712 resultados para Fellowship


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Since deinstitutionalisation, parents of adults with mental disorders are increasingly utilised as a resource for their relatives’ care. This study used a general phenomenological perspective to capture people’s experiences. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with eight parents who were members of the Schizophrenia Fellowship of Southern Queensland to explore their perceptions of their psychoeducation needs. The themes that emerged included the usefulness of past experiences with psychoeducation, educational needs, barriers to accessing information and support, and other unmet carer needs, including the need for managing stress and emotional needs, recognition and inclusion of family members in decision-making, and negotiating the best care for their family member within the health care system. This study adds to an increasing body of knowledge that advocates for the greater inclusion and involvement of families in the care and treatment of their relatives. Further research into the needs of families, in particular barriers and supports in accessing information and services, is recommended.


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Comer ou não comer? Beber ou não beber? O que, com quem, quando, onde e como? Estas são questões que acompanham a história da humanidade, inclusive foram muito significativas no contexto cultural dos povos do mediterrâneo do século I d. C. Dize-me o que comes e dir-te-ei quem és , somado a Dize-me com quem comes , sintetizam todo o conteúdo simbólico e cultural (social, econômico, político, religioso) ligado à alimentação e seu compartilhamento. Tem um demônio , enquanto acusação feita a João Batista; Veja! Um comilão e beberrão, amigo de cobradores de impostos e pecadores como pecha atribuída a Jesus: a comensalidade de Jesus, em divergência com a ascese de João Batista e com os modelos daquela geração evidenciam um conflito de concepções sociais e religiosas distintas. Para Jesus e seus seguidores, taumaturgos itinerantes, os binômios milagre/mesa e cura/refeição, são espaços propícios para fazer acontecer os mecanismos do dom: dar, receber e retribuir.(AU)


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Este estudo analisa o processo comunicacional em torno das manifestações populares e da história do santo não-canônico piauiense Motorista Gregório. O objetivo geral consistiu em observar, analisar e relacionar a comunicação popular que faz parte do processo à consolidação da figura do milagreiro. As teorias da cultura, especialmente a Folkcomunicação, assim como as da linguagem, configuraram-se referenciais relevantes nas análises das formas de comunicação dos devotos e dos jornais impressos de Teresina. Para isso, utilizou-se uma combinação de metodologias tais como a de Marques de Melo (2008) para inventariar os ex-votos, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas, coleta de depoimentos e observação participante para reunir dados e classificar as informações obtidas. A análise revelou que a oralidade é a forma de comunicação mais utilizada e que mais tem influencia sobre os devotos, que os jornais impressos reproduzem as histórias do povo e que o santo é criado e formado no cotidiano, no convívio dos familiares, vizinhos e amigos.


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A população e as comunidades escolares vêm pressionando e cobrando as autoridades dos Sistemas de Justiça e da Educação por uma intervenção coerente e efetiva na resolução de conflitos que se estabelecem no ambiente escolar, uma vez que o atual modelo de Justiça, o retributivo, não tem sanado a situação. A Justiça restaurativa surge então como uma nova maneira para enfrentar esse problema e uma de suas estratégias é o círculo restaurativo, caracterizado como um grupo para restauração das relações e dos conflitos. Esta pesquisa visa: descrever e analisar os elementos estruturais dos círculos restaurativos e os fenômenos do campo grupal em processos restaurativos realizados no ambiente escolar para intervir em situações de conflito. A amostra foi composta de cinco práticas restaurativas que envolveram pré-círculo, círculo e o pós-círculo mediados por um facilitador e dois co-facilitadores. O tratamento dos dados se deu a partir da análise dos elementos estruturais da justiça restaurativa (cerimônia de abertura e fechamento, bastão de fala, e processo decisório consensual), considerando tais elementos iguais ao setting de base psicanalítica, visto que neste caso especifico, tem como objetivo deixar claro aos participantes do grupo qual é a proposta de funcionamento do mesmo; e de uma análise de conteúdo organizada a partir de categorias pré-definidas, segundo conceitos psicanalíticos (resistência, acting/atuação e insight/elaboração). Os resultados mostraram que foram estabelecidos elementos estruturais (setting) favorável ao encontro dos participantes e que predominaram no campo aspectos positivos, o que resultou no bom reestabelecimento do convívio em todos os casos analisados. Os elementos estruturais estabelecidos para a realização do círculo restaurativo criaram um espaço seguro onde os participantes se ligaram de modo positivo, mesmo com a situação de conflito. Considera-se importante creditar a figura do facilitador (Psicólogo) parte da realização da resolução do conflito. Conclui-se que a função continente; o manejo e compreensão das resistências, actings e dos insights contribuíram para que o campo grupal configurasse em coesão ao invés da desintegração. Finalmente, cabe acrescentar que a experiência demonstrou que as crianças e adolescentes respondem muito bem quando são convidados a participar de um círculo restaurativo e ali aprendem a agir de acordo com os valores vivenciados como em um processo educativo.


