959 resultados para Femoropopliteal bypass
OBJECTIVE: Bench evaluation of the hydrodynamic behavior of venous cannulas is a valuable technique for the analysis of their performance during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the internal diameter of the extracorporeal connecting tube of venous cannulas on flow rate (Q), pressure drop (delta P), and cannula resistance (delta P/Q²) values, using a computer assisted test bench.¦METHODS: An in vitro circuit was set up with silicone tubing between the test cannula encased in a movable reservoir, and a static reservoir. The delta P, defined as the difference between the drainage pressure and the preload pressure, was measured using high-fidelity Millar pressure transducers. Q was measured using an ultrasonic flowmeter. Data display and data recording were controlled using virtual instruments in a stepwise fashion.¦RESULTS: The 27 F smartcanula® with a 9 mm connecting tube diameter showed 17% less resistance compared to that with an 8 mm connecting tube diameter. Q values were 7.22±0.1 and 7.81±0.04 L/min for cannulas with 8 mm and 9 mm connecting tube diameters, respectively. The delta P/Q² ratio values were 72% lower for the Medtronic cannula with a 9 mm connecting tube diameter compared to that with an 8 mm connecting tube diameter. Q values for the Medtronic cannula were 3.94±0.23 and 6.58±0.04 L/min with 8 mm and 9 mm connecting tube diameters, respectively. The 27 F smartcanula® showed 13% more flow rate compared to the 28 F Medtronic cannula using the unpaired Student t-test (p<0.0001).¦CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated that Q was increased but delta P and delta P/Q² values were significantly decreased when the connecting tube diameter was increased for venous cannulas. The connecting tube diameter significantly affected the resistance to liquid flow through the cannula. Smartcanulas® outperform Medtronic cannulas.
The saphenous vein is the conduit of choice in bypass graft procedures. Haemodynamic factors play a major role in the development of intimal hyperplasia (IH), and subsequent bypass failure. To evaluate the potential protective effect of external reinforcement on such a failure, we developed an ex vivo model for the perfusion of segments of human saphenous veins under arterial shear stress. In veins submitted to pulsatile high pressure (mean pressure at 100 mmHg) for 3 or 7 days, the use of an external macroporous polyester mesh 1) prevented the dilatation of the vessel, 2) decreased the development of IH, 3) reduced the apoptosis of smooth muscle cells, and the subsequent fibrosis of the media layer, 4) prevented the remodelling of extracellular matrix through the up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2, MMP-9) and plasminogen activator type I. The data show that, in an experimental ex vivo setting, an external scaffold decreases IH and maintains the integrity of veins exposed to arterial pressure, via increase in shear stress and decrease wall tension, that likely contribute to trigger selective molecular and cellular changes.
La régulation de la glycémie est une fonction complexe de l'organisme faisant intervenir de multiples mécanismes. Lors de la prise alimentaire, l'un des mécanismes impliqués dans l'homéostasie glucidique, notamment dans la sécrétion d'insuline, est l'axe entéroinsulaire. En effet, le contact des nutriments avec des cellules spécialisées réparties le long du tractus digestif déclenche la sécrétion d'hormones, appelées incretines, telles que le GLP-1 ou le GIP. Ces hormones gastro-intestinales potentialisent la sécrétion d'insuline (effet incrétine) et sont responsables d'une grande partie de la réponse insulinique à la prise orale de glucose.¦L'importance de ces hormones est particulièrement mise en évidence par des observations faites chez les sujets obèses ayant bénéficié d'une chirurgie bariatrique. En effet, après l'opération, la sensibilité à l'insuline et sa sécrétion sont améliorées chez des patients obèses diabétiques ou intolérants au glucose, alors que le pattern de sécrétion des hormones GI est nettement modifié avec notamment une augmentation de la sécrétion de GLP-1. L'augmentation de la sécrétion de ces hormones pourrait contribuer à l'amélioration de la tolérance glucidique en augmentant la sécrétion d'insuline en réponse à l'apport de nutriments. Cette activation exagérée de l'axe entéro-insulaire pourrait aussi contribuer à la pathogenèse des hypoglycémies postprandiales survenant parfois après un bypass gastrique¦Néanmoins, si le rôle des hormones gastro-intestinales est indubitale, il y a peu de données nous indiquant le rôle respectif des divers macronutriments composant un repas standard dans I'activation de l'axe entéro-insulaire. Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à préciser le rôle spécifique de la partie lipidique et protéique d'un repas standard.¦Après avoir confirmé l'existence d'un effet incrétine lors de la consommation d'un repas test sous forme d'un sandwich, les résultats que nous avons obtenus montrent que l'ingestion de lipides en quantité correspondant à celle d'un repas standard augmente la sécrétion d'insuline, contribuant ainsi à l'effet incrétine, alors qu'à contrario, l'ingestion de protéines ne provoque pas d'augmentation de l'insulinémie et ainsi ne contribue pas à l'effet incrétine.¦Ces observations pourraient revêtir un intérêt pratique. En effet, la démonstration du rôle prépondérant d'un macronutriment dans l'effet incrétine suivant la prise d'un repas standard pourrait mener à des prescriptions diététiques dans le but d'améliorer le contrôle glycémique chez des patients diabétiques ou de diminuer les hypoglycémies suivant la prise alimentaire chez certains patients ayant bénéficié d'un bypass gastrique. De même, une meilleure compréhension du rôle des hormones incrétines a déjà ouvert de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques dans le traitement du diabète de type 2 avec le développement de nouvelles classes de médicaments telles que les analogues du GLP-1 ou les inhibiteurs de sa dégradation.
Variation in cellular gene expression levels has been shown to be inherited. Expression is controlled at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Internal ribosome entry sites (IRES) are used by viruses to bypass inhibition of cap-dependent translation, and by eukaryotic cells to control translation under conditions when protein synthesis is inhibited. We aimed at identifying genomic determinants of variability in IRES-mediated translation of viral [Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV)] and cellular IRES [X-linked inhibitor-of-apoptosis (XIAP) and c-myc]. Bicistronic lentiviral constructs expressing two fluorescent reporters were used to transduce laboratory and B lymphoblastoid cell lines [15 CEPH pedigrees (n = 205) and 50 unrelated individuals]. IRES efficiency varied according to cell type and among individuals. Control of IRES activity has a significant genetic component (h(2) of 0.47 and 0.36 for EMCV and XIAP, respectively). Quantitative linkage analysis identified a suggestive locus (LOD 2.35) on chromosome 18q21.2, and genome-wide association analysis revealed of a cluster of SNPs on chromosome 3, intronic to the FHIT gene, marginally associated (P = 5.9E-7) with XIAP IRES function. This study illustrates the in vitro generation of intermediate phenotypes by using cell lines for the evaluation of genetic determinants of control of elements such as IRES.
En Riegel v. Medtronic Inc. (552 U.S.__2008; February 20, 2008), el Sr. Riegel tuvo que ser sometido a un by-pass como consecuencia de la rotura del catéter, fabricado por Medtronic, con el que su médico le practicaba una angioplastia. A pesar de que el catéter había obtenido la autorización de comercialización de la FDA y cumplía los requisitos de seguridad previstos por el sistema regulatorio federal, el Sr. Riegel y su mujer interpusieron una acción de daños contra Medtronic –y no contra el médico- conforme a las reglas de responsabilidad civil objetiva y por negligencia del Common Law neoyorquino. Sin embargo, el Tribunal Supremo federal de los EE.UU., en ponencia del Magistrado Antonin Gregory Scalia, votó, por mayoría de ocho magistrados, rechazar el recurso de la Sra. Riegel y confirmar la sentencia de segunda instancia, desestimatoria de la demanda, porque consideró que la regla de primacía del derecho regulatorio federal sobre seguridad de productos sanitarios [Medical Device Amendments de 1976, 21 U.S.C. Artículo 360k(a)] excluye la aplicabilidad no sólo del derecho regulatorio estatal sobre seguridad de productos sanitarios, sino también del Common Law sobre responsabilidad civil del fabricante.
