920 resultados para Disabled employees
A szerzők tanulmányukban egy kooperatív kutatási projekt eredményeit mutatják be, melyet emberierőforrás- menedzsment szakos master hallgatókkal folytattak megváltozott munkaképességűek foglalkoztatásával kapcsolatban. Magyarországon rendkívül magas a munkanélküliség a fogyatékkal élők körében, és a szerzők úgy vélik, hogy a HR-szakértőknek kulcsfontosságú szerepük van abban, hogy a foglalkoztatási korlátokat fenntartják-e, vagy változtatnak a jelenlegi helyzeten. A kritikai emberierőforrás-fejlesztés és a kritikai pedagógia hagyományait követve kutatásuk kettős célt tűzött ki. Céljuk volt egyrészt a jövő HRszakembereinek megváltozott munkaképességűek foglalkoztatásával kapcsolatos mentális mintázatainak, attitűdjeinek és hiedelmeinek feltárása, amelyek az elnyomás, diszkrimináció vagy kizsákmányolás gyökerei lehetnek. Másrészt pedig a kooperatív kutatás alkalmazásával a hallgatók emancipációját szándékoztak előmozdítani, továbbá az üzleti felsőoktatást uraló pozitivista filozófiát és értékrendszert kívánták kihívás elé állítani, s ily módon segíteni egy kritikusabb világnézet kibontakozását. ________ In this paper we present the results of a cooperative inquiry research project undertaken with Master students specialized in Human Resource Management on the employment of disabled people. Unemployment among people with disabilities is very high in Hungary and HR professionals have a key role in maintaining or reducing employment barriers and modifying the present situation. Following the tradition of critical Human Resource Development and critical pedagogy, the aim of the research project was twofold. First, we aimed to reveal the mental patterns, attitudes and beliefs of future HR professionals to the employment of people with disabilities, which might become roots causes of domination, discrimination or exploitation. Secondly, through applying cooperative inquiry, researchers aimed to emancipate students and challenge the positivist philosophy and value system which usually dominate business education and thereby engender a more critical worldview.
Napjaink munkaerőpiaci tendenciái következtében egyre több figyelem irányul az atipikus munkavégzésre. Az atipikus munkavégzésben rejlő lehetőségeket a munkavállalók oldaláról vizsgáltuk. Ennek érdekében egy kétfázisú kutatássorozatot hajtottuk végre a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem hallgatói körében. A felmérés rámutatott arra, hogy az egyetemi hallgatók már az egyetemi tanulmányaik alatt is potenciális munkaerőt jelentenek. Foglalkoztatásuk során a legfontosabb tényező a rugalmas, tanulmányokkal összeegyeztethető munkavégzés. A második kutatás fő célja a teljes életcikluson keresztüli munkavállalói preferenciák feltárása volt. A hallgatók által a két leginkább előnybe részesített munkavállalási forma a napi nyolcórás munkaviszony rugalmas munkaidőben és a saját vállalkozás indítása. A hallgatók elsősorban magas jövedelmet, ezt követően stabil, biztos jövedelmet, fejlődési lehetőséget, és a munka és magánélet egyensúlyát várják el munkahelyüktől. A tanulmány rámutat az egyes alcsoportok különbségeire, illetve kiindulópontot jelenthet további kutatásokhoz. _____ More and more attention is paid to atypical work due to workplace trends. Increasing opportunities deriving from atypical work have been investigated from employees’ viewpoint in this paper. We conducted a two-step survey amongst graduates and undergraduates of Corvinus University of Budapest. The survey pointed out that undergraduates are potential workers as well, and the most important factor for them was the flexible form of work. The second survey aimed to explore employees’ preferences through a whole lifetime period. The two most popular forms of work were flexible full-time jobs and starting their own enterprise. Students prefer high salaries, a stable and secure income, opportunities for development and work-life balance. The surveys pointed out some differences between subgroups and their conclusions could be a starting point for future research.
