619 resultados para Gómez, Juan Vicente, 1857-1935.


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Digital Image


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Memorial book with the speeches by Leo Baeck and Hugo Jacobi.


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Genealogy; childhood in Tuebingen as the youngest of 14 brothers; student life in Tuebingen; professional career; because of his being Jewish no possibility to enter career as public prosecutor; active membership in National Liberal Party and in Free Mason Lodge; World War I; closing of his law office in 1933. Contains transcriptions of numerous congratulations for his golden wedding and his 80th birthday in 1937.


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Correspondence, clippings, manuscripts, notes, reports, relating to Bernstein's journalistic, literary and diplomatic careers. Correspondence with well-known literary, political and communal, society personalities, 1908-1935. Includes Cyrus Adler, Viscount Allenby, Joseph Barondess, Bernard Baruch, Henri Bergson, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Jacob Billikopf, Vladimir Bourtzeff, Louis Brandeis, Robert Cecil, Fyodor Chaliapin, Jacob de Haas, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Felix Frankfurter, Herbert Hoover, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Horace M. Kallen, Peretz Hirschbein, Peter Kropotkin, Herbert Lehman, Louis Lipsky, Judah L. Magnes, Louis Marshall, Henry Morgenthau, Max Nordau, Adolph Simon Ochs, David de Sola Pool, Bernard G. Richards, Theodore Roosevelt, Julius Rosenwald, Jacob Schiff, Harry Schneiderman, Maurice Schwartz, George Bernard Shaw, Sholem Aleichem, Nathan Straus, Henrietta Szold, Chaim Tchernowitz, Leo Tolstoy, Samuel Untermyer, Henry Van Dyke, Lillian Wald, Felix Warburg, Chaim Weizman n, Jefferson Williams, Stephen Wise, Israel Zangwill. Correspondence and other materials relating to Bernstein's post as U.S. ambassador to Albania. Materials pertaining to Bernstein's editorial work at *The Day*, *Jewish Tribune*, *New York Herald*, *Jewish Daily Bulletin*. Materials pertaining to Bernstein's involvement with the American Jewish Committee. Correspondence with organizations including American Jewish Congress, *American Hebrew*, HIAS, *Jewish Chronicle* (London), Jewish Community of New York, *Menorah Journal*, *New York American*, *New York Times*, ORT, U.S. Dept. of State, Yiddish Art Theater, Zionist Organization of America. Articles, clippings, correspondence and court materials relating to the Ford libel suit. Miscellaneous documents and reports relating to the Paris Peace Conference, the Jewish situation in Russia, 1917-1920, Russian revolutionary events of 1917. News dispatches from Russia, 1917-1920s. Translations by Bernstein of Russian wri Andre yev,


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Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, and clippings relating to the activities of Wolf, Mowshowitch, and the Joint Foreign Committee, as well as to the political situation of Jews in various countries and to the Paris Peace Conference. Papers of Lucien Wolf include his diary, lectures on English-German relations and English-Russian relations; bibliography of Wolf's works on Jewish themes; clippings of Wolf's articles; congratulations on his seventieth birthday; article on his last interview with Chamberlain; and correspondence with parents, 1869-1882, A. Abrahams, 1914-1925, Chief Rabbi Dr. J.H. Hertz, 1892-1923, Clara Melchior, 1913-1929, Jacob Schiff, 1910, Maxim Vinawer, 1917, Mark Wischnitzer, 1926-1928, Lord Robert Cecil, 1916-1919, Lord Rothschild, 1906, Cyrus Adler, Count J. Bernstorff, Szymon Ashkenazy, Solomon Dingol, Louis Marshall, Claude G. Montefiore, Sir Edward Sassoon, Jacob Schiff, Lord William Selborne, Nakhum Sokolow, Oscar Straus, Chaim Weizmann, the American Jewish Congress, 1916-1923, Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden, 1913, and Jewish Historical Society of England.


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Contains primarily correspondence and published material in English, German and Russian relating to anti-Semitism in Russia and Roumania, the Russian passport question, loans from Jewish bankers to the Russian government and immigration from Eastern Europe, especially Russia, to the United States. Includes also correspondence concerning Jewish welfare institutions and agricultural colonies in the United States and the National Farm School in Doylestown, Pa. Also contains correspondence relating to and drafts of articles for the American Hebrew, particularly the Emma Lazarus memorial number, and correspondence relating to the publication of the Jewish encyclopedia and to survey on anti-Semitism conducted in 1890, as well as information on the Jews in China and material relating to Count Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich.


