891 resultados para Emotional Experiences


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This research study used an interview-based methodology to examine the schooling and sport experiences of racialized male youth from Toronto’s Rexdale community. Situated in the city’s northwest end, this marginal space is home to a highly racialized, economically disadvantaged and inordinately criminalized populace. Although the media continues to essentialize members of the community by propagating a prejudiced, homogenous, predictable, and largely taken-for-granted discourse that constructs the community as ‘other’, Rexdale exhibits vast diversity and offers its male youth a variety of opportunities and experiences. In discussions with participants it was revealed that the intersections of race, class and gender have substantial impacts on the ways in which Rexdale’s male youth experience their community, schools and sport. More specifically, Rexdale’s Black male youth regularly exhibit great resistance against oppression within their community and schools. As a result of these experiences their participation in sport can carry heightened significance.


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Past research has identified the importance of the relationship between teacher candidates and their associate teachers during field experiences. Through the research questions that framed the study, I sought to contribute to a growing understanding of how the associate teacher-teacher candidate relationship develops from the perspective of teacher candidates. Using an interpretive lens, I explored the associate teacher-teacher candidate relationships of 5 teacher candidates at a mid-sized university in Southern Ontario. In this instrumental multicase study, the 5 participants described 13 pairs of relationships with associate teachers who modeled varying practices. The qualitative data surrounding these case relationships were collected through a focus group and semistructured interviews. Participants’ responses were analyzed using axial coding and constant comparative analysis. Participants identified feedback, guidance, support, genuine interactions, and relationship dynamics as central to successful field experiences. Participants also suggested that associate teachers might be better supported in their role if they were offered increased professional development from the faculties of education that organize the field experiences. The findings documented offer a fresh perspective of the role of the associate teacher in successful teacher education programs, particularly as experienced by the 5 participants.


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The purpose of this project was to raise awareness surrounding child and adolescent mental health in an effort to reduce preconceived stigmas in relation to this specialized field. This project presented a literature review of the current state of child and adolescent mental health in Canada today, including the prevalence and several treatment options for young people confronting mental health challenges. Consideration of the powerful role of the education system upon youth with mental health issues became evident, specifically regarding early identification and prevention. A needs assessment was conducted to gather feedback from the clinical practitioners of a Section 23 classroom within a Southern Ontario hospital. This assessment was used to develop an informational and pedagogical workshop resource to extend practitioner understanding of this pertinent issue and support the social and emotional needs of young people confronting mental heath challenges. Results of the assessment indicated the significant need for such a workshop resource, and these responses were used to guide the development of Group Chat: A Workshop to Support the Emotional and Social Needs of Youth. The latter was subsequently presented to participants, whereby evaluative questionnaires indicated the efficacy and usefulness of this workshop resource to both practitioners and students alike.


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The purpose of this research study was to determine if the instructional model, Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), would allow for the successful teaching of sport to disengaged female students in Physical Education (PE) classes. An instrumental case study research design was used to determine grade nine female students’ experiences with TGfU, the factors of TGfU that facilitated their engagement, and the ways in which these students resisted engaging in TGfU. Data was collected through a pre and post TGfU unit focus group, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and researcher reflections. Results showed that TGfU caused an increase in the participants’ engagement in PE physically, mentally, and socially/emotionally. Future researchers could structure their entire study holistically and should examine TGfU’s impact on student engagement over the course of an entire semester. Subsequent studies should moreover examine the presence of disengagement within physically skilled students in PE.


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This paper investigates the impact of personal affinity toward a charity and information regarding financial management of potential recipient charitable organizations on decisions to donate. Using an experiment, the study examines how personal donation decisions differ from corporate donation decisions made by managers and how the emotional intelligence of donors affects donation decisions. The results indicate that threshold and financial information on charities assembled by the Better Business Bureau, a charity rating agency, made a significant impact on corporate donation decisions. The study also shows that emotional intelligence plays an important role that aids both individual donors and managers to regulate their donation decisions.


