998 resultados para Equipamentos de potência


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As unidades de alimentação ininterruptas, UPS’s, desempenham na atualidade um papel fundamental na alimentação de cargas críticas nas instalações elétricas. Na cada vez mais premente necessidade de garantir qualidade e continuidade de energia levou a que este tipo de equipamentos se tenha desenvolvido e aperfeiçoado do ponto de vista tecnológico. A alimentação das instalações elétricas proveniente da rede de distribuição de energia contém ou está sujeita a micro interrupções, interrupções, sobretensões, conteúdo harmónico indesejável, não garantindo os níveis exigidos por alguns dos sistemas elétricos atuais colocando em causa a cadeia de valor de muitas empresas. O nível de disponibilidade e qualidade de potência está diretamente relacionado e produz efeitos diretos na continuidade das operações. Fatores como a produtividade, qualidade de produtos e serviços, capacidade concorrencial, segurança de bens e pessoas são imprescindíveis. Os sistemas de UPS’s de elevada potência com unidades de alimentação ligadas em paralelo garantindo redundância no fornecimento de energia às cargas constituem hoje a solução para o tipo de problemas referido. Contudo, a sua inserção nas instalações elétricas obriga a cuidados específicos, nomeadamente no que se refere ao regime de neutro da instalação, o qual condiciona de forma determinante a proteção de circuitos de distribuição e de pessoas. Em Portugal o regime de neutro adotado, de uma forma generalizada, regime de terras separadas (é o regime TT), no qual a proteção de pessoas é assegurada pela colocação de dispositivos de corrente residual diferencial. Solução que no caso das configurações de paralelos redundantes de UPS’s de elevada potência não garante um normal funcionamento destes sistemas concebidos para fundamentalmente funcionarem em regime TN (regime de Terra pelo Neutro). No presente trabalho apresenta-se no caso de estudo uma situação típica de instalação na qual se registam problemas de conflitos de neutro na saída de UPS’s que obrigam à alteração do tipo de dispositivo de proteção nas entradas das máquinas e circuito de bypass. São, ainda, apresentadas propostas de solução.


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Atualmente, assiste-se na nossa sociedade a um recurso e uso massivo de equipamentos eletrónicos portáteis. Este facto, aliado à competitividade de mercado, exigiu o desenvolvimento desses equipamentos com o intuito de melhorar a sua gestão de potência e, obter, consequentemente, maior autonomia e rendimento. Assim, na gestão de potência de um SoC são os reguladores de tensão que assumem um papel de extrema importância. O trabalho realizado ao longo da presente dissertação pressupõe o projeto de um regulador linear de tensão do tipo LDO em tecnologia HV-CMOS, capaz de suportar tensões de entrada de 12V com vista à alimentação de blocos funcionais RF-CMOS com 3,3V e uma corrente de 100mA. Foi implementado através do processo CMOS de 0.35μm de 50V da Austria Micro Systems. A corrente de quiescente do regulador linear de tensão que determina a eficiência de corrente é de 120,22μA. Possui uma eficiência de corrente de 99,88% e um rendimento de 82,46% quando a tensão mínima de entrada é utilizada. O regulador linear de tensão possui uma tensão de dropout de 707mV. A estabilidade do sistema é mantida mesmo com transições de carga de 10μA para 100mA. O regulador possui um tempo de estabelecimento inferior a 2,4μs e uma variação da tensão de saída relativamente ao seu valor nominal inferior a 18mV, ambos para o pior caso. Porém, este regulador possui um undershoot e um overshoot de +- 1,85V.


