933 resultados para Graph matching
O acesso ao capital por empreendedores em start-ups está tradicionalmente fundamentado na indústria de Venture Capital (VC). Nos países emergentes, incluindo o Brasil, foi somente na última década que essa indústria passou a ter uma importância relativa maior às outras fontes de capital disponíveis. Ocorreu que a indústria passou a contar com a migração de fundos estrangeiros tradicionais atraídos pelo potencial de crescimento, pelas oportunidades de novos negócios e incentivos governamentais nesses países. Dessa forma, pode-se considerar que o desenvolvimento da indústria de VC é algo relativamente embrionário no Brasil. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal identificar quais foram os fatores determinantes para que os investidores (Venture Capital) e os investidos (start-up) decidissem por desenvolver uma sociedade em determinado negócio, sob o contexto institucional brasileiro. A pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada pela abordagem exploratória, a partir de entrevistas em profundidade (quatorze, no total) com investidores e investidos brasileiros que já haviam realizado uma sociedade há até dois anos. As entrevistas totalizaram nove matchings, ou pares de investidores e investidos num negócio. Os resultados oriundos dessas entrevistas demonstraram padrões e processos muito similares aos estudados nos países em que essa indústria é considerada desenvolvida. Os dados demonstram, porém, que no Brasil, como em outros países emergentes, a questão do relacionamento entre investidor e investido representa o principal fator para a realização de um negócio entre as partes. Além disso, indica que o relacionamento interpessoal representa um peso maior quando comparado aos outros fatores identificados na pesquisa.
We construct a frictionless matching model of the marriage market where women have bidimensional attributes, one continuous (income) and the other dichotomous (home ability). Equilibrium in the marriage market determines intrahousehold allocation of resources and female labor participation. Our model is able to predict partial non-assortative matching, with rich men marrying women with low income but high home ability. We then perform numerical exercises to evaluate the impacts of income taxes in individual welfare and find that there is considerable divergence in the female labor participation response to taxes between the short run and the long run.
A matemÆtica discreta Ø um dos ramos mais antigos da matemÆtica. Nos tempos mais recentes sofreu grandes avanos em especial na teoria dos grafos, a qual tornou-se numa poderosa ferramenta de anÆlise para entender e dar soluªo a vÆrios tipos de problemas complexos. O objectivo deste trabalho Ø contribuir para a obtenªo de possveis relaıes entre assuntos que partida poderamos pensar que sªo dspares (quando na realidade nªo o sªo), como coloraªo, planaridade e a existŒncia de matching em grafos. Esta dissertaªo Ø um trabalho de natureza reexiva, sobre a teoria dos grafos onde a ideia principal passa por questionarmos e discutirmos alguns temas pertinentes, deniıes e teoremas relacionando sempre com a planaridade dos grafos. DesenvolveremosumraciocnioecriaremosargumentosquefundamentemaexistŒncia de uma relaªo entre este tema e a coloraªo de grafos e a existŒncia de matching em grafos, utilizando exemplos e estabelecendo relaıes de causa e consequŒncia, deduzindo assim as respetivas conclusıes. Por vezes, os grafos nªo planares podem conter um aspeto visual um pouco complexo, devido aos vÆrios cruzamentos entre as suas arestas, originando assim um certo desencorajamento em utilizÆ-los como ferramenta para a soluªo de vÆrios problemas, quer sejam bÆsicos do quotidiano, ou mais complexos das mais vastas Æreas ligadas investigaªo. Um dos propsitos deste trabalho passa por desmisticar esta ideia e provar que existem muitas deniıes, propriedades, teoremas e algoritmos que podem ser aplicados em qualquer tipo de grafos, independentement da sua planaridade.
