912 resultados para Geographic Isolation
When publishing information on the web, one expects it to reach all the people that could be interested in. This is mainly achieved with general purpose indexing and search engines like Google which is the most used today. In the particular case of geographic information (GI) domain, exposing content to mainstream search engines is a complex task that needs specific actions. In many occasions it is convenient to provide a web site with a specially tailored search engine. Such is the case for on-line dictionaries (wikipedia, wordreference), stores (amazon, ebay), and generally all those holding thematic databases. Due to proliferation of these engines, A9.com proposed a standard interface called OpenSearch, used by modern web browsers to manage custom search engines. Geographic information can also benefit from the use of specific search engines. We can distinguish between two main approaches in GI retrieval information efforts: Classical OGC standardization on one hand (CSW, WFS filters), which are very complex for the mainstream user, and on the other hand the neogeographer’s approach, usually in the form of specific APIs lacking a common query interface and standard geographic formats. A draft ‘geo’ extension for OpenSearch has been proposed. It adds geographic filtering for queries and recommends a set of simple standard response geographic formats, such as KML, Atom and GeoRSS. This proposal enables standardization while keeping simplicity, thus covering a wide range of use cases, in both OGC and the neogeography paradigms. In this article we will analyze the OpenSearch geo extension in detail and its use cases, demonstrating its applicability to both the SDI and the geoweb. Open source implementations will be presented as well
Molts bacteris del grup fluorescent del gènere Pseudomonas són capaços de controlar malalties de les plantes causades per fongs i bacteris fitopatògens (ACBs) o mostren activitat com a bacteris promotors del creixement de les plantes (BPCPs). S'han descrit diversos metabòlits que intervenen de manera important en la seva activitat com a ACBs i BPCPs entre els quals en destaquen el 2,4-diacetilfloroglucinol (Phl), àcid fenazin-1-carboxílic (PCA), Pirrolnitrina (Prn), àcid cianhídric (HCN), àcid 3-indolacètic (IAA), sideròfors i quitinases. L'objectiu principal del nostre treball ha estat la comparació de les característiques d'un grup de Pseudomonas del grup fluorescent utilitzant una aproximació polifàsica amb la finalitat d'establir possibles relacions entre algunes de les característiques i la capacitat d'actuar com a ACB o BPCP. Atesa la importància en el biocontrol de la producció de metabòlits com Phl, PCA i Prn, l'objectiu preliminar ha estat la recerca i obtenció de soques productores d'aquests metabòlits. Per assolir aquest objectiu s'ha emprat una aproximació molecular basada en la detecció dels gens biosintètics implicats en la seva producció en lloc de la detecció directa dels metabòlits per evitar els efectes que poden tenir les condicions de cultiu en la inducció o repressió de la seva síntesi. S'han realitzat diferents protocols basats (i) en la cerca assistida de productors mitjançant l'ús de marcadors fenotípics i posterior confirmació per PCR i, (ii) en l'ús de la PCR per a la detecció dels gens directament dels extractes bacterians, d'enriquiments d'aquests extractes i la realització de la hibridació en colònies per al posterior aïllament. La cerca assistida de productors de Phl mitjançant marcadors fenotípics i posteriorment la utilització de tècniques moleculars (amplificació per PCR del gen phlD), ha estat el millor mètode en el tipus de mostres processades en el nostre treball, on la proporció de productors és relativament baixa. En total s'han aïllat a partir de diversos ambients 4 soques portadores dels gens de la síntesi de PCA, 15 de Phl i 1 de Prn. S'ha constituït una col·lecció de 72 soques de Pseudomonas del grup fluorescent que inclou 18 aïllats propis portadors dels gens biosintètics necessaris per la producció de Phl PCA i Prn; 6 soques de referència procedents de col·leccions de cultius tipus, 14 soques productores dels diferents antibiòtics cedides per altres investigadors i una selecció de 34 soques procedents d'un treball previ realitzat en el nostre grup de recerca. A la col·lecció s'hi troben soques candidates a ACB i BPCP de diverses malalties i plantes. Les 72 soques s'han caracteritzat fenotípica i genotípicament. La caracterització fenotípica s'ha portat