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Um dos grandes problemas socioambientais do mundo contemporâneo é a destinação dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, dentre eles a dos eletroeletrônicos, cujo volume aumenta assustadoramente. A pesquisa objetivou identificar as ações tomadas por prefeituras dos municípios do Grande ABC Paulista em relação ao descarte desses equipamentos. A pergunta que norteou este estudo foi: Qual o envolvimento das prefeituras com a sustentabilidade, quando do descarte de computadores e periféricos? Procedeu-se a uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo e descritivo, composta por pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas com os responsáveis pela gestão desses equipamentos. A pesquisa se justifica por considerar que em órgãos públicos haja uma descrição clara sobre o procedimento correto a ser tomado quando do descarte de equipamentos utilizados na gestão das estruturas administrativas municipais. Como resultado, percebeu-se a existência de baixo nível de preocupação e baixo envolvimento dos entrevistados com a sustentabilidade socioambiental, principalmente em função de a legislação regulamentadora fazer com que o descarte ocorra somente por meio de venda desse material, ofertado em leilões, sem que se leve em consideração a destinação que os arrematadores darão ao lote.


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O setor de máquinas e equipamentos para construção civil utilizados em obras de grande porte tem uma participação expressiva tanto na economia brasileira como na cadeia produtiva da construção civil. Trata-se de um setor hipercompetitivo, composto por indústrias transnacionais que têm no marketing de relacionamento e nas estratégias B2B os principais pilares de sustentação de estratégia de comunicação com o mercado. Utilizando como técnica o estudo de caso múltiplo do qual fizeram parte três dos maiores fabricantes de equipamentos para construção instalados no Brasil Caterpillar, Case e Volvo o estudo mostra como e porque essas empresas optaram por privilegiar o marketing de relacionamento e a imagem da marca, em detrimento de outras competências de comunicação, como forma de construir relacionamentos estáveis, fiéis e de longo prazo com seus clientes.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o papel moderador de potência de equipes sobre as relações entre percepção de suporte social e bem-estar subjetivo, mediante delineamento longitudinal. A potência de equipes refere-se à crença dos membros na eficácia de sua equipe, enquanto o suporte social é à crença do indivíduo em receber apoio de sua rede social. Já o bem-estar subjetivo demonstra o quanto uma pessoa está satisfeita com sua própria vida. Participaram da pesquisa 249 adolescentes, provenientes de 53 equipes, cada uma composta por três a sete membros, idade média 13,85 anos (DP = 1,86), 57,4% do sexo masculino. O estudo foi realizado em grupos de escoteiros com sedes localizadas em Contagem e Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. O instrumento utilizado foi um questionário de autopreenchimento, composto por três escalas que aferiram as três variáveis deste estudo. Os resultados demonstraram que a percepção de suporte social e a potência de equipes influenciaram positiva e significativamente o bem-estar subjetivo dos adolescentes, porém, potência de equipes não foi capaz de moderar a relação entre percepção de suporte social e bem-estar subjetivo. Os adolescentes também mantiveram seus níveis de percepção de suporte social e de crença na potência de equipes em patamares semelhantes. Logo, os adolescentes desfrutavam de bem-estar e saúde psíquica, condição que se manteve ao longo do tempo. Tais evidências asseguram o papel promotor de bem-estar subjetivo tanto de percepção de suporte social quanto de potência de equipes na saúde mental do indivíduo.


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About 10% of faults involving the electrical system occurs in power transformers. Therefore, the protection applied to the power transformers is essential to ensure the continuous operation of this device and the efficiency of the electrical system. Among the protection functions applied to power transformers, the differential protection appears as one of the main schemes, presenting reliable discrimination between internal faults and external faults or inrush currents. However, when using the low frequency components of the differential currents flowing through the transformer, the main difficulty of the conventional methods of differential protection is the delay for detection of the events. However, internal faults, external faults and other disturbances related to the transformer operation present transient and can be appropriately detected by the wavelet transform. In this paper is proposed the development of a wavelet-based differential protection for detection and identification of external faults to the transformer, internal faults, and transformer energizing by using the wavelet coefficient energy of the differential currents. The obtained results reveal the advantages of using of the wavelet transform in the differential protection compared to conventional protection, since it provides reliability and speed in detection of these events.


