999 resultados para Folha de estilos XSLT
The improvements on the quality of life are causing the number of the elderly to grow on a global level, which is causing changes in our society. This new phenomenon demands that some actions are executed in several areas. On the communications field, it is needed to put the older people in the spotlight, so they can know themselves better and be included in the society. The goal of this work is to investigate if there is visibility for the elderly on Folha de São Paulo, using the daily cultural section (Ilustrada) and the weekly papers (the extinct Mais! and Ilustríssima) as a basis for the study. In order to find out the main aspects of the newspaper’s coverage, the Content Analysis is going to be used, a methodology that includes quantitative and qualitative techniques and which intent is to reveal the material’s implicit content. Through it, it will to be possible to understand how the elderly are treated on Folha de São Paulo, and what can be done to better their position in the newspaper
Uma das principais estratégias de ação da biotecnologia na área vegetal trata da produção de plantas geneticamente modificadas com transgenes de interesse. Entretanto, para garantir a correta expressão de tais transgenes em plantas de interesse agronômico e florestal, como é o caso do eucalipto, a identificação e caracterização de seqüências promotoras com padrões conhecidos de expressão gênica se fazem necessárias. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho objetivou clonar e sequenciar a região promotora de um gene com expressão em folha de Eucalyptus grandis. Em seguida, um cassete de expressão contendo o gene repórter GUS sobre controle do referido promotor foi construído e introduzido em vetor binário. O referido cassete foi então inserido em agrobactéria visando a futura transformação de plantas modelo para a realização de estudos funcionais
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Among the fruit species of the Brazilian Cerrado, the pequi is much popular in regions where it is extracted. Often it used in typical dishes, on the industry medicinal, cosmetic and handmade, also it studied its potential to produce fuel. Thus, this article sought to ponder about the disclosure of this fruit in the press, by means of the search system's site Folha de S. Paulo and applying content analysis, proposed by Bardin, beyond bibliography and documentary research. The justification for this research is that the pequi is a fruit of great importance in the economy and sustainable, yet little is spoken about it in the mainstream media. The result is that, by the analysis, little is said about the pequi media and its focus, is principally, cultural journalism, in culinary.
The aim of this study was to analyze and evaluate the performance of swimmers tied to the Extension Project Natação na UNESP at distances of 25m, 50m, 75m and 100m. The study included 20 people, including 12 men and 8 women. From an aerial footage was possible to record the tests proposed by the analysis of videos of, Freestyleand Backstroke styles for stroke cycles, average speed, stroke frequency and time proof stretches of 0-25m, 25-50m, 50-75m e 75-100m. Thus, it was possible to calculate stroke length, frequency, average speed as proposed in the study of Maglischo (1999). From these data were applied to descriptive statistics with mean and standard deviation, minimum and maximum scores in the different parameters of analysis and statistical tests, t-test and correlation to make comparisons between styles and between the distances swims by the subjects. Regarding the performance of the participants in the eight proposed tests, it can be said that most have already mastered the styles Crawl and Back Crawl for having managed to finish the tests proposed. However, the results of the variables analyzed mainly by the total time obtained in the tests can classify the subjects in the initial phase of learning and to start the training will be necessary to improve the implementation of styles
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
The contributions of studies on Cognitive Styles are presented and discussed in this text, introductory and conceptually, in order to clarify and facilitate the discussion within the school education. With the theoretical origin in the cognitive psychology, more specifically, in studies of human cognition in differential perspective, the Cognitive Styles, are constructs developed to describe perceptual characteristics of the individual called "Dependence and Independence Field." In the course of this conceptual construction it is evidenced that individual perceptions are part of a broad set of interrelated factors that reflect the level of psychological differentiation of individuals. The studies show subjects with different Cognitive Styles, that are distributed in a "continuum" in order to set up a statistical normality. Therein some educational implications related to the Cognitive Styles are evident in relation to how the students learn, how the teachers teach, to the formal education in itself and to the career plan. The Cognitive Styles has a broad spectrum of influence on the relationship established in the teaching-learning process. So, these concepts need urgently to be better understood in the context of education.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
O futebol nos dias de hoje representa algo muito maior do que um exercício físico ou uma atividade de descontração. Ele desempenha um papel dentro da sociedade que extrapola as perspectivas do jogo. Reduzir a análise sobre o futebol profissional apenas ao aspecto lúdico do esporte também diminui a concepção sobre o que ele realmente representa. Nos bastidores do espetáculo futebolístico existe um universo de atos políticos que abrangem diversas esferas do poder que por sua vez auxiliam na execução do esporte como um evento esportivo com milhões de espectadores. Uma das razões para que o âmbito político do esporte seja menos conhecido do que as táticas dos técnicos ou dribles dos jogadores é a cobertura feita pelos meios de comunicação. No decorrer de sua existência, o futebol se transformou em um evento globalizado que envolve em sua órbita muito mais do que apenas o aspecto esportivo. Com os anos, o esporte foi se firmando em diversos países como produto cultural e até mesmo ferramenta política. O que se vê contudo é a sobreposição midiática do jogo sobre a sua verdadeira estrutura. O entretenimento trazido pelo esporte ganha as páginas enquanto o jogo político que sustenta a realização do mesmo recebe uma atenção mais discreta das mídias. A proposta deste trabalho é analisar como foi feita a divulgação de notícias referentes à Copa do Mundo de 2014, que será realizada no Brasil, nos jornais Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo durante o ano de 2012 através dos seus cadernos de esportes. O objetivo é compreender qual é o teor e a intensidade da cobertura sobre os fatos políticos que ajudam a dar forma ao evento mais importante do futebol. Acontecimentos desta proporção exigem preparação do país, o que implica em um trabalho em conjunto entre o Governo Federal e FIFA. Pretende-se analisar a contextualização feita pelos jornais em relação ao esporte ao seu aspecto esportivo, podendo...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
This study investigated the children s intellectual development with high and low blood lead level with the parenting styles in the respective interactions with these children. The WISC-III and IEP (Parenting Styles Inventory) were used. Were studied 40 children, with ages among 7 to 13 years old, and 40 parents, who lived in a risk spot near the contamination area. The children were divided into two groups: G1 – 20 children with blood lead level above 10µg/dl; and G2 – 20 children with blood lead level lower than 10µg/dl. The results indicated damages on WISC-III for the children with Pb-S than10µg/dl and prevalence of practices educational negatives were found in both groups, with statistical difference (5%). The environmental stimulation can minimize the damages caused by the lead poisoning, and the parent s positive educative practice can contribute as modulator of the lead s effect.
The aim of this study was to describe the styles and parenting practices of adolescent mothers to evaluate the influence of participation in an intervention program of parental practices. 14 adolescent mothers contributed with this research. For the evaluation was used the Inventory of Parenting Styles of Babies Mothers (IEPMB). The results showed that the participants before beginning the group had an average of Parental Style Good, after participating in the group participants had an average of Parenting Style Great. The intervention group presented effectively promoting the acquisition and/or maintenance of positive parenting practices and the reduction in negative practices.