a terme mitjançant la identificació a nivell d'espècie amb galeries API 20NE i proves bioquímiques específiques; la producció de metabòlits com PCA, Phl, Prn, IAA, HCN, quitinases i sideròfors mitjançant l'ús de diferents tècniques; antagonisme in vitro en diversos medis enfront dos fongs (Stemphylium vesicarium i Penicillium expansum) i tres bacteris fitopatògens (Erwinia amylovora, Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae i Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis); l'eficàcia de la inhibició de la infecció en bioassaigs in vivo sobre material vegetal enfront els fongs P. expansum en poma i S. vesicarium en fulles de perera i enfront el bacteri E. amylovora en fruits immadurs de perera i, finalment, en assaigs de promoció de creixement en dos portaempelts comercials de Prunus. Cal destacar que P. expansum causa la podridura blava en pomes i peres en postcollita, S. vesicarium la taca bruna de la perera i E. amylovora el foc bacterià de les rosàcies. El nombre de soques de Pseudomonas, sobre el total de les 72 estudiades, productores d'IAA (4) i quitinases (6) és baix, mentre que és elevat en el cas del HCN (32), que a més està associat a la producció de Phl. Els resultats obtinguts en l'antagonisme in vitro han mostrat en el cas dels bacteris que és dependent del patogen indicador i del medi de cultiu. La presència o absència de ferro no sembla ser un factor que potencií l'antagonisme. En el cas dels fongs no s'ha observat però, influència del medi de cultiu emprat. En el total de 72 soques s'ha observat un percentatge baix de soques que manifesten antagonisme en tots els medis assajats vers 3 o 4 dels patògens (7). Solament 2 d'aquestes 7 soques han mostrat ser també efectives en bioassaigs d'inhibició de les infeccions causades per 2 dels 3 patògens assajats. Algunes de les soques efectives en els bioassaigs no són antagonistes in vitro en cap dels medis assajats enfront el mateix patogen. En el cas de la promoció del creixement, s'han observat més soques promotores del creixement del portaempelts de prunera Marianna 2624 que no en l'híbrid de presseguer-ametller GF677 i les eficàcies assolides són també majors en el cas de Marianna 2624, detectant una elevada especificitat soca/portaempelts La caracterització genotípica s'ha realitzat mitjançant l'anàlisi dels polimorfismes en la longitud dels fragments de restricció de DNA ribosomal (RFLP-rDNA) i l'anàlisi dels polimorfismes en la longitud dels fragments de macrorestricció genòmica de DNA cromosòmic separats per electroforesi en camp polsant (MRFLP-PFGE). Ambdues anàlisis van mostrar una gran heterogeneïtat genètica entre les soques caracteritzades i no s'ha pogut relacionar les agrupacions obtingudes amb les característiques fenotípiques o capacitat d'actuar com a ACB o BPCP. Els patrons de macrorestricció genòmica (MRFLP-PFGE) del bacteri model P. fluorescens EPS288 són estables en el temps i independents de les condicions de cultiu assajades al laboratori o en mostres naturals, mostrant ser una tècnica eficaç en la identificació de reaïllats de mostres naturals inoculades prèviament amb el bacteri. Una selecció de soques que comparteixen el fet de produir floroglucinol s'han caracteritzat mitjançant RFLP i seqüenciació del gen phlD. S'ha establert una relació entre les agrupacions obtingudes en les anàlisis RFLP-rDNA, RFLP-phlD i les seqüències del gen. En l'anàlisi filogenètica de les seqüències del gen phlD s'ha observat un elevat grau de polimorfisme obtenint-se 3 agrupacions principals. Les agrupacions semblen relacionar-se amb els patrons de producció de metabòlits (Phl, HCN i Prn en una primera agrupació; Phl i HCN en la segona i solament Phl en la tercera), però aquestes no s'han pogut relacionar amb l'origen geogràfic de les soques o la seva activitat com a ACBs i/o BPCP. Amb les dades obtingudes de la caracterització fenotípica i genotípica s'ha realitzat una anàlisi multivariant (correspondències, correlacions d'Spearman i de freqüències amb variables categòriques). S'ha demostrat la importància de disposar d'una tècnica que permeti depurar una col·lecció de soques descartant les soques genèticament idèntiques, ja que influeixen en els resultats de les anàlisis. Pels tres patògens assajats com a indicadors i els dos portaempelts emprats, no s'ha observat cap correlació entre la inhibició de la infecció o la promoció del creixement amb les característiques fenotípiques i genotípiques de les soques que fos significatiu i consistent en les tres tècniques emprades.