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The conventional control schemes applied to Shunt Active Power Filters (SAPF) are Harmonic extractor-based strategies (HEBSs) because their effectiveness depends on how quickly and accurately the harmonic components of the nonlinear loads are identified. The SAPF can be also implemented without the use of the load harmonic extractors. In this case, the harmonic compensating term is obtained from the system active power balance. These systems can be considered as balanced-energy-based schemes (BEBSs) and their performance depends on how fast the system reaches the equilibrium state. In this case, the phase currents of the power grid are indirectly regulated by double sequence controllers with two degrees of freedom, where the internal model principle is employed to avoid reference frame transformation. Additionally the DSC controller presents robustness when the SAPF is operating under unbalanced conditions. Furthermore, SAPF implemented without harmonic detection schemes compensate simultaneously harmonic distortion and reactive power of the load. Their compensation capabilities, however, are limited by the SAPF power converter rating. Such a restriction can be minimized if the level of the reactive power correction is managed. In this work an estimation scheme for determining the filter currents is introduced to manage the compensation of reactive power. Experimental results are shown for demonstrating the performance of the proposed SAPF system.


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One of several techniques applied to production processes oil is the artificial lift, using equipment in order to reduce the bottom hole pressure, providing a pressure differential, resulting in a flow increase. The choice of the artificial lift method depends on a detailed analysis of the some factors, such as initial costs of installation, maintenance, and the existing conditions in the producing field. The Electrical Submersible Pumping method (ESP) appears to be quite efficient when the objective is to produce high liquid flow rates in both onshore and offshore environments, in adverse conditions of temperature and in the presence of viscous fluids. By definition, ESP is a method of artificial lift in which a subsurface electric motor transforms electrical into mechanical energy to trigger a centrifugal pump of multiple stages, composed of a rotating impeller (rotor) and a stationary diffuser (stator). The pump converts the mechanical energy of the engine into kinetic energy in the form of velocity, which pushes the fluid to the surface. The objective of this work is to implement the optimization method of the flexible polyhedron, known as Modified Simplex Method (MSM) applied to the study of the influence of the modification of the input and output parameters of the centrifugal pump impeller in the channel of a system ESP. In the use of the optimization method by changing the angular parameters of the pump, the resultant data applied to the simulations allowed to obtain optimized values of the Head (lift height), lossless efficiency and the power with differentiated results.


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The goal of the power monitoring in electrical power systems is to promote the reliablility as well as the quality of electrical power.Therefore, this dissertation proposes a new theory of power based on wavelet transform for real-time estimation of RMS voltages and currents, and some power amounts, such as active power, reactive power, apparent power, and power factor. The appropriate estimation the of RMS and power values is important for many applications, such as: design and analysis of power systems, compensation devices for improving power quality, and instruments for energy measuring. Simulation and experimental results obtained through the proposed MaximalOverlap Discrete Wavelet Transform-based method were compared with the IEEE Standard 1459-2010 and the commercial oscilloscope, respectively, presenting equivalent results. The proposed method presented good performance for compact mother wavelet, which is in accordance with real-time applications.


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This work aims to study and investigate the use of a hybrid composite polymer formed with blanket aramid (Kevlar 29) fiber blanket flax fiber and particulate dry endocarp of coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn), using as matrix an epoxy resin based thermoset for use in areas of protective equipment. Besides such material is used an aluminum plate, joined to the composite by means of glue based on epoxy and araldite commercial. The manufacturing process adopted was manual lamination (Hand Lay Up) to manufacture the hybrid composite. After the composite is prepared, an aluminum plate is subjected to pressure and glued to cure the adhesive. Layers of veil will also be used to separate the particulate from the linen blanket layer without disturbing the alignment of the fibers of the blankets. To characterize the mechanical and physical behavior was manufactured a plate of 800 x 600 mm of the hybrid composite, which were removed specimens for tests of water absorption to saturation; density; impact test (Charpy) and two test specimens for ballistic testing 220 mm x 200 mm to make a comparative study between the dry state and saturated water absorption and thus see the ballistic performance of these two conditions. The test was applied to make a comparative study of fracture in these two conditions, caused by penetrating ballistic missile (38 and 380). To test the impact (Charpy) will analyze the absorbed energy, fracture appearance and lateral contraction, also in dry condition and saturation of absorbed water, thereby analyzing situations where the impact load is relevant, such as bumps and shocks produced by stone, metal or wooden bars among others. The proposed configuration, along with the tests, has the purpose, application in the fields of equipment against ballistic impact, such as helmets; bullet proof vests; shields; protective packaging and other items to be identified in this research.