miR-21 is the most commonly over-expressed microRNA (miRNA) in cancer and a proven oncogene. Hsa-miR-21 is located on chromosome 17q23.2, immediately downstream of the vacuole membrane protein-1 (VMP1) gene, also known as TMEM49. VMP1 transcripts initiate ∼130 kb upstream of miR-21, are spliced, and polyadenylated only a few hundred base pairs upstream of the miR-21 hairpin. On the other hand, primary miR-21 transcripts (pri-miR-21) originate within the last introns of VMP1, but bypass VMP1 polyadenylation signals to include the miR-21 hairpin. Here, we report that VMP1 transcripts can also bypass these polyadenylation signals to include miR-21, thus providing a novel and independently regulated source of miR-21, termed VMP1–miR-21. Northern blotting, gene-specific RT-PCR, RNA pull-down and DNA branching assays support that VMP1–miR-21 is expressed at significant levels in a number of cancer cell lines and that it is processed by the Microprocessor complex to produce mature miR-21. VMP1 and pri-miR-21 are induced by common stimuli, such as phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) and androgens, but show differential responses to some stimuli such as epigenetic modifying agents. Collectively, these results indicate that miR-21 is a unique miRNA capable of being regulated by alternative polyadenylation and two independent gene promoters.
Venous cannula orifice obstruction is an underestimated problem during augmented cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), which can potentially be reduced with redesigned, virtually wall-less cannula designs versus traditional percutaneous control venous cannulas. A bench model, allowing for simulation of the vena cava with various affluent orifices, venous collapse and a worst case scenario with regard to cannula position, was developed. Flow (Q) was measured sequentially for right atrial + hepatic + renal + iliac drainage scenarios, using a centrifugal pump and an experimental bench set-up (afterload 60 mmHg). At 1500, 2000 and 2500 RPM and atrial position, the Q values were 3.4, 6.03 and 8.01 versus 0.77*, 0.43* and 0.58* l/min: p<0.05* for wall-less and the Biomedicus(®) cannula, respectively. The corresponding pressure values were -15.18, -31.62 and -74.53 versus -46.0*, -119.94* and -228.13* mmHg. At the hepatic position, the Q values were 3.34, 6.67 and 9.26 versus 2.3*, 0.42* and 0.18* l/min; and the pressure values were -10.32, -20.25 and -42.83 versus -23.35*, -119.09* and -239.38* mmHg. At the renal position, the Q values were 3.43, 6.56 and 8.64 versus 2.48*, 0.41* and 0.22* l/min and the pressure values were -9.64, -20.98 and -63.41 versus -20.87 -127.68* and -239* mmHg, respectively. At the iliac position, the Q values were 3.43, 6.01 and 9.25 versus 1.62*, 0.55* and 0.58* l/min; the pressure values were -9.36, -33.57 and -44.18 versus -30.6*, -120.27* and -228* mmHg, respectivly. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that the redesigned, virtually wall-less cannulas, allowing for direct venous drainage at practically all intra-venous orifices, outperform the commercially available control cannula, with superior flow at reduced suction levels for all scenarios tested.
The in situ saphenous vein bypass has been introduced in our department since 1989. A total of 26 bypasses in 22 patients have been followed prospectively. Indications for revascularisation have been severe arterial insufficiency in 73% of the cases (stage III or IV). With the exception of one postoperative death (myocardial infarction), all the patients have recovered uneventfully, with a regression to stage I. No amputation has been necessary. Morbidity has been 30%, with mainly minor local complications. The primary patency rate is 83% at one year and 78% after 2 and 3 years, whereas the secondary patency rate is 91% at one year, and remains constant thereafter up to 3 years. Considering our results and those from the literature, we believe that the in situ technique is very valuable, especially for below-knee vascular reconstruction. Technical difficulties of the method are analysed.