This paper reviews a study to examine the effects on lip reading performance of word position within a sentence.
North American birds that feed on aerial insects are experiencing widespread population declines. An analysis of the North American Breeding Bird Survey trend estimates for 1966 to 2006 suggests that declines in this guild are significantly stronger than in passerines in general. The pattern of decline also shows a striking geographical gradient, with aerial insectivore declines becoming more prevalent towards the northeast of North America. Declines are also more acute in species that migrate long distances compared to those that migrate short distances. The declines become manifest, almost without exception, in the mid 1980s. The taxonomic breadth of these downward trends suggests that declines in aerial insectivore populations are linked to changes in populations of flying insects, and these changes might be indicative of underlying ecosystem changes.
The Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) is an open-country species breeding in the northern United States and Canada, and has likely experienced a long-term, range-wide, and substantial decline. However, the cause and magnitude of the decline is not well understood. We set forth to address the first two of six previously proposed conservation priorities to be addressed for this species: (1) better define habitat use and (2) improve population monitoring. We recruited 131 volunteers to survey over 6.2 million ha within the state of Idaho for Short-eared Owls during the 2015 breeding season. We surveyed 75 transects, 71 of which were surveyed twice, and detected Short-eared Owls on 27 transects. We performed multiscale occupancy modeling to identify habitat associations, and performed multiscale abundance modeling to generate a state-wide population estimate. Our results suggest that within the state of Idaho, Short-eared Owls are more often found in areas with marshland or riparian habitat or areas with greater amounts of sagebrush habitat at the 1750 ha transect scale. At the 50 ha point scale, Short-eared Owls tend to associate positively with fallow and bare dirt agricultural land and negatively with grassland. Cropland was not chosen at the broader transect scale suggesting that Short-eared Owls may prefer more heterogeneous landscapes. On the surface our results may seem contradictory to the presumed land use by a “grassland” species; however, the grasslands of the Intermountain West, consisting largely of invasive cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), lack the complex structure shown to be preferred by these owls. We suggest the local adaptation to agriculture represents the next best habitat to their historical native habitat preferences. Regardless, we have confirmed regional differences that should be considered in conservation planning for this species. Last, our results demonstrate the feasibility, efficiency, and effectiveness of utilizing public participation in scientific research to achieve a robust sampling methodology across the broad geography of the Intermountain West.
This paper reopens debates of geographic theorizations and conceptualizations of social capital. I argue that human geographers have tended to underplay the analytic value of social capital, by equating the concept with dominant policy interpretations. It is contended that geographers could more explicitly contribute to pervasive critical social science accounts. With this in mind, an embodied perspective of social capital is constructed. This synthesizes Bourdieu's capitals and performative theorizations of identity, to progress the concept of social capital in four key ways. First, this theorization more fully reconnects embodied differences to broader socioeconomic processes. Second, an exploration of how embodied social differences can emerge directly from the political-economy and/or via broader operations of power is facilitated. Third, a path is charted through the endurance of embodied inequalities and the potential for social transformation. Finally, embodied social capital can advance social science conceptualizations of the spatiality of social capital, by illuminating the importance of broader sociospatial contexts and relations to the embodiment of social capital within individuals.
Lactoperoxidase (LP) was isolated from whey protein by cation-exchange using Carboxymethyl resin (CM-25C) and Sulphopropyl Toyopearl resin (SP-650C). Both batch and column procedures were employed and the adsorption capacities and extraction efficiencies were compared. The resin bed volume to whey volume ratios were 0.96:1.0 for CM-25C and ≤ 0.64:1.0 for SP-650 indicating higher adsorption capacity of SP-650 compared to CM-25C. The effluent LP activity depended on both the enzyme activity in the whey and the amount of whey loaded on the column within the saturation limits of the resin. The percentage recovery was high below the saturation point and fell off rapidly with over-saturation. While effective recovery was achieved with column extraction procedures, the recovery was poor in batch procedures. The whey-resin contact time had little impact on the enzyme adsorption. SDS PAGE and HPLC analyses were also carried out, the purity was examined and the proteins characterised in terms of molecular weights. Reversed phase HPLC provided clear distinction of the LP and lactoferrin (LF) peaks. The enzyme purity was higher in column effluents compared to batch effluents, judged on the basis of the clarity of the gel bands and the resolved peaks in HPLC chromatograms.
