963 resultados para Folktales, Germany: Baden.
The authors examined the development of self-esteem across the life span. Data came from a German longitudinal study with 3 assessments across 4 years of a sample of 2,509 individuals ages 14 to 89 years. The self-esteem measure used showed strong measurement invariance across assessments and birth cohorts. Latent growth curve analyses indicated that self-esteem follows a quadratic trajectory across the life span, increasing during adolescence, young adulthood, and middle adulthood, reaching a peak at age 60 years, and then declining in old age. No cohort effects on average levels of self-esteem or on the shape of the trajectory were found. Moreover, the trajectory did not differ across gender, level of education, or for individuals who had lived continuously in West versus East Germany (i.e., the 2 parts of Germany that had been separate states from 1949 to 1990). However, the results suggested that employment status, household income, and satisfaction in the domains of work, relationships, and health contribute to a more positive life span trajectory of self-esteem. The findings have significant implications, because they call attention to developmental stages in which individuals may be vulnerable because of low self-esteem (such as adolescence and old age) and to factors that predict successful versus problematic developmental trajectories.
The reconstruction of thermal histories of rocks (thermochronometry) is a fundamental tool both in Earth science and in geological exploration. However, few methods are currently capable of resolving the low-temperature thermal evolution of the upper ∼2 km of the Earth's crust. Here we introduce a new thermochronometer based on the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) from feldspar, and validate the extrapolation of its response to artificial radiation and heat in the laboratory to natural environmental conditions. Specifically, we present a new detailed Na-feldspar IRSL thermochronology from a well-documented thermally-stable crustal environment at the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB). There, the natural luminescence of Na-feldspar extracted from twelve borehole samples (0.1–2.3 km depth, corresponding to 10–70 °C) can be either (i) predicted within uncertainties from the current geothermal gradient, or (ii) inverted into a geothermal palaeogradient of 29 ± 2 °C km−1, integrating natural thermal conditions over the last ∼65 ka. The demonstrated ability to invert a depth–luminescence dataset into a meaningful geothermal palaeogradient opens new venues for reconstructing recent ambient temperatures of the shallow crust (<0.3 Ma, 40–70 °C range), or for studying equally recent and rapid transient cooling in active orogens (<0.3 Ma, >200 °C Ma−1 range). Although Na-feldspar IRSL is prone to field saturation in colder or slower environments, the method's primary relevance appears to be for borehole and tunnel studies, where it may offer remarkably recent (<0.3 Ma) information on the thermal structure and history of hydrothermal fields, nuclear waste repositories and hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Organic soils in peatlands store a great proportion of the global soil carbon pool and can lose carbon via the atmosphere due to degradation. In Germany, most of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from organic soils are attributed to sites managed as grassland. Here, we investigated a land use gradient from near-natural wetland (NW) to an extensively managed (GE) to an intensively managed grassland site (GI), all formed in the same bog complex in northern Germany. Vertical depth profiles of δ13C, δ15N, ash content, C / N ratio and bulk density as well as radiocarbon ages were studied to identify peat degradation and to calculate carbon loss. At all sites, including the near-natural site, δ13C depth profiles indicate aerobic decomposition in the upper horizons. Depth profiles of δ15N differed significantly between sites with increasing δ15N values in the top soil layers paralleling an increase in land use intensity owing to differences in peat decomposition and fertilizer application. At both grassland sites, the ash content peaked within the first centimetres. In the near-natural site, ash contents were highest in 10–60 cm depth. The ash profiles, not only at the managed grassland sites, but also at the near-natural site indicate that all sites were influenced by anthropogenic activities either currently or in the past, most likely due to drainage. Based on the enrichment of ash content and changes in bulk density, we calculated the total carbon loss from the sites since the peatland was influenced by anthropogenic activities. Carbon loss at the sites increased in the following order: NW < GE < GI. Radiocarbon ages of peat in the topsoil of GE and GI were hundreds of years, indicating the loss of younger peat material. In contrast, peat in the first centimetres of the NW was only a few decades old, indicating recent peat growth. It is likely that the NW site accumulates carbon today but was perturbed by anthropogenic activities in the past. Together, all biogeochemical parameters indicate a degradation of peat due to (i) conversion to grassland with historical drainage and (ii) land use intensification.
von Siegfried Wolff
A higher risk of future range losses as a result of climate change is expected to be one of the main drivers of extinction trends in vascular plants occurring in habitat types of high conservation value. Nevertheless, the impact of the climate changes of the last 60 years on the current distribution and extinction patterns of plants is still largely unclear. We applied species distribution models to study the impact of environmental variables (climate, soil conditions, land cover, topography), on the current distribution of 18 vascular plant species characteristic of three threatened habitat types in southern Germany: (i) xero-thermophilous vegetation, (ii) mesophilous mountain grasslands (mountain hay meadows and matgrass communities), and (iii) wetland habitats (bogs, fens, and wet meadows). Climate and soil variables were the most important variables affecting plant distributions at a spatial level of 10 × 10 km. Extinction trends in our study area revealed that plant species which occur in wetland habitats faced higher extinction risks than those in xero-thermophilous vegetation, with the risk for species in mesophilous mountain grasslands being intermediary. For three plant species characteristic either of mesophilous mountain grasslands or wetland habitats we showed exemplarily that extinctions from 1950 to the present day have occurred at the edge of the species’ current climatic niche, indicating that climate change has likely been the main driver of extinction. This is largely consistent with current extinction trends reported in other studies. Our study indicates that the analysis of past extinctions is an appropriate means to assess the impact of climate change on species and that vulnerability to climate change is both species- and habitat-specific.