This study investigated the opinions regarding inclusion of parents of both disabled and nondisabled elementary children from a large suburban county. An opinion survey combining Wilczenski's Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education Scale with additional questions was distributed to 1170 children from 24 schools. Three research questions focused on differences between mean parental responses as they related to the inclusion and disability status of the parent's child. Results from the 270 respondents indicated that parents with disabled children had more favorable opinions about inclusion than did those with nondisabled children. Parents with included children were more favorable toward inclusion than were parents whose children were not included. Parents with included disabled children were more accepting of inclusion than were those with nondisabled children in inclusive settings. Parents' answers differed depending on the type of disability being included. Regardless of their child's disability or inclusion status, the ranking for disability types from most acceptable for inclusion to least acceptable were: social, sensory, motor, academic and behavioral. Results across types of questions, including questions relating to acceptance and general inclusion issues, indicated consistently more favorable opinions of parents with disabled children, included children and disabled children in inclusive classes. Two additional research questions examined parental responses as they related to demographic characteristics of the parents and of the schools their children attended. Analysis of Variance found only one significant main effect for any parental demographic variable. This difference was for the number of parents' elementary children when comparing parents with and without disabled children. The only significant main effects of demographics of schools the parents' children attended were for the area of the county and for schools with differing percentages of severely disabled students when comparing responses of parents with disabled and nondisabled children. For all research questions, tests indicated low effect sizes and moderate to high power levels. These results, and the fact that means for all groups were in the middle range of response choices, indicate that there may be little practical significance to the overall results. Further studies should investigate the trends found in this study. ^
A global corporation values both profitability and social acceptance; its units mutually negotiate governance and represent a highly interdependent network where centers of excellence and high-potential employees are identified regardless of geographic locations. These companies try to build geocentric, or “world oriented” (Marquardt, 1999, p. 20), organizational cultures. Such culture “transcends cultural differences and establishes ‘beacons’ – values and attitudes – that are comprehensive and compelling” (Kets de Vries & Florent-Treacy, 2002, p. 299) for all employees, regardless of their national origins. Creating a geocentric organizational culture involves transforming each employee’s mindset, beliefs, and behaviors so that he/she can become “a world citizen in spite of having a national identity” (Marquardt, 1999, p. 47). The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore how employees with different national identities experience a geocentric organizational culture of a global corporation. Phenomenological research aims to understand “how people experience some phenomenon—how they perceive it, describe it, feel about it, judge it, remember it, make sense of it, and talk about it with others” (Patton, 2002, p. 104). Twelve participants were selected using criteria, convenience, and snow-ball sampling strategies. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data. Data were analyzed inductively, using Moustakas’s (1994) Modification of the Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen Method of Analysis of Phenomenological Data. The participants in this study experienced a geocentric organizational culture of a global corporation as on in which they felt connected, valued, and growing personally and professionally. The participants felt connected to the companies via business goals and social responsibility. The participants felt valued by the company because their creativity was welcomed and they could contribute to the corporation certain unique knowledge of the culture and language of their native countries. The participants felt growing personally and professionally due to the professional development opportunities, cross-cultural awareness, and perspective consciousness. Based on the findings from this study, a model of a geocentric organizational culture of a global corporation: An employee perspective is proposed. Implications for research and practice conclude this study.
This exploratory empirical phenomological study looks at employee engagement using Kahn (1990) and Maslow’s (1970) motivational theories to understand the experience of non-salaried employees. This study finds four themes that seem to affect employee engagement: work environment, employee’s supervisor, individual characteristics of the employee, and opportunity for learning.
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore how employees with different national identities experience a geocentric organizational culture of a global corporation.
There is a plethora of options about what constitutes “accessibility.” Countries like England and Canada are making significant progress in improving accommodations. The Americans with Disability Act is being revised, but critics say hotels are not complying with either the letter or the spirit of the law. The author, a retired FIU professors who writes about disabled travel from his wheelchair, explores these issues from a very personal point of view.
Management, recruiting, and retention techniques are critical to the hospitality industry. In surveys and interviews of both employees and employers, employees responded that job referrals by friends, family and current employees were a primary way of obtaining their jobs, while employers indicated help want ads as a primary means to recruit. The study found that many employees enjoyed their work, respected their managers, and were generally satisfied with the benefits
Historically, part time employees have played a critical role in the delivery of guest services in the hospitality industry. This study evaluates commitment issues from 169 part time hospitality workers. Discussions focus on effective strategies to boost employee commitment and levels of employee support among part time workers in order to improve behaviors and enhance loyalty.
The current research examined the effects of perceived work status of hourly employees on the established relationships between turnover intentions and the constructs of autonomy, affective organizational commitment, perceived management concern for employees, and perceived management concern for customers in the casual-dining restaurant industry. Surveys were collected from 296 employees of a multi-unit casual-dining restaurant franchise, part of a large, national, casual-dining restaurant chain. Employeeswith perceived part-time work status revealed a generally negative trend in factors shown to contribute to turnover. Employees who perceived their work status as parttime also showed significantly lower levels of affective organizational commitment than those who perceived their work status as full-time. Additionally, the mean scores of the desirable attributes trended lower for those employees who perceived themselves as part-time. Even more, helping behaviors, so crucial in a casual-dining environment, were lower when employees perceived their work status to be part-time. The current study discusses managerial implications of the research findings and gives suggestions for future research.
