640 resultados para Diallel crosses


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La prima parte di questo lavoro di tesi tratta dell’interazione tra un bacino di laminazione e il sottostante acquifero: è in fase di progetto, infatti, la costruzione di una cassa di espansione sul torrente Baganza, a monte della città di Parma. L’obiettivo di tale intervento è di ridurre il rischio di esondazione immagazzinando temporaneamente, in un serbatoio artificiale, la parte più pericolosa del volume di piena che verrebbe rilasciata successivamente con portate che possono essere agevolmente contenute nel tratto cittadino del torrente. L’acquifero è stato preliminarmente indagato e monitorato permettendone la caratterizzazione litostratigrafica. La stratigrafia si può riassumere in una sequenza di strati ghiaioso-sabbiosi con successione di lenti d’argilla più o meno spesse e continue, distinguendo due acquiferi differenti (uno freatico ed uno confinato). Nel presente studio si fa riferimento al solo acquifero superficiale che è stato modellato numericamente, alle differenze finite, per mezzo del software MODFLOW_2005. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è di rappresentare il sistema acquifero nelle condizioni attuali (in assenza di alcuna opera) e di progetto. La calibrazione è stata condotta in condizioni stazionarie utilizzando i livelli piezometrici raccolti nei punti d’osservazione durante la primavera del 2013. I valori di conducibilità idraulica sono stati stimati per mezzo di un approccio geostatistico Bayesiano. Il codice utilizzato per la stima è il bgaPEST, un software gratuito per la soluzione di problemi inversi fortemente parametrizzati, sviluppato sulla base dei protocolli del software PEST. La metodologia inversa stima il campo di conducibilità idraulica combinando osservazioni sullo stato del sistema (livelli piezometrici nel caso in esame) e informazioni a-priori sulla struttura dei parametri incogniti. La procedura inversa richiede il calcolo della sensitività di ciascuna osservazione a ciascuno dei parametri stimati; questa è stata valutata in maniera efficiente facendo ricorso ad una formulazione agli stati aggiunti del codice in avanti MODFLOW_2005_Adjoint. I risultati della metodologia sono coerenti con la natura alluvionale dell'acquifero indagato e con le informazioni raccolte nei punti di osservazione. Il modello calibrato può quindi essere utilizzato come supporto alla progettazione e gestione dell’opera di laminazione. La seconda parte di questa tesi tratta l'analisi delle sollecitazioni indotte dai percorsi di flusso preferenziali causati da fenomeni di piping all’interno dei rilevati arginali. Tali percorsi preferenziali possono essere dovuti alla presenza di gallerie scavate da animali selvatici. Questo studio è stato ispirato dal crollo del rilevato arginale del Fiume Secchia (Modena), che si è verificato in gennaio 2014 a seguito di un evento alluvionale, durante il quale il livello dell'acqua non ha mai raggiunto la sommità arginale. La commissione scientifica, la cui relazione finale fornisce i dati utilizzati per questo studio, ha attribuito, con molta probabilità, il crollo del rilevato alla presenza di tane di animali. Con lo scopo di analizzare il comportamento del rilevato in condizioni integre e in condizioni modificate dall'esistenza di un tunnel che attraversa il manufatto arginale, è stato realizzato un modello numerico 3D dell’argine mediante i noti software Femwater e Feflow. I modelli descrivono le infiltrazioni all'interno del rilevato considerando il terreno in entrambe le porzioni sature ed insature, adottando la tecnica agli elementi finiti. La tana è stata rappresentata da elementi con elevata permeabilità e porosità, i cui valori sono stati modificati al fine di valutare le diverse influenze sui flussi e sui contenuti idrici. Per valutare se le situazioni analizzate presentino o meno il verificarsi del fenomeno di erosione, sono stati calcolati i valori del fattore di sicurezza. Questo è stato valutato in differenti modi, tra cui quello recentemente proposto da Richards e Reddy (2014), che si riferisce al criterio di energia cinetica critica. In ultima analisi è stato utilizzato il modello di Bonelli (2007) per calcolare il tempo di erosione ed il tempo rimanente al collasso del rilevato.


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Knowledge management is a topic that crosses borders of various kinds, such as those between departments, between organisations or between countries. In this paper we will consider various issues relating to knowledge management, in the context where more than one department/organisation/country is involved. To do this, we place an emphasis on knowledge management as a process, rather than as an organisational system or, worse, as a piece of technology. This process involves trust, negotiation—and indeed some technological support. In this paper we wish to introduce the concept of ‘triangles of trust’, and to focus on where ‘the top meets the bottom’ in terms of knowledge management and organisational learning. Partial examples will be offered in support of our views, but no full and complete examples—knowledge management simply is not well enough understood or documented for that yet. Our overall conclusion is that there is no one best way to “do” knowledge management, but there are principles that ought to be applied.


