936 resultados para GEOSTROPHIC CURRENTS
This work was done with the aim of computing all the species of Hydrozoa (Siphonophora excluded) that have been collected on the Brazilian coast, or in the pelagial, near the coast (some of the "Meteor" Stations). Nutting's (1900, 1904, 1915) and Mayer's (1910) monographs were taken as starting points and later papers and the Zoological Record used to check posterior findings. As a whole, 116 different valid names, among species and forms, have been mentioned from the Brazilian coast, distributed among 60 genera. Of the 116 species, 82 are represented by hydropolyps, 30 by hydromedusae (11 of which belong to the Trachylina and therefore lack a polypoid generation) and finally, by 4 species of which are known both polypoid and medusoid generations. The subdivision of the coast has been made at random, on account of the scarcity of the findings, except for the best known district, that goes from the latitude of Vitoria (State of Espirito Santo, at about 20ºlat.S.) to the bay of Santos (State of São Paulo, about 24ºlat.S.). The latitude of Cabo Frio (23ºlat.S.) was considered as a possible natural barrier, and the results of the global counting of the distribution of the hydropolyps North and South of 23ºlat.S. is the following: 29 species are known only North of Cabo Frio, 26 only from the same latitude (see direction of the coast, along parallel 23ºS.) or further South and 28 species are known both North and South of the coast (of these, 5 species are "cosmopolitan"). Therefore it seems quite possible that Cabo Frio really is a barrier to the distribution of 55 species. 26 species are endemic to the Brazilian coast, of these, only 5 are found both North and South of the Cape, while-14 are found only North and 7 only South. No studies can be done, on the bathymetric distribution in relation to the latitude. These results must be considered as provisory since more extensive researches will probably alter these figures. However, I believe that they are significative as a mean index of the condition of the hydrozoan fauna of the Brazilian coast. A tentative working hypothesis is presented as to the possible factors that confer such a zoogeographic importance to the region of Cabo Frio, a fact that has been foreseen by Ekman (1935, p. 73). Geographic position, currents, latitude and nature of the sea bottom between the continent and the oceanic island of Trindade have been taken in consideration, and all of them seem to be possible eficient factors of separation. Furthermore, according to the data obtained by the "Meteor" Expedition in July 2, 1926, at station 164 (23º8'lat.S. - 42º5'long.W.) and station 165 (23º35'lat.S. - 40º52'long.W.) and by what is known by hearsay and local experience of the region (exact continued study is urgently needed), it seems possible that, off from the sharp curve that the coast has at Cabo Frio, there may be an irregularity of the general scheme of the current and local upwelling may be present that would explain the local low temperature, low salinity and high density of the superficial layers as well as the abundance of fishes; these factors might contribute towards the establishement of a zoogeographical barrier. Further work is needed and nothing more than an hypothesis can be presented for the moment.