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Graduate students’ development as researchers is a key objective in higher education. Research assistantships provide distinctive spaces where graduate students can be nurtured and shaped as novice researchers as they develop theoretical and methodological knowledge. However, few scholars have investigated graduate student research assistants’ experiences and the ways these experiences are influenced by institutional regulations, informal practices, and social relations. The purpose of this case-within-a-case study was to explore the research assistantship experiences of full-time and part-time doctoral students in Education at an Ontario university. I present separate subcases for full-time and part-time students, and an overarching case of research assistantships in one program at a specific period of time. The main question was how do institutional regulations, informal practices, and social relations influence full-time and part-time doctoral students’ access to and experiences within research assistantships. My objective was to draw from interviews and documents to acquire a thorough understanding of the organizational characteristics of research assistantships (i.e., structures of access, distribution, and coordination of participation) to explore the ways institutional regulations, informal practices, and social relations promote, prevent, or limit full-time and part-time students’ legitimate peripheral participation in research assistantships. Although I devoted particular attention to the ways students’ full-time and part-time status shaped their decisions, relationships, and experiences, I was conscious that other factors such as gender, age, and cultural background may have also influenced doctoral research assistant experiences.


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The purpose of the study was to investigate whether teaching inactive and low active women to use mirrors for form and technique purposes could lessen the negative impact of mirrors on self-presentational concerns, affect, and self-efficacy. Eligible women (N = 82) underwent a one-on-one weight training orientation with a personal trainer. Participants were randomized into one of four experimental groups, each unique in the type of feedback (general or technique-specific) and the degree of focus on the mirror for technique reinforcement. Questionnaires assessed study outcomes pre- and post-orientation. Results indicated groups did not significantly differ on any post-condition variables, when controlling for pre-condition values (all p’s >.05). All groups showed outcome improvements following the orientation. This suggests that during a complex task, a personal trainer who emphasizes form and technique can facilitate improvements to psychological outcomes in novice exercisers, independent of the presence of mirrors or directional cues provided.


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In the aftermath of World War II, a wave of Dutch Reformed immigrants arrived in Ontario, many of whom joined the Christian Reformed Church. Following familiar cultural patterns, history, and their Reformed Christian faith, these immigrants settled in Ontario with remarkable institutional completeness (Breton, 1964). They quickly established independent, parent-operated Christian schools across Ontario. The primary purpose of the schools was to educate children through a comprehensive biblically based school program, yet this religious purpose often intersected with a Dutch immigrant ethnic culture. Van Dijk (2001) states that “the schools were the most important organization in maintaining the religious and ethnic identity of Calvinists” (p. 66). In this qualitative study I explore the intersection of Reformed faith and Dutch Canadian immigrant ethnic culture in Christian schools through the experiential and professional lens of eight retired principals. Employing a theoretical framework informed by Berger’s (1967) Sacred Canopy, I suggest that the intersection of faith and culture was experienced in the schools and was embodied by the schools themselves. Findings point to this intersection being located in the participants’ experience of (a) Dutchness, (b) the struggle for Christian education, (c) the ties that bound the school community together, and (d) the cloud of witnesses that founded and continues to support and encourage the Christian school community. The study offers insight into a Dutch Reformed immigrant group’s experience carving out a niche for themselves on the educational landscape in Ontario. This study also offers suggestions on how Christian schools can broaden their canopy and become more ethnically and denominationally diverse in the future.


