974 resultados para Gravitational segregation


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The carbon potentials corresponding to the two-phase mixtures Cr + Cr23C6, Cr23C6 + Cr7C3, and Cr7C3 + Cr3C2 in the binary system Cr-C were measured in the temperature range 973 to 1173 K by using the methane-hydrogen gas equilibration technique. Special precautions were taken to prevent oxidation of the samples and to minimize thermal segregation in the gas phase. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of Cr23C6, Cr7C3, and Cr3C2 were derived from the measured carbon potentials. These values are compared with those reported in the literature. The Gibbs energies obtained in this study agree well with those obtained from solid-state cells incorporating CaF2 and ThO2(Y2O3) as solid electrolytes and sealed capsule isopiestic measurements reported in the literature.


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We use the BBGKY hierarchy equations to calculate, perturbatively, the lowest order nonlinear correction to the two-point correlation and the pair velocity for Gaussian initial conditions in a critical density matter-dominated cosmological model. We compare our results with the results obtained using the hydrodynamic equations that neglect pressure and find that the two match, indicating that there are no effects of multistreaming at this order of perturbation. We analytically study the effect of small scales on the large scales by calculating the nonlinear correction for a Dirac delta function initial two-point correlation. We find that the induced two-point correlation has a x(-6) behavior at large separations. We have considered a class of initial conditions where the initial power spectrum at small k has the form k(n) with 0 < n less than or equal to 3 and have numerically calculated the nonlinear correction to the two-point correlation, its average over a sphere and the pair velocity over a large dynamical range. We find that at small separations the effect of the nonlinear term is to enhance the clustering, whereas at intermediate scales it can act to either increase or decrease the clustering. At large scales we find a simple formula that gives a very good fit for the nonlinear correction in terms of the initial function. This formula explicitly exhibits the influence of small scales on large scales and because of this coupling the perturbative treatment breaks down at large scales much before one would expect it to if the nonlinearity were local in real space. We physically interpret this formula in terms of a simple diffusion process. We have also investigated the case n = 0, and we find that it differs from the other cases in certain respects. We investigate a recently proposed scaling property of gravitational clustering, and we find that the lowest order nonlinear terms cause deviations from the scaling relations that are strictly valid in the linear regime. The approximate validity of these relations in the nonlinear regime in l(T)-body simulations cannot be understood at this order of evolution.


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We present a study of the growth of local, nonaxisymmetric perturbations in gravitationally coupled stars and gas in a differentially rotating galactic disk. The stars and gas are treated as two isothermal fluids of different velocity dispersions, with the stellar velocity dispersion being greater than that for the gas. We examine the physical effects of inclusion of a low-velocity dispersion component (gas) on the growth of non-axisymmetric perturbations in both stars and gas, as done for the axisymmetric case by Jog & Solomon. The amplified perturbations in stars and gas constitute trailing, material, spiral features which may be identified with the local spiral features seen in all spiral galaxies. The formulation of the two-fluid equations closely follows the one-fluid treatment by Goldreich & Lynden-Bell. The local, linearized perturbation equations in the sheared frame are solved to obtain the results for a temporary growth via swing amplification. The problem is formulated in terms of five dimensionless parameters-namely, the Q-factors for stars and gas, respectively; the gas mass fraction; the shearing rate in the galactic disk; and the length scale of perturbation. By using the observed values of these parameters, we obtain the amplifications and the pitch angles for features in stars and gas for dynamically distinct cases, as applicable for different regions of spiral galaxies. A real galaxy consisting of stars and gas may display growth of nonaxisymmetric perturbations even when it is stable against axisymmetric perturbations and/or when either fluid by itself is stable against non-axisymmetric perturbations. Due to its lower velocity dispersion, the gas exhibits a higher amplification than do the stars, and the amplified gas features are slightly more tightly wound than the stellar features. When the gas contribution is high, the stellar amplification and the range of pitch angles over which it can occur are both increased, due to the gravitational coupling between the two fluids. Thus, the two-fluid scheme can explain the origin of the broad spiral arms in the underlying old stellar populations of galaxies, as observed by Schweizer and Elmegreen & Elmegreen. The arms are predicted to be broader in gas-rich galaxies, as is indeed seen for example in M33. In the linear regime studied here, the arm contrast is shown to increase with radius in the inner Galaxy, in agreement with observations of external galaxies by Schweizer. These results follow directly due to the inclusion of gas in the problem.


