999 resultados para Estudos Românicos
This research aims at analyzing the Brazilian scientific contribution on “metric studies” in the mainstream science through journals indexed in the Scopus basis, intending to visualize its insertion and international impact in the area. Mainly, to diachronically study the researches, the most productive authors and the scientific support network generated among them, as well as to identify the journals in which such production has been disseminated. It is based upon the three main target groups of current bibliometrics, as in Glänzel’s perspective (2003), and upon the impact of Brazilian researches in the international community through the citations received. Were found 263 articles and tables concerning the diachronical study and the highlighted researchers and journals were constructed analyzing the insertion in the target groups, the number of articles, number of citations and the average of citations. As results, researchers from the Federal Universities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo have stood out. All the researchers permeate the application of metric studies to several scientific areas, with emphasis on the health and biological sciences. The least contemplated researches were the ones whose objective was to develop and to discuss the bibliometrics as methodology, contributing to its on conceptual-theoreticalmethodological development, as well as those focusing on contributing, assessing and guiding scientific policies. We conclude by suggesting scientific and academic policies which motivate the researchers to publish in journals indexed in international bases in order to internationalize Brazilian science.
Diplomatics rises as a study field in the 17th century with a juridical purpose related to the verification of authenticity of “diplomas”. Along the 18th and 19th centuries, Diplomatics is deeply influenced by the European scientific and historiographical movements and gets the status of a scientific discipline devoted to the study of the authenticity of documents as a basis for historical research. This article characterizes Diplomatics during the mentioned period in order to point out the main historical factors which have contributed to the development of the discipline, especially in terms of the author that have been responsible for the theoretical foundation of Diplomatics.
This piece of research aims at analyzing the absolute and relative co-citation indicators, especially Salton’s Cosine and comparing the contribution of these indicators to the understanding of a domain, applying them to the universe of "Metric Studies" at the BRAPCI base. It also aims at presenting the co-citation network generated from the absolute frequencies and highlighting the groupings of co-cited authors, depending on the relative values, integrating and explaining the information from the two indexes. The domain analysis, by means of its 11 approaches, including “Bibliometric Studies”, focuses on the science characterization and evaluation, in that it allows us to identify and to analyze the conditions under which the scientific knowledge is constructed and socialized. In these studies, the contribution of citation and co-citation analysis is highlighted. Of the total of 147 articles retrieved at BRAPCI base, the authors cited in at least 11 articles, in a total of 38 researchers, were selected. The 38 x 38 symmetric matrix with the absolute frequencies of co-citation and the matrix with the relative values of Salton’s Cosine were generated. The co-citation network with absolute frequency values were constructed, through Ucinet software. Cluster analysis of data with relative values wer performed, using the SPSS software. Significant differences between the absolute and relative indexes, with some high absolute values of co-citation were observed; when considered in relation to the presence of each author, their significance is decreased. As to the generated network, seven groups were determined, in which only one is established for close themes and comes from co-citations in the original sense of the term. Five groups present closeness in absolute and relative indicators. It can be concluded about the importance of the studies of authors' co-citation analysis, which associate the two indexes, absolute and relative, in order to visualize and understand the underlying structures of a scientific domain.
An important component of the Inclusive Education can be the social attitudes toward inclusion presented by teachers, students and other members of the school community. The aim of this paper is to systematize main fidings of some Brazilian studies concerning that theme. The results of studies in which the Likert Scale of Social Attitudes toward Inclusion was used are summarized. Twelve studies were analyzed, examining the relationship between the social attitudes toward inclusion and some subjects characteristics, highlighting the chronological age, formation area, educational experience and previous experience with people with deficiency. The results were not able to demonstrate in a conclusive way the nature of the relationship between each of these variables and the social attitudes toward inclusion. These seem to be affected by a group of complexly related variables of the subjects and of the target of social attitudes.