Background: Current guidelines for patients with moderate- or high-risk acute coronary syndromes recommend an early invasive approach with concomitant antithrombotic therapy, including aspirin, clopidogrel, unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin, and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors. We evaluated the role of thrombin-specific anticoagulation with bivalirudin in such patients. Methods: We assigned 13,819 patients with acute coronary syndromes to one of three antithrombotic regimens: unfractionated heparin or enoxaparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, bivalirudin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, or bivalirudin alone. The primary end points were a composite ischemia end point (death, myocardial infarction, or unplanned revascularization for ischemia), major bleeding, and the net clinical outcome, defined as the combination of composite ischemia or major bleeding. Results: Bivalirudin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, as compared with heparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, was associated with noninferior 30-day rates of the composite ischemia end point (7.7% and 7.3%, respectively), major bleeding (5.3% and 5.7%), and the net clinical outcome end point (11.8% and 11.7%). Bivalirudin alone, as compared with heparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor, was associated with a noninferior rate of the composite ischemia end point (7.8% and 7.3%, respectively; P = 0.32; relative risk, 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.93 to 1.24) and significantly reduced rates of major bleeding (3.0% vs. 5.7%; P<0.001; relative risk, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.43 to 0.65) and the net clinical outcome end point (10.1% vs. 11.7%; P = 0.02; relative risk, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.77 to 0.97). Conclusions: In patients with moderate- or high-risk acute coronary syndromes who were undergoing invasive treatment with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, bivalirudin was associated with rates of ischemia and bleeding that were similar to those with heparin. Bivalirudin alone was associated with similar rates of ischemia and significantly lower rates of bleeding. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00093158.)
We report the case of a 37-year-old woman who developed critical upper limb ischemia caused by a cervical rib. Because the malformation was initially undiagnosed, a vascular bypass was performed, and failure occurred. Following a 6-month therapy with sildenafil, revascularization of the arm was successful and amputation was avoided. A 6-year follow-up shows a rich collateral network at the compression site and normal values of digital plethysmography. Because hand surgeons often see patients with digital ulcerations and other manifestations of peripheral vascular pathology, therapy of ischemia with sildenafil could be an effective treatment option in patients not responding to classic drugs.
Background: Vorapaxar is a new oral protease-activated-receptor 1 (PAR-1) antagonist that inhibits thrombin-induced platelet activation. Methods: In this multinational, double-blind, randomized trial, we compared vorapaxar with placebo in 12,944 patients who had acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation. The primary end point was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, stroke, recurrent ischemia with rehospitalization, or urgent coronary revascularization. RESULTS: Follow-up in the trial was terminated early after a safety review. After a median follow-up of 502 days (interquartile range, 349 to 667), the primary end point occurred in 1031 of 6473 patients receiving vorapaxar versus 1102 of 6471 patients receiving placebo (Kaplan-Meier 2-year rate, 18.5% vs. 19.9%; hazard ratio, 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.85 to 1.01; P = 0.07). A composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke occurred in 822 patients in the vorapaxar group versus 910 in the placebo group (14.7% and 16.4%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.81 to 0.98; P = 0.02). Rates of moderate and severe bleeding were 7.2% in the vorapaxar group and 5.2% in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.16 to 1.58; P<0.001). Intracranial hemorrhage rates were 1.1% and 0.2%, respectively (hazard ratio, 3.39; 95% CI, 1.78 to 6.45; P<0.001). Rates of nonhemorrhagic adverse events were similar in the two groups. Conclusions: In patients with acute coronary syndromes, the addition of vorapaxar to standard therapy did not significantly reduce the primary composite end point but significantly increased the risk of major bleeding, including intracranial hemorrhage. (Funded by Merck; TRACER ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00527943.)