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We provide a comparative performance evaluation of packet queuing and link admission strategies for low-speed wide area network Links (e.g. 9600 bps, 64 kbps) that interconnect relatively highspeed, connectionless local area networks (e.g. 10 Mbps). In particular, we are concerned with the problem of providing differential quality of service to interLAN remote terminal and file transfer sessions, and throughput fairness between interLAN file transfer sessions. We use analytical and simulation models to study a variety of strategies. Our work also serves to address the performance comparison of connectionless vs. connection-oriented interconnection of CLNS LANS. When provision of priority at the physical transmission level is not feasible, we show, for low-speed WAN links (e.g. 9600 bps), the superiority of connection-oriented interconnection of connectionless LANs, with segregation of traffic streams with different QoS requirements into different window flow controlled connections. Such an implementation can easily be obtained by transporting IP packets over an X.25 WAN. For 64 kbps WAN links, there is a drop in file transfer throughputs, owing to connection overheads, but the other advantages are retained, The same solution also helps to provide throughput fairness between interLAN file transfer sessions. We also provide a corroboration of some of our modelling results with results from an experimental test-bed.


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In the present study, 6061 Al metallic matrix was reinforced by 12.2 wt% df SiC particulates using liquid metallurgy route. The composite material thus obtained was extruded and characterized in the as-solutionized and peak aged conditions in order to delineate the effect of aging associated precipitation of secondary phases on the tensile fracture behavior of the composite samples. The results' of microstructural characterization studies carried out using scanning electron microscope revealed the increased presence of precipitated secondary phases in the metallic matrix and a more pronounced interfacial segregation of alloying elements in case of peak aged samples when compared to the as-solutionized samples. The results of the fractographic studies conducted on the as-solutionized samples revealed that the failure was dominated by the SiC particulates cracking while for the peak aged samples the fracture surface revealed a comparatively more pronounced SiC/6061 Al debonding and reduced SiC particulates cracking. This change in the failure behavior was rationalized in terms of embrittlement of the interfacial region brought about by the aging heat treatment and is correlated, in addition, with the mechanical properties of the composite samples in as-solutionized and peak aged conditions.


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Experiments were conducted on the oxygen transfer coefficient, k(L)a(20), through surface aeration in geometrically similar square tanks, with a rotor of diameter D fitted with six flat blades. An optimal geometric similarity of various linear dimensions, which produced maximum k(L)a(20) for any rotational speed of rotor N by an earlier study, was maintained. A simulation equation uniquely correlating k = k(L)a(20)(nu/g(2))(1/3) (nu and g are kinematic viscosity of water and gravitational constant, respectively), and a parameter governing the theoretical power per unit volume, X = (ND2)-D-3/(g(4/3)nu(1/3)), is developed. Such a simulation equation can be used to predict maximum k for any N in any size of such geometrically similar square tanks. An example illustrating the application of results is presented. Also, it has been established that neither the Reynolds criterion nor the Froude criterion is singularly valid to simulate either k or K = k(L)a(20)/N, simultaneously in all the sizes of tanks, even through they are geometrically similar. Occurrence of "scale effects" due to the Reynolds and the Froude laws of similitude on both k and K are also evaluated.


