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The structure of the 1:1 proton-transfer compound from the reaction of L-tartaric acid with the azo-dye precursor aniline yellow [4-(phenylazo)aniline], 4-(phenyldiazenyl)anilinium hydrogen 2R,3R-tartrate C12H12N3+ . C4H6O6- has been determined at 200 K. The asymmetric unit of the compound contains two independent phenylazoanilinium cations and two hydrogen L-tartrate anions. The structure is unusual in that all four phenyl rings of both cations have identical 50% rotational disorder. The two hydrogen L-tartrate anions form independent but similar chains through head-to-tail carboxylic O--H...O~carboxyl~ hydrogen bonds [graph set C7] which are then extended into a two-dimensional hydrogen-bonded sheet structure through hydroxyl O--H...O hydrogen-bonding links. The anilinium groups of the phenyldiazenyl cations are incorporated into the sheets and also provide internal hydrogen-bonding extensions while their aromatic tails layer in the structure without significant interaction except for weak \p--\p interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.844(3) \%A]. The hydrogen L-tartrate residues of both anions have the common short intramolecular hydroxyl O--H...O~carboxyl~ hydogen bonds. This work has provided a solution to the unusual disorder problem inherent in the structure of this salt as well as giving another example of the utility of the hydrogen tartrate in the generation of sheet substructures in molecular assembly processes.


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Our understanding of how the environment can impact human health has evolved and expanded over the centuries, with concern and interest dating back to ancient times. For example, over 4000 years ago, a civilisation in northern India tried to protect the health of its citizens by constructing and positioning buildings according to strict building laws, by having bathrooms and drains, and by having paved streets with a sewerage system (Rosen 1993). In more recent times, the ‘industrial revolution’ played a dominant role in shaping the modern world, and with it the modern public health system. This era was signified by rapid progress in technology, the growth of transportation and the expansion of the market economy, which lead to the organisation of industry into a factory system. This meant that labour had to be brought to the factories and by the 1820s, poverty and social distress (including overcrowding and infrequent sewage and garbage disposal) was more widespread than ever. These circumstances, therefore, lead to the rise of the ‘sanitary revolution’ and the birth of modern public health (Rosen 1993). The sanitary revolution has also been described as constituting the beginning of the first wave of environmental concern, which continued until after World War 2 when major advances in engineering and chemistry substantially changed the face of industry, particularly the chemical sector. The second wave of environmental concern came in the mid to late 20th century and was dominated by the environmental or ecology movement. A landmark in this era was the 1962 publication of the book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. This identified for the first time the dramatic effects on the ecosystem of the widespread use of the organochlorine pesticide, DDT. The third wave of environmental concern commenced in the 1980s and continues today. The accelerated rate of economic development, the substantial increase in the world population and the globalisation of trade have dramatically changed the production methods and demand for goods in both developed and developing countries. This has lead to the rise of ‘sustainable development’ as a key driver in environmental planning and economic development (Yassi et al 2001). The protection of health has, therefore, been a hallmark of human history and is the cornerstone of public health practice. This chapter introduces environmental health and how it is managed in Australia, including a discussion of the key generic management tools. A number of significant environmental health issues and how they are specifically managed are then discussed, and the chapter concludes by discussing sustainable development and its links with environmental health.


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In the structure of the title compound, the salt C12H10N3O4+ C7H3N2O72-, the cations and the anions are linked by a single N+-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bond, the discrete cation-anion unit having no intermolecular associations other than weak cation--anion aromatic ring pi--pi interactions [ring centroid separation, 3.7320(14)A] and a number of weak inter-unit aromatic C-H...O contacts.


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The structure of title compound, the anhydrous guanidinium salt, CH6N3+ C7H4NO4- shows a three-dimensional structure in which the guanidinium cation is involved in three cyclic R1/2(6) hydrogen-bonding associations with separate carboxylate O-acceptors. Further peripheral associations include a cyclic R2/1(4)cation--anion interaction, forming inter-linked undulating sheets in the framework structure.


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The Java programming language has potentially significant advantages for wireless sensor nodes but there is currently no feature-rich, open source virtual machine available. In this paper we present Darjeeling, a system comprising offline tools and a memory efficient run-time. The offline post-compiler tool analyzes, links and consolidates Java class files into loadable modules. The runtime implements a modified Java VM that supports multithreading and is designed specifically to operate in constrained execution environments such as wireless sensor network nodes and supports inheritance, threads, garbage collection, and loadable modules. We have demonstrated Java running on AVR128 and MSP430 microcontrollers at speeds of up to 70,000 JVM instructions per second.


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The Java programming language enjoys widespread popularity on platforms ranging from servers to mobile phones. While efforts have been made to run Java on microcontroller platforms, there is currently no feature-rich, open source virtual machine available. In this paper we present Darjeeling, a system comprising offline tools and a memory efficient runtime. The offline post-compiler tool analyzes, links and consolidates Java class files into loadable modules. The runtime implements a modified Java VM that supports multithreading and is designed specifically to operate in constrained execution environments such as wireless sensor network nodes. Darjeeling improves upon existing work by supporting inheritance, threads, garbage collection, and loadable modules while keeping memory usage to a minimum. We have demonstrated Java running on AVR128 and MSP430 micro-controllers at speeds of up to 70,000 JVM instructions per second.


