666 resultados para Disappeared
A presente tese procura demonstrar como a Igreja Católica, a partir de Leão XIII, despertou para a questão social, particularmente a dos trabalhadores, fornecendo uma intelectualidade que influenciaria muitas gerações de católicos que aí encontrariam o substrato e o contraponto das concepções marxistas. Com o avanço das correntes progressistas dentro da Igreja, estes se reorientaram e tentaram fazer o cruzamento entre o marxismo e o cristianismo, que culminaria com a Teologia da Libertação. Este foi o momento do encontro também com o movimento sindical, por meio de seus militantes e das Comunidades Eclesiais de Base. Essa intersecção forneceu a base moral que norteou o movimento sindical no final dos anos 70, dando origem ao chamado novo sindicalismo . Os militantes acreditavam que a classe trabalhadora estava engajada e comprometida com as mudanças sociais, quando, na verdade, esta pensava em suas questões mais particulares. Com o tempo, a Igreja, por meio de sua hierarquia, fragmentou a rede de apoio ao movimento sindical e a utopia se desvaneceu.(AU)
O jornal Expositor Cristão, órgão oficial da Igreja Metodista no Brasil, nasceu em 1886, com uma proposta que se poderia chamar de ecumênica: seu primeiro nome, Methodista Catholico, revela o desejo de universalidade, confirmado pelo editorial de estréia. Seu criador, o missionário norte-americano John James Ransom, pretendia um veículo de orientação doutrinária que não fosse sectário, em consonância com a tradição wesleyana. Mas o Metodista Católico teve vida curta: em pouco mais de um ano passou a se chamar Expositor Cristão. O campo religioso brasileiro vivia, então, o período da controvérsia apologética, com a inserção do protestantismo de missão, de origem anglo-saxã, em contraposição ao catolicismo romano. O nome do recém-nascido jornal foi mais uma vítima dos embates. Este trabalho se dispôs a avaliar como o jornal tratou a questão do ecumenismo desde esse período até a entrada da Igreja Metodista no CONIC, Conselho Nacional de Igrejas Cristãs, no início da década de 1980. A pesquisa constatou que o anticatolicismo arraigado no metodismo brasileiro em seus primórdios jamais desapareceu por completo. Notou também que o metodismo não esteve imune aos conflitos interdenominacionais existentes no próprio meio evangélico. Em que pese o reconhecido pioneirismo da Igreja Metodista na criação de organismos ecumênicos brasileiros, o ecumenismo sempre enfrentou barreiras internas, mais ou menos explícitas. E o jornal Expositor Cristão, criado para ser um veículo de informação e formação doutrinária, nem sempre comunicou com a necessária clareza qual o significado que a Igreja Metodista confere à palavra ecumenismo e como ela o pratica. Em alguns momentos, a coexistência entre ecumenismo e antiecumenismo no interior do campo metodista não foi trazida à luz dos debates pelo jornal, mas permaneceu oculta por omissões e ambivalências. É o que este trabalho pôde constatar a partir de uma avaliação qualitativa do conteúdo do jornal.(AU)
A note on information seasonality and the disappearance of the weekend effect in the UK stock market
The weekend effect in UK stock prices has disappeared in the 1990s. Beneath the surface however there remain systematic day-of-the-week effects only visible when returns are partitioned by the direction of the market. A systematic pattern of market-wide news arrivals into the UK stock market is discovered and found to provide an explanation for these day-of-the-week effects.
Measurement of detection and discrimination thresholds yields information about visual signal processing. For luminance contrast, we are 2 - 3 times more sensitive to a small increase in the contrast of a weak 'pedestal' grating, than when the pedestal is absent. This is the 'dipper effect' - a reliable improvement whose interpretation remains controversial. Analogies between luminance and depth (disparity) processing have attracted interest in the existence of a 'disparity dipper' - are thresholds for disparity, or disparity modulation (corrugated surfaces), facilitated by the presence of a weak pedestal? Lunn and Morgan (1997 Journal of the Optical Society of America A 14 360 - 371) found no dipper for disparity-modulated gratings, but technical limitations (8-bit greyscale) might have prevented the necessary measurement of very small disparity thresholds. We used a true 14-bit greyscale to render small disparities accurately, and measured 2AFC discrimination thresholds for disparity modulation (0.6 cycle deg-1) of a random texture at various pedestal levels. Which interval contained greater modulation of depth? In the first experiment, a clear dipper was found. Thresholds were about 2X1 lower with weak pedestals than without. But here the phase of modulation (0° or 180°) was randomised from trial to trial. In a noisy signal-detection framework, this creates uncertainty that is reduced by the pedestal, thus improving performance. When the uncertainty was eliminated by keeping phase constant within sessions, the dipper effect disappeared, confirming Lunn and Morgan's result. The absence of a dipper, coupled with shallow psychometric slopes, suggests that the visual response to small disparities is essentially linear, with no threshold-like nonlinearity.