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Helen Higson graduated from Cambridge University in 1982 and followed this up with an MSc with the Open University and a PhD at Birkbeck College London. She started working in HE at Southampton University and has spent the last 25 years at Aston University. Her roles there have been various, starting as PA to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor External Relations and spending 20 years with Aston Business School. Helen was awarded a Personal Chair in Higher Education Learning and Management in 2008 and is currently Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor, with responsibility for International Relations, Employability, Schools Liaison, Registry and Planning. Helen was awarded an AUA Fellowship in 2010 and an OBE in the 2011 New Year Honours list.


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Welcome to the latest issue of Contact Lens and Anterior Eye. In this issue, Kuldeep Razaida provides a fascinating look at fitting prosthetic lenses to patients in India. I had the good fortune of visiting his clinic in August 2006 at the LV Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India and was humbled by the vast expertise within the one building. The institute started in 1987 and is the brainchild of the infamous Professor Rao. I think there are few such places in the world where the clinicians work so passionately in treating such interesting patients (for details regarding the LV Prasad Eye Institute see www.lvpei.org). I was in Hyderabad courtesy of IACLE (see issue 29:5 for an editorial by Judith Morris and Sonja Cronje about IACLE) and was able to share ideas with contact lens educators from across the world (for more information on IACLE see www.iacle.org). The issue contains some regular contact lens type papers too; with our aging population readers will be particularly interested in a paper by Mike Freeman and Neil Charman looking at modified monovision with diffractive bifocal lenses. There is an article looking at visual problems with video display terminal use and a study looking at the effects of surface treatment of silicone hydrogel contact lenses. There is an interesting piece from Dr Aisling Mann of Aston University looking at tear protein analysis; this article contains one CET point too for readers who complete the attached multiple choice questions before the relevant deadline. Also, congratulations to the BCLA members who successfully undertook the Fellowship of the BCLA at this year's BCLA conference in Manchester. If you are interested in undertaking the Fellowship please look at the details on the BCLA web page (http://www.bcla.org.uk/fellowship.asp). Amongst the case reports in this issue of CLAE you will notice one from Andrew Elder-Smith, this particular case report was presented as part of his successful Fellowship submission in 2006 and was thought to be of particular good quality by the examiners who asked Andrew to kindly submit it for publication to Contact Lens and Anterior Eye as an example for potential candidates. Finally, it is my sad duty to report the death of Howard Gee earlier this year, a past council member of the BCLA. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.