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(La0.667Ca0.333Mn1-xMO3-delta)-O-x (M = Mg, Li or Re) exhibit insulating behaviour and nonlinear current-voltage (J-E) relationship with voltage-limiting characteristics at temperatures below the ferromagnetic transition (T-c). The high current region is set in at field strengths <60 V/cm. Nonlinearity exponent, alpha in the relation J = kE(alpha) increases inversely with temperature. In presence of an external magnetic field, the J-E curves show higher current density at lower field strengths. Microstructural studies indicate that there is no segregation of secondary phases in the grain boundary regions. There is remarkable changes in p(T) as well as J-E curves with the grain size. Annealing studies in lower p(O2) atmospheres indicate that there is significant out-diffusion of oxygen ions through the grain boundary layer (GBL) regions creating oxygen vacancies in the GBL regions. The concentration of Mn4+ ions is lowered at the GBL due to oxygen vacancies, reducing the probability of hopping and resulting in insulating behaviour. Therefore an insulating barrier is introduced between two conducting grains and the carrier motion between the grains is inhibited. Thus below T-c, where sufficient increase in resistivity is observed the conduction may be arising as a result of spin dependent tunneling across the barrier. External electric field lowers the barrier height and establishes carrier transport across the barrier. Above certain field strength, barrier height diminishes significantly and thereby allowing large number of carriers for conduction, giving rise to highly nonlinear conductivity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe simple one-dimensional models of passive (no energy input, no control), generally dissipative, vertical hopping and one-ball juggling. The central observation is that internal passive system motions can conspire to eliminate collisions in these systems. For hopping, two point masses are connected by a spring and the lower mass has inelastic collisions with the ground. For juggling, a lower point-mass hand is connected by a spring to the ground and an upper point-mass ball is caught with an inelastic collision and then re-thrown into gravitational free flight. The two systems have identical dynamics. Despite inelastic collisions between non-zero masses, these systems have special symmetric energy-conserving periodic motions where the collision is at zero relative velocity. Additionally, these special periodic motions have a non-zero sized, one-sided region of attraction on the higher-energy side. For either very large or very small mass ratios, the one-sided region of attraction is large. These results persist for mildly non-linear springs and non-constant gravity. Although non-collisional damping destroys the periodic motions, small energy injection makes the periodic motions stable, with a two-sided region of attraction. The existence of such special energy conserving solutions for hopping and juggling points to possibly useful strategies for both animals and robots. The lossless motions are demonstrated with a table-top experiment.


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A systematic approach is developed for scaling analysis of momentum, heat and species conservation equations pertaining to the case of solidification of a binary mixture. The problem formulation and description of boundary conditions are kept fairly general, so that a large class of problems can be addressed. Analysis of the momentum equations coupled with phase change considerations leads to the establishment of an advection velocity scale. Analysis of the energy equation leads to an estimation of the solid layer thickness. Different regimes corresponding to different dominant modes of transport are simultaneously identified. A comparative study involving several cases of possible thermal boundary conditions is also performed. Finally, a scaling analysis of the species conservation equation is carried out, revealing the effect of a non-equilibrium solidification model on solute segregation and species distribution. It is shown that non-equilibrium effects result in an enhanced macrosegregation compared with the case of an equilibrium model. For the sake of assessment of the scaling analysis, the predictions are validated against corresponding computational results.


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In this article, a single-phase, one-domain macroscopic model is developed for studying binary alloy solidification with moving equiaxed solid phase, along with the associated transport phenomena. In this model, issues such as thermosolutal convection, motion of solid phase relative to liquid and viscosity variations of the solid-liquid mixture with solid fraction in the mobile zone are taken into account. Using the model, the associated transport phenomena during solidification of Al-Cu alloys in a rectangular cavity are predicted. The results for temperature variation, segregation patterns, and eutectic fraction distribution are compared with data from in-house experiments. The model predictions compare well with the experimental results. To highlight the influence of solid phase movement on convection and final macrosegregation, the results of the current model are also compared with those obtained from the conventional solidification model with stationary solid phase. By including the independent movement of the solid phase into the fluid transport model, better predictions of macrosegregation, microstructure, and even shrinkage locations were obtained. Mechanical property prediction models based on microstructure will benefit from the improved accuracy of this model.


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We compute the temperature profiles of accretion discs around rapidly rotating strange stars, using constant gravitational mass equilibrium sequences of these objects, considering the full effect of general relativity. Beyond a certain critical value of stellar angular momentum (J), we observe the radius ( $r_{\rm orb}$) of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) to increase with J (a property seen neither in rotating black holes nor in rotating neutron stars). The reason for this is traced to the crucial dependence of ${\rm d}r_{\rm orb}/{\rm d}J$ on the rate of change of the radial gradient of the Keplerian angular velocity at $r_{\rm orb}$ with respect to J. The structure parameters and temperature profiles obtained are compared with those of neutron stars, as an attempt to provide signatures for distinguishing between the two. We show that when the full gamut of strange star equation of state models, with varying degrees of stiffness are considered, there exists a substantial overlap in properties of both neutron stars and strange stars. However, applying accretion disc model constraints to rule out stiff strange star equation of state models, we notice that neutron stars and strange stars exclusively occupy certain parameter spaces. This result implies the possibility of distinguishing these objects from each other by sensitive observations through future X-ray detectors.