Typological studies (Bybee et al. 1994, Dahl 2000, Bourdin 2008 among many others) have shown a tendency for spatial elements (such as movement verbs) to grammaticalise into temporal expressions. The periphrasis made of aller + infinitive has been very productive in Romance languages. If in French, Spanish or Portuguese, it refers to future, it refers to a simple past in Catalan. fr.: je vais aller au cinéma esp.: voy a ir al cine pt. Vou ira o cine cat.: vaig anar al cine Barceló & Bres (2005:168) indicate that, In French, «vers le XVIème siècle, […] la périphrase a brièvement fonctionné comme un temps du passé (alors même que l’emploi comme temps du futur émergeait)»: (1) Sur ces propos, firent leur accord et, en regardant le lieu le plus propre pour faire cette belle œuvre, elle va dire qu’elle n’en savait point de meilleure ni plus loin de tout soupçon, qu’une petite maison qui était dedans le parc, où il y avait chambre et lit tout à propos. (Marguerite de Navarre, L’Heptaméron) The future value took over so much so that Damourette & Pichon (1911-1936 :117) claimed the past value had disappeared»: Un second tour, encore plus aberrant, n’a plus, que nous sachions, aucune position en pays d’Oui. Nous voulons parler de l’expression d’un passé au moyen de l’auxiliaire aller, suivi de l’infinitif. Ce tour a eu une grande fortune dans le provençal ancien et le catalan […] En français, on n’en trouve que des traces, notamment du XIVe au XVIe siècles . Ex.:[…] Adoncques s’arrêtèrent le conte et Raimondin soubz un grand arbre ; lors va dire le conte à Raimondin: […]. Et Raimondin va lui dire : Sire, ce qu’il vous plaira. That allegedly extinct use is nonetheless alive and kicking in Contemporary French. Larreya (2005:349)notes that it is « très courant dans les récits – en particulier dans les récits oraux» and it is also found in newspaper language as shown by this except from an obituary for Loulou Gasté (Le Monde 1995): (2) Celle-ci se déroule aux Editions Micro, où il a un bureau. Séduit par la jeune interprète, il commence à lui écrire des chansons sur mesure et leur complicité va mettre cinq ans à se transformer en amour. Au début de leur rencontre, Loulou est neurasthénique parce qu’il vient de divorcer et la future Line, exclusivement préoccupée par son métier, ne songe à rien d’autre. Line et Loulou vont rattraper le temps perdu et créer ensemble un millier de petites chansons dont la plupart sont devenues immortelles. Jusqu’à ces derniers mois, il ne va pas se passer une journée sans que Loulou s’empare de sa guitare pour créer un refrain. Would we be witnessing a linguistic resurrection? The same structure seems therefore to have grammaticalised in diverging and even diametrically opposite ways in different Romance languages. In this talk, we shall try to explain how the phrase aller + infinitive is able to function both as a future and a past. We will especially concentrate on the case of contemporary French where, while the future interpretation has obtained the status of tense as futur proche or périphrastique, a past interpretation is now commonplace. Our reflection will be supported by a personal corpus of authentic examples.
Removal of the areolae of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.)DC. resulted in either low or no measurable radial growth of the marginal hypothallus. Radial growth of the hypothallus was also significantly reduced compared with intact thalli when (1) areolae were removed to within 1 and 2 mm of the hypothallus and (2) a 5 mm wide ‘moat’ was created between the areolae and the hypothallus. Adding ribitol (0.01 M) to isolated hypothalli at 3-month intervals over 15 months results in total radial growth c. 60% that of intact thalli. Adding an arabitol/mannitol mixture (0.05 M arabitol, 0.03 M mannitol) increased radial growth compared with deionized water and ribitol treatments. Adding ribitol (0.7 M), arabitol (0.2 M) and mannitol (0.08 M) to the areolae of intact thalli had no significant effects on radial growth of the hypothallus. On a south-facing rock surface, isolated hypothalli grew at a similar rate to intact thalli for 2 months. Growth then declined and the hypothalli disappeared from the rock surface within 6 months. The effects of addition of carbohydrate suggest that the marginal hypothallus has the capacity to utilize exogeneous materials. However, in intact thalli in the field, the radial growth of the hypothallus is likely to be a result of transfer of materials from the areolae through hyphal connections.