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With the extensive use of pulse modulation methods in telecommunications, much work has been done in the search for a better utilisation of the transmission channel.The present research is an extension of these investigations. A new modulation method, 'Variable Time-Scale Information Processing', (VTSIP), is proposed.The basic principles of this system have been established, and the main advantages and disadvantages investigated. With the proposed system, comparison circuits detect the instants at which the input signal voltage crosses predetermined amplitude levels.The time intervals between these occurrences are measured digitally and the results are temporarily stored, before being transmitted.After reception, an inverse process enables the original signal to be reconstituted.The advantage of this system is that the irregularities in the rate of information contained in the input signal are smoothed out before transmission, allowing the use of a smaller transmission bandwidth. A disadvantage of the system is the time delay necessarily introduced by the storage process.Another disadvantage is a type of distortion caused by the finite store capacity.A simulation of the system has been made using a standard speech signal, to make some assessment of this distortion. It is concluded that the new system should be an improvement on existing pulse transmission systems, allowing the use of a smaller transmission bandwidth, but introducing a time delay.


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The dimethyl-xanthine derivative pentoxifylline (PTX) increases blood flow through capillaries. In elderly humans the drug leads to improvement in a number of imapired neuropsychological parameters. We now report that oral administration to 29-month female mice (C57, black and tan) over six days induced four different patterns of behavioural reponse: (1) consistent improvement in grooming behaviour throughout the six day trial; (2) significant improvement in light/dark zone curiosity and curiosity towards a strange object on day three, which declined but remained significantly above pre-treatment levels at day 6; (3) an improvement in general activity which only becomes detectable on day six; (4) a significant improvement in rod-walking, rearing an shuttle-box crosses on day three which returned to pre-treatment levels by day 6. Age-related deficits in general activity, grooming and curiosity were completely eliminated by the drug - the mean group performance levels attained those seen in 9-12 month individuals of this strain.


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This work is concerned with the nature of liquid flow across industrial sieve trays operating in the spray, mixed, and the emulsified flow regimes. In order to overcome the practical difficulties of removing many samples from a commercial tray, the mass transfer process was investigated in an air water simulator column by heat transfer analogy. The temperature of the warm water was measured by many thermocouples as the water flowed across the single pass 1.2 m diameter sieve tray. The thermocouples were linked to a mini computer for the storage of the data. The temperature data were then transferred to a main frame computer to generate temperature profiles - analogous to concentration profiles. A comprehensive study of the existing tray efficiency models was carried out using computerised numerical solutions. The calculated results were compared with experimental results published by the Fractionation Research Incorporation (FRl) and the existing models did not show any agreement with the experimental results. Only the Porter and Lockett model showed a reasonable agreement with the experimental results for cenain tray efficiency values. A rectangular active section tray was constructed and tested to establish the channelling effect and the result of its effect on circular tray designs. The developed flow patterns showed predominantly flat profiles and some indication of significant liquid flow through the central region of the tray. This comfirms that the rectangular tray configuration might not be a satisfactory solution for liquid maldistribution on sieve trays. For a typical industrial tray the flow of liquid as it crosses the tray from the inlet to the outlet weir could be affected by the mixing of liquid by the eddy, momentum and the weir shape in the axial or the transverse direction or both. Conventional U-shape profiles were developed when the operating conditions were such that the froth dispersion was in the mixed regime, with good liquid temperature distribution while in the spray regime. For the 12.5 mm hole diameter tray the constant temperature profiles were found to be in the axial direction while in the spray regime and in the transverse direction for the 4.5 mm hole tray. It was observed that the extent of the liquid stagnant zones at the sides of the tray depended on the tray hole diameter and was larger for the 4.5 mm hole tray. The liquid hold-up results show a high liquid hold-up at the areas of the tray with low liquid temperatures, this supports the doubts about the assumptions of constant point efficiency across an operating tray. Liquid flow over the outlet weir showed more liquid flow at the centre of the tray at high liquid loading with low liquid flow at both ends of the weir. The calculated results of the point and tray efficiency model showed a general increase in the calculated point and tray efficiencies with an increase in the weir loading, as the flow regime changed from the spray to the mixed regime the point and the tray efficiencies increased from approximately 30 to 80%.Through the mixed flow regime the efficiencies were found to remain fairly constant, and as the operating conditions were changed to maintain an emulsified flow regime there was a decrease in the resulting efficiencies. The results of the estimated coefficient of mixing for the small and large hole diameter trays show that the extent of liquid mixing on an operating tray generally increased with increasing capacity factor, but decreased with increasing weir loads. This demonstrates that above certain weir loads, the effect of eddy diffusion mechanism on the process of liquid mixing on an operating tray to be negligible.


