1000 resultados para Estratigrafia -- Juràssic -- Catalunya -- Bac Grillera, Serra de


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Descripció des d'un punt de vista geològic d'una font subterrània descoberta en construir-se la nova variant de la carretera de Sant Feliu de Guíxols a Girona l'any 1972, entre els punts quilomètrics 31 i 32


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Aplicació WPF desenvolupada en Framework .NET 4.5 que fa ús de serveis de domini de WCF amb Entity Framework i el client SIG de ArcGIS.


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Es descriu un aflorament volcànic localitzat a la rodalia del mas Ventós (el Port de la Selva), a la part central de la serra de Rodes, dins el Pirineu axial. Es tracta d’una xemeneia volcànica enclavada en granodiorites gneissificades. Els materials que la componen són basalts olivínics alcalins amb textura traquítica, bastant alterats, els quals queden colgats per un dipòsit col·luvial sense consolidar. Les dimensions de la xemeneia són difícils de determinar pel recobriment que presenta: supera els 70 m en direcció nord-nord-est a sud-sud-oest i és d’uns 35 m en la perpendicular a aquesta. Aquest aflorament va ser citat per Teixidor fa més d’ un segle, i no s’ha retrobat fins ara


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En aquest treball es descriuen les característiques litològiques principals de tres afloraments volcànics inèdits que han estat localitzats al terme municipal de Roses. Es tracta de materials basàltics, similarsals que s'associen a altres manifestacions efusives neògenes de la comarca de l'Alt Empordà


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The depth of the water table and the clay content are determinant factors for the exploitability of natural aggregates, such as the alluvial sands and gravels found on the fluvial domain of the Ter River. In this preliminary study, carried out in the Celri basin, we conclude that these variables can be determined by means of geophysical methods and recornmends the use of such methods in studies of regional character


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This study makes clear the existence of a paleogenical red basal level (Pontils Fm.) in the Vilablareix àrea, under the mio-pliocenical cover of the Girona plain, enlargening the surface known go far of that level


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The behaviour of 21 natural springs in a granític massif is studied in this survey. Geomorphological features of the zone are described as well as water circulation and rising 25 parametres of each of them are analysed ans conclusions are withdrawn regarding geological conditions of rising, course, chemism and potability


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In this paper we make a litostratigraphical study on the Miocene of the 'Vallés occidental' (Barcelona, Spain) which embraces a part of the 'Depresion Media' of the intermediary tectonic grave between the 'Cadena Litoral' and 'Prelitoral' of the 'Sistema Mediterráneo'. At the same time we undertake an analysis of the bassin


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Sobre la surgència d'aigua entre materials calcaris a la població de Cinc Claus (L' Escala)


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The Paleozoic materials of Massís de Begur are described from a stratigraphical point of view. We distinguish two units: the lower one, present phillites with carbonate layers ofcambro-ordovician age. The upper one is composed by volcanic rocks, carbonate schistsand black slates, bring from caradocian and ashgillian age


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Stratigraphic series concerning the paleogenic materials of the 'Massis de Begur' are described. We note the presence of some diferences between its northem and westem margins


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Several marine deposits in the southern Costa Brava shoreline have been studied. They appear at different heights above and below the present sea level. Three groups are defined in relation to their origin: conglomerate levels at the bottom of the cliffs, not-cementedemerged beaches and cemented submerged beaches. The age of the emerged beaches has been accurately determined by means of the ceramic content and radiocarbon dating. Chronological succession of the deposits and their stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics allow to define a sequence of the sea level changes during the latest stages of the versiliane transgression in the studied area


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Descripció del bloc granític basculant, conegut amb el nom de 'Pedralta', situat entre els termes municipals de Santa Cristina d'Aro i Sant Feliu arrel de la seva caiguda per causes naturals, el 10 de desembre de 1996


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This paper, fundamentally stratigraphic, is based on the vertical distribution of fauna in sediments which constitute the Montgri Massif. The stratigraphic series is composed of two units: one allochtonous (Mesozoic) and a second one autochtonous (Paleogene). The latter crops out in front of the thrust belt and presents the typical facies described by PALLI (1972). The allochtonous part is formed by the following units (from bottom to top): variegated gypsiferous shales of Keuper age; marls, limestones and dolomites from the Lias (Domerian); gray breccia ted dolomites: supraliassic; and Cretaceous limestones with rare interbeds of calcareous marls and nodular shaly marls. In this unit the Neocomian, Barremian (?), Aptian, Albian, Cenomanian, Turonian (?) and Santonian haven been recognized. Structurally, the Montgri Massif is part of a thrust belt which has been divided into three parts of different development ang age. Both parts are affected by ample synclinal folds of NE-SW directions and fractures of NW-SE orientation. The fractures condition the torrential streams as well as the karstic phenomena present in the Massif. These and the eolian actions are the main causes of the present geomorphology of the Montgri


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Descripció de la seqüència estratigràfica i dels registres paleoambientals dels sediments holocens de Sant Julià de Boada