966 resultados para Glycogen Storage Disease Type I
Classical swine fever virus infection of pigs causes disease courses from life-threatening to asymptomatic, depending on the virulence of the virus strain and the immunocompetence of the host. The virus targets immune cells, which are central in orchestrating innate and adaptive immune responses such as macrophages and conventional and plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Here, we review current knowledge and concepts aiming to explain the immunopathogenesis of the disease at both the host and the cellular level. We propose that the interferon type I system and in particular the interaction of the virus with plasmacytoid dendritic cells and macrophages is crucial to understand elements governing the induction of protective rather than pathogenic immune responses. The review also concludes that despite the knowledge available many aspects of classical swine fever immunopathogenesis are still puzzling.
INTRODUCTION Fibrinogen storage disease (FSD) is characterized by hypofibrinogenemia and hepatic inclusions due to impaired release of mutant fibrinogen which accumulates and aggregates in the hepatocellular endoplasmic reticulum. Liver disease is variable. AIM We studied a new Swiss family with fibrinogen Aguadilla. In order to understand the molecular peculiarity of FSD mutations, fibrinogen Aguadilla and the three other causative mutations, all located in the γD domain, were modelled. METHOD The proband is a Swiss girl aged 4 investigated because of fatigue and elevated liver enzymes. Protein structure models were prepared using the Swiss-PdbViewer and POV-Ray software. RESULTS The proband was found to be heterozygous for fibrinogen Aguadilla: FGG Arg375Trp. Familial screening revealed that her mother and maternal grandmother were also affected and, in addition, respectively heterozygous and homozygous for the hereditary haemochromatosis mutation HFE C282Y. Models of backbone and side-chain interactions for fibrinogen Aguadilla in a 10-angstrom region revealed the loss of five H-bonds and the gain of one H-bond between structurally important amino acids. The structure predicted for fibrinogen Angers showed a novel helical structure in place of hole 'a' on the outer edge of γD likely to have a negative impact on fibrinogen assembly and secretion. CONCLUSION The mechanism by which FSD mutations generate hepatic intracellular inclusions is still not clearly established although the promotion of aberrant intermolecular strand insertions is emerging as a likely cause. Reporting new cases is essential in the light of novel opportunities of treatment offered by increasing knowledge of the degradation pathway and autophagy.
Class I MHC proteins have been shown to induce accelerated rejection or prolong survival of allografts in various experimental models. These immunological effects have been attributed to the highly polymorphic alpha helical regions of the extracellular portions of the class I MHC molecule. The present experiments were designed to elucidate the immunomodulatory effects of these polymorphic regions and delineate the mechanisms involved. Soluble allochimeric class I MHC proteins were produced by substituting the PVG class I MHC RT1.Ac amino acid residues within the a 1 helical region with those of the donor BN ( a 1hn-RT1.Ac), the a 2 helical region of BN ( a 2hn-RT1.Ac), and both the a 1 and a 2 helical regions (RT1.An). The class I MHC proteins were produced in an E. coli protein expression system. The a 2hn-RT1.Ac and RT1.An proteins, when administered subcutaneously into PVG hosts 7 days prior to transplantation, resulted in accelerated rejection of BN cardiac allografts. The a 1hn-RT1.Ac construct did not demonstrate such immunogenic effects. Intra-portal administration of a 1hn-RT1.Ac or RT1.An, in combination with perioperative CsA, induced tolerance to BN cardiac allografts. The a 1hn-RT1.Ac protein was able to induce tolerance in a larger majority of the PVG recipients and at a lower dose of protein when compared to the RT1.An protein. RT1.An administered orally to PVG recipients also induced long term survival of cardiac allografts. In vitro analysis revealed that lymphocytes from tolerant hosts were hyporesponsive to donor splenocytes, but responsive to 3rd party splenocytes. Evaluation of T cell cytokine expression patterns revealed that rejector PVG hosts displayed a Type I T-cell response when re-challenged with donor splenocytes, in contrast to tolerant animals that displayed a Type II T-cell response. FACS analysis of the T cells revealed that the ratio of CD4 to CD8 cells was 3:1 and was consistent in the groups tested suggesting a complex interaction between the subsets of T cells, yielding the observed results. Histologic analysis of the cardiac allografts revealed that tolerant PVG hosts maintained BN cardiac allografts without any evidence of acute or chronic rejection after 300 days post transplant. This body of work has demonstrated that the use of soluble donor/recipient allochimeric class I MHC proteins with a short peri-operative course of CsA resulted in transplant tolerance. This treatment regimen proffers a clinically relevant approach to the induction of tolerance across MHC barriers. ^
