987 resultados para Davidson, Donald


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The growth rate of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups was studied in southeast Alaska, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands during the first six weeks after birth. The Steller sea lion population is currently stable in southeast Alaska but is declining in the Aleutian Islands and parts of the Gulf of Alaska. Male pups (22.6 kg [±2.21 SD]) were significantly heavier than female pups (19.6 kg [±1.80 SD]) at 1−5 days of age, but there were no significant differences among rookeries. Male and female pups grew (in mass, standard length, and axillary girth) at the same rate. Body mass and standard length increased at a faster rate for pups in the Aleutian Islands and the western Gulf of Alaska (0.45−0.48 kg/day and 0.47−0.53 cm/day, respectively) than in southeast Alaska (0.23 kg/day and 0.20 cm/day). Additionally, axillary girth increased at a faster rate for pups in the Aleutian Islands (0.59 cm/ day) than for pups in southeast Alaska v(0.25 cm/day). Our results indicate a greater maternal investment in male pups during gestation, but not during early lactation. Although differences in pup growth rate occurred among rookeries, there was no evidence that female sea lions and their pups were nutritionally stressed in the area of population decline


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Fecundity was estimated for shortspine thornyhead (Sebastolobus alascanus) and longspine thornyhead (S. altivelis) from the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Fecundity was not significantly different between shortspine thornyhead off Alaska and the West Coast of the United States and is described by 0.0544 × FL3.978, where FL =fish fork leng th (cm). Fecundity was estimated for longspine thornyhead off the West Coast of the United States and is described by 0.8890 × FL3.249. Contrary to expectations for batch spawners, fecundity estimates for each species were not lower for fish collected during the spawning season compared to those collected prior to the spawning season. Stereological and gravimetric fecundity estimation techniques for shortspine thornyhead provided similar results. The stereological method enabled the estimation of fecundity for samples collected earlier in ovarian development; however it could not be used for fecundity estimation in larger fish.


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Two examples of indirect validation are described for age-reading methods of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Aging criteria that exclude faint translucent zones (checks) in counts of annuli and criteria that include faint zones were both tested. Otoliths from marked and recaptured fish were used to back-calculate the length of each fish at the time of its release by using measurements of the area of annuli. Estimated fish size at time of release and actual observed fish size were similar, supporting the assumption that translucent zones are laid down on an annual basis. A second method for validating reading criteria used otolith age and von Bertalanffy parameters, estimated from the tagging data, to predict how much each fish grew in length after tagging. We found that otolith aging criteria applied to otoliths from tagged and recovered Pacific cod predicted quite accurately the growth increments that we observed in these specimens. These results provide further evidence that the current aging criteria are not underestimating the age of the fish and support our current interpretation of checks (i.e., as subannual marks). We expect these indirect validations to advance age determination for Pacific cod, which in turn would enhance development of stock assessment methods based on age structure for this species in the eastern Bering Sea.


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Sand sole, Psettichthys melanostictus, is a small but important part of the west coast groundfish fishery. It has never been assessed and there is a limited amount of biological data for the species. We provide the first estimates of age and growth for California populations and compare them with studies from other areas. We found that sand sole is a rapidly growing species which may show a strong latitudinal gradient in growth rate. We also found evidence of a recent, strong cohortrelated shift in the sex ratio of the population towards fewer females. In addition we examined data from the Washington, Oregon, and California commercial fishery to make an initial determination of population status. We found that catch per unit of effort in commercial trawls experienced a decline over time but has rebounded in recent years, except central California (the southern part of its commercial range), where the decline has not reversed.


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A Psicomotricidade, no seu âmbito terapêutico, considera como regressão uma vivência simbólica vivida pelo indivíduo ao longo da terapia psicomotora. Tal vivência seria um retorno simbólico à época em que o paciente ainda era um bebê e estabelecia uma comunicação com a mãe por meio de um diálogo-tônico. A presente tese tem como objetivo desenvolver o tema da regressão a partir de uma nova perspectiva: a da experiência psicossomática desenvolvida pelo psicanalista inglês Donald Winnicott. Com esta finalidade, apresentamos, inicialmente, um histórico da Psicomotricidade e pontuamos a mudança paradigmática ocorrida em seu interior. Em seguida, abordamos a teoria do desenvolvimento emocional de Winnicott e o uso inovador da regressão no seu trabalho clínico. Desenvolvemos, então, uma perspectiva diferenciada do movimento do bebê como um gesto espontâneo, de tal modo que ficasse fundamentada a ideia de que o diálogo-tônico poderia ser repensado na Psicomotricidade como uma experiência psicossomática. A partir dessa compreensão por nós formulada, balizamos a ideia de que a regressão na Psicomotricidade é uma experiência psicossomática. Por último, apresentamos a metodologia da Terapia Psicomotora de Base Winnicottiana por nós desenvolvida e afirmamos a possibilidade da regressão à não-integração como uma experiência psicossomática prazerosa e integradora.


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Measurements of adult marine fishes on the U.S. west coast are usually made using one of three methods: standard length, fork length, or total length. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. In this paper we attempt to determine whether one method is faster and/or more reliable than the other methods. We found that all three methods were comparable. There was no appreciable difference in the time it took to measure fish using the different methods. Fork length had the most reproducible results; however, it had the highest level of bias between researchers. We therefore suggest that selection of measurement type be based on what other researchers have used for the species under study. The best improvement in measurement reliability probably occurs by adequate training of personnel and not type of measurement used.


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Commercial and recreational deepwater (100-400 m) bottom-fishing in Hawaii targets a multispecies group of lutjanid snappers. Relatively little is known about the life history of these species. Research in Hawaii and elsewhere in the tropical Pacific suggests that most of the species are slow growing, long lived, and have a relatively high age at sexual maturity. Stock assessment is difficult because of the multispecies nature of the fishery. However, recent analysis of commercial fishery data indicates that some of the species may currently be overexploited. Research is underway to determine the efficacy of management measures such as minimum-size limit changes or seasonal and spatial fishery closures to maintain optimal spawning biomass.


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Mortality associated with the incidental catch and release by commercial trollers of two size classes of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, was assessed. Observed cumulative mortality 4-6 days after hooking was 18.3 percent for sublegal-sizefish « 66 cm FL) and 19.0 percent for legal-sizefish. Size of fish was not significantly related to mortality; however, when the results were combined with data from a previous experiment, there was a significant inverse relationship between fish length and mortality. Hooking mortality estimates calculated from tagging experiments and observed relative mortality of legal-and sublegal-size fish held in net pens, were used to derive a range for total hooking mortality of 22.0-26.4 percent for sublegal-size chinook salmon and 18.5-26.4 percent for legal-size chinook salmon.