1000 resultados para ECONOMIA INDUSTRIAL
In the last two decades, increasing numbers of workplaces in Australia have introduced 12-hour shifts. This increase is due, in part, to government policies aimed at promoting labour flexibility. The purpose of this paper is to examine the cover afforded by the Workplace Relations Act 1996 and other industrial relations legislation in terms of shift-workers’ health and safety. Particular reference is made to the broader social, economic and political context surrounding the introduction and use of 12-hour shifts, as it is this context that shapes the constraints and opportunities facing employers and employees in the work arrangements they choose and how they are negotiated. We conclude that the current system of regulating industrial relations in Australia is largely outcome-focused and inadequate. The bargaining process receives little regulation in terms of considering how changes could affect health and safety in the workplace or how changes might affect individual workers. As a result, the increased introduction of unsafe shiftworking arrangements is a worrying, and likely, prospect.
Industrial agreements and work/family provisions: Trends and prospects under 'enterprise bargaining'
To determine the effect of slurry rheology on industrial grinding performance, 45 surveys were conducted on 16 full-scale grinding mills in five sites. Four operating variables - mill throughput, slurry density, slurry viscosity and feed fines content-were investigated. The rheology of the mill discharge slurries was measured either on-line or off-line, and the data were processed using a standard procedure to obtain a full range of flow curves. Multi-linear regression was employed as a statistical analysis tool to determine whether or not rheological effects exert an influence on industrial grinding, and to assess the influence of the four mill operating conditions on mill performance in terms of the Grinding Index, a criterion describing the overall breakage of particles across the mill. The results show that slurry rheology does influence industrial grinding. The trends of these effects on Grinding Index depend upon the rheological nature of the slurry-whether the slurries are dilatant or pseudoplastic, and whether they exhibit a high or low yield stress. The interpretation of the regression results is discussed, the observed effects are summarised, and the potential for incorporating rheological principles into process control is considered, Guidelines are established to improve industrial grinding operations based on knowledge of the rheological effects. This study confirms some trends in the effect of slurry rheology on grinding reported in the literature, and extends these to a broader understanding of the relationship between slurry properties and rheology, and their effects on industrial milling performance. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports an investigation into the antecedents of commitment in non-Western industrial marketing relationships. The authors draw the antecedents from extant literature and posit that commitment is related to trust (integrity and reliability), communication quality, conflict, and similarity (social, ethnic, and economic). It is further argued that trust mediates the effects of communication, conflict, and similarity on commitment. As an extension, the authors examine the moderating effects of normative contracts (an implicit understanding of roles and responsibilities) on the construct interrelationships. The hypotheses are tested using data collected from approximately 150 industrial marketing relationships sampled from overseas Chinese firms. The results generally support the authors' framework; however, the mediating hypotheses are not supported. There is evidence of systematic differences in the effects of the studied antecedents on commitment and trust. Furthermore, a multigroup analysis provides evidence of significant moderating effects due to contracting mode. The study provides new insights into the theory and practice of industrial marketing. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: a necessidade do Estado. Externalidades e bens p??blicos. Padr??es de interven????o do Estado e as fun????es econ??micas: alocativa, distributiva e estabilizadora. Equidade e efici??ncia. O financiamento do Setor P??blico. Sistema Tribut??rio Brasileiro. Pol??tica econ??mica: fiscal, monet??ria e cambial
A disciplina teve como conte??dos: no????es de pol??tica cambial e de com??rcio exterior. Globaliza????o e seus impactos nas economias nacionais. Multilateralismo (institui????es financeiras multilaterais). A import??ncia dos bancos centrais. Rela????es econ??micas internacionais. Integra????o econ??mica (blocos econ??micos). Perspectivas da economia mundial
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: a necessidade do Estado. Externalidades e bens p??blicos. Padr??es de interven????o do Estado e as fun????es econ??micas: alocativa, distributiva e estabilizadora. Equidade e efici??ncia. O financiamento do Setor P??blico. Sistema Tribut??rio Brasileiro. Pol??tica econ??mica: fiscal, monet??ria e cambial
A disciplina teve como principais conte??dos: motiva????o para a regula????o. Regula????o e pol??tica antitruste: conceitos e hist??rico. Teorias da regula????o: an??lise normativa, teoria da captura e teoria econ??mica da regula????o. Monop??lio natural, leil??o de franquia e regula????o. Regula????o de mercados potencialmente competitivos. Defesa da concorr??ncia e legisla????o antitruste. An??lises setoriais da regula????o: setores de energia, telecomunica????es, transportes, petr??leo e sa??de. Sistema brasileiro de defesa da concorr??ncia: SEAE, CADE e SDE