957 resultados para Environmental impacts - Water quality
Nutrient addition experiments were performed during the austral summer in the Amundsen Sea (Southern Ocean) to investigate the availability of organically bound iron (Fe) to the phytoplankton communities, as well as assess their response to Fe amendment. Changes in autotrophic biomass, pigment concentration, maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, and nutrient concentration were recorded in response to the addition of dissolved free Fe (DFe) and Fe bound to different model ligands. Analysis of pigment concentrations indicated that the autotrophic community was dominated by the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis antarctica throughout most of the Amundsen Sea, although diatoms dominated in two experiments conducted in the marginal ice zone. Few significant differences in bulk community biomass (particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, and chlorophyll a) were observed, relative to the controls, in treatments with Fe added alone or bound to the ligand phytic acid. In contrast, when Fe was bound to the ligand desferrioxamine B (DFB), decreases in the bulk biomass indices were observed. The concentration of the diatom accessory pigment fucoxanthin showed little response to Fe additions, while the concentration of the P. antarctica-specific pigment, 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (19'-hex), decreased when Fe was added alone or bound to the model ligands. Lastly, differences in the nitrate:phosphate (NO3- :PO4**3-) utilization ratio were observed between the Fe-amended treatments, with Fe bound to DFB resulting in the lowest NO3- :PO4**3- uptake ratios (~ 10) and the remaining Fe treatments having higher NO3- :PO4**3- uptake ratios (~ 17). The data are discussed with respect to glacial inputs of Fe in the Amundsen Sea and the bioavailability of Fe. We suggest that the previously observed high NO3- :PO4**3- utilization ratio of P. antarctica is a consequence of its production of dissolved organic matter that acts as ligands and increases the bioavailability of Fe, thereby stimulating the uptake of NO3-.
Increases in the rate and extent of lakeshore development along inland lakes in Ontario are adversely impacting water quality. Despite growing awareness, there is a lack of knowledge about the land use policies and tools in place to protect inland lakes in rural Ontario. This research evaluated official plans for water quality protection policies for inland lakes in the County of Renfrew, Ontario to address this gap. The findings suggest that municipalities implicitly link water quality to land use planning policy and fail to incorporate innovative methods to protect water quality.
This fact sheet summarizes the water quality data collected as part of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources ambient lake monitoring program.
Summary of the 2015 water quality data collected from 138 lakes across Iowa as part of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources lake monitoring program.
Summary of the 2000-2015 water quality data collected from 138 lakes across Iowa as part of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources lake monitoring program.
This reports summarized the IOWATER water quality monitoring conducted during the 2016 Project AWARE on the lower Des Moines River in southeast Iowa.
Summary of stream water quality data collected from 2000 through 2015
Summary of stream water quality data collected in 2015.
An overview on how to maintain an efficient food production system while protecting Iowa's natural resources.
The results reported on were from a monitoring survey No. 9 undertaken between 9th and 12th September 2011 during construction period of the Bujagali Hydropower Project (BHPP). Two pre-construction, baseline surveys in April 2000 and April 2006 were conducted and so far, during construction phase of the project, eight monitoring surveys have been undertaken i.e. in September 2007, April 2008, April 2009, October 2009, April 2010, September 2010, April 2011 and the present one, in September 2011. Since 2009 biannual monitoring surveys have been conducted at an upstream and a downstream transect of the BHPP with emphasis on the following aspects: water quality determinants biology and ecology of fishes and food webs fish stock and fish catch including economic aspects of catch and sanitation/vector studies (bilharzias and river blindness)in addition to the above mentioned studies, a soil pH survey was undertaken on 15th October 2011 in the area behind the reservoir whose filling started a week earlier. The findings of pH status in the catchment of the dam are also contained in this report.
It is located in eastern Uganda, the wetland system is characterized by open water that is clear with some emergent vegetation mainly of sedges and floating vegetation dominated by the day water lily Nymphaea sp and submerged water weeds. Some patches of Cyperus papyrus exist in areas with minimal agricultural encroachment. The main inflow into the Opeta system is through River Sironko.
This research project was driven by the recurring complaints and concerns voiced in the media by residents living in the Valley area of the community of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador. Drinking water in this town is supplied by two water treatment plants (a municipality treatment plant and a DND treatment plant), which use raw water from two different sources (groundwater from multiple wells versus surface water from Spring Gulch brook) and use two different processes of drinking-water treatment. In fact, the drinking water supplied in the Valley area has a unique distribution arrangement. To meet demand, the Valley area is served by a blend of treated waters from a storage reservoir (Sandhill reservoir), which is fed by both water treatment plants. Most of the time, treated water from the municipal treatment plant dominates in the mixture. As water travels through the distribution system and household plumbing, specific reactions can occur either in the water itself and/or at the solid–liquid interface at the pipe walls; this is strongly influenced by the physical and chemical characteristics of the water. These reactions can introduce undesirable chemical compounds and/or favor the growth of bacteria in the drinking water, causing the deterioration of the quality of water reaching the consumer taps. In the distribution system in general, these chemical constituents and bacteria may pose potential threats to health or the water’s aesthetic qualities (smell, taste or appearance). Drinking water should be not only safe, but also palatable.