980 resultados para Damping (Mechanics)
The development of more realistic constitutive models for granular media, such as sand, requires ingredients which take into account the internal micro-mechanical response to deformation. Unfortunately, at present, very little is known about these mechanisms and therefore it is instructive to find out more about the internal nature of granular samples by conducting suitable tests. In contrast to physical testing the method of investigation used in this study employs the Distinct Element Method. This is a computer based, iterative, time-dependent technique that allows the deformation of granular assemblies to be numerically simulated. By making assumptions regarding contact stiffnesses each individual contact force can be measured and by resolution particle centroid forces can be calculated. Then by dividing particle forces by their respective mass, particle centroid velocities and displacements are obtained by numerical integration. The Distinct Element Method is incorporated into a computer program 'Ball'. This program is effectively a numerical apparatus which forms a logical housing for this method and allows data input and output, and also provides testing control. By using this numerical apparatus tests have been carried out on disc assemblies and many new interesting observations regarding the micromechanical behaviour are revealed. In order to relate the observed microscopic mechanisms of deformation to the flow of the granular system two separate approaches have been used. Firstly a constitutive model has been developed which describes the yield function, flow rule and translation rule for regular assemblies of spheres and discs when subjected to coaxial deformation. Secondly statistical analyses have been carried out using data which was extracted from the simulation tests. These analyses define and quantify granular structure and then show how the force and velocity distributions use the structure to produce the corresponding stress and strain-rate tensors.
Particulate solids are complex redundant systems which consist of discrete particles. The interactions between the particles are complex and have been the subject of many theoretical and experimental investigations. Invetigations of particulate material have been restricted by the lack of quantitative information on the mechanisms occurring within an assembly. Laboratory experimentation is limited as information on the internal behaviour can only be inferred from measurements on the assembly boundary, or the use of intrusive measuring devices. In addition comparisons between test data are uncertain due to the difficulty in reproducing exact replicas of physical systems. Nevertheless, theoretical and technological advances require more detailed material information. However, numerical simulation affords access to information on every particle and hence the micro-mechanical behaviour within an assembly, and can replicate desired systems. To use a computer program to numerically simulate material behaviour accurately it is necessary to incorporte realistic interaction laws. This research programme used the finite difference simulation program `BALL', developed by Cundall (1971), which employed linear spring force-displacement laws. It was thus necessary to incorporate more realistic interaction laws. Therefore, this research programme was primarily concerned with the implementation of the normal force-displacement law of Hertz (1882) and the tangential force-displacement laws of Mindlin and Deresiewicz (1953). Within this thesis the contact mechanics theories employed in the program are developed and the adaptations which were necessary to incorporate these laws are detailed. Verification of the new contact force-displacement laws was achieved by simulating a quasi-static oblique contact and single particle oblique impact. Applications of the program to the simulation of large assemblies of particles is given, and the problems in undertaking quasi-static shear tests along with the results from two successful shear tests are described.
Magnox AL80 has been used for a study of creep crack propagation. A number of variables have been considered such as specimen geometry,notch root radius, material thickness, creep prestrain and stress level.The work has covered the material behaving under two values of the creep exponent, n=3.5 and n=7, according to the stress level. As well as observing initiation times and crack growth rates, scribed grids have been used to examine the near crack tip strain levels and distributions. It was shown that estimations of COD from notch flank opening can give misleading indications of material behaviour and that a more informative method was to monitor displacements in the material surrounding the crack tip. Strong evidence was found for crack advance being displacement controlled, however it was shown that the COD approach should be considered geometry dependant. The summation of ∈xx and ∈yy provided the most successful description of crack advance as it produced a single value that described propagation in all the cases concidered. The strain distributions indicates that σyy was related to distance from a point ahead of the crack tip by the exponent - (l/n+l) and that σxx is proportional to σyy. The constraint stresses arising in the DEN and CN specimens were evaluated. Initiation time was found to be principally affected by the stress level but was modified by the constraints arising from specimen geometry. Crack growth was found not to obey either the empirical K or σpett relationships but was reviewed in context of the observed strain behaviour.
The damping behaviour of the cold chamber pressure-die-casting alloy: M3, ZA8, ZA27, ZM11, Cosmal, Supercosmal and newly developed ZA27H1 and ZA27H2 was investigated at room temperature and elevated temperatures of up to 90 degrees C. The damping properties of the alloys were established at all temperatures. Formulas were established to predict damping properties of each alloy at any given temperature. The prediction formulae were found to be very accurate. All of the experimental alloys were heterogenous with varying microstructure and grain size; this was the major contribution and dominated the damping properties of the alloys. Super cosmal and ZA27 possessed the highest tensile strength but ZA27H1, ZA27H2 and ZM11 showed the highest damping properties. The relationship between microstructure and damping capacity of all alloys was also examined using back-scattered electron on the SEM. Further more detailed examinations of the microstructures of alloys ZM11, Cosmal and Supercosmal were carried out on the transmission electron microscope in order to establish the phases present in all alloys. These helped to obtain the mechanism of damping in the experimental alloys. The main damping mechanism in most of the experimental alloys was due to grain-boundary-sliding. Micro structural examinations also revealed the absence of -phase in the Cosmal and Supercosmal. This was thought to be due to a change in solid solubility of the alloys, which could have been caused by the addition of Si.
This thesis presents an analysis of the stability of complex distribution networks. We present a stability analysis against cascading failures. We propose a spin [binary] model, based on concepts of statistical mechanics. We test macroscopic properties of distribution networks with respect to various topological structures and distributions of microparameters. The equilibrium properties of the systems are obtained in a statistical mechanics framework by application of the replica method. We demonstrate the validity of our approach by comparing it with Monte Carlo simulations. We analyse the network properties in terms of phase diagrams and found both qualitative and quantitative dependence of the network properties on the network structure and macroparameters. The structure of the phase diagrams points at the existence of phase transition and the presence of stable and metastable states in the system. We also present an analysis of robustness against overloading in the distribution networks. We propose a model that describes a distribution process in a network. The model incorporates the currents between any connected hubs in the network, local constraints in the form of Kirchoff's law and a global optimizational criterion. The flow of currents in the system is driven by the consumption. We study two principal types of model: infinite and finite link capacity. The key properties are the distributions of currents in the system. We again use a statistical mechanics framework to describe the currents in the system in terms of macroscopic parameters. In order to obtain observable properties we apply the replica method. We are able to assess the criticality of the level of demand with respect to the available resources and the architecture of the network. Furthermore, the parts of the system, where critical currents may emerge, can be identified. This, in turn, provides us with the characteristic description of the spread of the overloading in the systems.
Code division multiple access (CDMA) in which the spreading code assignment to users contains a random element has recently become a cornerstone of CDMA research. The random element in the construction is particularly attractive as it provides robustness and flexibility in utilizing multiaccess channels, whilst not making significant sacrifices in terms of transmission power. Random codes are generated from some ensemble; here we consider the possibility of combining two standard paradigms, sparsely and densely spread codes, in a single composite code ensemble. The composite code analysis includes a replica symmetric calculation of performance in the large system limit, and investigation of finite systems through a composite belief propagation algorithm. A variety of codes are examined with a focus on the high multi-access interference regime. We demonstrate scenarios both in the large size limit and for finite systems in which the composite code has typical performance exceeding those of sparse and dense codes at equivalent signal to noise ratio.
Computational mechanics analysis of the hidden conformational dynamics within a molecular trajectory