997 resultados para Electrical response
Twins taking part in two unrelated studies were sent a questionnaire together with a self-addressed envelope that either carried one or multiple (up to 5) stamps to the same value. The unprompted proportion of questionnaires returned (before commencement of telephone reminder calls) was increased from 62% to 71% in one study, and from 43% to 52% in the other study (test for common odds ratio in studies, p = 0.04).
Nude rats bearing melanomas on their hindlimbs were treated by isolated limb infusion (ILI) with increasing doses (7.5-400 mug/ml) of melphalan. The response of tumours to treatment at the end of the observation period was graded, according to diameter, as complete response (CR), partial response (PR), no change (NC) or progressive disease (PD). No linear relationship between the dose of melphalan and the tumour response was observed. All doses above a threshold of 15 mug/ml achieved a PR or CR. The achievement of CR was not related to increased dose. Two major implications arise from this work. Firstly, the typically two-to three-fold increase in cytotoxic drug concentration given in high dose chemotherapy compared with standard drug concentration may not be sufficient to produce the expected increase in tumour response and possibly survival, and the controversial results of high dose chemotherapy in different studies may thus be explained. Secondly, since an increase in melphalan dose above a certain threshold does not greatly increase tumour response, the use of combination therapies would seem to be more likely to be effective than increased chemotherapeutic drug doses in achieving better tumour responses.
This study sought to use a microdialysis technique to relate clinical and biochemical responses to the time course of melphalan concentrations in the subcutaneous interstitial space and in tumour tissue (melanoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, Merkel cell tumour and osteosarcoma) in patients undergoing regional chemotherapy by Isolated Limb Infusion (ILI). 19 patients undergoing ILI for treatment of various limb malignancies were monitored for intra-operative melphalan concentrations in plasma and, using microdialysis, in subcutaneous and tumour tissues. Peak and mean concentrations of melphalan were significantly higher in plasma than in subcutaneous or tumour microdialysate. There was no significant difference between drug peak and mean concentrations in interstitial and tumour tissue, indicating that there was no preferential uptake of melphalan into the tumours. The time course of melphalan in the microdialysate could be described by a pharmacokinetic model which assumed melphalan distributed from the plasma into the interstitial space. The model also accounted for the vascular dispersion of melphalan in the limb. Tumour response in the whole group to treatment was partial response: 53.8% (n = 7); complete response: 33.3% (n = 5); no responses 6.7% (n = 1). There was a significant association between tumour response and melphalan concentrations measured over time in subcutaneous microdialysate (P < 0.01). No significant relationship existed between the severity of toxic reactions in the limb or peak plasma creatine phosphokinase levels and peak melphalan microdialysate or plasma concentrations. It is concluded that microdialysis is a technique well suited for measuring concentrations of cytotoxic drug during ILI. The possibility of predicting actual concentrations of cytotoxic drug in the limb during ILI using our model opens an opportunity for improved drug dose calculation. The combination of predicting tissue concentrations and monitoring in microdialysate of subcutaneous tissue could help optimise ILI with regard to post-operative limb morbidity and tumour response. (C) 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http:,//www.bjcancer.com.