Multilevel converters provide an attractive solution to bring the benefits of speed-controlled rotational movement to high-power applications. Therefore, multilevel inverters have attracted wide interest in both the academic community and in the industry for the past two decades. In this doctoral thesis, modulation methods suitable especially for series connected H-bridge multilevel inverters are discussed. A concept of duty cycle modulation is presented and its modification is proposed. These methods are compared with other well-known modulation schemes, such as space-vector pulse width modulation and carrier-based modulation schemes. The advantage of the modified duty-cycle modulation is its algorithmic simplicity. A similar mathematical formulation for the original duty cycle modulation is proposed. The modified duty cycle modulation is shown to produce well-formed phase-to-neutral voltages that have lower total harmonic distortion than the space-vector pulse width modulation and the duty cycle modulation. The space-vector-based solution and the duty cycle modulation, on the other hand, result in a better-quality line-to-line voltage and current waveform. The voltage of the DC links in the modules of the series-connected H-bridge inverter are shown to fluctuate while they are under load. The fluctuation causes inaccuracies in the voltage production, which may result in a failure of the flux estimator in the controller. An extension for upper-level modulation schemes, which changes the switching instants of the inverter so that the output voltage meets the reference voltage accurately regardless of the DC link voltages, is proposed. The method is shown to reduce the error to a very low level when a sufficient switching frequency is used. An appropriate way to organize the switching instants of the multilevel inverter is to make only one-level steps at a time. This causes restrictions on the dynamical features of the modulation schemes. The produced voltage vector cannot be rotated several tens of degrees in a single switching period without violating the above-mentioned one-level-step rule. The dynamical capabilities of multilevel inverters are analyzed in this doctoral thesis, and it is shown that the multilevel inverters are capable of operating even in dynamically demanding metal industry applications. In addition to the discussion on modulation schemes, an overvoltage in multilevel converter drives caused by cable reflection is addressed. The voltage reflection phenomenon in drives with long feeder cables causes premature insulation deterioration and also affects the commonmode voltage, which is one of the main reasons for bearing currents. Bearing currents, on the other hand, cause fluting in the bearings, which results in premature bearing failure. The reflection phenomenon is traditionally prevented by filtering, but in this thesis, a modulationbased filterless method to mitigate the overvoltage in multilevel drives is proposed. Moreover, the mitigation method can be implemented as an extension for upper-level modulation schemes. The method exploits the oscillations caused by two consecutive voltage edges so that the sum of the oscillations results in a mitigated peak of the overvoltage. The applicability of the method is verified by simulations together with experiments with a full-scale prototype.
The maximum realizable power throughput of power electronic converters may be limited or constrained by technical or economical considerations. One solution to this problemis to connect several power converter units in parallel. The parallel connection can be used to increase the current carrying capacity of the overall system beyond the ratings of individual power converter units. Thus, it is possible to use several lower-power converter units, produced in large quantities, as building blocks to construct high-power converters in a modular manner. High-power converters realized by using parallel connection are needed for example in multimegawatt wind power generation systems. Parallel connection of power converter units is also required in emerging applications such as photovoltaic and fuel cell power conversion. The parallel operation of power converter units is not, however, problem free. This is because parallel-operating units are subject to overcurrent stresses, which are caused by unequal load current sharing or currents that flow between the units. Commonly, the term ’circulatingcurrent’ is used to describe both the unequal load current sharing and the currents flowing between the units. Circulating currents, again, are caused by component tolerances and asynchronous operation of the parallel units. Parallel-operating units are also subject to stresses caused by unequal thermal stress distribution. Both of these problemscan, nevertheless, be handled with a proper circulating current control. To design an effective circulating current control system, we need information about circulating current dynamics. The dynamics of the circulating currents can be investigated by developing appropriate mathematical models. In this dissertation, circulating current models aredeveloped for two different types of parallel two-level three-phase inverter configurations. Themodels, which are developed for an arbitrary number of parallel units, provide a framework for analyzing circulating current generation mechanisms and developing circulating current control systems. In addition to developing circulating current models, modulation of parallel inverters is considered. It is illustrated that depending on the parallel inverter configuration and the modulation method applied, common-mode circulating currents may be excited as a consequence of the differential-mode circulating current control. To prevent the common-mode circulating currents that are caused by the modulation, a dual modulator method is introduced. The dual modulator basically consists of two independently operating modulators, the outputs of which eventually constitute the switching commands of the inverter. The two independently operating modulators are referred to as primary and secondary modulators. In its intended usage, the same voltage vector is fed to the primary modulators of each parallel unit, and the inputs of the secondary modulators are obtained from the circulating current controllers. To ensure that voltage commands obtained from the circulating current controllers are realizable, it must be guaranteed that the inverter is not driven into saturation by the primary modulator. The inverter saturation can be prevented by limiting the inputs of the primary and secondary modulators. Because of this, also a limitation algorithm is proposed. The operation of both the proposed dual modulator and the limitation algorithm is verified experimentally.
