738 resultados para English as a foreign language (EFL)


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Esta pesquisa cita os dois processos pelos quais podem ser formados os neologismos e estuda os formados por empréstimos, em corpus constituído por dados colhidos em textos publicitários da mídia em corpus escrito da língua portuguesa do Brasil. As fontes de dados foram variados veículos de comunicação. Objetivou-se identificar a diversidade de classes/funções, campos semânticos, funções do uso nos textos, veículos de comunicação (como os jornais, as revistas, os sítios da internet, a televisão, o outdoor, o busdoor, o wallpaper, o folheto e a mala direta) que apresentaram esses itens neológicos. Tratando ainda dos empréstimos, foram descritas as ocorrências da influência das línguas de outros países nos usuários da língua portuguesa do Brasil. Constatou-se que o inglês foi a língua fonte que contribuiu com mais empréstimos e que há um continuum nos estágios de adaptação desses itens. Apontou-se a descrição discursiva da língua materna para resolver o conflito e a polêmica que envolvem o uso desses empréstimos. Finalizando, construiu-se um glossário com os neologismos formados por empréstimos encontrados no corpus


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar as representações de professores de língua inglesa de um curso livre de idiomas no Rio de Janeiro, acerca de sua própria profissão e de outros aspectos relacionados ao ensino desta disciplina, procurando identificar a maneira como o discurso destes profissionais constrói suas identidades. Buscamos apontar como são construídas e negociadas no discurso características identitárias dos professores de inglês a fim de compreender como estes professores se veem ou constroem uma imagem de um bom professor de inglês. Para realizar a análise recorremos ao Sistema de Avaliatividade proposto por Martin & White (2005), cujos princípios têm origem na metafunção interpessoal da Linguística Sistêmico Funcional (Halliday, 2004), além de algumas importantes noções da Análise do Discurso Crítica (Fairclough, 2003), especialmente no que diz respeito à concepção de linguagem, discurso e sua relação com as práticas sociais. O conceito de representação utilizado nesta pesquisa foi fundamentado em Minayo (1994) e Fairclough (2003) e a noção de identidade baseia-se em Fairclough (2003) e Hall (2000), observando que as identidades não são apenas representadas no discurso, mas construídas nele, além de terem um caráter instável, mutável, multifacetado e inacabado. O Corpus analisado consiste em transcrição de uma discussão entre oito professores de inglês e foi coletado através da técnica de Grupo Focal. Foram selecionados 20 trechos de falas desta discussão e agrupadas em três temas: a) O professor nativo / Experiência no exterior; b) Ser professor de língua inglesa / O valor da profissão; e c) Como me vejo como professor/a de inglês. Analisamos as avalições feitas segundo os subsistemas de Atitude e Engajamento. Os resultados da análise mostraram que este grupo de professores utiliza preferencialmente avaliações negativas de julgamento de capacidade quando se trata de avaliar o professor nativo, avaliações positivas de julgamento de capacidade e tenacidade quando se trata de avaliar o professor de inglês não nativo e, principalmente, avaliações positivas do tipo Afeto quando se trata de avaliar a profissão ou a sua prática diária. Somados a outros itens recorrentes, estes resultados apontam para o perfil de um bom professor na visão do grupo de sujeitos participantes


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[EUS] Gure gaur egungo gizarte globalizatuak, internazionalki komunikatzeko beharra areagotu du, eta horregatik atzerriko hizkuntzak ikastea ezinbestekoa bihurtu da. Eskola errealitatearen isla denez, behar horri aurre egiteko, gero eta gehiago dira irakaskuntza eleaniztuna garatzeko ikuspegi metodologikoak. Ikuspegi metodologiko hauen artean, CLIL/HEBI eta HTB dira garrantzitsuenetarikoak. HEBIk hizkuntzak eta edukiak batera ikasteari egiten dio erreferentzia, eta HTBk curriculumeko hizkuntzen programazio adostuari. Lan honetan metodologia hauen nondik norakoak aztertzen dira, baita hauek ikastetxe batean nolako ibilbidea izan duten eta nola lantzen diren ere. Azken honetan ikastetxearen eta ikasleen aldetik HEBIrekiko dagoen jarrera aztertzen da, galdetegi batzuen bitartez.


