824 resultados para Economics, General|Health Sciences, Public Health|Health Sciences, Health Care Management
Contexte : Pour les programmes sanitaires faits dans les pays à faibles ressources, la non-pérennisation des résultats est un phénomène important (Pluye, Potvin, & Denis, Making public health programs last: conceptualizing sustainability, 2004). Par contre, peu d’études ont été faites pour présenter des solutions à ce problème. Pour trouver des pistes de réponses, nous avons fait une étude de cas du programme national multisectoriel de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA (PNMLS) en République Démocratique du Congo. En 2004, le programme a été implanté avec l’aide de la Banque Mondiale à travers son programme MAP (Multi Aids Program). Le MAP s’est retiré en 2010. Objectifs : Le but de notre recherche était de déterminer, trois ans après le départ du MAP, quel a été le niveau de pérennisation des objectifs atteints. Notre autre objectif était de savoir quels ont été les facteurs qui ont influencé la pérennisation des objectifs atteints. Méthodes : Nous avons fait une revue de littérature sur la pérennisation et ainsi développé un cadre théorique mettant en lien les facteurs qui pourraient influencer la pérennisation des résultats. Nous avons observé le programme PNLMS dans son écosystème pour repérer quels sont les facteurs qui ont influé la pérennisation des résultats. Nous avons passé des entrevues aux acteurs clefs et avons fait une analyse documentaire, pour ainsi trouver des réponses à nos questions de recherche. Résultat : notre recherche supporte le concept qu’une approche multisectorielle aurait un impact positif sur la pérennisation des résultats. Par contre, il est important d’adapter cette approche multisectorielle à l’environnement et l’écosystème dans lequel évolue le programme. Cette adaptation doit se faire dès l’implantation du programme.
Les problèmes de santé mentale représentent un pourcentage important du fardeau de morbidité mondiale. Cela, ajouté aux ressources limitées disponibles pour le fonctionnement des établissements, encourage l’intérêt pour l’évaluation de leur performance. Ce projet propose d’utiliser le modèle ÉGIPSS pour évaluer la performance de deux hôpitaux psychiatriques dans deux systèmes de santé différents, le « Hospital Psiquiátrico Universitario del Valle » (HPUV) situé en Colombie et l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas au Québec. Le modèle a été choisi en raison de la richesse des dimensions qu’il comprend et son caractère global. Les données ont été recueillies à travers des entrevues et de la documentation disponible dans les établissements. L’analyse des résultats montre que le Douglas a une meilleure performance générale, même tenant compte qu’il se trouve dans un pays à haut revenu avec des standards d’évaluation supérieures. De vingt-et-une sous-dimensions évaluées, l’HPUV a présente six avec un état préoccupante et le Douglas aucune. L’analyse des résultats a aussi servi pour identifier des facteurs de causalité critiques des problèmes de performance, soit l’organisation à l’intérieur des établissements, la communication interne, les plans de santé mentale et la disponibilité des professionnels. La comparaison a permis apprécier l’influence de ces éléments dans les deux contextes.
Interviews with more than 40 leaders in the Boston area health care industry have identified a range of broadly-felt critical problems. This document synthesizes these problems and places them in the context of work and family issues implicit in the organization of health care workplaces. It concludes with questions about possible ways to address such issues. The defining circumstance for the health care industry nationally as well as regionally at present is an extraordinary reorganization, not yet fully negotiated, in the provision and financing of health care. Hoped-for controls on increased costs of medical care – specifically the widespread replacement of indemnity insurance by market-based managed care and business models of operation--have fallen far short of their promise. Pressures to limit expenditures have produced dispiriting conditions for the entire healthcare workforce, from technicians and aides to nurses and physicians. Under such strains, relations between managers and workers providing care are uneasy, ranging from determined efforts to maintain respectful cooperation to adversarial negotiation. Taken together, the interviews identify five key issues affecting a broad cross-section of occupational groups, albeit in different ways: Staffing shortages of various kinds throughout the health care workforce create problems for managers and workers and also for the quality of patient care. Long work hours and inflexible schedules place pressure on virtually every part of the healthcare workforce, including physicians. Degraded and unsupportive working conditions, often the result of workplace "deskilling" and "speed up," undercut previous modes of clinical practice. Lack of opportunities for training and advancement exacerbate workforce problems in an industry where occupational categories and terms of work are in a constant state of flux. Professional and employee voices are insufficiently heard in conditions of rapid institutional reorganization and consolidation. Interviewees describe multiple impacts of these issues--on the operation of health care workplaces, on the well being of the health care workforce, and on the quality of patient care. Also apparent in the interviews, but not clearly named and defined, is the impact of these issues on the ability of workers to attend well to the needs of their families--and the reciprocal impact of workers' family tensions on workplace performance. In other words, the same things that affect patient care also affect families, and vice versa. Some workers describe feeling both guilty about raising their own family issues when their patients' needs are at stake, and resentful about the exploitation of these feelings by administrators making workplace policy. The different institutions making up the health care system have responded to their most pressing issues with a variety of specific stratagems but few that address the complexities connecting relations between work and family. The MIT Workplace Center proposes a collaborative exploration of next steps to probe these complications and to identify possible locations within the health care system for workplace experimentation with outcomes benefiting all parties.