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Stanley Hoffmann is one of the most eminent political scholars of our age—a renowned authority in the study of French, European, and world politics over half a century, an influential theorist of international relations, a critical analyst of US foreign policy, and a voice of moral conscience in many public debates of his time. Hoffmann has always asked big questions—and to those questions he brings an encyclopedic mind that crosses boundaries between politics, history, sociology, law, philosophy, ethics, and literature. This brief article highlights some aspects of his life and work, and introduces a symposium in his honor bringing together five leading scholars on France, Europe, international relations, and international law—each with an enduring debt to the teaching, writings and example of Stanley Hoffmann.


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The paper examines the policy responses in the UK West Midlands to the successive crises at the car maker MG-Rover. Whilst the firm’s eventual collapse in 2005 was a substantial shock to the West Midlands economy, the impact was much less than was anticipated when the firm was first threatened with closure in 2000 at the time of its break-up and sale by the German car firm BMW. Although the firm struggled as an independent producer, the five years of continued production until 2005 and the work of the initial Rover Task Force (RTF1), enabled many suppliers to adjust and diversify away from their hitherto dependence on MG-Rover resulting in as many as 10,000–12,000 jobs being ‘saved’. This first intervention was later followed by a programme to help ex-workers to find new jobs or re-train and assist supply firms to continue trading in the short term. Examination of the effectiveness of these emergency initiatives enables a wider discussion about the nature of industrial policy in the region and the work of the local regional development agency’s cluster-based approach to economic development and business support. Whilst the actions taken were successful in a number of aspects, there were a number of significant ‘failures’ at both national and local level. The MG-Rover case also illustrates a number of critical issues pertaining to regionally based cluster policies and the organization of cluster management groups where the ‘cluster’ in question not only crosses both administrative and ‘sector’ boundaries but is also subject to the imperatives of the global market car market.


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We use a functional integral formalism developed earlier for the pure Luttinger liquid (LL) to find an exact representation for the electron Green function of the LL in the presence of a single backscattering impurity in the low-temperature limit. This allows us to reproduce results (well known from the bosonization techniques) for the suppression of the electron local density of states (LDOS) at the position of the impurity and for the Friedel oscillations at finite temperature. In addition, we have extracted from the exact representation an analytic dependence of LDOS on the distance from the impurity and shown how it crosses over to that for the pure LL.


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Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome, or Congenital Nystagmus, is an ocular-motor disorder characterized by involuntary, conjugated and bilateral to and fro ocular oscillations. Good visual acuity in congenital nystagmus can be achieved during the foveation periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image crosses the fovea. Visual acuity was found to be mainly dependent on the duration of the foveation periods. In this work a new approach is proposed for estimation of foveation parameters: a cubic spline interpolation of the nystagmus recording before localizing the start point of foveation window and to estimate its duration. The performances of the proposed algorithm were assessed in comparison with a previously developed algorithm, used here as gold standard. The obtained results suggest that the spline interpolation could be a useful tool to filter the eye movement recordings before applying an algorithm to estimate the foveation window parameters. © 2013 IEEE.


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Neural Crest cells (NCC) constitute a unique embryonic cell population that arises between the prospective epidermis and the dorsal aspect of the neural tube of vertebrates. NCC migrate ventromedially and dorsolaterally throughout the developing embryo giving rise to the peripheral nervous system constituents and melanocytes that ultimately reside in the skin and hair follicles respectively. Mice and humans with mutations in the Endothelin receptor b (Ednrb) gene manifest strikingly similar phenotypes characterized by hypopigmentation, hearing loss and megacolon these are due to absence of melanocytes in the skin and inner ear and lack of enteric ganglia in the distal part of the gut, respectively. Piebald lethal mice and humans with Hirschsprung's disease or Waardenburg syndrome carry different mutations in the Ednrb gene. The major goals of this project were to determine whether the action of Ednrb in NCC is required prior to commitment of these cells to the melanocytic lineage and to investigate its potential participation in the actual process of commitment. In order to achieve these goals transgenic mice that express Ednrb under two different regulatory elements were created. The first, Dct-Ednrb, expresses Ednrb under the control of the DOPAchrome tautomerase (Dct) promoter to direct expression to already committed melanocyte precursors. The second, Nes-Ednrb, expresses Ednrb under the regulation of the human nestin gene second enhancer to direct expression to pre-migratory NCC. Crosses of the Dct-Ednrb mouse with piebald lethal showed that the transgene was capable of rescuing the hypopigmentation phenotype of the later. This result indicates that the action of Ednrb after NCC commit to the melanocytic lineage is sufficient for normal melanocyte development. The Dct-Ednrb was further crossed with two other hypopigmentation mutants that carry mutations in the transcription factors Sox10 and Pax3. The transgene rescued the phenotype of the Sox10 mutant only. This suggests that Ednrb interacts with Sox10 but not with Pax3 during melanocyte development. The Nes-Ednrb mice developed a hypopigmentation phenotype that was augmented when crossed with piebald lethal or lethal spotting (mutation in Edn3, the ligand for Ednrb) mice but was rescued by over expression of Edn3. These results suggest that alterations in Ednrb expression early in development affect melanocyte development. This study provides novel information necessary to better understand the early embryonic development of NCC, clarifies specific interactions between different melanogenic genes and, could eventually help in the implementation of therapies for human pigmentary genetic disorders. ^


