The prognostic significance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the neonatal period was studied prospectively in 43 term infants with perinatal asphyxia. MRI was performed between 1 and 14 days after birth with a high field system (2.35 Tesla). Neurodevelopmental outcome was assessed by a standardized neurological examination and the Griffiths developmental test at a mean age of 18.9 months. The predictive value of the various MRI patterns was as follows: Severe diffuse brain injury (pattern AII+III; n = 7) and lesions of thalamus and basal ganglia (pattern C; n = 5) were strongly associated with poor outcome and greatly reduced head growth. Mild diffuse brain injury (pattern AI; n = 7), parasagittal lesions (B; n = 7), periventricular hyperintensity (D; n = 2), focal brain necrosis and hemorrhage (E; n = 3) and periventricular hypointense stripes (on T2-weighted images; F; n = 3) led in one third of the infants to minor neurological disturbances and mild developmental delay. Infants with normal MRI findings (G; n = 9) developed normally with the exception of one infant who was mildly delayed at 18 months. The results indicate that MRI examination during the first two weeks of life is of prognostic significance in term infants suffering from perinatal asphyxia. Severe hypoxic-ischemic brain lesions were associated highly significantly with poor neuro-developmental outcome, whereas infants with inconspicuous MRI developed normally.
Els infants adoptats presenten algunes especificitats que poden afectar la seva integració i evolució escolar (Palacios, 2007b; Dalen, 2007). Aquest ha estat el motiu de la present recerca que té tres finalitats: obtenir una descripció de les característiques dels infants adoptats en les etapes d’Educació Infantil i de Primària, mitjançant l’observació externa realitzada pels seus tutors d’aula; analitzar les necessitats dels mestres per atendre convenientment els nens procedents de l’adopció; posar els fonaments d’un programa escola-família per millorar l’adaptació escolar del nen i de la nena adoptats. En l’estudi van participar-hi 42 professors de 18 escoles de Catalunya. Les variables escollides per a analitzar els resultats del qüestionari, dissenyat per a la recerca, van ser les següents: etapa d’escolarització dels infants adoptats, sexe, anys d’escolarització dels menors, país d’origen dels nens, temps que fa que van ser adoptats i anys d’experiència del mestre. Atenent a aquestes variables, es va realitzar una anàlisi quantitativa i una anàlisi qualitativa. La quantitativa va consistir en un estudi descriptiu i un inferencial sobre la visió dels mestres dels infants adoptats i la relació amb la família adoptiva i la qualitativa en la categorització de les respostes dels mestres arran de les seves necessitats de formació per a atendre els menors procedents de l’adopció i del tractament a l’aula del fet adoptiu.
Darrerament hem investigat l’emergència del metallenguatge en els infants en contextos d’interaccions comunicatives naturals (Ivern, 2006) i hem establert un sistema de categories metalingüístiques per tal d’identifi car i conceptualitzar aquells comportaments relacionats amb la refl exió sobre el llenguatge, tot emmarcat en una perspectiva evolutiva. Els participants han estat 32 infants, 16 nens i 16 nenes, d’edats compreses entre els 2 anys i 8 mesos i els 8 anys, tots ells de parla castellana. Entre altres aspectes hem analitzat les funcions que compleix, atenent especialment a la relació tripartida entre metallenguatge, metacognició i recursivitat. En darrer terme, ens ha semblat interessant analitzar la relació del metallenguatge amb la teoria de la ment i el sentit de l’humor. La naturalesa metalingüística de l’humor ha estat estudiada des de principis dels anys setanta (Shultz, 1974 i Cazden, 1976) fi ns l’actualitat (Puche, 2001; Puche i Lozano, 2002). Bona part de l’nterès que ha desvetllat és per la seva importància com a indicador de l’activitat cognitiva. A continuació exposem una refl exió breu sobre el paper que juga el sentit de l’humor en els infants des de la perspectiva de la psicologia cognitiva.
In 1992, the American academy of paediatrics has recommended that infants be placed on their backs to sleep, because prone sleeping has been correlated with sudden infant death syndrome. Following this article, medical paediatric community has documented an exponential increase in the diagnosis of posterior cranial deformities, which were considered as the consequence of unrelieved pressure onto the occiput during infant sleep. These last 15 years, management of posterior positional plagiocephaly has evolved but is still not standardized; it varies according to local specificities, and medical or parental preferences. Treatment of deformational plagiocephaly includes preventive counseling, repositioning adjustments and exercises, physiotherapy, osteopathy, treatment by dynamic cranial orthosis. On extremely rare occasions, corrective surgery is proposed. This article aims at reviewing the epidemiologic, diagnostic, and various therapeutic options of posterior positional plagiocephaly.