The relationship between disability and poverty has been described in different contexts. Nevertheless, the basic characteristics of this relationship have not yet been fully established. The social exclusion and discrimination against people with disabilities increase the risk of poverty and reduce the access to basic opportunities such as health and education. This study examines the impact of a health limitation and poverty in the access to health care services in Colombia. Data from the Colombian National Health Survey (2007) was used in the analysis. Variables related with health condition and socio economic characteristics were first generated. Then interactions between health limitations and the lower levels of the asset index were created. This variable gave information related to the relationship between disability and poverty. A probabilistic model was estimated to examine the impact of a health condition and the relation between poverty and disability on the access to health care. The results suggest that living with a physical limitation increases by 10% the probability of access to health care services in Colombia. However, people with a disability and in the lowest quartile of the asset index have a 5% less probability of access to health care services. We conclude that people who live with a physical, mental or sensorial limitation have a higher probability of access to health care services. However, poor and disabled people have a lower probability in access, which increases the risk of having a severe disease and become chronically poor.
This paper analyzes the document on primary health care (PHC) published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008, held to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata on PHC (1). Objective: to investigate in depth the assumptions outlined in the report, in order to problematize the notion of APS and universal access to health that are made in this proposal. Methodology: using documentary analysis examines the health proposal prepared by the international body and subjected to criticism from the following areas: a) conception of health as aright or as a service. b) Criteria commodified healthcare. Results: emphasize the permanence of a neoliberal perspective on the proposals WHO health reform in this document, which needs to be discussed in contexts where neoliberalism was intense processes of inequality and exclusion, as in the case of Latin America.
We develop a model in which two insurers and two health care providers compete for a fixed mass of policyholders. Insurers compete in premium and offer coverage against financial consequences of health risk. They have the possibility to sign agreements with providers to establish a health care network. Providers, partially altruistic, are horizontally differentiated with respect to their physical address. They choose the health care quality and compete in price. First, we show that policyholders are better off under a competition between conventional insurance rather than under a competition between integrated insurers (Managed Care Organizations). Second, we reveal that the competition between a conventional insurer and a Managed Care Organization (MCO) leads to a similar equilibrium than the competition between two MCOs characterized by a different objective i.e. private versus mutual. Third, we point out that the ex ante providers’ horizontal differentiation leads to an exclusionary equilibrium in which both insurers select one distinct provider. This result is in sharp contrast with frameworks that introduce the concept of option value to model the (ex post) horizontal differentiation between providers.
La reforma colombiana al sistema de salud (Ley 100 de 1993) estableció, como estrategia para facilitar el acceso, la universalidad de un seguro de salud que se adquiere mediante la cotización en el régimen contributivo o mediante la afiliación gratuita al régimen subsidiado, con la meta de cubrir a toda la población con un plan de beneficios único que comprende servicios de todos los niveles de atención. En el documento se analizan los principales hechos estilizados de la reforma en cuanto a cobertura del seguro y acceso y, mediante modelos logit, se estiman los determinantes de la afiliación y del acceso, con datos de las encuestas de calidad de vida de 1997 y 2003. Se destaca que la cobertura pasó del 20% de la población en 1993 al 60% en 2004, aunque parece imposible alcanzar la universalidad; la estructura y evolución de la cobertura muestran que los dos regímenes son complementarios, de modo que mientras el contributivo tiene mayor presencia en las ciudades y entre la población con empleo formal, el subsidiado tiene mayor peso entre la población rural y con bajos niveles de ingresos; por otra parte, el seguro tiene ventajas para la población subsidiada, con una mayor probabilidad de utilización de servicios, aunque el plan es inferior al del contributivo y existen barreras para el acceso.