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Genetic interactions that underlie developmental processes such as cell differentiation and pattern formation are complex and difficult to elucidate. Neural Crest (NC) cells and their derivatives offer an optimal system in which to probe for these complex interactions as they acquire different cell fates and constitute a variety of structures. The transcription factors Sox10 and Pax3 as well as the transmembrane receptor Endothelin receptor b (Ednrb) are temporally and spatially co-expressed early in NC cells and mutations in these genes lead to similar hypopigmentation phenotypes due to a reduced number of NC-derived melanocyte precursors, the melanoblasts. The goal of this study was to establish whether Sox10 and Ednrb or Pax3 and Ednrb interact to promote normal murine melanocyte development. Crosses of Sox10 or Pax3 with Ednrb heterozygous mutants showed that the double heterozygous hypopigmentation phenotype was significantly more pronounced than phenotypes of single heterozygotes, implying that a synergistic interaction exists between Sox10 and Ednrb and Pax3 and Ednrb. This interaction was further explored by the attempt to rescue the Sox10 and Pax3 hypopigmentation phenotypes by the transgenic addition of Ednrb to melanoblasts. Pigmentation was completely restored in the Sox10 and partially restored in the Pax3 mutant mice. The comparison of the number of melanoblasts in transgenic and non-transgenic Sox10 mutant embryos showed that the transgenic rescue occurred as early as E11.5, a critical time for melanoblast population expansion. Cell survival assays indicated that the rescue was not due to an effect of the transgene on melanoblast survival. A novel phenotype arose when studying the interaction between Ednrb and Pax3. Newborns appeared normal but by 3.5 weeks of age, the affected pups were smaller than normal littermates and developed a dome-shaped head; some also developed thoracic kyphosis. Affected pups were dead by 4 weeks of age: 80% were Pax3Sp/+ and 75% were female. When compared to normal littermates, affected mice had brains with enlarged 4th ventricles and more glia while skeletal staining showed kyphosis, wider rib cages and pelvic differences. An epistatic interaction resulting from the mixing of genetic backgrounds that is exacerbated in the presence of Pax3 heterozygosity is suspected.


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The vertebrate Neural Crest (NC) is formed during early embryonic development at the neurulation stage. This group of multi potent cells gives rise to a variety of derivatives such as the skin's pigmented cells (Melanocytes), the peripheral nervous system with its associated components, and the endocrine cells of the adrenal medulla amongst others. There are several molecular mechanisms that underlie the development and migration of NC derived cells. For example, during melanocyte differentiation and migration the Endothelin Receptor B and its ligand Endothelin 3 (EdnrB/Edn3), the kit/ Steel factor and the FGF receptor I FGF pathways amongst others play important roles. Additionally, several transcription factors such as Pax3, SoxlO and Mitfalso intervene during the NC cells differentiation processes. In this work, the possible regulatory interaction of Pax3 and EdnrB was assessed by in situ hybridization methods with EdnrB, SoxlO and Dct riboprobes in Pax3 homozygous embryos. To further characterize this interaction, genetic crosses between Pax3 heterozygous mutants and EdnrB heterozygous animals were established. Coat pigmentation was used as an indicator of genetic interaction on the progeny. Experimental results indicated that Pax3 does not directly regulate the expression of EdnrB during neural crest development but interact to produce normal coat color. I propose two possible models to explain the epistatic relationship of Pax3 and EdnrB during normal melanocyte development.