This study analyzes the qualitative and quantitative patterns of notetaking by learning disabled (LD) and nondisabled (ND) adolescents and the effectiveness of notetaking and review as measured by the subjects' ability to recall information presented during a lecture. The study also examines relationships between certain learner characteristics and notetaking. The following notetaking variables were investigated: note completeness, number of critical ideas recorded, levels of processing information, organizational strategies, fluency of notes, and legibility of notes. The learner characteristics examined pertained to measures on achievement, short-term memory, listening comprehension, and verbal ability.^ Students from the 11th and 12th grades were randomly selected from four senior high schools in Dade County, Florida. Seventy learning disabled and 79 nondisabled subjects were shown a video tape lecture and required to take notes. The lecture conditions controlled for presentation rate, prior knowledge, information density, and difficulty level. After 8 weeks, their notes were returned to the subjects for a review period, and a posttest was administered.^ Results of this study suggest significant differences (p $\le$.01) in the patterns of notetaking between LD and ND groups not due to differences in the learner characteristics listed above. In addition, certain notetaking variables such as process levels, number of critical ideas, and note completeness were found to be significantly correlated to learning outcome. Further, deficiencies in the spontaneous use of organizational strategies and abbreviations adversely affected the notetaking effectiveness of learning disabled students.^ Both LD and ND subjects recalled more information recorded in their notes than not recorded. This difference was significant only for the ND group. By contrast, LD subjects compensated for their poor notetaking skills and recalled significantly more information not recorded on their notes than did ND subjects. The major implications of these findings suggest that LD and ND subjects exhibit very different entry behaviors when asked to perform a notetaking task; hence, teaching approaches to notetaking must differ as well. ^
In the new health paradigm, the connotation of health has extended beyond the measures of morbidity and mortality to include wellness and quality of life. Comprehensive assessments of health go beyond traditional biological indicators to include measures of physical and mental health status, social role-functioning, and general health perceptions. To meet these challenges, tools for assessment and outcome evaluation are being designed to collect information about functioning and well-being from the individual's point of view.^ The purpose of this study was to profile the physical and mental health status of a sample of county government employees against U.S. population norms. A second purpose of the study was to determine if significant relationships existed between respondent characteristics and personal health practices, lifestyle and other health how the tools and methods used in this investigation can be used to guide program development and facilitate monitoring of health promotion initiatives.^ The SF-12 Health Survey (Ware, Kosinski, & Keller, 1995), a validated measure of health status, was administered to a convenience sample of 450 employees attending one of nine health fairs at an urban worksite. The instrument has been utilized nationally which enabled a comparative analysis of findings of this study with national results.^ Results from this study demonstrated that several respondent characteristics and personal health practices were associated with a greater percentage of physical and/or mental scale scores that were significantly "worse" or significantly "better" than the general population. Respondent characteristics that were significantly related to the SF-12 physical and/or mental health scale scores were gender, age, education, ethnicity, and income status. Personal health practices that were significantly related to SF-12 physical and/or mental scale scores were frequency of vigorous exercise, presence of chronic illness, being at one's prescribed height and weight, eating breakfast, smoking and drinking status. This study provides an illustration of the methods used to analyze and interpret SF-12 Health Survey data, using norm-based interpretation guidelines which are useful for purposes of program development and collecting information on health at the community level. ^
My study investigated the effects of abusive supervision on work and family outcomes including supervisor-directed and organization-directed deviance and spousal undermining. Using a moderated-mediation model, the relationship of abusive supervision on outcome variables was proposed to be mediated by moral courage and moderated by leader-member exchange (a-path) and work and family role quality (b-path). Two separate studies were conducted using a sample (N=200) recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and through relatives of students at a large US public southeastern university (N=150 dyads). Results confirm the effects of abusive supervision on work and family outcomes while analyses of contextual and conditional factors are mixed. Confirmatory factor analyses, factor loadings, and model fit statistics are provided and implications for research and practice are discussed.
This study examined variables that may influence coworkers' acceptance of accommodations made for employees with disabilities. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence were predicted to affect the relationship between procedural justice and fairness perceptions of accommodations made for disabled workers. Approximately 400 university students read one of four accommodation scenarios and provided fairness ratings in order to test eight hypotheses. Results provided evidence that the presence of procedural justice had a direct influence on participants' fairness perceptions of implemented accommodations. Participants' individual characteristics were also directly related to fairness perceptions. Additionally, conscientiousness was found to moderate the relationship between the presence of procedural justice and fairness perceptions. Findings from this study suggest that organizations should use clear and consistent guidelines and procedures to determine and implement accommodations. Additionally, findings reinforce the importance of keeping individuals informed of the ways in which decisions are made within an organization.