In South Gwynedd, Wales, U.K., the calcicole lichen Xanthoria parietina occurs not only on alkaline substrates at inland sites but also on siliceous rock at coastal martimie sites while the calcifuge species Parmelia saxatilis occurs only at inland sites and on slate rocks. Samples of maritime and inland slate did not differ significantly in their calcium or magnesium content. Thalli of X. parietina on pieces of slate did not survive when transplanted from maritime rocks to a site inland. Thalli of maritime X. parietina and P. saxatilis on slate were then transplanted to a site inland and were treated at intervals during 1 year either with calcium carbonate applied as a thick paste or a 0.25 mM solution of calcium chloride. Treatment of X. parietina with calcium carbonate enabled the thalli to survive and grow. However, addition of calcium carbonate to P. saxatilis resulted in low growth rates and fragmentation of the centres of the thalli. The calcium chloride solution had no statistically significant effects on the growth of either species. In addition, thalli of both species were treated with calcium or magnesium carbonates or wetted with an alkaline buffer at intervals over 12-14 months. Thalli of X. parietina survived and grew rapidly when treated with either carbonate but the growth of the buffer-treated thalli gradually declined over the experimental period. Thalli of P. saxatilis fragmented and disappeared after 8-10 months after treatment with either carbonate but normal growth occurred in the buffer treatment. Xanthoria parietina may occur on siliceous maritime rocks at the site because of the presence of calcium or magnesium in sea spray combined with the spray’s alkaline pH. By contrast, P. saxatilis may be confined to siliceous rocks inland because the thalli grow poorly in the presence of calcium and magnesium.
We examined the relations between selection for perception and selection for action in a patient FK, with bilateral damage to his temporal and medial frontal cortices. The task required a simple grasp response to a common object (a cup) in the presence of a distractor (another cup). The target was cued by colour or location, and FK made manual responses. We examined the effects on performance of cued and uncued dimensions of both the target and the distractor. FK was impaired at perceptually selecting the target when cued by colour, when the target colour but not its location changed on successive trials. The effect was sensitive to the relative orientations of targets and distractors, indicating an effect of action selection on perceptual selection, when perceptual selection was weakly instantiated. The dimension-specific carry-over effect on reaching was enhanced when there was a temporal delay between a cue and the response, and it disappeared when there was a between-trial delay. The results indicate that perceptual and action selection systems interact to determine the efficiency with which actions are selected to particular objects.
We examined the effects on extinction of grouping by collinearity of edges and grouping by alignment of internal axes of shapes, in a patient (GK) with simultanagnosia following bilateral parietal brain damage. GK’s visual extinction was reduced when items (equilateral triangles and angles) could be grouped by base alignment (i.e., collinearity) or by axis alignment, relative to a condition in which items were ungrouped. These grouping effects disappeared when inter-item spacing was increased, though factors such as display symmetry remained constant. Overall, the results suggest that, under some conditions, grouping by alignment of axes of symmetry can have an equal beneficial effect on visual extinction as edge-based grouping; thus, in the extinguished field, there is derivation of axis-based representations from the contours present.
The world food crisis, Britain's reliance on imported food and feedstuffs and balance of payments difficulties were some of the factors which lent weight to the call for increased self-sufficiency in Britain's agriculture in the 1970s. This project considers two main areas: an investigation of the impact of radical agricultural change, designed to increase self-sufficiency, on the balance of payments; and, an appraisal of the potential role of the food industry within a radically different food system. The study proceeded by: an examination of the principles of agricultural policy and its development in Britain; an overview of the mechanism and meaning of the balance of payments; a consideration of the debate on agricultural import saving; the construction of radical agricultural strategies; the estimation of effects of the strategies, particularly to the balance of. payments; the role of the food industry and possible innovations within the strategies; a case study of textured vegetable proteins; and, the wider implications of implementation of radical agricultural alternatives. Two strategies were considered: a vegan system, involving no livestock; and, an intermediate system, including some livestock and dairy cattle. The study concludes that although agricultural change could in principle make a contribution to the balance of payments, implementation of agricultural change cannot be justified for this purpose alone. First, balance of payments problems can be solved by more appropriate methods. Second, the UK' s balance of payments problem has disappeared for the time being owing to North Sea oil and economic recession. Third, the political and social consequences of the changes investigated would be unacceptable. Progress in UK food policy is likely to be in the form of an integrated food and health policy.