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Fusarium oxysporum forma specialis cubense is a soilborne phytopathogen that infects banana. The true evolutionary identity of this so called species, Fusarium oxysporum, is still unknown. Many techniques have been applied in order to gain insight for the observed genetic diversity of this species. The current classification system is based on vegetative compatibility groups (VCG's). Vegetative compatibility is a self non-self recognition system in which only those belonging to a VCG can form stable heterokaryons, cells containing two distinct nuclei. Heterokaryons in turn, are formed from hypha! anastomosis, the fusion of two hyphae. Furthermore, subsequent to heterokaryon formation potential mechanisms exist which may generate genetic variability. One is through viral transfer upon hyphal anastomosis. The other mechanism is a form of mitotic recombination referred to as the parasexual cycle. Very little research has been performed to directly obser.ve the cellular events; hypha! anastomosis, heterokaryon formation, and the parasexual cycle in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. The purpose of this research was to design and use methods which would allow for the detection of hypha! anastomosis and heterokaryon formation, as well as any characteristics surrounding this event, within and between VCG's in Foe. First, some general growth properties were recorded: the number of nuclei per hypha, the size ofthe hyphal tip cell, the size of the cell adjacent to the hypha! tip (pre-tip) cell, and the number of cells to the first branch point. Second, four methods were designed in order to assay hyphal anastomosis and heterokaryon formation: 1) pairings on membrane: phase or brightfield microscopy, 2) pairings on membrane: fluorescence microscopy, 3) spore crosses: fluorescence microscopy, and 4) double picks in fractionated MMA. All of these methods were promtsmg.


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This study was conducted to understand (a) hospital social workers' perspectives about patients' personal autonomy and self-determination, (b) their experiences, and (c) their beliefs and behaviors. The study used the maximum variation sampling strategy to select hospitals and hospital social work respondents. Individual interviews were conducted with 31 medical/surgical and mental health hospital social workers who worked in 13 hospitals. The data suggest the following four points. First, the hospital setting as an outside influence as it relates to illness and safety, and its four categories, mentally alert patients, family members, health care professionals, and social work respondents, seems to enhance or diminish patients' autonomy in discharge planning decision making. Second, respondents report they believe patients must be safe both inside and outside the hospital. In theory, respondents support autonomy and self-determination, respect patients' wishes, and believe patients are the decision makers. However, in practice, respondents respect autonomy and self-determination to a point. Third, a model, The Patient's Decision in Discharge Planning: A Continuum, is presented where a safe discharge plan is at one end of a continuum, while an unsafe discharge plan is at the other end. Respondents respect personal autonomy and the patient's self-determination to a point. This point is likely to be located in a gray area where the patient's decision crosses from one end of the continuum to the other. When patients decide on an unsafe discharge plan, workers' interventions range from autonomy to paternalism. And fourth, the hospital setting as an outside influence may not offer the best opportunity for patients to make decisions (a) because of beliefs family members and health care professionals hold about the value of patient self-determination, and (b) because patients may not feel free to make decisions in an environment where they are surrounded by family members, health care professionals, and social work respondents who have power and who think they know best. Workers need to continue to educate elderly patients about their right to self-determination in the hospital setting. ^


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Neural crest cells (NCC) are a unique population of cells in vertebrates that arise between the presumptive epidermis and the dorsal most region of the neural tube. During neurulation, NCC migrate to many regions of the body to give rise to a wide variety of cell types. NCC that originate from the neural tube at the levels of somite 1-7 colonize the gut and give rise to the enteric ganglia. The endothelin signaling pathway has been shown to be crucial for proper development of some neural crest derivatives. Mice and humans with mutations in the Endothelin receptor b (Ednrb) gene exhibit similar phenotypes characterized by hypopigmentation, hearing loss, and megacolon. Thesephenotypes are due to lack of melanocytes in the skin, inner ear and enteric ganglia in the distal portion of the colon, respectively. It is well established that Ednrb is required early during the embryonic development for normal innervation of the gut. However, it is not clear if Ednrb acts on enteric neuron precursor cells or in pre-committed NC precursors. Additionally, it is controversial whether the action of Ednrb is cell autonomous or non- autonomous. We generated transgenic mice that express Ednrb under the control of the Nestin second intron enhancer (Nes) which drives expression to pre-migrating NCC. These mice were crosses to the spontaneous mouse mutant piebald lethal, which carriers a null mutation in Ednrb and exhibits enteric aganglionosis. The Nes-Ednrb was capable of rescuing the aganglianosis phenotype of piebald lethal mutants demonstrating that expression of Ednrb in pre-committed precursors is sufficient for normal enteric ganglia development. This study provides insight in early embryonic development of NCC and could eventually have potential use in cellular therapies for Hirschsprung's disease.