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Electrochemical deposition of Ni-Pd alloy films of various compositions from bath solution containing ethylenediamine (EDA) was carried out to use as anode material for methanol oxidative fuel cell in H2SO4 medium. Electronic absorption spectrum of bath solution containing Ni2+ Pd2+ ions and EDA indicated the formation of a four coordinate square planar metal-ligand complex of both the metal ions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the deposited alloy films show an increase in Pd-Ni alloy lattice parameter with increase in Pd content, and indicate the substitution of Pd in the lattice. A nano/ultrafine kind of crystal growth was observed in the alloy film deposited at low current density (2.5 mA cm(-2)). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) studies on the successively sputtered films showed the presence of Ni and Pd in pure metallic states and the surface concentration ratio of Ni to Pd is less than bulk indicating the segregation of Pd on the surface. Electro-catalytic oxidation of methanol in H2SO4 medium is found to be promoted on Ni-Pd electrodeposits. The anodic peak current characteristics to oxidation reaction on Ni-Pd was found typically high when compared to pure nickel and the relative increase in surface area by alloying the Ni by Pd was found to be as much as 300 times. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Small mammals were sampled in two natural habitats (montane stunted evergreen forests and montane grassland) and four anthropogenic habitats (tea, wattle, bluegum and pine plantation) in the Upper Nilgiris in southern India. Of the species trapped, eight were in montane evergreen forests and three were in other habitats. Habitat discrimination was studied in the rodents Rattus rattus and Mus famulus and the shrew Suncus montanus in the montane forest habitat. Multivariate tests on five variables (canopy cover, midstorey density, ground cover, tree density, canopy height) showed that R. rattus uses areas of higher tree density and lower canopy cover. Suncus montanus and M. famulus use habitat with higher tree density and ground cover and lower canopy height. Multivariate tests did not discriminate habitat use between the species. Univariate tests, however, showed that M. famulus uses areas of higher tree density than R. rattus and S. montanus. Rattus rattus was the dominant species in the montane forest, comprising 60.9% of total density, while the rodent Millardia meltada was the dominant species in the grassland. Studies of spatial interaction between these two species in habitats where they coexisted showed neither overlap nor avoidance between the species. Rattus rattus, however, did use areas of lower ground cover than did M. meltada. The analysis of spatial interactions between the species, habitat discrimination and use, and the removal experiments suggest that interspecific competition may not be a strong force in structuring these small mammal communities. There are distinct patterns in the use of different habitats by some species, but microhabitat selection and segregation is weak. Other factors such as intraspecific competition may play a more important role in these communities.


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A galactic disk in a spiral galaxy is generally believed to be embedded in an extended dark matter halo, which dominates its dynamics in the outer parts. However, the shape of the halo is not clearly understood. Here we show that the dark matter halo in the Milky Way is prolate in shape. Further, it is increasingly more prolate at larger radii, with the vertical-to-planar axis ratio monotonically increasing to 2.0 at 24 kpc. This is obtained by modeling the observed steeply flaring atomic hydrogen gas layer in the outer Galactic disk, where the gas is supported by pressure against the net gravitational field of the disk and the halo. The resulting prolate-shaped halo can explain several long-standing puzzles in galactic dynamics, for example, it permits long-lived warps thus explaining their ubiquitous nature.


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Solubilities of common metal sulfides have been determined in the (NaCl+KCl) eutectic melt with and without Na2S. A novel gas-phase equilibrium technique has been used for PbS, Bi2S3, and So2S3, and an improved liquid phase equilibrium technique for Cu2S, which eliminates the errors due to physical entrapment of the sulfide phase and segregation on quenching, enabling precise measurements to be made. Solubilities in the (NaCl+KCl) eutectic melt were determined as a function of temperature in the rante 700° to 950°C, and were found to be small. The partial molar heats of mixing of the sulfides in the eutectic melt have been calculated from the solubility measurements, to be 13.3, 31.4, 37.1, and 49.0 kcal for PbSs), Sb2S2(l), and Cu2S(s), respectively. Sodium sulfide addition was observed to enhance these solubilities, the effect being largest for Cu2S followed by Sb2S3, Bi2S3, and PbS. This effect is explained qualitatively. It was observed that PbS and Sb2S3 obey Henry's law up to saturation in (NaCl+KCl+Na2S) melts.