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[eus] Jakina da eskolan arrakasta izateko hizkuntzaren erabilera aldagai garrantzitsua dela. Hori horrela, lan honetan 4-7 urte bitarteko hamabi neska mutilen jariotasuna eta lexikoaren ezagutza aztertzen dira. Betiere, kontuan izanda haur horien ama hizkuntza ezberdina dela, hots, euskara edota erdara (atzerriko edozein hizkuntza). Helburua herriko hizkera lagunartean (eskolan) bertan gauzatzen dela frogatzea da. Horretarako, haur hauek galdetegi baten bidez elkarrizketatu dira. Jarraian transkribatu eta honen azterketa linguistikoa egin da, jariotasuna eta lexiko aztertuz. Azkenik, konparaketa taulez baliatuz galdetegietako emaitzak aztertu dira eta zenbait haurrek hitz egiterako orduan erakusten duten jariotasuna handitu ahal izateko eskolan lantzeko zenbait proposamen egin dira.


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To Augustyn Surdyk numerous assumptions of constructivism and constructionism in the educational context seem to correspond with the idea of autonomisation in foreign language didactics. He presents a comparison of selected aspects of the three theories in question on the example of an innovative communicative technique of Role-Playing Games applied in the process of teaching foreign languages at an advanced level. The conventions of the technique with its simplified rules have been borrowed from popular parlour games and adapted by the author to the conditions of language didactics. The elements of play and simulation incorporated in the technique allow it to be rated among techniques of ludic strategy. (from Preface to the book)


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This article attempts to qualify the work with authentic source material such as TV news in foreign language teaching. At first, the role of authentic materials in foreign language teaching shall be discussed. Afterwards, TV news will be briefly examined and characterized from the point of view of media theory. Methodic-didactic considerations on the work with TV news in class round up the article.


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The article is an introduction to the discussion about the linguistic and psychodidactic concepts justifying the thesis that the senior language learners are able to learn foreign languages and that they can achieve educational success in the process of foreign language learning.


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Over the years of working at school teachers gain experience that is necessary for their professional development. The teaching experience may appear of little value if teachers do not reflect upon it. Reflection is the key to success in teaching. The article presents the results of a questionnaire conducted with foreign language teachers from Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland schools who were asked about their reflection. Many teachers (95%) reported that they reflected on their teaching and even made notes (50%). The research outcomes provide interesting facts about teachers’ reflections.


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The aim of the paper is to present the specificity of oral argumentative competence in a foreign language and to propose a tentative model of task-based learning of argumentative discourse. It is assumed in the paper that the communicative situation tasks proposed during classes of French as a foreign language in the French Philology Department should contribute to the academic discourse learning. In the paper we present an analysis of two fragments of argumentative situations; the first one concerns the so-called everyday argumentative situation and another one illustrates an argumentative orientation of academic discourse.


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Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Romańskiej


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This dissertation introduces and evaluates dramagrammar, a new concept for the teaching and learning of foreign language grammar. Grammar, traditionally taught in a predominantly cognitive, abstract mode, often fails to capture the minds of foreign language learners, who are then unable to integrate this grammatical knowledge into their use of the foreign language in a meaningful way. The consequences of this approach are manifested at university level in German departments in England and Ireland, where the outcomes are unconvincing at best, abysmal at worst. Language teaching research suggests that interaction plays an important role in foreign language acquisition. Recent studies also stress the significance of grammatical knowledge in the learning process. Dramagrammar combines both interactive negotiation of meaning and explicit grammar instruction in a holistic approach, taking up the concept of drama in foreign language education and applying it to the teaching and learning of grammar. Techniques from dramatic art forms allow grammar to be experienced not only cognitively but also in social, emotional, and bodily-kinaesthetic ways. Dramagrammar lessons confront the learner with fictitious situations in which grammar is experienced 'hands-on'. Learners have to use grammatical structures in a variety of contexts, reflect upon their use, and then enlarge and enrich the dramatic situations with their newly acquired or more finely nuanced knowledge. The initial hypothesis of this dissertation is that the drammagrammar approach is beneficial to the acquisition of foreign language grammar. This hypothesis is corroborated by research findings from language teaching pedagogy and drama in education. It is further confirmed by empirical data gained from specifically designed dramagrammar modules that have been put into practice in German departments at the University of Leicester (England), the University Colleges Cork and Dublin (Ireland), the University of Bologna (Italy), as well as the Goethe-Institute Bratislava (Slovenia). The data suggests that drammagrammar has positive effects on both understanding of and attitudes towards grammar.