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Contains the constitution, by-laws, correspondence, papers, and minutes of the Synagogue Council of America (1935-1958), an incomplete set of the minutes of the Plenum, (1949-1965), the minutes of the Executive Committee (1946-1969), Officers' (Summit) Meetings (1955-1967) and the minutes and reports of the Budget Committee (1946-1966), financial reports and statements for 1942-1965 and fundraising activities (1958-1968).


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Autographs: Postcards and picture postcards (all photocopies) written by luminaries such as Richard Beer- Hofmann, Otto Brahm, Josef Floch to Paula Schmidl-Speyer, Anton Hanak, Theodor Herzl, Wilhelm Mueller-Hofmann, Arthur Schnitzler, Julius Wagner-Jauregg, Jakob Wassermann, and David Wolfson.


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Documents, medals, and photos pertaining to Max Strauss' service in the German Army before and during World War I:


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Two letters from Rabbi Leo Baeck in London to Mrs. Fred Alexander in Belmont, MA pertaining to common acquaintances in Theresienstadt; Dec. 10, 1945 and Jan 3, 1947.


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Copies of photos and documents pertaining to Regina Teitelbaum's sports activities in Jewish sports events during the 1920s and 1930s, including clippings about these events (from Der Makkabi, 1935), and certificates for Teitelbaum's accomplishments.


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La planificación y manejo integral de fincas es un mod elo con tendencias productivas, en Nicaragua la ausencia de metodologías sencillas, flexibles, con alta factibilidad económica y confiabilidad de los resultados, es un factor determinante de la aceptación e implementación de los planes de manejo a nivel de finca. El presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de contribuir información de metodología para inventarios forestales y resultados florísticos en el almacenamiento de carbono, en tres fincas productivas del bosque húmedo tropical del municipio El Castillo, Río San Juan. El estudio se estableció en tres etapas metodológicas: planificación de trabajo, fase de campo y almacenamiento de datos (procesamiento). Para cumplir los objetivos se implementó un inventario forestal por muestreo sistemático con diferentes intensidades de muestreo en cada finca, se establecieron parcelas de 10m x 50m (0.05 ha), para comparar la diversidad entre fincas se utilizó igual tamaño de parcelas (0.3 ha), mediante el índice de Margalef (riqueza) e índice de Shannon-Weiner (equidad), se analizó la estructura horizontal mediante el cálculo de abundancia, área basal y volumen por hectárea, para la estimación de carbono se optó por el método no destructivo utilizando la ecuación general de biomasa (Brown, 1997) y el factor de carbono según IPCC, 2005. Las variables estudiadas son: nombre botánico de la especie arbórea, DAP (1.30m sobre el suelo ) mayor a 10 cm y altura fustal. Se identificaron 31 familias botánicos, 57 géneros y 68 especies, las familias más representativas, según el número de especie son, Moraceae, Rubiaceae, Fabaceae, Sapotaceae, Anonaceae, Burseraceae, Cumbretaceae, Lauraceae, Meliaceae, Vochysiaceae, Mimosaceae, alta presencia de especies indicadoras de bosques alterados o secundarios y bajo número de especies comerciales. No obstante el estudio de muestra alta riqueza en las tres fincas sin diferencias significativas (X²= 0,916; P>0,05) y baja equidad en La Pavona y La Perilla, por el contrario La Primavera presenta mejor representatividad de las especies. El bosque con mayor área basal y volumen (desarrollo estructural), fue La Pavona (26.51 m2ha-1 y 365.39 m3 ha-1), también almacenó mayor carbono por hectárea (195.66Mg C ha-1), básicamente los resultado de carbono son similares entre las tres fincas (La Perilla con 184.38 MgC ha-1 y La Primavera con 192.21 MgC ha-1), también se encontró alta relación entre el estado de desarrollo (clases naturales de edades), abundancia, volumen y el almacenamiento de carbono por la alta cantidad de biomasa.