El projecte defineix un carrer interior tangent a l’edifici del pavelló per on es produeix l’entrada i per on s’atravessa visualment l’edifici, de manera que la façana del pavelló te continuïtat cap a l’interior de la llar d’infants. Perpendicularment es disposa l’espai del vestíbul que articula els espais de circulació i dona sortida i visuals al pati de jocs. Les zones de pas tenen una alçada inferior a la de les altres àrees per lògica d’us i per donar claredat volumètrica a l’edifici. L’entrada es produeix per una rampa, sota un voladís que a l’hora recull l’escletxa oberta a la façana del pavelló per il•luminar l’àrea administrativa. L’altre extrem del carrer és una sortida d’emergència. En una visió general s’observa que el pla de façana del pavelló fa de suport a dos volums que entren en relació: la rampa d’accés al pavelló i la coberta del carrer interior de la llar d’infants. Pel que fa a les alçades, el conjunt manté el criteri de donar major alçada als espais principals (pista i aules) respecte els d’accés. Pel que fa a la forma, el cos d’aules adopta la coberta plana per entrar en relació amb l’horitzontalitat de la visera de la façana principal del pavelló i no la forma corba perquè l’escala del cos d’aules no admet aquesta solució. S’enfatitzaria al màxim la percepció de conjunt si les cobertes de les aules i del pavelló fossin igualment inclinades. Les dependències s’organitzen en dues àrees: L’àrea administrativa es col•loca sota el forjat que defineix el projecte del pavelló. Atès que l’alçada lliure interior és de 3.00 m., i per tal de poder garantir il•luminació i ventil•lació natural a aquestes peces, es proposa baixar la cota de tota la llar d’infants 80 cm. respecte la cota del carrer. Consta d'una sala de reunions propera al vestíbul, un despatx per la direcció del centre uns vestidors amb bany per al personal i una sala d'usos múltiples. L’àrea d’activitats es col•loca separada del pavelló, definint un volum independent, tant en planta com en secció. Consta de 3 aules de 20 alumnes que donen resposta a les necessitats plantejades pel programa. Aquestes s’obren generosament al pati de jocs buscant la llum de nord i per la part superior amb una obertura molt més controlada tenen la llum del sud. Això permet il•luminar i ventil•lar de forma creuada. El tram de carrer interior davant de les aules es converteix en una zona de jocs comuna.
The aim of the present work was to study whole body protein synthesis and breakdown, as well as energy metabolism, in very low birth weight premature infants (less than 1500 g) during their rapid growth phase. Ten very low birth weight infants were studied during their first and second months of life. They received a mean energy intake of 114 kcal/kg X day and 3 g protein/kg X day as breast milk or milk formula. The average weight gain was 15 g/kg X day. The apparent energy digestibility was 88%, i.e. 99 kcal/kg X day. Their resting postprandial energy expenditure was 58 kcal/kg X day, indicating that 41 kcal/kg X day was retained. The apparent protein digestibility was 89%, i.e. 2.65 g/kg X day. Their rate of protein oxidation was 0.88 g/kg X day so that protein retention was 1.76 g/kg X day. There was a linear relationship between N retention and N intake (r = 0.78, p less than 0.001). The slope of the regression line indicates a net efficiency of N utilization of 67%. Estimates of body composition from the energy balance, coupled with N balance method, showed that 25% of the gain was fat and 75% was lean tissue. Whole body protein synthesis and breakdown were determined using repeated oral administration of 15N glycine for 60-72 h, and 15N enrichment in urinary urea was measured. Protein synthesis averaged 11.2 g/kg X day and protein breakdown 9.4 g/kg X day. Muscular protein breakdown, as estimated by 3-methylhistidine excretion, contributed to 12% of the total protein breakdown.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
OBJECTIVES: To document the prevalence of asynchrony events during noninvasive ventilation in pressure support in infants and in children and to compare the results with neurally adjusted ventilatory assist. DESIGN: Prospective randomized cross-over study in children undergoing noninvasive ventilation. SETTING: The study was performed in a PICU. PATIENTS: From 4 weeks to 5 years. INTERVENTIONS: Two consecutive ventilation periods (pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist) were applied in random order. During pressure support (PS), three levels of expiratory trigger (ETS) setting were compared: initial ETS (PSinit), and ETS value decreased and increased by 15%. Of the three sessions, the period allowing for the lowest number of asynchrony events was defined as PSbest. Neurally adjusted ventilator assist