Early psychiatry investigated dreams to understand psychopathologies. Contemporary psychiatry, which neglects dreams, has been criticized for lack of objectivity. In search of quantitative insight into the structure of psychotic speech, we investigated speech graph attributes (SGA) in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder type I, and non-psychotic controls as they reported waking and dream contents. Schizophrenic subjects spoke with reduced connectivity, in tight correlation with negative and cognitive symptoms measured by standard psychometric scales. Bipolar and control subjects were undistinguishable by waking reports, but in dream reports bipolar subjects showed significantly less connectivity. Dream-related SGA outperformed psychometric scores or waking-related data for group sorting. Altogether, the results indicate that online and offline processing, the two most fundamental modes of brain operation, produce nearly opposite effects on recollections: While dreaming exposes differences in the mnemonic records across individuals, waking dampens distinctions. The results also demonstrate the feasibility of the differential diagnosis of psychosis based on the analysis of dream graphs, pointing to a fast, low-cost and language-invariant tool for psychiatric diagnosis and the objective search for biomarkers. The Freudian notion that ‘‘dreams are the royal road to the unconscious’’ is clinically useful, after all.
Early psychiatry investigated dreams to understand psychopathologies. Contemporary psychiatry, which neglects dreams, has been criticized for lack of objectivity. In search of quantitative insight into the structure of psychotic speech, we investigated speech graph attributes (SGA) in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder type I, and non-psychotic controls as they reported waking and dream contents. Schizophrenic subjects spoke with reduced connectivity, in tight correlation with negative and cognitive symptoms measured by standard psychometric scales. Bipolar and control subjects were undistinguishable by waking reports, but in dream reports bipolar subjects showed significantly less connectivity. Dream-related SGA outperformed psychometric scores or waking-related data for group sorting. Altogether, the results indicate that online and offline processing, the two most fundamental modes of brain operation, produce nearly opposite effects on recollections: While dreaming exposes differences in the mnemonic records across individuals, waking dampens distinctions. The results also demonstrate the feasibility of the differential diagnosis of psychosis based on the analysis of dream graphs, pointing to a fast, low-cost and language-invariant tool for psychiatric diagnosis and the objective search for biomarkers. The Freudian notion that ‘‘dreams are the royal road to the unconscious’’ is clinically useful, after all
Early psychiatry investigated dreams to understand psychopathologies. Contemporary psychiatry, which neglects dreams, has been criticized for lack of objectivity. In search of quantitative insight into the structure of psychotic speech, we investigated speech graph attributes (SGA) in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder type I, and non-psychotic controls as they reported waking and dream contents. Schizophrenic subjects spoke with reduced connectivity, in tight correlation with negative and cognitive symptoms measured by standard psychometric scales. Bipolar and control subjects were undistinguishable by waking reports, but in dream reports bipolar subjects showed significantly less connectivity. Dream-related SGA outperformed psychometric scores or waking-related data for group sorting. Altogether, the results indicate that online and offline processing, the two most fundamental modes of brain operation, produce nearly opposite effects on recollections: While dreaming exposes differences in the mnemonic records across individuals, waking dampens distinctions. The results also demonstrate the feasibility of the differential diagnosis of psychosis based on the analysis of dream graphs, pointing to a fast, low-cost and language-invariant tool for psychiatric diagnosis and the objective search for biomarkers. The Freudian notion that ‘‘dreams are the royal road to the unconscious’’ is clinically useful, after all
Early psychiatry investigated dreams to understand psychopathologies. Contemporary psychiatry, which neglects dreams, has been criticized for lack of objectivity. In search of quantitative insight into the structure of psychotic speech, we investigated speech graph attributes (SGA) in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder type I, and non-psychotic controls as they reported waking and dream contents. Schizophrenic subjects spoke with reduced connectivity, in tight correlation with negative and cognitive symptoms measured by standard psychometric scales. Bipolar and control subjects were undistinguishable by waking reports, but in dream reports bipolar subjects showed significantly less connectivity. Dream-related SGA outperformed psychometric scores or waking-related data for group sorting. Altogether, the results indicate that online and offline processing, the two most fundamental modes of brain operation, produce nearly opposite effects on recollections: While dreaming exposes differences in the mnemonic records across individuals, waking dampens distinctions. The results also demonstrate the feasibility of the differential diagnosis of psychosis based on the analysis of dream graphs, pointing to a fast, low-cost and language-invariant tool for psychiatric diagnosis and the objective search for biomarkers. The Freudian notion that ‘‘dreams are the royal road to the unconscious’’ is clinically useful, after all.