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The American Academy of Optometry (AAO) had their annual meeting in San Diego in December 2005 and the BCLA and CLAE were well represented there. The BCLA does have a reasonable number of non-UK based members and hopefully in the future will attract more. This will certainly be beneficial to the society as a whole and may draw more delegates to the BCLA annual conference. To increase awareness of the BCLA at the AAO a special evening seminar was arranged where BCLA president Dr. James Wolffsohn gave his presidential address. Dr. Wolffsohn has given the presidential address in the UK, Ireland, Hong Kong and Japan – making it the most travelled presidential address for the BCLA to date. Aside from the BCLA activity at the AAO there were numerous lectures of interest to all, truly a “something for everyone” meeting. All the sessions were multi-track (often up to 10 things occurring at the same time) and the biggest dilemma was often deciding what to attend and more importantly what you will miss! Nearly 200 new AAO Fellows were inducted at the Gala Dinner from many countries including 3 new fellows from the UK (this year they all just happened to be from Aston University!). It is certainly one of the highlights of the AAO to see fellows from different schools of training from around the world fulfilling the same criteria and being duly rewarded for their commitment to the profession. BCLA members will be aware that 2006 sees the introduction of the new fellowship scheme of the BCLA and by the time you read this the first set of fellowship examinations will have taken place. For more details of the FBCLA scheme see the BCLA web site http://www.bcla.org.uk. Since many of CLAE's editorial panel were at the AAO an informal meeting and dinner was arranged for them where ideas were exchanged about the future of the journal. It is envisaged that the panel will meet twice a year – the next meeting will be at the BCLA conference. The biggest excitement by far was the fact that CLAE is now Medline/PubMed indexed. You may ask why is this significant to CLAE? PubMed is the free web-based service from the US National Library of Medicine. It holds over 15 million biomedical citations and abstracts from the Medline database. Medline is the largest component of PubMed and covers over 4800 journals published in more than 70 countries. The impact of this is that CLAE is starting to attract more submissions as researchers and authors are not worried that their work will not be hidden from other colleagues in the field but rather the work is available to view on the World Wide Web. CLAE is one of a very small number of contact lens journals that is indexed this way. Amongst the other CL journals listed you will note that the International Contact Lens Clinic has now merged with CLAE and the journal CLAO has been renamed Eye and Contact Lenses – making the list of indexed CL journals even smaller than it appears. The on-line submission and reviewing system introduced in 2005 has also made it easier for authors to submit their work and easier for reviewers to check the content. This ease of use has lead to quicker times from submission to publication. Looking back at the articles published in CLAE in 2005 reveals some interesting facts. The majority of the material still tends to be from UK groups related to the field of Optometry, although we hope that in the future we will attract more work from non-UK groups and also from non-Optometric areas such as refractive surgery or anterior eye pathology. Interestingly in 2005 the most downloaded article from CLAE was “Wavefront technology: Past, present and future” by Professor W. Neil Charman, who was also the recipient of the Charles F. Prentice award at the AAO – one of the highest awards honours that the AAO can bestow. Professor Charman was also the keynote speaker at the BCLA's first Pioneer's Day meeting in 2004. In 2006, readers of CLAE will notice more changes, firstly we are moving to 5 issues per year. It is hoped that in the future, depending on increased submissions, a move to 6 issues may be feasible. Secondly, CLAE will aim to have one article per issue that carries CL CET points. You will see in this issue there is an article from Professor Mark Wilcox (who was a keynote speaker at the BCLA conference in 2005). In future articles that carry CET points will be either reviews from BCLA conference keynote speakers, members of the editorial panel or material from other invited persons that will be of interest to the readership of CLAE. Finally, in 2006, you will notice a change to the Editorial Panel, some of the distinguished panel felt that it was good time to step down and new members have been invited to join the remaining panel. The panel represent some of the most eminent names in the fields of contact lenses and/or anterior eye and have varying backgrounds and interests from many of the prominent institutions around the world. One of the tasks that the Editorial Panel undertake is to seek out possible submissions to the journal, either from conferences they attend (posters and papers that they will see and hear) and from their own research teams. However, on behalf of CLAE I would like to extend that invitation to seek original articles to all readers – if you hear a talk and think it could make a suitable publication to CLAE please ask the presenters to submit the work via the on-line submission system. If you found the work interesting then the chances are so will others. CLAE invites submissions that are original research, full length articles, short case reports, full review articles, technical reports and letters to the editor. The on-line submission web page is http://www.ees.elsevier.com/clae/.


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* The author is supported by a Return Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.