Introduction: B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a biomarker of myocardial stress. In children, the value of preoperative BNP on postoperative outcome is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive value of preoperative NT-proBNP on postoperative outcome in children after congenital heart surgery. Results: Ninety-seven patients were included in the study with a median age of 3.3 years [0.7-5.2]. Preoperative median NT-proBNP was 412 pg/ml [164-1309]. NT-proBNP was above the P95 reference value for age in 56 patients (58%). Preoperative NT-proBNP was significantly higher in patients who had mechanical ventilation duration of more than 2 days (1156 pg/ml [281-1951] vs. 267 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.003) and who stayed more than 6 days in the pediatric intensive care unit (727 pg/ml [203-1951] vs. 256 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.007). However, preoperative NT-proBNP was not significantly higher in patients with an increased inotropic score, a prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time or an increased surgical risk category. Conclusions: An elevated preoperative NT-proBNP reflects hemodynamic status and cardiac dysfunction, and therefore is a valuable adjunct in predicting a complicated postoperative course. ___________________________________ Introduction: Le peptide natriurétique type B (BNP) est un marqueur reflétant le stress myocardique. Dans la population pédiatrique, la signification des valeurs préopératoire de BNP, en particulier sur l'évolution postopératoire, n'est pas clairement établie. Le but de l'étude est de déterminer la valeur prédictive de la partie NT sérique du BNP (NT-proBNP) sur l'évolution post opératoire d'enfants porteur d'une cardiopathie congénitale et ayant eu une chirurgie cardiaque. Résultats: Nonante-sept enfants ont été inclus dans l'étude, avec un âge médian de 3.3 ans [0.7-5.2]. La valeur médiane du NT-proBNP préopératoire était de 412 pg/ml [164-1309]. Le NT-proBNP préopératoire était supérieur au P95 des valeurs de référence pour l'âge chez 56 patients (58%). Le NT-proBNP préopératoire était significativement plus élevé chez les patients ayant eu plus de deux jours de ventilation mécanique dans la période postopératoire (1156 pg/ml [281-1951] vs. 267 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.003) et ayant été hospitalisés plus de 6 jours dans l'unité de soins intensifs pédiatrique (727 pg/ml [203-1951] vs. 256 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.007). Par contre, le NT-proBNP préopératoire n'était pas significativement plus élevé chez les patients ayant eu un score d'inotrope élevé pendant leur hospitalisation aux soins intensifs, un temps de circulation extracorporelle prolongé ou ayant subi une chirurgie avec un risque chirurgical élevé. Conclusions: Un NT-proBNP sérique élevé en préopératoire reflète l'importance du stress myocardique induit par l'hémodynamique et la dysfonction myocardique, il est un marqueur qui permet d'améliorer l'identification des patients à risque d'avoir une évolution post opératoire compliquée.
Venous bypass grafts often fail following arterial implantation due to excessive smooth muscle cells (VSMC) proliferation and consequent intimal hyperplasia (IH). Intercellular communication mediated by Connexins (Cx) regulates differentiation, growth and proliferation in various cell types. Microarray analysis of vein grafts in a model of bilateral rabbit jugular vein graft revealed Cx43 as an early upregulated gene. Additional experiments conducted using an ex-vivo human saphenous veins perfusion system (EVPS) confirmed that Cx43 was rapidly increased in human veins subjected ex-vivo to arterial hemodynamics. Cx43 knock-down by RNA interference, or adenoviral-mediated overexpression, respectively inhibited or stimulated the proliferation of primary human VSMC in vitro. Furthermore, Cx blockade with carbenoxolone or the specific Cx43 inhibitory peptide 43gap26 prevented the burst in myointimal proliferation and IH formation in human saphenous veins. Our data demonstrated that Cx43 controls proliferation and the formation of IH after arterial engraftment.
