The discussion shows a large number of quantitative as well as qualitative differences as compared with the known one-electron correlation diagram.
A realistic self-consistent charge correlation diagram calculation of the Kr{^2+} - Kr{^2+} system has been performed. We get excellent agreement for the 4(3/2)_u level with an experimentally observed MO level at large distances. Possible reasons for discrepancies between experiment and theory at small distances are discussed.
Almost everyone sketches. People use sketches day in and day out in many different and heterogeneous fields, to share their thoughts and clarify ambiguous interpretations, for example. The media used to sketch varies from analog tools like flipcharts to digital tools like smartboards. Whereas analog tools are usually affected by insufficient editing capabilities like cut/copy/paste, digital tools greatly support these scenarios. Digital tools can be grouped into informal and formal tools. Informal tools can be understood as simple drawing environments, whereas formal tools offer sophisticated support to create, optimize and validate diagrams of a certain application domain. Most digital formal tools force users to stick to a concrete syntax and editing workflow, limiting the user’s creativity. For that reason, a lot of people first sketch their ideas using the flexibility of analog or digital informal tools. Subsequently, the sketch is "portrayed" in an appropriate digital formal tool. This work presents Scribble, a highly configurable and extensible sketching framework which allows to dynamically inject sketching features into existing graphical diagram editors, based on Eclipse GEF. This allows to combine the flexibility of informal tools with the power of formal tools without any effort. No additional code is required to augment a GEF editor with sophisticated sketching features. Scribble recognizes drawn elements as well as handwritten text and automatically generates the corresponding domain elements. A local training data library is created dynamically by incrementally learning shapes, drawn by the user. Training data can be shared with others using the WebScribble web application which has been created as part of this work.
A diagram of how I would like to set up the Structure of ADP Learning Objects (Stuff)
This is an interactive flash-based tutorial which attempts to teach the topic of legal concerns within HR departments. A quiz to test the user's knowledge is also provided.