Työssä selvitetään elintarviketehtaan sähköverkon kunto sen suurimpien sähkönsyöttöjen osalta ja lasketaan oikosulkuvirtojen suuruus, kaapeleiden kuormitettavuus ja jännitteenalenemat verkon eri osissa. Laskentatulosten analysoinnin jälkeen esitetään korjaavat toimenpiteet löydettyjen epäkohtien osalta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan tehtaan energiankulutusta ja suunniteltujen energiansäästöehdotuksien vaikutuksia sähköverkon toimintaan. Työssä arvioidaan myös verkon eri osienvikaantumisen vaikutusta tehtaan tuotantoon ja esitetään parannuskeinoja verkon luotettavuuden parantamiseksi. Lopuksi on esitelty suunnitelma sähköverkon laajentamiselle ja käyty läpi tulevien investointien sähköteknistä mitoitusta ja vaikutusta verkon tulevaan tilaan.
In the work eddy current sensors are described and evaluated. Theoretical part includes physical basics of the eddy currents, overview of available commercial products and technologies. Industrial sensors operation was assessed based on several working modes. Apart from this, the model was created in Matlab Simulink with Xilinx Blockset and then translated into a Xilinx ISE Design Suite compatible project. The performance of the resulting implementation was compared to the existing implementation in the Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA board with the custom made sensor. Additionally, an introduction to FPGAs and VHDL is presented.
Diplomityössä on esitelty ja tutkittu laakerivirtailmiötä sähkökoneissa. Työn pääpaino on suurissa kestomagneettitahtikoneissa, joissa niin sanotut kiertävät laakerivirrat ovat dominoivia. Työssä on lisäksi tarkasteltu staattorin segmentoinnin aiheuttamia matalataajuisia kiertovirtoja. Laakerivirran ja akselijännitteen ehkäisyyn on esitetty sekä testattu mahdollisia ratkaisuja.
Tulevaisuudessa sähköverkko kohtaa monia haasteita, kun sähköautot yleistyvät, vaatien suuren tehotarpeen. Uusiutuvan energiantuotannon epävarma huipputehon tuotanto ei välttämättä pysty kattamaan sähköautoista johtuvaa suurta tehopiikkiä, jos suuret määrät ajoneuvoista kytketään yhtä aikaa lataukseen. Jos sähköajoneuvot voidaan ladata ohjatusti, ei välttämättä tarvita lisäenergian tuotantoa kattamaan kasvanutta huipputehon tarvetta. Lisäksi sähköajoneuvojen akut toimivat koko sähköverkolle energiavarastoina, jollaista ei ole ennen ollut. Älykkäällä sähköverkolla voidaan ohjata sähköajoneuvon latausta, mikäli ajoneuvossa on ohjausjärjestelmä ja akkujen varaustilan mittaus. Tässä kandidaatin työssä ohjelmoidaan mittaus- ja ohjauskortti plug-in hybridiautoa varten, jossa on V2G-ominaisuus. Ohjainkortista toteutetaan toimintakuvaus, jonka mukaan se myös ohjelmoidaan. Ohjainkortti mittaa akkujen jännitettä ja virtaa, joista voidaan määrittää akkujen varaustilat. Ohjainkortti lähettää tiedot eteenpäin PC:lle, jolta ohjainkortti saa käskyn toimintatilasta. Mittaustietojen perusteella voidaan seurata mahdollisia vikatilanteita. Kandidaatintyön aikana ohjainkorttia ei ehditty asentamaan ajoneuvoon, mutta laboratoriotestien mukaan voidaan todeta, että ohjainkortti on ohjelmallisesti toimiva. Mittauksissa selvisi, että ohjainkortin mittaustulot eivät olleet tarpeeksi tarkkoja käyttökohteeseen. Todettiin, että ohjainkortti vaatii rakenteellisia muutoksia mittaustuloksien parantamista varten, ennen ohjainkortin käyttöönottoa, mutta kandidaatintyön tavoitteet saavutettiin.
Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan Saaristomeren ja Ahvenmaan merialueen kuormitusta ja tilaa ja niissä viime vuosikymmeninä tapahtuneita muutoksia vuosiin 2008 ja 2009 saakka. Pääpaino on ravinnekuormituksessa ja veden laadussa, mutta mukana on taustatietoa ja muun muassa katsaus kalakannoista. Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan merialueen tila on heikentynyt huomattavasti viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Erityisesti fosforin ja a-klorofyllin määrät ovat kasvaneet ja näkösyvyys pienenentynyt. Viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana pintaveden fosforipitoisuuden kasvu on laantunut suurimmassa osassa aluetta, mutta pohjanläheisessä vesikerroksessa ja talvella fosforipitoisuus on jatkanut kasvuaan monin paikoin viime vuosiin asti. Myös a-klorofyllin määrä on lisääntynyt ulko- ja välisaaristossa 2000-luvullakin. Viime vuosina klorofyllipitoisuuden kasvu on kuitenkin laantunut tai pitoisuus laskenut varsinkin rannikonläheisissä vesissä. Merialueen suurin paikallinen ravinnekuormittaja on maatalous, mutta varsinkin typpeä tulee runsaasti myös ilmalaskeumana. Sisäinen kuormitus ja virtausten mukana Suomenlahdelta ja muualta Itämereltä tulevat ravinteet heikentävät niin ikään merialueen tilaa. Muita ravinnelähteitä ovat mm. haja-asutus, jätevedenpuhdistamot ja kalankasvatus. Ahvenanmaan merialueelle ravinteita tulee enemmän muualta kuin Ahvenanmaalta. Hajakuormituksessa on tapahtunut viime vuosikymmeninä selviä vuodenaikaisia muutoksia. Vuosina 1990 – 2009 jokien mereen tuoma ravinne- ja kiintoainekuormitus on ollut talvisin ja syksyisin selvästi suurempaa kuin vuosina 1970 – 1989. Talviaikaisen kuormituksen lisääntyminen johtuu aiempaa lauhemmista talvista, ja antaa viitteitä ilmastonmuutoksen mukanaan tuomista muutoksista. Vaikka Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan merialueen tilassa on ollut viime aikoina nähtävissä myönteisiäkin merkkejä, on niiden tila edelleen huolestuttava. Ainoa keino merialueen tilan parantamiseksi on kuormituksen huomattava vähentäminen. Vähentäminen koskee niin paikallisia ravinnelähteitä, erityisesti maataloutta, kuin muualta Itämereltä virtausten mukana tulevia ravinteita ja ilmalaskeumaa.
All over the world power systems become bigger and bigger every day. New equipment is installed, new feeders are constructed, new power units are installed. Some old elements of the network, however, are not changed in time. As a result, “bottlenecks” for capacity transmission can occur. By locked power problem the situation when a power plant has installed capacity exceeding the power it can actually deliver is usually meant. Regime, scheme or even technical restrictions-related issues usually cause this kind of problem. It is really important, since from the regime point of view it is typical decision to have a mobile capacity reserve, in case of malfunctions. And, what can be even more significant, power plant owner (JSC Fortum in our case) losses his money because of selling less electrical energy. The goal of master`s thesis is to analyze the current state of Chelyabinsk power system and the CHP-3 (Combined Heat and Power plant) in particular in relation with it`s ability to deliver the whole capacity of the CHP in it`s existing state and also taking into consideration the prospect of power unit 3 installation by the fourth quarter of 2010. The thesis contains some general information about the UPS of Russia, CPS of Ural, power system of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region itself. Then the CHP-3 is described from technical point of view with it`s equipment observation. Regimes for the nowadays power system and for the system after the power unit 3 installation are reviewed. The problems occurring are described and, finally, a solution is offered.