Leopold Löwenstein
How do institutional settings and their embedded policy principles affect gender-typed enrolment in educational programmes? Based on gender-sensitive theories on career choice, we hypothesised that gender segregation in education is higher with a wider range of offers of vocational programmes. By analysing youth survey and panel data, we tested this assumption for Germany, Norway and Canada, three countries whose educational systems represent a different mix of academic, vocational and universalistic education principles. We found that vocational programmes are considerably more gender-segregated than are academic (e.g. university) programmes. Men, more so than women, can avoid gender-typed programmes by passing on to a university education. This in turn means that as long as their secondary school achievement does not allow for a higher education career, they have a higher likelihood of being allocated to male-typed programmes in the vocational education and training (VET) system. In addition, social background and the age at which students have to choose educational offers impact on the transition to gendered educational programmes. Overall, gender segregation in education is highest in Germany and the lowest in Canada. We interpret the differences between these countries with respect to the constellations of educational principles and policies in the respective countries.
Boberach: Die Niederlage der Demokraten und Republikaner wird mit ihrer falschen Taktik erklärt. Die Revolutionäre haben sich zu sehr um Ordnung und Recht bemüht. Die Provisorische Zentralgewalt und ihre Behörden werden mit der französischen Regierung verglichen
Boberach: Der Antrag des badischen Landtags auf Bundesreform soll nicht durch ein Kaisertum verwirklicht werden. Es soll beim Staatenbund bleiben, jedoch mit Einschluß von Posen, Ost- und Westpreußen. Ein verantwortliches Reichsministerium soll aus einem zwischen Österreich und Preußen wechselnden Präsidenten und bis zu sechs Bundestagsgesandten bestehen, die vom Engeren Rat gewählt werden, die Nationalrepräsentation beim Bundestag und der Bundesgerichtshof sollen vom Engeren Rat ernannt werden. Auch Frauen sollen vom Bundestag beschäftigt werden. - Wentzke: Die Grundlage der Reform hat der Antrag der Badischen Kammer gegeben: 1. Eingliederung der außerdeutschen Provinzen Preußens und damit enger Anschluß Preußens an Deutschland. 2. Erweiterung des Bundeszwecks. 3. Organisationsänderungen: gegen die Wiederherstellung des Kaisertums und gegen Aufhebung der Souveränität der Einzelstaaten, nur für Erweiterung des Wirkungskreises des Präsidiums am Bundestage, und zwar durch Schaffung eines verantwortlichen Reichsministeriums (der Präsident selbst und 4 bis 6 Bundestagsgesandte nach Wahl durch den engeren Rat) als Bundesstaatsrat. Vor allem ist eine Vermehrung der wirklichen Arbeitskräfte und Intelligenzen am Bundestage nötig. Erwünscht wäre vielleicht ein Wechsel des Präsidiums zwischen Österreich und Preußen. Am wichtigsten ist die Einrichtung einer Nationalrepräsentation am Bunde: 3 bis 4 Kuriatstimmen der Standesherren, 69 Abgeordnete als Delegierte der Ständeversammlungen nach der Zahl der einzelstaatlichen Stimmen im Plenum. Den Schlußstein bildet ein Bundesgerichtshof von 34 Mitgliedern als Staatengerichtshof, ernannt von den Staaten des engeren Rats, und zwar je eines von der Regierung und von den Landständen
Der europäische Kontinent wurde im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert von zahlreichen Kriegen überzogen. Zugleich wurden mit dem Kongresswesen neue Formen des Friedensschließens erprobt. Der vorliegende Band zeigt ausgehend von den Verhandlungen in Baden 1714 und weiteren Beispielen aktuelle Forschungsperspektiven zur räumlichen »Verortung« dieser frühneuzeitlichen Friedenskongresse auf. In den Gastorten bildeten diese von adliger Kultur geprägten Großveranstaltungen vorübergehende Fremdkörper, was aber nicht das Fehlen von Interaktionen mit den lokalen Gesellschaften bedeutete. Die Beherbergung zahlreicher Menschen unterschiedlichen Standes und Glaubens stellte für die gastgebenden Städte einerseits eine beträchtliche Herausforderung und Belastung dar. Andererseits bot sich damit für sie die Möglichkeit, sich in der europäischen Fürstengesellschaft zu positionieren. Die Frage nach den politischen und rechtlichen Voraussetzungen für die Wahl als Kongressort weist schließlich über den Kontext der einzelnen Städte hinaus und führt zu einer Geschichte frühneuzeitlicher Neutralisierungspraktiken.