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As we welcome 2014 we say goodbye to 2013 and I must start with an apology to authors who have submitted papers to CLAE and seen a delay in either the review process or the hard copy publication of their proofed article. The delays were caused by a major hike in the number of submissions to the journal in 2012 that increased further in 2013. In the 12 months leading to the end of October 2011 we had 94 new paper submissions, and for the same period to the end of 2012 the journal had 116 new papers. In 2012 we were awarded an impact factor for the first time and following that the next 12 month period to the end of October 2013 saw a massive increase in submissions with 171 new manuscripts being submitted. This is nearly twice as many papers as 2 years ago and 3 times as many as when I took over as Editor-in-Chief. In addition to this the UK academics will know that 2014 is a REF year (Research Excellence Framework) where universities are judged on their research and one of the major components of this measure remains to be published papers so there is a push to publishing before the REF deadline for counting. The rejection rate at CLAE has gone up too and currently is around 50% (more than double the rejection rate when I took over as Editor-in-Chief). At CLAE the number of pages that we publish each year has remained the same since 2007. When compiling issue 1 for 2014 I chose the papers to be included from the papers that were proofed and ready to go and there were around 200 proofed pages ready, which is enough to fill 3½ issues! At present Elsevier and the BCLA are preparing to increase the number the pages published per issue so that we can clear some of this backlog and remain up to date with the papers published in CLAE. I should add that on line publishing of papers is still available and there may have been review delays but there are no publishing online so authors can still get an epub on line final version of their paper with a DOI (digital object identifier) number enabling the paper to be cited. There are two awards that were made in 2013 that I would like to make special mention of. One was for my good friend Jan Bergmanson, who was awarded an honorary life fellowship of the College of Optometrists. Jan has served on the editorial board of CLAE for many years and in 2013 also celebrated 30 years of his annual ‘Texan Corneal and contact lens meeting’. The other award I wish to mention is Judith Morris, who was the BCLA Gold Medal Award winner in 2013. Judith has had many roles in her career and worked at Moorfields Eye Hospital, the Institute of Optometry and currently at City University. She has been the Europe Middle East and Africa President of IACLE (International Association of Contact Lens Educators) for many years and I think I am correct in saying that Judith is the only person who was President of both the BCLA (1983) and a few years later she was the President College of Optometrists (1989). Judith was also instrumental in introducing Vivien Freeman to the BCLA as they had been friends and Judith suggested that Vivien apply for an administrative job at the BCLA. Fast forward 29 years and in December 2013 Vivien stepped down as Secretary General of the BCLA. I would like to offer my own personal thanks to Vivien for her support of CLAE and of me over the years. The BCLA will not be the same and I wish you well in your future plans. But 2014 brings in a new position to the BCLA – Cheryl Donnelly has been given the new role of Chief Executive Officer. Cheryl was President of the BCLA in 2000 and has previously served on council. I look forward to working with Cheryl and envisage a bright future for the BCLA and CLAE. In this issue we have some great papers including some from authors who have not published with CLAE before. There is a nice paper on contact lens compliance in Nepal which brings home some familiar messages from an emerging market. A paper on how corneal curvature is affected by the use of hydrogel lenses is useful when advising patients how long they should leave their contact lenses out for to avoid seeing changes in refraction or curvature. This is useful information when refracting these patients or pre-laser surgery. There is a useful paper offering tips on fitting bitoric gas permeable lenses post corneal graft and a paper detailing surgery to implant piggyback multifocal intraocular lenses. One fact that I noted from the selection of papers in the current issue is where they were from. In this issue none of the corresponding authors are from the United Kingdom. There are two papers each from the United States, Spain and Iran, and one each from the Netherlands, Ireland, Republic of Korea, Australia and Hong Kong. This is an obvious reflection of the widening interest in CLAE and the BCLA and indicates the new research groups emerging in the field.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33; Secondary 35S10, 86A05


