989 resultados para Cuento chileno contemporáneo


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Este trabalho procura examinar o que o leitor brasileiro contemporâneo lê, com o propósito de explicar as razões que levam esse leitor a realizar suas escolhas. Nesse sentido, portanto, o objetivo central do trabalho será examinar o perfil desse leitor brasileiro. O levantamento dos dados para estabelecer o corpus da pesquisa foi realizado por meio do registro das listas de livros mais vendidos, publicadas em dois jornais brasileiros. O primeiro jornal fonte da pesquisa foi o Leia, periódico mensal que circulou no território nacional durante o período de abril de 1978 a setembro de 1991. O segundo, foi o Jornal do Brasil, diário carioca que publicou listas dos livros mais vendidos no Brasil a partir de 1966 até o mês de dezembro de 2004, data de encerramento da pesquisa, em caderno destinado à leitura. Como o segundo jornal interrompeu a publicação das listas dos mais vendidos durante o período de fevereiro de 1976 a abril de 1984, propusemos uma fusão dos dados dos dois jornais de forma a cobrir um período que compreende os anos de 1966 até 2004. A base teórica a partir da qual se estabeleceu o exame do perfil do leitor brasileiro foi a semiótica da escola de Paris. Para o tratamento da questão da leitura elegeu-se o exame das manifestações da enunciação no discurso, as projeções do enunciador e do enunciatário e o tratamento das paixões. Foram observados em cada um dos textos do corpus como essas categorias enunciativas projetam-se em cada um dos textos mais lidos pelos leitores brasileiros e, posteriormente, como, nas listas dos livros mais vendidos, esse leitor manifesta-se como enunciador. Para tanto propôs-se a contraposição entre o ethos do enunciador-leitor das listas e o pathos do enunciatário dos discursos de leitura. Uma vez que o corpus da pesquisa revelou um crescimento na opção pelos textos de auto-ajuda, foi examinada a questão específica... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This paper concentrates on the analysis of how the typical voices of History are manifested, which is achieved by the aesthetics of the contemporary Portuguese narrative, as it aims at the same time the reflexion and the reformulation of the Lusitanian cultural imaginary in the course of O retorno, a novel by Dulce Maria Cardoso. The hypothesis that arises is that the trajectory of Rui’s individual experience, as wells as the other’s characters “retornados” looking for identity, is parallel to the proposed revision of the Portuguese nation collective cultural imaginary in the decolonization context, after the 25th April Revolution. It is its objective to investigate how the historical processes concerned to the concepts of exile and uprooting, displacement and belonging (BAUMAN, 2005) are fictionalized in the novel, seen as motes for Rui’s pursuit for identity and for the revision of the Portuguese Destiny theme


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The purpose of this report-book is to demonstrate what is the Waldorf pedagogy. Describing an old, but not outdate, teaching method that differs from the convencional ones. Analysing all the interviews, visits and activities experiencies during the classroom at Schools Waldorf, it´s possible to determined some characteristics of this pedagogy in a less didactic way, focusing in journalistic-literal aspects and also the human being - instead of the institution. The discussing about the education and all problems about it, is a common activity nowadays, but remains an important and relevant society theme, whose power affect the development process of a country. Analysing all kinds of pedagoy methods it´s a way to improve the discussing about it. The main goal of this research is showing the Waldorf pedagogy for those who don´t know nothing about it and also make us to realize the real importance of the technology during it´s growth


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The displacement of writing emerged in urban centers due to its investment in technology and has been developed in major newspapers around the world. With the advent of the internet and technological development, the writing went from analog to digital. That made it no longer required the presence of the journalist in the physical redaction means modifying the various management structures of a writing routine and professional. This happened to capture, edit and distribute your notes, news and reports in online mode. This monograph aims to understand and define the macro change of virtualization in journalism, considering the stages of production of Le Monde Diplomatique, a newspaper whose writing is in process of deterritorialization, the people involved in this activity and the resources used and contributing to the debate on new forms of organization of an editorial environment