With hundreds of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a candidate gene and millions of SNPs across the genome, selecting an informative subset of SNPs to maximize the ability to detect genotype-phenotype association is of great interest and importance. In addition, with a large number of SNPs, analytic methods are needed that allow investigators to control the false positive rate resulting from large numbers of SNP genotype-phenotype analyses. This dissertation uses simulated data to explore methods for selecting SNPs for genotype-phenotype association studies. I examined the pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD) across a candidate gene region and used this pattern to aid in localizing a disease-influencing mutation. The results indicate that the r2 measure of linkage disequilibrium is preferred over the common D′ measure for use in genotype-phenotype association studies. Using step-wise linear regression, the best predictor of the quantitative trait was not usually the single functional mutation. Rather it was a SNP that was in high linkage disequilibrium with the functional mutation. Next, I compared three strategies for selecting SNPs for application to phenotype association studies: based on measures of linkage disequilibrium, based on a measure of haplotype diversity, and random selection. The results demonstrate that SNPs selected based on maximum haplotype diversity are more informative and yield higher power than randomly selected SNPs or SNPs selected based on low pair-wise LD. The data also indicate that for genes with small contribution to the phenotype, it is more prudent for investigators to increase their sample size than to continuously increase the number of SNPs in order to improve statistical power. When typing large numbers of SNPs, researchers are faced with the challenge of utilizing an appropriate statistical method that controls the type I error rate while maintaining adequate power. We show that an empirical genotype based multi-locus global test that uses permutation testing to investigate the null distribution of the maximum test statistic maintains a desired overall type I error rate while not overly sacrificing statistical power. The results also show that when the penetrance model is simple the multi-locus global test does as well or better than the haplotype analysis. However, for more complex models, haplotype analyses offer advantages. The results of this dissertation will be of utility to human geneticists designing large-scale multi-locus genotype-phenotype association studies. ^
Genetic anticipation is defined as a decrease in age of onset or increase in severity as the disorder is transmitted through subsequent generations. Anticipation has been noted in the literature for over a century. Recently, anticipation in several diseases including Huntington's Disease, Myotonic Dystrophy and Fragile X Syndrome were shown to be caused by expansion of triplet repeats. Anticipation effects have also been observed in numerous mental disorders (e.g. Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder), cancers (Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, Leukemia) and other complex diseases. ^ Several statistical methods have been applied to determine whether anticipation is a true phenomenon in a particular disorder, including standard statistical tests and newly developed affected parent/affected child pair methods. These methods have been shown to be inappropriate for assessing anticipation for a variety of reasons, including familial correlation and low power. Therefore, we have developed family-based likelihood modeling approaches to model the underlying transmission of the disease gene and penetrance function and hence detect anticipation. These methods can be applied in extended families, thus improving the power to detect anticipation compared with existing methods based only upon parents and children. The first method we have proposed is based on the regressive logistic hazard model. This approach models anticipation by a generational covariate. The second method allows alleles to mutate as they are transmitted from parents to offspring and is appropriate for modeling the known triplet repeat diseases in which the disease alleles can become more deleterious as they are transmitted across generations. ^ To evaluate the new methods, we performed extensive simulation studies for data simulated under different conditions to evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithms to detect genetic anticipation. Results from analysis by the first method yielded empirical power greater than 87% based on the 5% type I error critical value identified in each simulation depending on the method of data generation and current age criteria. Analysis by the second method was not possible due to the current formulation of the software. The application of this method to Huntington's Disease and Li-Fraumeni Syndrome data sets revealed evidence for a generation effect in both cases. ^