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Household refrigerators are equipments that represent a significant portion on the eletricity consumption of Brazilian homes. The use of these devices with low energy efficiency contributes to increase the energy consumption. The energy efficiency of a refrigerator is a function of the interaction between the coolant fluid and the components of the thermodynamic cycle. Changes in load and/or nature of the coolant may modify the condensing and/or evaporation pressures. The volumetric capacity of the compressor, the mass flow of coolant and the compression power are dependent parameters of the condensation and evaporation pressures. Thus, the expansion devices exert an importante role in the balance of these pressures, being fundamental for the better performance of the refrigeration cycle. This experimental research aims to investigate the sensitivity of the performance parameters of a household refrigerator operating with R134a and at different evaporation pressures. Therefore, a small refrigerator was instrumented with temperature, pressure sensors and other variables of interest, installed along the cooling circuit, in order to allow the thermal mapping and the evaluation of the equipment performance parameters. The variation of pressure loss in the coolant fluid resulting from the operation of the expansion valve with micrometric adjustment that modifies the evaporation temperature, influencing significantly the performance parameters of the thermodynamic refrigeration cycle.


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This dissertation aims at showing the importance of the Nietzsche s and Spinoza s philosophy in Deleuze thought, about body, force, and potency concepts. The search starts from Deleuze texts around two authors of his inspiration, reaching understand in the plan of immanence of the relationship between concepts and the way life as ethics and political affirmation. The first goal is the concept of rhizome; propose by Deleuze in what manner to walk the ways traced by philosophers and at the same time to create self ways. The second chapter examines the body in Nietzsche as force s relations. Find to show the genesis of the force in its determination as relative quantity strong or weak, and as absolute quality active or reactive; and for other side the genesis of the force from two poles of the will to power affirmation or negation, examining the consequences for life and thought. In the third chapter explained the definitions of body in Spinoza. The body, in Spinoza, defines itself complex relation of movement and repose, velocity and slowness and by it s to affect and be affecter s power. Find to show understanding the mediums for to amplify the power of to exist or the potency of to act, in what manner ethics of to live. The fourth chapter makes one parallel between the war and the thought in the constitution of socials body and collectives agenciamientos, for understand in the fifth chapter the body as war s machine of the thought, from the relationship between nomad way life and war s machine showed in Tractate of Nomadologia. Wait like this to show the importance of the ethics and political thought than affirm the existence in the world through active force from that body s power.


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This study aims to evaluate the uncertainty associated with measurements made by aneroid sphygmomanometer, neonatal electronic balance and electrocautery. Therefore, were performing repeatability tests on all devices for the subsequent execution of normality tests using Shapiro-Wilk; identification of influencing factors that affect the measurement result of each measurement; proposition of mathematical models to calculate the measurement uncertainty associated with measuring evaluated for all equipament and calibration for neonatal electronic balance; evaluation of the measurement uncertainty; and development of a computer program in Java language to systematize the calibration uncertainty of estimates and measurement uncertainty. It was proposed and carried out 23 factorial design for aneroid sphygmomanometer order to investigate the effect of temperature factors, patient and operator and another 32 planning for electrocautery, where it investigated the effects of temperature factors and output electrical power. The expanded uncertainty associated with the measurement of blood pressure significantly reduced the extent of the patient classification tracks. In turn, the expanded uncertainty associated with the mass measurement with neonatal balance indicated a variation of about 1% in the dosage of medication to neonates. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Turkey test indicated significant and indirectly proportional effects of temperature factor in cutting power values and clotting indicated by electrocautery and no significant effect of factors investigated for aneroid sphygmomanometer.