To discover the developmental relationship between the auditory brainstem response (ABR) and the focal inferior colliculus (IC) response, 32 young tammar wallabies were used, by the application of simultaneous ABR and focal brainstem recordings, in response to acoustic clicks and tone bursts of seven frequencies. The ic or the tammar wallaby undergoes a rapid functional development from postnatal day (PND) 114 to 160. The earliest (PND 114) auditory evoked response was recorded from the rostral IC. With development, more caudal parts of the IC became functional until age about PND 127, when all parts of the IC were responsive to sound. Along a dorsoventral direction, the duration of the IC response decreased, the peak latency shortened, while the amplitude increased, reaching a maximum value at the central IC, then decreased. After PND 160, the best frequency (BF) of the ventral IC was the highest, with values between 12.5 and 16 kHz, the BF of the dorsal IC was the lowest, varying between 3.2 and 6.4 kHz, while the BF of the central IC was between 6.4 and 12.5 kHz. Between PND 114 and 125, the IC response did not have temporal correlation with the ABR. Between PND 140 and 160, only the early components of the responses from the ventral and central IC correlated with the P4 waves of the ABR. After PND 160, responses recorded from different depths of the IC had a temporal correlation with the ABR. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Circulating GH consists of multiple molecular isoforms, all derived from the one gene in nonpregnant humans. To assess the effect of a potent stimulus to pituitary secretion on GH isoforms, we studied 17 aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 +/- 1.5 yr) in a randomized, repeat measures study of rest vs. exercise. Exercise consisted of continuous cycle ergometry at approximately 80% of predetermined maximal oxygen uptake for 20 min. Serum was assayed for total, pituitary, 22-kDa, recombinant, non-22-kDa, 20-kDa, and immunofunctional GH. All isoforms increased during, peaked at the end, and declined after exercise. At peak exercise, 22-kDa GH was the predominant isoform. After exercise, the ratios of non-22 kDa/total GH and 20-kDa GH/total GH increased and those of recombinant/pituitary GH decreased. The disappearance half-times for pituitary GH and 20-kDa GH were significantly longer than those for all other isoforms. We conclude that 1) all molecular isoforms of GH measured increased with and peaked at the end of acute exercise, with 22-kBa GH constituting the major isoform in serum during exercise; and 2) the proportion of non-22-kDa isoforms increased after exercise due in part to slower disappearance rates of 20-kDa and perhaps other non-22-kDa GH isoforms. It remains to be determined whether the various biological actions of different GH isoforms impact on postexercise homeostasis.
The electromechanical transfer characteristics of adhesively bonded piezoelectric sensors are investigated. By the use of dynamic piezoelectricity theory, Mindlin plate theory for flexural wave propagation, and a multiple integral transform method, the frequency-response functions of piezoelectric sensors with and without backing materials are developed and the pressure-voltage transduction functions of the sensors calculated. The corresponding simulation results show that the sensitivity of the sensors is not only dependent on the sensors' inherent features, such as piezoelectric properties and geometry, but also on local characteristics of the tested structures and the admittance and impedance of the attached electrical circuit. It is also demonstrated that the simplified rigid mass sensor model can be used to analyze successfully the sensitivity of the sensor at low frequencies, but that the dynamic piezoelectric continuum model has to be used for higher frequencies, especially around the resonance frequency of the coupled sensor-structure vibration system.
Questionnaire surveys, while more economical, typically achieve poorer response rates than interview surveys. We used data from a national volunteer cohort of young adult twins, who were scheduled for assessment by questionnaire in 1989 and by interview in 1996-2000, to identify predictors of questionnaire non-response. Out of a total of 8536 twins, 5058 completed the questionnaire survey (59% response rate), and 6255 completed a telephone interview survey conducted a decade later (73% response rate). Multinomial logit models were fitted to the interview data to identify socioeconomic, psychiatric and health behavior correlates of non-response in the earlier questionnaire survey. Male gender, education below University level, and being a dizygotic rather than monozygotic twin, all predicted reduced likelihood of participating in the questionnaire survey. Associations between questionnaire response status and psychiatric history and health behavior variables were modest, with history of alcohol dependence and childhood conduct disorder predicting decreased probability of returning a questionnaire, and history of smoking and heavy drinking more weakly associated with non-response. Body-mass index showed no association with questionnaire non-response. Despite a poor response rate to the self-report questionnaire survey, we found only limited sampling biases for most variables. While not appropriate for studies where socioeconomic variables are critical, it appears that survey by questionnaire, with questionnaire administration by telephone to non-responders, will represent a viable strategy for gene-mapping studies requiring that large numbers of relatives be screened.