Studies have shown that rare genetic variants have stronger effects in predisposing common diseases, and several statistical methods have been developed for association studies involving rare variants. In order to better understand how these statistical methods perform, we seek to compare two recently developed rare variant statistical methods (VT and C-alpha) on 10,000 simulated re-sequencing data sets with disease status and the corresponding 10,000 simulated null data sets. The SLC1A1 gene has been suggested to be associated with diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in previous studies. In the current study, we applied VT and C-alpha methods to the empirical re-sequencing data for the SLC1A1 gene from 300 whites and 200 blacks. We found that VT method obtains higher power and performs better than C-alpha method with the simulated data we used. The type I errors were well-controlled for both methods. In addition, both VT and C-alpha methods suggested no statistical evidence for the association between the SLC1A1 gene and DBP. Overall, our findings provided an important comparison of the two statistical methods for future reference and provided preliminary and pioneer findings on the association between the SLC1A1 gene and blood pressure.^
The photoluminescence efficiency of GaAsSb-capped InAs/GaAs type II quantum dots (QDs) can be greatly enhanced by rapid thermal annealing while preserving long radiative lifetimes which are ∼20 times larger than in standard GaAs-capped InAs/GaAs QDs. Despite the reduced electron-hole wavefunction overlap, the type-II samples are more efficient than the type-I counterparts in terms of luminescence, showing a great potential for device applications. Strain-driven In-Ga intermixing during annealing is found to modify the QD shape and composition, while As-Sb exchange is inhibited, allowing to keep the type-II structure. Sb is only redistributed within the capping layer giving rise to a more homogeneous composition.
Adenoviral vectors were used to deliver genes encoding a soluble interleukin 1 (IL-1)-type I receptor-IgG fusion protein and/or a soluble type I tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) receptor-IgG fusion protein directly to the knees of rabbits with antigen-induced arthritis. When tested individually, knees receiving the soluble IL-1 receptor had significantly reduced cartilage matrix degradation and white blood cell infiltration into the joint space. Delivery of the soluble TNFα receptor was less effective, having only a moderate effect on white blood cell infiltration and no effect on cartilage breakdown. When both soluble receptors were used together, there was a greater inhibition of white blood cell infiltration and cartilage breakdown with a considerable reduction of synovitis. Interestingly, anti-arthritic effects were also seen in contralateral control knees receiving only a marker gene, suggesting that sustained local inhibition of disease activity in one joint may confer an anti-arthritic effect on other joints. These results suggest that local intra-articular gene transfer could be used to treat systemic polyarticular arthritides.
Although the CLN3 gene for Batten disease, the most common inherited neurovisceral storage disease of childhood, was identified in 1995, the function of the corresponding protein still remains elusive. We previously cloned the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue to the human CLN3 gene, designated BTN1, which is not essential and whose product is 39% identical and 59% similar to Cln3p. We report that btn1-Δ deletion yeast strains are more resistant to d-(−)-threo-2-amino-1-[p-nitrophenyl]-1,3-propanediol (denoted ANP), a phenotype that is complemented in yeast by the human CLN3 gene. Furthermore, the severity of Batten disease in humans and the degree of ANP resistance in yeast are related when the equivalent amino acid replacements in Cln3p and Btn1p are compared. These results indicate that yeast can be used as a model for the study of Batten disease.
Aggregation of Ig light chains to form amyloid fibrils is a characteristic feature of light-chain amyloidosis, a light-chain deposition disease. A recombinant variable domain of the light chain SMA was used to form amyloid fibrils in vitro. Fibril formation was monitored by atomic force microscopy imaging. Single filaments 2.4 nm in diameter were predominant at early times; protofibrils 4.0 nm in diameter were predominant at intermediate times; type I and type II fibrils 8.0 nm and 6.0 nm in diameter, respectively, were predominant at the endpoints. The increase in number of fibrils correlated with increased binding of the fluorescent dye thioflavin T. The fibrils and protofibrils showed a braided structure, suggesting that their formation involves the winding of protofibrils and filaments, respectively. These observations support a model in which two filaments combine to form a protofibril, two protofibrils intertwine to form a type I fibril, and three filaments form a type II fibril.