level was adjusted to match the maximum airway pressure during PSinit. Positive end-expiratory pressure was the same during pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilator assist. Asynchrony events, trigger delay, and cycling-off delay were quantified for each period. RESULTS: Six infants and children were studied. Trigger delay was lower with neurally adjusted ventilator assist versus PSinit and PSbest (61 ms [56-79] vs 149 ms [134-180] and 146 ms [101-162]; p = 0.001 and 0.02, respectively). Inspiratory time in excess showed a trend to be shorter during pressure support versus neurally adjusted ventilator assist. Main asynchrony events during PSinit were autotriggering (4.8/min [1.7-12]), ineffective efforts (9.9/min [1.7-18]), and premature cycling (6.3/min [3.2-18.7]). Premature cycling (3.4/min [1.1-7.7]) was less frequent during PSbest versus PSinit (p = 0.059). The asynchrony index was significantly lower during PSbest versus PSinit (40% [28-65] vs 65.5% [42-76], p < 0.001). With neurally adjusted ventilator assist, all types of asynchronies except double triggering were reduced. The asynchrony index was lower with neurally adjusted ventilator assist (2.3% [0.7-5] vs PSinit and PSbest, p < 0.05 for both comparisons). CONCLUSION: Asynchrony events are frequent during noninvasive ventilation with pressure support in infants and in children despite adjusting the cycling-off criterion. Compared with pressure support, neurally adjusted ventilator assist allows improving patient-ventilator synchrony by reducing trigger delay and the number of asynchrony events. Further studies should determine the clinical impact of these findings.
AIMS: To study weight, length, body composition, sleeping energy expenditure (SEE), and respiratory quotient (RQ) at birth and at 5 mo of age in both adequate-for-gestational-age (AGA) and large-for-gestational-age (LGA) subjects; to compare the changes in body weight and body composition adjusting for gender, age, SEE, RQ and several maternal factors; to investigate the contribution of initial SEE and RQ to changes in body weight and body composition. METHODS: Sixty-nine neonates were recruited among term infants in the University Hospital of Verona, Italy. Forty-nine subjects participated until follow-up. At birth and follow-up, weight and length were measured and arm-fat area and arm-muscle area were calculated from triceps and subscapular skinfolds. SEE and RQ were measured by indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: At birth, weight, length, arm-muscle and arm-fat areas were significantly higher in LGA subjects than in AGA subjects. Weight status, SEE and RQ at birth did not explain the relative weight change after adjusting for gestational weight, placental weight, age at follow-up and gender. Arm-fat area and weight/length ratio at birth were negatively associated with relative changes in body weight after adjusting for the above variables (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Early growth from birth to 5 mo of life is significantly affected by body size and adiposity at birth. Fatter newborns had a slower growth rate than thinner newborns.
We studied 5,449 cases of cleft lip (CL) with or without cleft palate (CL/P) identified between 1980 and 2000 from the EUROCAT network of 23 registers (nearly 6 million births) in 14 European countries. We investigated specific types of defects associated with clefts. Among CL/P cases (prevalence = 9.1 per 10,000), 1,996 (36.6%) affected only the lip (CL) and 3,453 (63.4%) involved CL and palate (CLP). A total of 3,860 CL/P cases (70.8%) occurred as isolated anomalies and 1,589 (29.2%) were associated with other defects such as multiple congenital anomalies of unknown origin (970), chromosomal (455) and recognized syndromes (164). Associated malformations were more frequent in infants who had CLP (34.0%) than in infants with CL only (20.8%). Among multi-malformed infants, 2 unrelated anomalies were found in 351 cases, 3 in 242 cases, and 4 or more in 377 cases. Among 5,449 CL/P cases, 4,719 were live births (LB) (86.6%), 203 stillbirths (SB) (3.7%), while 508 (9.3%) were terminations of pregnancy (ToP). CL/P occurred significantly more frequently in males (M/F = 1.70), especially among total isolated cases (M/F = 1.87) and CLP isolated cases (M/F = 1.92). The study confirmed that musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and central nervous system defects are frequently associated with CL/P. An association with reduction anomalies of the brain was found. This association suggests that clinicians should seek to identify structural brain anomalies in these patients with CL/P as the potential functional consequences may be important for rehabilitation and clinical management.