The wild common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is widely but discontinuously distributed from northern Mexico to northern Argentina on both sides of the Isthmus of Panama. Little is known on how the species has reached its current disjunct distribution. In this research, chloroplast DNA polymorphisms in seven non-coding regions were used to study the history of migration of wild P. vulgaris between Mesoamerica and South America. A penalized likelihood analysis was applied to previously published Leguminosae ITS data to estimate divergence times between P. vulgaris and its sister taxa from Mesoamerica, and divergence times of populations within P. vulgaris. Fourteen chloroplast haplotypes were identified by PCR-RFLP and their geographical associations were studied by means of a Nested Clade Analysis and Mantel Tests. The results suggest that the haplotypes are not randomly distributed but occupy discrete parts of the geographic range of the species. The current distribution of haplotypes may be explained by isolation by distance and by at least two migration events between Mesoamerica and South America: one from Mesoamerica to South America and another one from northern South America to Mesoamerica. Age estimates place the divergence of P. vulgaris from its sister taxa from Mesoamerica at or before 1.3 Ma, and divergence of populations from Ecuador-northern Peru at or before 0.6 Ma. As these ages are taken as minimum divergence times, the influence of past events, such as the closure of the Isthmus of Panama and the final uplift of the Andes, on the migration history and population structure of this species cannot be disregarded.
Several tissue types of Lupinus albus L. were investigated as sources for the isolation of protoplasts. Cotyledons from in vitro seedlings were found to yield the highest number of protoplasts compared with leaves, hypocotyls and roots. A combination of the protoplast isolation enzymes, cellulase and Pectolyase Y23, was capable of releasing the highest number of protoplasts compared with a combination of cellulase and Macerase. Protoplast yield increased with increasing cotyledon age but was accompanied by a progressive decline in protoplast viability. The optimal combination of protoplast yield and viability occurred when the protoplasts were isolated from 14- to 18-day-old cotyledons. The ratio between the volume of enzyme solution and the tissue biomass did not affect the protoplast production significantly. This is the first report of the isolation of protoplasts from a lupin cotyledon and, following the procedure described in this paper, an average yield of 1.2 x 10(6) protoplasts per gram of fresh tissue was obtainable.
We have obtained a single spore isolate of Pasteuria penetrans, derived by allowing a single spore to attach to a second-stage juvenile (J2) of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica. By analysing DNA sequences at three different loci we have obtained evidence that the isolate is, indeed, genetically pure. We compared the ability of the single spore isolate and the parent population from which it was selected to attach to and parasitise both the original population of M. javanica on which it was isolated and a single egg mass line derived from it. There was no difference in the attachment of spores of the single spore isolate to juveniles compared to the parental population, although there were higher numbers of both attaching to J2 of the single egg mass line compared to its parental population. Judging from the numbers of egg masses and Pasteuria-infected females, the single spore isolate was less pathogenic to the parental population of M. javanica than was the parental spore population.
We conducted the first molecular phylogenetic study of Ficus section Malvanthera (Moraceae; subgenus Urostigma) based on 32 Malvanthera accessions and seven outgroups representing other sections of Ficus subgenus Urostigma. We used DNA sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal and external transcribed spacers (ITS and ETS), and the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3pdh) region. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods recovered a monophyletic section Malvanthera to the exclusion of the rubber fig, Ficus elastica. The results of the phylogenetic analyses do not conform to any previously proposed taxonomic subdivision of the section and characters used for previous classification are homoplasious. Geographic distribution, however, is highly conserved and Melanesian Malvanthera are monophyletic. A new subdivision of section Malvanthera reflecting phylogenetic relationships is presented. Section Malvanthera likely diversified during a period of isolation in Australia and subsequently colonized New Guinea. Two Australian series are consistent with a pattern of dispersal out of rainforest habitat into drier habitats accompanied by a reduction in plant height during the transition from hemi-epiphytic trees to lithophytic trees and shrubs. In contradiction with a previous study of Pleistodontes phylogeny suggesting multiple changes in pollination behaviour, reconstruction of changes in pollination behaviour on Malvanthera, suggests only one or a few gains of active pollination within the section. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.