Tässä diplomityössä on tutustuttu Lahti Energia Oy:n Heinolan voimalaitoksen energiantuotantoon. Heinolan voimalaitos on vanha, mutta sen pääkattilana toimiva arinakattila on uusittu 2004. Voimalaitoksen toimintaa halutaan kehittää nykyaikaisemmaksi ja energiatehokkaammaksi. Voimalaitoksella on nykyään kolme asiakasta, joista uusin on liittynyt höyryverkkoon vuonna 2011. Työssä on tutkittu miten voimalaitoksen polttoaineiden käyttö muuttuu uuden asiakkaan myötä. Diplomityön teoriaosassa on keskitytty antamaan tietoa erilaisista polttoaineista sekä arinapolttamisesta polttotekniikkana. Työssä on laskettu voimalaitoksen asiakkaiden käyttämä energiavuositasolla, voimalaitoksen kattilahyötysuhde, prosessihyötysuhde ja niiden avulla laitoksen tarvitsema polttoaine-energia vuodessa. Laskelmat antavat hyvän yleisen kuvan voimalaitoksen käytöstä tällä hetkellä. Käyttöennusteen avulla voidaan arvioida myös laitoksen taloudellista tilaa polttoaineseoksen näkökulmasta.
Connectivity depends on rates of dispersal between communities. For marine soft-sediment communities continued small-scale dispersal as post-larvae and as adults can be equally important in maintaining community composition, as initial recruitment of substrate by pelagic larvae. In this thesis post-larval dispersal strategies of benthic invertebrates, as well as mechanisms by which communities are connected were investigated. Such knowledge on dispersal is scarce, due to the difficulties in actually measuring dispersal directly in nature, and dispersal has not previously been quantified in the Baltic Sea. Different trap-types were used underwater to capture dispersing invertebrates at different sites, while in parallel measuring waves and currents. Local community composition was found to change predictably under varying rates of dispersal and physical connectivity (waves and currents). This response was, however, dependent on dispersal-related traits of taxa. Actively dispersing taxa will be relatively better at maintaining their position, as they are not as dependent on hydrodynamic conditions for dispersal and will be less prone to be passively transported by currents. Taxa also dispersed in relative proportions that were distinctly different from resident community composition and a significant proportion (40 %) of taxa were found to lack a planktonic larval life-stage. Community assembly was re-started in a large-scale manipulative field experiment over one year across several sites, which revealed how patterns of community composition (α-, β- and λ-diversity) change depending on rates of dispersal. Results also demonstrated that in response to small-scale disturbance, initial recruitment was by nearby-dominant species after which other species arrived from successively further away. At later assembly time, the number of coexisting species increased beyond what was expected purely by local niche requirements (species sorting), transferring regional differences in community composition (β-diversity) to the local scale (α-diversity, mass effect). Findings of this thesis complement more theoretical studies in metacommunity ecology by demonstrating that understanding how and when individuals disperse relative to underlying environmental heterogeneity is key to interpreting how patterns of diversity change across different spatial scales. Such information from nature is critical when predicting responses to, for example, different types of disturbances or management actions in conservation.
Superconductor – normal metal point contacts were investigated, using different combinations of Cu, brass, Nb and NbTi. The resulting spectra contained side peaks. The currents at which these side peaks appeared, depended on the radii of the contacts. For contacts with Nb this dependence was quadratic, while for contacts with NbTi it was linear. Based on this, we argue that the side peaks in the case of the Nb contacts are due to the critical current density being exceeded. In contrast, side peaks of the NbTi contacts are caused by the self-magnetic field exceeding the lower critical field of NbTi. The NbTi contacts did not show the expected contribution from the vanishing Maxwell resistance of the superconductor, a question which remained open.
Tämä kandityön aihe liittyy LUT Energialla lukuvuonna 2012 – 2013 käynnissä olevaan tutkimukseen, jossa tutkitaan sähkömoottorin laakerivirtojen syntyä. Tätä tutkimusta varten tarvittiin sähkömoottorin etäohjausjärjestelmä, jonka avulla tutkimuksessa käytettävän sähkömoottorin käyttäytymistä voitaisiin tutkia erilaisien käyttöprofiileiden funktiona. Tässä kandityössä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan edellä kuvattu järjestelmä. Toteutuksessa hyödynnetään nykyaikaista automaatiotekniikkaa, joka yhdessä Ethernet-lähiverkkotekniikan kanssa mahdollistaa etäohjauksen. Valmiin etäohjausjärjestelmän avulla käyttäjä pystyy sekä käynnistämään että sammuttamaan sähkömoottorin, ja määrittämään käyttöprofiilin ON- ja OFF-tilojen ajalliset kestot sekä käyntinopeudet.