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Full text: It seems a long time ago now since we were at the BCLA conference. The excellent FIFA World Cup in Brazil kept us occupied over the summer as well as Formula 1, Wimbledon, Tour de France, Commonwealth Games and of course exam paper marking! The BCLA conference this year was held in Birmingham at the International Convention Centre which again proved to be a great venue. The number of attendees overall was up on previous years, and at a record high of 1500 people. Amongst the highlights at this year's annual conference was the live surgery link where Professor Sunil Shah demonstrated the differences in technique between traditional phacoemulsification cataract surgery and femtosecond assisted phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Dr. Raquel Gil Cazorla, a research optometrist at Aston University, assisted in the procedure including calibrating the femtosecond laser. Another highlight for me was the session that I chaired, which was the international session organised by IACLE (International Association of CL Educators). There was a talk by Mirjam van Tilborg about dry eye prevalence in the Netherlands and how it was managed by medical general practitioners (GPs) or optometrists. It was interesting to know that there are only 2 schools of optometry there and currently under 1000 registered optometrists there. It also seems that GPs were more likely to blame CL as the cause for dry eye whereas optometrists who had a fuller range of tests were better at solving the issue. The next part of the session included the presentation of 5 selected posters from around the world. The posters were also displayed in the main poster area but were selected to be presented here as they had international relevance. The posters were: 1. Motivators and Barriers for Contact Lens Recommendation and Wear by Nilesh Thite (India) 2. Contact lens hygiene among Saudi wearers by Dr. Ali Masmaly (Saudi) 3. Trends of contact lens prescribing and patterns of contact lens practice in Jordan by Dr. Mera Haddad (Jordan) 4. Contact Lens Behaviour in Greece by Dr. Dimitra Makrynioti (Greece) 5. How practitioners inform ametropes about the benefits of contact lenses and overcome the potential barriers: an Italian survey, by Dr. Fabrizio Zeri (Italy) It was interesting to learn about CL practice in different parts, for example the CL wearing population ration in Saudi Arabia is around 1:2 Male:Female (similar to other parts of the world) and although the sale of CL is restricted to registered practitioners there are many unregistered outlets, like clothing stores, that flout the rules. In Jordan some older practitioners will still advise patients to use tap water or even saliva! But thankfully the newer generation of practitioners have been educated not to advise this. In Greece one of the concerns was that some practitioners may advise patients to use disposable lenses for longer than they should and again it seems to be the practitioners with inadequate education that would do this. In India it was found that cost was one barrier to using contact lenses but also some practitioners felt that they shouldn’t offer CLs due to cost too. In Italy sensitive eyes and CL care and maintenance were the barriers to CL wear but the motivators were vision and comfort and aesthetics. Finally the international session ended with the IACLE travel award and educator awards presented by IACLE president Shehzad Naroo and BCLA President Andrew Yorke. The travel award went to Wang Ling, Jinling Institute of Technology, Nanjing, China. There were 3 regional Contact Lens Educator of the Year Awards sponsored by Coopervision and presented by Dr. J.C. Aragorn of Coopervision. 1. Asia Pacific Region – Dr. Rajeswari Mahadevan of Sankara Nethralaya Medical Research Foundation, Chennai, India 2. Americas Region – Dr. Sergio Garcia of University of La Salle, Bogotá and the University Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia 3. Europe/Africa – Middle East Region: Dr. Eef van der Worp, affiliated with the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands The posters above were just a small selection of those displayed at this year's BCLA conference. If you missed the BCLA conference then you can see the abstracts for all posters and talks in a virtual issue of CLAE very soon. The poster competition was kindly sponsored by Elsevier. The poster winner this year was: Joan Gispets – Corneal and Anterior Chamber Parameters in Keratoconus The 3 runners up were: Debby Yeung – Scleral Lens Central Corneal Clearance Assessment with Biomicroscopy Sarah L. Smith – Subjective Grading of Lid Margin Staining Heiko Pult – Impact of Soft Contact Lenses on Lid Parallel Conjunctival Folds My final two highlights are a little more personal. Firstly, I was awarded Honorary Life Fellowship of the BCLA for my work with the Journal, and I would like to thank the BCLA, Elsevier, the editorial board of CLAE, the reviewers and the authors for their support of my role. My final highlight from the BCLA conference this year was the final presentation of the conference – the BCLA Gold Medal award. The recipient this year was Professor Philip Morgan with his talk ‘Changing the world with contact lenses’. Phil was the person who advised me to go to my first BCLA conference in 1994 (funnily he didn’t attend himself as he was busy getting married!) and now 20 years later he was being honoured with the accolade of being the BCLA Gold Medallist. The date of his BCLA medal addressed was shared with his father's birthday so a double celebration for Phil. Well done to outgoing BCLA President Andy Yorke and his team at the BCLA (including Nick Rumney, Cheryl Donnelly, Sarah Greenwood and Amir Khan) on an excellent conference. And finally welcome to new President Susan Bowers. Copyright © 2014 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60F17, 60G52, 60G70 secondary 60E07, 62E20.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 42A05. Secondary: 42A82, 11N05.