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We work with the storybook, As Palavras Secretas, written by carioca Rubens Figueiredo. We treat, then, the Brazilian contemporary tale. For we study the writer’s fiction, first we met a critical bibliography about the narrative and a set of diverse texts: reports, articles, press releases, interviews and essays about the author’s work. We discourse characteristics and the compositional elements of each story and noticed that they are full of symbolism and various elements that they are recurrent. Some of these narratives deal with fragmentation of the man who, indeed, is a very striking feature in the actual Brazilian tale. We meet, then, with characters who feel the need to simulate an identity and that, therefore, coexist with a strong inner conflict. Three of the tales include the unlikelihood of that work, and present, therefore, elements that escape from reality. Finally, Rubens Figueiredo, in As Palavras Secretas, presented us narratives rather elongated, unlike what was ordinary in the category of the tale, which it usually consists of a short extension narrative


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O presente trabalho propõe discutir as produções literárias contemporâneas sobre a temática do vampirismo. Este estudo se fundamenta em análises de textos por meio da observação das práticas discursivas que os constituem. Tomando como corpus os romances Crepúsculo e Lua Nova de Stephenie Meyer, as observações partem dos pressupostos teóricos da Semiótica Discursiva e da Análise do Discurso, aos quais são incorporados estudos sobre cultura, sociologia e identidade. Parte-se do princípio de que o discurso é produto da cultura e, desse modo, incorporam-se a ele fatores históricos e sociais. Por essa razão, torna-se importante examinar os elementos dialógicos e intertextuais dos textos anteriormente apontados em relação às outras produções que tratam do mesmo tema e de outros possíveis, encontrados no corpus. Assim, busca-se compreender primordialmente os mecanismos fundamentais que tornam o texto um objeto de comunicação e de significação


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC


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The article aims to give a brief reflection about education in the context of consumer society from the contemporary society analyzes performed by polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. It’s highlighted the relationship between the educational institution and the discourse of the market and consumption that building practices that feedback into the practices and values defended by contemporary capitalism. Also it is indicated the effects produced by this relationship on the question of teaching and learning and teacher training. Finally, the article analyzes the dilemmas of the current school in the face of the weakening of human relations and their role in addressing of the problems identified.


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The expansion of psychiatric labeling does not reach only the adult population, but also the problematic related to childhood have been captured by the speeches and practices of the medical-psychiatric knowledge and turned into psychopathologies which tend to be treated with the main resource made available by psychiatrics in the present times: the psychotropic drugs. This work presents a critical thinking on the expansion of the diagnoses of “attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity” (ADHD) both in children and teenagers and on the conduction of drug therapies. It follows that the processes of childhood psycho-pathologization and the trivializing of psychotropic drug prescription are related to the overvaluation of the biological conception of psychic suffering and to the economic interests of the great pharmaceutical laboratories which by means of several strategies influence the medical practices, factors that lead to exposure of these patients to possible side effects and the risks of stigmatization that must be considered.


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With the advent of the industrial revolution, the sickening resulted from labor and work raised significantly, and Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMD) emerged as one of the main aggravation to the worker’s health. The present article has as its objectives, through a bibliographical revision about this theme, to sketch the contemporary world of work and labor, bringing to surface the principle aspects that constitute and hide the reality of its labor context in which the workers are inserted and then, to do an analysis about the importance of the psychosocial factors in the genesis of the WRMD symptoms.


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Sectores tradicionales de la historiografía brasileña, siguiendo la idea de la cordialidad de ese pueblo, defendida por importantes intelectuales, suelen presentar la independencia del país como un proceso pacífico. El siete de septiembre de 1822, el hijo del rey de Portugal, que entonces vivía en Brasil, proclama la independencia del nuevo país e instaura un régimen monárquico que perdura hasta 1889 y mantiene unido en esa corona la inmensa extensión territorial que constituye actualmente el país. En realidad el proceso de construcción del estado brasileño no fue tan pacífico como cuentan los manuales de historia ni tampoco dejó de cosechar conflictos a lo largo de casi un siglo. En las últimas décadas historiadores y novelistas se han encargado de apuntar fisuras y disensiones en dicho proceso. La historia aparece así reescrita en varias novelas, desde paradigmas escriturales diversos. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo muestra como tres escritores trataron de aspectos de las guerras de independencia en el país en novelas históricas. La lectura de Viva o povo brasileiro (1984), de João Ubaldo Ribeiro; Lealdade (1997), de Márcio Souza e Anita (1999), de Flávio Aguiar, muestra como la literatura puede leer de modo privilegiado los signos de la historia.