Permanent magnet generators (PMG) represent the cutting edge technology in modern wind mills. The efficiency remains high (over 90%) at partial loads. To improve the machine efficiency even further, every aspect of machine losses has to be analyzed. Additional losses are often given as a certain percentage without providing any detailed information about the actual calculation process; meanwhile, there are many design-dependent losses that have an effect on the total amount of additional losses and that have to be taken into consideration. Additional losses are most often eddy current losses in different parts of the machine. These losses are usually difficult to calculate in the design process. In this doctoral thesis, some additional losses are identified and modeled. Further, suggestions on how to minimize the losses are given. Iron losses can differ significantly between the measured no-load values and the loss values under load. In addition, with embedded magnet rotors, the quadrature-axis armature reaction adds losses to the stator iron by manipulating the harmonic content of the flux. It was, therefore, re-evaluated that in salient pole machines, to minimize the losses and the loss difference between the no-load and load operation, the flux density has to be kept below 1.5 T in the stator yoke, which is the traditional guideline for machine designers. Eddy current losses may occur in the end-winding area and in the support structure of the machine, that is, in the finger plate and the clamping ring. With construction steel, these losses account for 0.08% of the input power of the machine. These losses can be reduced almost to zero by using nonmagnetic stainless steel. In addition, the machine housing may be subjected to eddy current losses if the flux density exceeds 1.5 T in the stator yoke. Winding losses can rise rapidly when high frequencies and 10–15 mm high conductors are used. In general, minimizing the winding losses is simple. For example, it can be done by dividing the conductor into transposed subconductors. However, this comes with the expense of an increase in the DC resistance. In the doctoral thesis, a new method is presented to minimize the winding losses by applying a litz wire with noninsulated strands. The construction is the same as in a normal litz wire but the insulation between the subconductors has been left out. The idea is that the connection is kept weak to prevent harmful eddy currents from flowing. Moreover, the analytical solution for calculating the AC resistance factor of the litz-wire is supplemented by including an end-winding resistance in the analytical solution. A simple measurement device is developed to measure the AC resistance in the windings. In the case of a litz-wire with originally noninsulated strands, vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) is used to insulate the subconductors. In one of the two cases studied, the VPI affected the AC resistance factor, but in the other case, it did not have any effect. However, more research is needed to determine the effect of the VPI on litz-wire with noninsulated strands. An empirical model is developed to calculate the AC resistance factor of a single-layer formwound winding. The model includes the end-winding length and the number of strands and turns. The end winding includes the circulating current (eddy currents that are traveling through the whole winding between parallel strands) and the main current. The end-winding length also affects the total AC resistance factor.
The objective of this work was to optimize the parameter setup for GTAW of aluminum using an AC rectangular wave output and continuous feeding. A series of welds was carried-out in an industrial joint, with variation of the negative and positive current amplitude, the negative and positive duration time, the travel speed and the feeding speed. Another series was carried out to investigate the isolate effect of the negative duration time and travel speed. Bead geometry aspects were assessed, such as reinforcement, penetration, incomplete fusion and joint wall bridging. The results showed that currents at both polarities are remarkably more significant than the respective duration times. It was also shown that there is a straight relationship between welding speed and feeding speed and this relationship must be followed for obtaining sound beads. A very short positive duration time is enough for arc stability achievement and when the negative duration time is longer than 5 ms its effect on geometry appears. The possibility of optimizing the parameter selection, despite the high inter-correlation amongst them, was demonstrate through a computer program. An approach to reduce the number of variables in this process is also presented.