A murine skin abscess model was used to study the immune response to an acute infection with Bacteroides forsythus. BALB/c mice were given subcutaneous injections of either viable or heat-killed B. forsythus, while a third sham-immunized control group received phosphate-buffered saline. Weights and lesion sizes were measured. Blood was collected from the heart and specific antibodies to B. forsythus measured by an ELISA. Swabs taken from the lesions and also from pooled blood were cultured anaerobically for viable B. forsythus. Viable B. forsythus-induced lesions reached maximum size at day 7. B. forsythus cells were recovered from lesions up to day 4 although none were cultured from blood samples. Heat-killed bacteria induced much smaller lesions. Serum antibody levels increased during the 9-day study period, being significantly higher in mice injected with viable compared with heat-killed B. forsythus. Antibody levels in sham control mice were significantly lower than those seen in the other two groups. These results showed that a subcutaneous injection of viable cells of B. forsythus elicited a pronounced abscess formation and induce higher levels of specific antibodies compared with that produced by an injection of dead bacteria. This suggests that, as with other periodontopathic organisms, this mouse model can be used to study the immune response to B. forsythus.
Purpose: To investigate the role of corneal endothelial surface enlargement in the chicken myopia model in inducing corneal endothelial changes. Methods: Lid suture was performed on one eye of 1-day-old cockerels. Five chickens were killed at 1 week, and four chickens killed at each of 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 10 weeks postnatal. The endothelial morphology was obtained by flat mounting the endothelial surface and the subsequent digitisation. Comparisons were undertaken between the control unsutured eye and the lid-sutured eye endothelium, and between the central endothelial areas compared to the peripheral endothelial areas in both the myopic and the normal corneas. Calculation of the contribution to the endothelial change by hypertrophy and mitosis were calculated using Bahn's formula. Results: Total endothelial surface area increased significantly over time in the myopic model compared to control eyes but the mean cell area of endothelial cells remained the same for both the enlarged myopic endothelial surface area and in the normal controls. Sampling from the central and the peripheral corneal endothelial surface also disclosed no difference. The mean cell area did increase steadily with age but was the same for both normal and myopic corneas. Conclusions: It would appear that there are equal contributions from hypertrophy and mitosis in the myopic group and the normal corneal group with a slightly increasing trend towards mitotic activity in the myopic corneal endothelial layer.
The purpose of this experiment was to assess the test-retest reliability of input-output parameters of the cortico-spinal pathway derived from transcranial magnetic (TMS) and electrical (TES) stimulation at rest and during muscle contraction. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of eight individuals on three separate days. The intensity of TMS at rest was varied from 5% below threshold to the maximal output of the stimulator. During trials in which the muscle was active, TMS and TES intensities were selected that elicited MEPs of between 150 and 300 X at rest. MEPs were evoked while the participants exerted torques up to 50% of their maximum capacity. The relationship between MEP size and stimulus intensity at rest was sigmoidal (R-2 = 0.97). Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) ranged between 0.47 and 0.81 for the parameters of the sigmoid function. For the active trials, the slope and intercept of regression equations of MEP size on level of background contraction were obtained more reliably for TES (ICC = 0.63 and 0.78, respectively) than for TMS (ICC = 0.50 and 0.53, respectively), These results suggest that input-output parameters of the cortico-spinal pathway may be reliably obtained via transcranial stimulation during longitudinal investigations of cortico-spinal plasticity. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Crum's notion of idola as a conceptual fallacy is interesting, somewhat helpful, yet potentially limiting in a critique of research in PE if one is to accept a postmodern or poststructuralist position. In line with a poststructuralist position, a strength in Crum's application of idola is the recognition that research in PE is constituted by the researcher and their social world which, in turn, constitutes the researcher. Limitations to Crum's idola thesis arise when the notion is used to suggest that as a result of the researcher's lack of conceptual clarity, the quest for knowledge or truth about PE pedagogy is undermined as this assumes that meanings can be unequivocal and precede a linear research process. In contrast, this response argues that a priority in research should be to examine how, and under what conditions, particular discourses come to shape PE practices in schools and universities. In a postmodern world, conceptual clarity should not be the goal but rather a coming to understand how PE knowledge and practice is being constructed across sites and contexts.