Les bactéries du genre Pseudomonas ont la capacité étonnante de s'adapter à différents habitats et d'y survivre, ce qui leur a permis de conquérir un large éventail de niches écologiques et d'interagir avec différents organismes hôte. Les espèces du groupe Pseudomonas fluorescens peuvent être facilement isolées de la rhizosphère et sont communément connues comme des Pseudomonas bénéfiques pour les plantes. Elles sont capables d'induire la résistance systémique des plantes, d'induire leur croissance et de contrer des phytopathogènes du sol. Un sous-groupe de ces Pseudomonas a de plus développé la capacité d'infecter et de tuer certaines espèces d'insectes. Approfondir les connaissances sur l'interaction de ces bactéries avec les insectes pourraient conduire au développement de nouveaux biopesticides pour la protection des cultures. Le but de cette thèse est donc de mieux comprendre la base moléculaire, l'évolution et la régulation de la pathogénicité des Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques envers les insectes. Plus spécifiquement, ce travail a été orienté sur l'étude de la production de la toxine insecticide appelée Fit et sur l'indentification d'autres facteurs de virulence participant à la toxicité de la bactérie envers les insectes. Dans la première partie de ce travail, la régulation de la production de la toxine Fit a été évaluée par microscopie à épifluorescence en utilisant des souches rapportrices de Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 qui expriment la toxine insecticide fusionnée à une protéine fluorescente rouge, au site natif du gène de la toxine. Celle-ci a été détectée uniquement dans l'hémolymphe des insectes et pas sur les racines des plantes, ni dans les milieux de laboratoire standards, indiquant une production dépendante de l'hôte. L'activation de la production de la toxine est contrôlée par trois protéines régulatrices dont l'histidine kinase FitF, essentielle pour un contrôle précis de l'expression et possédant un domaine "senseur" similaire à celui de la kinase DctB qui régule l'absorption de carbone chez les Protéobactéries. Il est donc probable que, durant l'évolution de FitF, un réarrangement de ce domaine "senseur" largement répandu ait contribué à une production hôte-spécifique de la toxine. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent aussi que l'expression de la toxine Fit est plutôt réprimée en présence de composés dérivés des plantes qu'induite par la perception d'un signal d'insecte spécifique. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, des souches mutantes ciblant des facteurs de virulence importants identifiés dans des pathogènes connus ont été générées, dans le but d'identifier ceux avec une virulence envers les insectes atténuée. Les résultats ont suggéré que l'antigène O du lipopolysaccharide (LPS) et le système régulateur à deux composantes PhoP/PhoQ contribuent significativement à la virulence de P. protegens CHA0. La base génétique de la biosynthèse de l'antigène O dans les Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques et avec une activité insecticide a été élucidée et a révélé des différences considérables entre les lignées suite à des pertes de gènes ou des acquisitions de gènes par transfert horizontal durant l'évolution de certaines souches. Les chaînes latérales du LPS ont été montrées comme vitales pour une infection des insectes réussie par la souche CHA0, après ingestion ou injection. Les Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques, avec une activité insecticide sont naturellement résistants à la polymyxine B, un peptide antimicrobien modèle. La protection contre ce composé antimicrobien particulier dépend de la présence de l'antigène O et de la modification du lipide A, une partie du LPS, avec du 4-aminoarabinose. Comme les peptides antimicrobiens cationiques jouent un rôle important dans le système immunitaire des insectes, l'antigène O pourrait être important chez les Pseudomonas insecticides pour surmonter les mécanismes de défense de l'hôte. Le système PhoP/PhoQ, connu pour contrôler les modifications du lipide A chez plusieurs bactéries pathogènes, a été identifié chez Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 et P. protegens CHA0. Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas d'évidence que des modifications du lipide A contribuent à la pathogénicité de cette bactérie envers les insectes. Cependant, le senseur-kinase PhoQ est requis pour une virulence optimale de la souche CHA0, ce qui suggère qu'il régule aussi l'expression des facteurs de virulence de cette bactérie. Les découvertes de cette thèse démontrent que certains Pseudomonas associés aux plantes sont de véritables pathogènes d'insectes et donnent quelques indices sur l'évolution de ces microbes pour survivre dans l'insecte-hôte et éventuellement le tuer. Les résultats suggèrent également qu'une recherche plus approfondie est nécessaire pour comprendre comment ces bactéries sont capables de contourner ou surmonter la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte et de briser les barrières physiques pour envahir l'insecte lors d'une infection orale. Pour cela, les futures études ne devraient pas uniquement se concentrer sur le côté bactérien de l'interaction