Members of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily signal through heteromeric type I and type II serine/threonine kinase receptors. Transgenic mice that overexpress a dominant-negative mutation of the TGF-β type II receptor (DNIIR) under the control of a metallothionein-derived promoter (MT-DNIIR) were used to determine the role of endogenous TGF-βs in the developing mammary gland. The expression of the dominant-negative receptor was induced with zinc and was primarily localized to the stroma underlying the ductal epithelium in the mammary glands of virgin transgenic mice from two separate mouse lines. In MT-DNIIR virgin females treated with zinc, there was an increase in lateral branching of the ductal epithelium. We tested the hypothesis that expression of the dominant-negative receptor may alter expression of genes that are expressed in the stroma and regulated by TGF-βs, potentially resulting in the increased lateral branching seen in the MT-DNIIR mammary glands. The expression of hepatocyte growth factor mRNA was increased in mammary glands from transgenic animals relative to the wild-type controls, suggesting that this factor may play a role in TGF-β-mediated regulation of lateral branching. Loss of responsiveness to TGF-βs in the mammary stroma resulted in increased branching in mammary epithelium, suggesting that TGF-βs play an important role in the stromal–epithelial interactions required for branching morphogenesis.
Inflammatory destruction of insulin-producing β cells in the pancreatic islets is the hallmark of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, a spontaneous autoimmune disease of non-obese diabetic mice resembling human juvenile (type I) diabetes. Histochemical analysis of diabetic pancreata revealed that mononuclear cells infiltrating the islets and causing autoimmune insulitis, as well as local islet cells, express the CD44 receptor; hyaluronic acid, the principal ligand of CD44, is detected in the islet periphery and islet endothelium. Injection of anti-CD44 mAb 1 hr before cell transfer of diabetogenic splenocytes and subsequently on alternate days for 4 weeks induced considerable resistance to diabetes in recipient mice, reflected by reduced insulitis. Contact sensitivity to oxazolone was not influenced by this treatment. A similar antidiabetic effect was observed even when the anti-CD44 mAb administration was initiated at the time of disease onset: i.e., 4–7 weeks after cell transfer. Administration of the enzyme hyaluronidase also induced appreciable resistance to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, suggesting that the CD44–hyaluronic acid interaction is involved in the development of the disease. These findings demonstrate that CD44-positive inflammatory cells may be a potential therapeutic target in insulin-dependent diabetes.
Sandhoff disease is a lysosomal storage disorder characterized by the absence of β-hexosaminidase and storage of GM2 ganglioside and related glycolipids in the central nervous system. The glycolipid storage causes severe neurodegeneration through a poorly understood pathogenic mechanism. In symptomatic Sandhoff disease mice, apoptotic neuronal cell death was prominent in the caudal regions of the brain. cDNA microarray analysis to monitor gene expression during neuronal cell death revealed an upregulation of genes related to an inflammatory process dominated by activated microglia. Activated microglial expansion, based on gene expression and histologic analysis, was found to precede massive neuronal death. Extensive microglia activation also was detected in a human case of Sandhoff disease. Bone marrow transplantation of Sandhoff disease mice suppressed both the explosive expansion of activated microglia and the neuronal cell death without detectable decreases in neuronal GM2 ganglioside storage. These results suggest a mechanism of neurodegeneration that includes a vigorous inflammatory response as an important component. Thus, this lysosomal storage disease has parallels to other neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's and prion diseases, where inflammatory processes are believed to participate directly in neuronal cell death.
We introduced disulfide bonds to lock the integrin αLβ2 I domain in predicted open, ligand binding or closed, nonbinding conformations. Transfectants expressing αLβ2 heterodimers containing locked-open but not locked-closed or wild-type I domains constitutively adhered to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) substrates. Locking the I domain closed abolished constitutive and activatable adhesion. The isolated locked-open I domain bound as well as the activated αLβ2 heterodimer, and binding was abolished by reduction of the disulfide. Lovastatin, which binds under the conformationally mobile C-terminal α-helix of the I domain, inhibited binding to ICAM-1 by αLβ2 with wild-type, but not locked-open I domains. These data establish the importance of conformational change in the αL I domain for adhesive function and show that this domain is sufficient for full adhesive activity.
DPC4 is known to mediate signals initiated by type β transforming growth factor (TGFβ) as well as by other TGFβ superfamily ligands such as activin and BMP (bone morphogenic proteins), but mutational surveys of such non-TGFβ receptors have been negative to date. Here we describe the gene structure and novel somatic mutations of the activin type I receptor, ACVR1B, in pancreatic cancer. ACVR1B has not been described previously as a mutated tumor-suppressor gene.