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Le cancer est considéré comme l’une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité et, en Espagne, représente à lui seul 25% du taux de mortalité globale. Lorsqu’une personne et sa famille font l’expérience de traverser la phase avancée du cancer, celles-ci vivent un grand choc émotionnel où les souffrances physique, psychique et spirituelle peuvent être présentes. L’information donnée par les professionnels de la santé aux membres de la famille, incluant la personne atteinte, en ce qui concerne le diagnostic et le pronostic du cancer est maintenant plus fréquente dans le contexte méditerranéen. Il n'est pas clair, toutefois, comment cette nouvelle approche est vécue par les familles. C’est pourquoi, le but de cette recherche qualitative de type phénoménologique est d’explorer la signification de l’expérience de familles dont l’un des membres est atteint d’un cancer terminal, alors que tous connaissent le pronostic de la maladie. Les résultats obtenus reposent sur l’analyse en profondeur d’entrevues réalisées auprès de quatre couples. L’analyse des données, à l’aide de la méthode phénoménologique de Giorgi (1997), fait émerger deux thèmes centraux caractérisant la signification de cette expérience de la phase palliative de cancer, alors que l’information sur le mauvais pronostic est connue tant par la personne atteinte que sa famille. Le premier thème central est celui de vivre intensément la perte de la vie rêvée et comporte le vécu suite au choc du pronostic fatal, le fait de vivre constamment des sentiments et des émotions liés à différentes pertes telles que la tristesse, la frustration, l’inquiétude et l’incertitude, et l’espoir de ne pas souffrir. Le deuxième thème central qui ressort est le développement de stratégies par les couples participants afin de rendre leur vie plus supportable. Ces stratégies sont les suivantes : accueillir l’information et le soutien professionnel, retrouver une certaine normalité dans la vie quotidienne, profiter de la vie, recevoir l’aide de la famille et des amis, maintenir une communication cognitive et instrumentale ouverte, se protéger au niveau émotionnel et envisager l’avenir sans la personne aimée. Tous ces éléments, dans le contexte individuel de vie de chaque famille transforment chacun de ces vécus en une expérience unique qui doit être comprise et respectée comme telle par tous les professionnels de la santé impliqués. Les connaissances développées par cette recherche permettront aux infirmières de mieux comprendre l’expérience de la phase palliative du cancer pour des couples dont le diagnostic et le pronostic fatal sont connus par tous, ceci afin d’améliorer leur qualité des soins. Afin de poursuivre le développement du savoir infirmier, il est recommandé de poursuivre des études afin d’explorer plus en profondeur la communication au sein des couples.


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The Brazilian Amazon is one of the world’s largest tropical forests. It supplies more than 80 % of Brazil’s timber production and makes this nation the second largest producer of tropical wood. The forestry sector is of major importance in terms of economic production and employment creation. However, the Brazilian Amazon is also known for its high deforestation rate and for its rather unsustainably managed timber resources, a fact which puts in the balance the long-term future of the forestry sector in the region. Since the mid- 1990s, with strong support from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the number of tropical forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has significantly increased. This is especially true for projects sponsored by large scale companies. The number of community- based forest management projects has also increased. Certification of community-based forest enterprises (CFEs) was initially a goal for the sponsors and community members. Certification is viewed as a way to reach alternative timber markets. In Brazil, the state of Acre has the highest concentration of CFEs certified by FSC. Most of them have been implemented with the support of environmental NGOs and public funds. Environmental NGOs strongly defend the advantages of certification for communities; however, in reality, this option is not that advantageous. Despite all the efforts, the number of participants in each project remains low. Why is this occurring? In this paper, we analyze the underlying motives of a few individual’s participation in CFEs certification projects. We aim to present and discuss some factors that shape the success of CFEs and their later certification. The results are based on surveys conducted in two certified CFEs in the state of Acre.


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Le concept d’Hôpital Promoteur de Santé (HPS) a pris beaucoup d’importance depuis son élaboration vers la fin des années quatre-vingt. Dans le contexte de la dernière réforme, le réseau montréalais des HPS et CSSS a été créé. Le Centre Universitaire de Santé McGill (CUSM) fait partie de ce réseau depuis 2007. Cette étude vise la création d’un milieu hospitalier promoteur de la santé pour les patients et s’adresse à l’expérience d’un repas pour les personnes âgées nécessitant une diète purée. Une étude de cas qualitative a été utilisée pour explorer la perception de patients vis-à-vis les aspects relatifs à leur cabaret, l’assistance qu’ils recevaient et le contexte social de leur repas. Les impressions des professionnels de la santé quant à l’expérience des patients ont aussi été obtenues. Les résultats indiquent que l’identification difficile des aliments en purée, la saveur, l’apparence et la variété sont tous des éléments qui affectent négativement leur expérience repas. Des sentiments d’impuissance ont aussi été rapportés par les patients et les professionnels de la santé. Le contexte social du repas a été souligné comme étant un aspect à cibler pour améliorer l’expérience des patients. Un programme utilisant des purées formées pourrait contrecarrer les effets négatifs de la prescription d’une diète purée. Des changements dans les pratiques infirmières, à savoir la création d’une ambiance sociale agréable au moment des repas, semble être une option peu couteuse qui pourrait améliorer l’expérience repas des patients et diminuer les sentiments d’impuissance relevés par les professionnels de la santé à l’égard de cet aspect de soin.