hôte-microbe, mais aussi étudier l'infection du point de vue de l'hôte. Les connaissances gagnées sur la pathogénicité envers les insectes des Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques donnent un espoir pour une future application en agriculture, pour protéger les plantes, non seulement contre les maladies, mais aussi contre les insectes ravageurs. -- Pseudomonas bacteria have the astonishing ability to survive within and adapt to different habitats, which has allowed them to conquer a wide range of ecological niches and to interact with different host organisms. Species of the Pseudomonas fluorescens group can readily be isolated from plant roots and are commonly known as plant-beneficial pseudomonads. They are capable of promoting plant growth, inducing systemic resistance in the plant host and antagonizing soil-borne phytopathogens. A defined subgroup of these pseudomonads evolved in addition the ability to infect and kill certain insect species. Profound knowledge about the interaction of these particular bacteria with insects could lead to the development of novel biopesticides for crop protection. This thesis thus aimed at a better understanding of the molecular basis, evolution and regulation of insect pathogenicity in plant-beneficial pseudomonads. More specifically, it was outlined to investigate the production of an insecticidal toxin termed Fit and to identify additional factors contributing to the entomopathogenicity of the bacteria. In the first part of this work, the regulation of Fit toxin production was probed by epifluorescence microscopy using reporter strains of Pseudomonas protegens CHAO that express a fusion between the insecticidal toxin and a red fluorescent protein in place of the native toxin gene. The bacterium was found to express its insecticidal toxin only in insect hemolymph but not on plant roots or in common laboratory media. The host-dependent activation of Fit toxin production is controlled by three local regulatory proteins. The histidine kinase of this regulatory system, FitF, is essential for the tight control of toxin expression and shares a sensing domain with DctB, a sensor kinase regulating carbon uptake in Proteobacteria. It is therefore likely that shuffling of a ubiquitous sensor domain during the evolution of FitF contributed to host- specific production of the Fit toxin. Findings of this study additionally suggest that host-specific expression of the Fit toxin is mainly achieved by repression in the presence of plant-derived compounds rather than by induction upon perceiving an insect-specific signal molecule. In the second part of this thesis, mutant strains were generated that lack factors previously shown to be important for virulence in prominent pathogens. A screening for attenuation in insect virulence suggested that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen and the PhoP-PhoQ two-component regulatory system significantly contribute to virulence of P. protegens CHAO. The genetic basis of O-antigen biosynthesis in plant-beneficial pseudomonads displaying insect pathogenicity was elucidated and revealed extensive differences between lineages due to reduction and horizontal acquisition of gene clusters during the evolution of several strains. Specific 0 side chains of LPS were found to be vital for strain CHAO to successfully infect insects by ingestion or upon injection. Insecticidal pseudomonads with plant-beneficial properties were observed to be naturally resistant to polymyxin B, a model antimicrobial peptide. Protection against this particular antimicrobial compound was dependent on the presence of O-antigen and modification of the lipid A portion of LPS with 4-aminoarabinose. Since cationic antimicrobial peptides play a major role in the immune system of insects, O-antigenic polysaccharides could be important for insecticidal pseudomonads to overcome host defense mechanisms. The PhoP-PhoQ system, which is well-known to control lipid A modifications in several pathogenic bacteria, was identified in Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 and P. protegens CHAO. No evidence was found so far that lipid A modifications contribute to insect pathogenicity in this bacterium. However, the sensor kinase PhoQ was required for full virulence of strain CHAO suggesting that it additionally regulates the expression of virulence factors in this bacterium. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that certain plant-associated pseudomonads are true insect pathogens and give some insights into how these microbes evolved to survive within and eventually kill the insect host. Results however also point out that more in-depth research is needed to know how exactly these fascinating bacteria manage to bypass or overcome host immune responses and to breach physical barriers to invade insects upon oral infection. To achieve this, future studies should not only focus on the bacterial side of the microbe-host interactions but also investigate the infection from a host-oriented view. The knowledge gained about the entomopathogenicity of plant-beneficial pseudomonads gives hope for their future application in agriculture to protect plants not only against plant diseases but also against insect pests.