We have studied the kinetics of the phase-separation process of mixtures of colloid and protein in solutions by real-time UV-vis spectroscopy. Complementary small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was employed to determine the structures involved. The colloids used are gold nanoparticles functionalized with protein resistant oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) thiol, HS(CH(2))(11)(OCH(2)CH(2))(6)OMe (EG6OMe). After mixing with protein solution above a critical concentration, c*, SAXS measurements show that a scattering maximum appears after a short induction time at q = 0.0322 angstrom(-1) stop, which increases its intensity with time but the peak position does not change with time, protein concentration and salt addition. The peak corresponds to the distance of the nearest neighbor in the aggregates. The upturn of scattering intensities in the low q-range developed with time indicating the formation of aggregates. No Bragg peaks corresponding to the formation of colloidal crystallites could be observed before the clusters dropped out from the solution. The growth kinetics of aggregates is followed in detail by real-time UV-vis spectroscopy, using the flocculation parameter defined as the integral of the absorption in the range of 600-800 nm wavelengths. At low salt addition (<0.5 M), a kinetic crossover from reaction-limited cluster aggregation (RLCA) to diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA) growth model is observed, and interpreted as being due to the effective repulsive interaction barrier between colloids within the depletion potential. Above 0.5 M NaCl, the surface charge of proteins is screened significantly, and the repulsive potential barrier disappeared, thus the growth kinetics can be described by a DLCA model only.
We study experimentally the dynamics of quantum-dot (QD) passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers under external optical injection. The lasers demonstrated multiple dynamical states, with bifurcation boundaries that depended upon the sign of detuning variation. The area of the hysteresis loops grew monotonically at small powers of optical injection and saturated at moderate powers. At high injection levels the hysteresis decreased and eventually disappeared.
We study experimentally the dynamics of quantum-dot (QD) passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers under external optical injection. The lasers demonstrated multiple dynamical states, with bifurcation boundaries that depended upon the sign of detuning variation. The area of the hysteresis loops grew monotonically at small powers of optical injection and saturated at moderate powers. At high injection levels the hysteresis decreased and eventually disappeared.
The feasibility of using a small-scale avalanche tester to measure the flow properties of pharmaceutical lactose powders was examined. The modes of behaviour observed in larger systems were displayed and showed a clear distinction between angular, free-flowing particles and more spherical particles of similar flow characteristics. Angular Lactohale LH100 particles showed slumping behaviour at a rotational frequency of 0.33Hz which disappeared at higher frequencies. Spherical lactose powder with a similar flow function to LH100 only showed rolling behaviour under the same conditions, as did more cohesive powders LH200 and LH300. Further investigation of the LH100 data using Fast Fourier analysis showed that the slumping frequency was 1/10th of the rotational frequency.
Elevated cholesterol in mid-life has been associated with increased risk of dementia in later life. We have previously shown that low density lipoprotein (LDL) is more oxidised in the plasma of dementia patients although total cholesterol levels remained unchanged. Increased systemic oxidative modification (oxLDL) and nitration is also observed during hypercholesterolemia. We have investigated the hypothesis that disruption of blood brain barrier (BBB) function by oxLDL and their lipids may increase risk of neurodegeneration in later life and that statin intervention can mitigate the effects of hyperlipidaemia in mid-life. LDL isolated from statin-naïve hypercholesterolaemic subjects had higher mobility by agarose gel electrophoresis (Rf;0.53±0.06) and 8-isoprostane F2α concentration (43.5±8.42pg/ml) compared to control subjects (Rf; 0.46±0.05 and 24.2±5.37pg/ml respectively; p<0.05). Compared to HMVEC treatment with the LDL-lipids (5μM) from normolipidaemic subjects, LDL-lipids from hypercholesterolaemic subjects increased barrier permeability (103.4±12.5 Ωcm2 v 66.7±7.3 Ωcm2,P<0.01) and decreased cellular glutathione levels (18.5nmol/mg v 12.3nmol/mg) compared to untreated cells (26.2±3.6nmol/mg). LDL-lipids isolated from normolipidaemic subjects shows reduced risk to damage a BBB model compared with LDL-lipids from hypercholesterolaemic subjects. Moreover, a three month statin-intervention reduced the propensity for LDL-lipids from subjects with hyperlipidaemia to damage HMVEC. Post-statin treatment the cytotoxic and pro-inflammatory effects of LDL lipids disappeared. These data support the hypothesis that in vivo intervention with statins modifies LDL lipid oxidation, exerting a protective effect against in microvascular damage independent of cholesterol concentration.