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In the structure of title compound, 2(C3H5N2^+^) C~6~H~8~O~8~^2-^ . 2H~2~O the galactarate dianions have crystallographic inversion symmetry and together with the water molecules of solvation form hydrogen-bonded sheet substructures which extend along the (110) planes in the unit cell. The imidazolium cations link these sheets peripherally down c through carboxyl O...H-N,N'---H...O(hydroxyl) bridges, giving a three-dimensional framework structure.


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Microorganisms play key roles in biogeochemical cycling by facilitating the release of nutrients from organic compounds. In doing so, microbial communities use different organic substrates that yield different amounts of energy for maintenance and growth of the community. Carbon utilization efficiency (CUE) is a measure of the efficiency with which substrate carbon is metabolized versus mineralized by the microbial biomass. In the face of global change, we wanted to know how temperature affected the efficiency by which the soil microbial community utilized an added labile substrate, and to determine the effect of labile soil carbon depletion (through increasing duration of incubation) on the community's ability to respond to an added substrate. Cellobiose was added to soil samples as a model compound at several times over the course of a long-term incubation experiment to measure the amount of carbon assimilated or lost as CO2 respiration. Results indicated that in all cases, the time required for the microbial community to take up the added substrate increased as incubation time prior to substrate addition increased. However, the CUE was not affected by incubation time. Increased temperature generally decreased CUE, thus the microbial community was more efficient at 15 degrees C than at 25 degrees C. These results indicate that at warmer temperatures microbial communities may release more CO2 per unit of assimilated carbon. Current climate-carbon models have a fixed CUE to predict how much CO2 will be released as soil organic matter is decomposed. Based on our findings, this assumption may be incorrect due to variation of CUE with changing temperature. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the structure of the title compound, C6H13N2O+ C2H3O2- . H2O, the amide H atoms of the cations form centrosymetric cyclic hydrogen-bonding associations incorporating two water molecules [graph set R^2^~4~(8)], which are conjoint with cyclic water-bridged amide-amide associations [R^4^~4~(12)] and larger R4/4(20) associations involving the water molecule and the acetate anions, which bridge through the piperidinium H donors, giving an overall three-dimensional framework structure.


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In the structure of the title compound, C6H13N2O+ C8H7O2- . 0.5H2O, the asymmetric unit comprises two isonipecotamide cations, two phenylacetate anions and a water molecule of solvation. The hydrogen-bonding environments for both sets of ion pairs are essentially identical with the piperidinium and amide 'ends' of each cation involved in lateral heteromolecular hydrogen-bonded cyclic N---H...O associations [graph set R2/2(11)] which incorporate a single carboxyl O-atom acceptor. These cyclic motifs enclose larger R5/5(21) cyclic systems forming sheet substructures which lie parallel to (101) and are linked across b by the single water molecule via water O---H...O(carboxyl) associations to give a two-dimensional duplex-sheet structure


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In an attempt to make nanofibres based upon cobalt oxides, a novel compound a hydrated cobalt hydroxy carbonate was formed. This compound is related to the minerals of the rosasite mineral group. X-ray diffraction showed that the formed compound was a cobalt hydroxy carbonate and SEM displayed bundles of fibres on the micron scale in length and nanoscale in width. The morphology was compared with that of the rosasite mineral group. XPS proved two bond energies for cobalt and three for oxygen in the compound. The compound was characterised by vibrational spectroscopy and the spectra related to minerals of the rosasite mineral group. The stability of the synthetic mineral was limited to temperatures below 200°C.


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In the structure of the title compound, C6H13N2O+ C7H4NO5-, the isonipecotamide cations and the 5-nitrosalicylate anions form hydrogen-bonded chain substructures through head-to-tail piperidinium N---H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bonds and through centrosymmetric cyclic head-to-head amide-amide hydrogen-bonding associations [graph set R2/2(8)]. These chains are cross linked by amide N---H...O~carboxyl~ and piperidinium N-H...O(nitro) associations to give a two-dimensional sheet structure.


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In the structure of the title compound, cis NH4+ C8H11O4-, the carboxylic acid and carboxyl groups of the cation adopt C-C-C-O torsion angles of 174.9(2) and -145.4(2)deg. respecticely with the alicyclic ring. The ammonium H atoms of the cations give a total of five hydrogen-bonding associations with carboxyl O-atom acceptors of the anion which, together with a carboxylic acid O-H...O(carboxyl) interaction give two-dimensional sheet structures which lie in the (101) planes in the unit cell.


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In the structure of polymeric title compound, {[Co2(C7H2N2O7)2(H2O)6] . 2H2O}n from the reaction of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid with cobalt(II) acetate, both slightly distorted octahedral Co(II) centres have crystallographic inversion symmetry. The coordination sphere about one Co centre comprises four O donors from two bidentate chelate O(phenolate), O(carboxyl) and bridging dianionic ligands and two water molecules [Co-O range, 2.0249(11)-2.1386(14)A] while that about the second Co centre has four water molecules and two bridging carboxyl O donor atoms [Co-O range, 2.0690(14)-2.1364(11)A]. The coordinated water molecules as well as the water molecules of solvation give water-water and water-carboxyl hydrogen-bonding interactions in the three-dimensional framework structure.