The objective of this research is to analyze the scientific production about „Metric Studies‟. It was used the data base BRAPCI (data base of articles and journals in Information Science) to outline the authors and institutions that produced more. As research procedure it was analyzed the articles with the keywords that represent the area of metric studies such as: Bibliometric, Cientometric, Informetric, Webmetric and Patentometric between 1991 and 2011. It was analyzed the variable in study, building the collaborative network through the software Pajek. From these results, it was possible to delineate the tendencies presented in the scientific community on this subject from the data base BRAPCI.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A pesquisa teve como objetivos gerais à aplicação dos métodos geoelétricos na hidrogeologia, visando: (1) estudos para captação de águas subterrâneas para abastecimento em geral; e, (2) estudos das contaminações de solos, rochas e águas subterrâneas, envolvendo as fases de investigação preventiva, confirmatória, remediação e monitoramento. Como objetivos específicos, através da aplicação dos métodos da eletrorresistividade e polarização induzida, utilizando-se das técnicas de campo da sondagem elétrica vertical - arranjo Schlumberger e caminhamento elétrico - arranjo dipolo-dipolo, e dos parâmetros de Dar Zarrouk, tem-se uma discussão e proposição metodológica e prática, em função da geologia local, sobre os produtos obtidos por essa metodologia, tais como: caracterização geológica na identificação de aqüíferos promissores e investigação de áreas contaminadas e/ou sujeitas à contaminação. Portanto, esse trabalho procurou apresentar uma discussão sobre os principais métodos e técnicas de campo dos métodos geoelétricos aplicados em estudos hidrogeológicos, com destaque na captação para abastecimento e diagnóstico de solos, rochas e águas subterrâneas frente a poluentes. A proposição metodológica apresentada, procurou aplicar uma relação entre a resolução de métodos e técnicas com custos e prazos adequados a um trabalho envolvendo a Geofísica Aplicada em estudos hidrogeológicos. O emprego da eletrorresistividade, com as técnicas da SEV e CE, por si só, revela-se decisivo para atingir os mais variados fins envolvendo esses tipos de estudos. A resistividade elétrica dos materiais geológicos, é definida, principalmente, em função de seus constituintes mineralógicos e o tipo de fluido presente, sendo, portanto, ideal para os estudos hidrogeológicos de maneira geral. Cabe ressaltar ainda... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The solar energy is far the largest source of energy available in earth and has attracted for milleniuns, the attention and interest for a rational use. The solar energy which strikes the Earth in one hour is bigger than the whole consume of energy in Earth in one year. Among the forms of transformation of this clean, renewable energy, the electrical conversion, photovoltaic cells, have the materials based on silicon or germanium semiconductors due to its technology and production processes involved still have a high production cost. An alternative to this solar cell is based on a synthetic dye and a semiconductor nanocrystalline TiO2, titanium dioxide, called DSC (Dye-Sensitized Cells), which have a cost of up to 80% lower than silicon cells
The process of environmental impact assessment (EIA), in the extent of previous environmental studies, has as one of its functions to provide subsidies to the actions of environmental managment of enterprises. However, the proper estructuring of programs that allows to support this managment does not often occurs. This research sought as one of its objectives to evaluate in which extent the process of EIA can be a subsidie for the EMS, providing basic elements of this system. In addition, more specifically, the research had as one of its objetives the development of subsidies for the implantation of an Environmental Managment System (EMS), based on the model of ISO 14001 (2004), for a sewage treatment plant yet to be constructed in the city of President Venceslau / SP. In order to achieve theses objetives, a discussion was held based on the evaluation of environmental studies available in the library of Cetesb / SMA. Still, for the elaboration of subsidies for the EMS of the treatment plant, the research was focused on the structuring of environmental management program, based on the information contained in its Preliminary Environmental Report (PER). The research had as one of its products, the development of subsidies for the planning and control of the environmental aspects and impacts and for the environmental program of the enterprise, based on the use of environmental indicators. It was concluded, based on the results that, in general, the previous environmental studies analyzed showed little emphasis on the phase of development of structured environmental programs that offer guidelines to achieve the desired results for the environmental performance of the company.
A taurina (ácido 2-etanoaminossulfônico) apresenta diversas funções fisiológicas, como atuação no neurodesenvolvimento, ação no coração contra arritimias, ação nos músculos esqueléticos contra atrofia, faz parte da bile na forma de um composto conjugado, constutuindo um dos sais biliares, e anti-inflamatória, inibindo mediadores pró-inflamatórios. Neste projeto a ênfase foi voltada para a ação anti-oxidante da taurina, que forma um complexo com espécies como o ácido hipocloroso (HOCl) e ânions clorito (OCl-) que potencialmente possuem ações danosas à célula. Esse complexo, a taurina cloramina (Tau-Cl), possui também ações contra mediadores inflamatórios, como o fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α) e o óxido nítrico (NO). Por ser uma molécula com alta polaridade e hidrossolubilidade, a taurina não consegue penetrar na pele pelo extrato córneo intacto, a camada mais externa da pele, que constitui sua barreira contra perda ou absorção de água e eletrólitos. Foi feita então a síntese de um pró-fármaco derivado da taurina, formado por seu acoplamento com uma cadeia carbônica longa, aumentando significativamente a lipossolubilidade em relação a taurina pura, e podendo assim, essa molécula, transpor o extrato córneo intacto e exercer sua ação anti-oxidante, podendo ser, portanto, caracterizado como um pró-ativo. Este pró-fármaco, o ácido 2-palmitamidoetanossulfônico, foi sintetizado por meio de uma reação entre um cloreto de acila (cloreto de palmitoíla) e taurina, utilizando trietilamina como base, por meio de um método conhecido por Schotten-Baumann. O produto formado foi analisado por cromatografia em camada delgada (CCD), faixa de fusão, espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (IV) e espectometria de massa (EM), sendo que todas as análises confirmaram que a síntese foi bem sucedida