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Background: The Early Development Instrument (EDI) is a population-level measure of five developmental domains at school-entry age. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the potential of the EDI as an indicator of early development in Ireland. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 47 primary schools in 2011 using the EDI and a linked parental questionnaire. EDI (teacher completed) scores were calculated for 1,344 children in their first year of full-time education. Those scoring in the lowest 10% of the sample population in one or more domains were deemed to be 'developmentally vulnerable'. Scores were correlated with contextual data from the parental questionnaire and with indicators of area and school-level deprivation. Rasch analysis was used to determine the validity of the EDI. Results: Over one quarter (27.5%) of all children in the study were developmentally vulnerable. Individual characteristics associated with increased risk of vulnerability were being male; under 5 years old; and having English as a second language. Adjusted for these demographics, low birth weight, poor parent/child interaction and mother’s lower level of education showed the most significant odds ratios for developmental vulnerability. Vulnerability did not follow the area-level deprivation gradient as measured by a composite index of material deprivation. Children considered by the teacher to be in need of assessment also had lower scores, which were not significantly different from those of children with a clinical diagnosis of special needs. all domains showed at least reasonable fit to the Rasch model supporting the validity of the instrument. However, there was a need for further refinement of the instrument in the Irish context. Conclusion: This thesis provides a unique snapshot of early development in Ireland. The EDI and linked parental questionnaires are promising indicators of the extent, distribution and determinants of developmental vulnerability.


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Zwischen dem Bereich Drama/Theater und dem Bereich Fremdsprachenvermittlung gibt es seit jeher Verbindungslinien. Zumindest war der Lehrer immer schon ein Akteur, der den Schülern etwas so ‘vorzuspielen’ versuchte, dass die Aufmerksamkeit des Lernerpublikums gebannt blieb; und eigentlich haben Lehrer und Schüler im fremdsprachlichen Unterricht immer schon ‘Theater’ gespielt, indem sie so taten, als ob die Unterhaltung in der fremden Sprache für sie natürlich sei. Der folgende Beitrag zeichnet wichtige Entwicklungsetappen des Brückenbaus zwischen den Bereichen Drama/Theater und Fremd-/Zweitsprachenlehre seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts nach. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass ‘Drama und Theater in der Fremd-/Zweitsprachenlehre’ sich nunmehr als eines der vielen Anwendungsfelder etabliert hat, die mit dem Fach- und Sammelbegriff ‘Applied Theatre’ erfasst werden. Der Begriff bezieht sich auf das breite Spektrum von Individuen, Gruppen und Institutionen, für die das Theater als Kunstform nicht reiner Selbstzweck ist, sondern zentraler Bezugspunkt und Inspirationsquelle für drama-/theaterbezogene Aktivitäten. Durch solche Aktivitäten sollen im jeweiligen Anwendungsfeld ganz bestimmte Ziele erreicht werden, im Falle des fremd- und zweitsprachlichen Unterrichts z.B. sprach-, literatur- und kulturbezogene Ziele. Dieser Beitrag versteht sich als kompakte Bündelung und insbesondere Aktualisierung von Überlegungen, die erstmalig in meinem Buch Fremdsprache inszenieren (1993) erschienen sind. Zur Ergänzung dieses kompakten Überblicks sei auf die umfangreiche Forschungsbibliographie auf der Homepage dieser Zeitschrift verwiesen. Zum Konzept ‘Applied Theatre’ vgl. z.B. Ackroyd 2000; Taylor 2003; Nicholson 2005