893 resultados para Confused stage
This paper proposes a novel differential mixer topology. The traditional stage of switching is replaced by a stack of NMOS and PMOS transistors combined. A design is given of a 900 MHz down-conversion mixer using a 0.35 μm CMOS process. Comparison with conventional mixer shows that the topology leads to a better performance in terms of conversion gain and linearity. ©2012 IEEE.
Objectives were to evaluate the role of canonical WNT signaling in development of the preimplantation embryo. Signaling was activated with 2-Amino-4-(3,4-(methylenedioxy)benzylamino)-6-(3-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine (AMBMP) and inhibited with Dickkopf-related protein 1 (DKK1). Treatment of bovine embryos with AMBMP at day 5 after insemination decreased development to the blastocyst stage at day 7 and reduced numbers of trophectoderm and inner cell mass cells. At high concentrations, AMBMP caused disorganization of the inner cell mass. DKK1 blocked actions of AMBMP but did not affect development in the absence of AMBMP. Examination of gene expression in day 6 morulae by microarray revealed expression of 16 WNT genes and other genes involved in WNT signaling; differences in relative expression were confirmed by PCR for 7 genes. In conclusion, the preimplantation embryo possesses a functional WNT signaling system and activation of the canonical pathway can inhibit embryonic development.
This paper investigates the most desirable configuration of a two-stage nonlinear vibration isolation system, in which the isolators contain hardening geometric stiffness nonlinearity and linear viscous damping. The force transmissibility of the system is used as the measure of the effectiveness of the isolation system. The hardening nonlinearity is achieved by placing horizontal springs onto the suspended and intermediate masses, which are supported by vertical springs. It is found that nonlinearity in the upper stage has very little effect and thus serves little purpose. The nonlinearity in the lower stage, however, has a profound effect, and can significantly improve the effectiveness of the isolation system. Further, it is found that it is desirable to have high damping in the upper stage and very low damping in the lower stage. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
The external morphology of the nymph of Amblyomma geayi Neumann is described by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Unfed nymphs were obtained from an engorged A. geayi female, which had been collected on a sloth (Bradypus variegatus) from Belém municipality, State of Pará, northern Brazil, and was kept under laboratory conditions. With the present description, we propose a modification of a taxonomic key published in 2010 for the Amblyomma nymphs that occur in Brazil, through the inclusion of A. geayi. The nymph of A. geayi is morphologically very similar to the nymph of Amblyomma parkeri Fonseca and Aragão, with only slight morphological differences related to scutal surface and punctuations (more shagreened and less punctuated in A. geayi). These 2 nymphs differ from all other known Amblyomma nymphs from Brazil by the combination of auriculae present as small posterolateral rounded projections, eyes located at the level of the scutal midlength, and a rounded hypostome. These nymphal similarities as well the morphology of the adult stage corroborate previous studies that showed that A. geayi and A. parkeri are genetically closely related. Unpublished host records of the nymphs of both A. geayi and A. parkeri are provided. Established populations of A. geayi and A. parkeri seem to be geographically separated, since all confirmed records of A. geayi are from the northern half of South America (mainly the Amazonian region) and Central America, whereas all known records of A. parkeri are from the Atlantic rainforest biome in northeastern, southeastern, and southern Brazil. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.
The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsmura, has become the most significant soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] insect pest in the north central soybean production region of North America. The objectives of this research were to measure selected genotypes for resistance to the soybean aphid in the later vegetative and reproductive stages under field conditions, and confirm the presence of tolerance in KS4202. The results from 2007 to 2011 indicate that KS4202 can support aphid populations with minimal yield loss at levels where significant yield loss would be expected in most other genotypes. The common Nebraska cultivar, 'Asgrow 2703′, appears to show signs of tolerance as well. None of the yield parameters were significantly different between the aphid infested and noninfested treatments. Based on our results, genotypes may compensate for aphid feeding in different ways. Asgrow 2703 appears to produce a similar number of seeds as its noninfested counterpart, although the seeds produced are slightly smaller. Field evaluation of tolerance in KS4202 indicated a yield loss of only 13% at 34,585-53,508 cumulative aphid-days, when 24-36% yield loss would have been expected. © 2013 Entomological Society of America.
A chorioallantoic membrane artery in embryos of the red-footed tortoise, Chelonoidis carbonaria was occlusively cannulated for measurement of blood pressure and injection of drugs. Two age groups of embryos in the final 10 % of incubation were categorized by the ratio of embryonic body to yolk mass. All embryos first received cholinergic and β-adrenergic blockade. This revealed that β-adrenergic control was established in both groups whereas cholinergic control was only established in the older group immediately prior to hatching. The study then progressed as two series. Series one was conducted in a subset of embryos treated with histamine before or after injection of ranitidine, the antagonist of H2 receptors. Injection of histamine caused an initial phasic hypertension which recovered, followed by a longer lasting hypertensive response accompanied by a tachycardia. Injection of the H2 receptor antagonist ranitidine itself caused a hypotensive tachycardia with subsequent recovery of heart rate. Ranitidine also abolished the cardiac effects of histamine injection while leaving the initial hypertensive response intact. In series, two embryos were injected with histamine after injection of diphenhydramine, the antagonist to H1 receptors. This abolished the whole of the pressor response to histamine injection but left the tachycardic response intact. These data indicate that histamine acts as a non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic factor, regulating the cardiovascular system of developing reptilian embryos and that its overall effects are mediated via both H1 and H2 receptor types. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Canine visceral leishmaniosis (CVL) causes a dependent-stage alteration in neutrophil oxidative metabolism. When production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) exceeds the antioxidant capacity of neutrophils, apoptosis is triggered, impairing the viability and function of these cells, which can predispose dogs to infection. However, the uremic condition observed in late-stage CVL can also alter the viability and function of human neutrophils. To more clearly understand this relationship, the apoptosis rate and oxidative metabolism of neutrophils from control dogs (n= 20) were compared to dogs in moderate (n= 15) and very severe (n= 15) stage CVL, classified according to LeishVet Consensus. To assess neutrophil oxidative metabolism, superoxide production was measured using the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test (NBT) in isolated neutrophils. The apoptosis rate of neutrophils was estimated using the morphological method. Moderate-stage dogs presented increased superoxide production, while dogs with very severe stage CVL presented decreased superoxide production and an increase neutrophil apoptosis rate. Leishmaniosis causes differential neutrophil dysfunction according to disease stage. In moderate stage CVL, increased superoxide production is observed with no change in neutrophil viability. However, in very severe stage CVL, decreased superoxide production and increased apoptosis occur associated with uremia. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
A Ilha das Onças é uma das numerosas ilhas que se encontram na margem esquerda da Baía do Guajará, sendo conhecida principalmente pela presença da palmeira que produz o açaí como fruto (Euterpe oleracea,) e pela importância que seus canais representam para a navegação regional. Entre os principais canais que compõem a ilha, destaca-se o Canal do Piramanha, que atravessa a Ilha das Onças. A composição e a distribuição da ictiofauna presente na Ilha é pouco conhecida, com base nisso, esse trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as espécies da região, bem como do seu uso pelo ambiente, e a importância que possuem para a população local. Foram feitas entrevistas com os pescadores onde foram obtidas informações básicas sobre a pesca no local. Foram realizadas pescarias trimestrais de acordo com os períodos climáticos com rede de tapagem no igarapé e de emalhe no canal. No momento da despesca foram registrados in situ os dados abióticos (pH, salinidade, temperatura), que não apresentaram diferenças entre os períodos. Foram capturados 1200 indivíduos de 20 famílias de maioria Aspredinidae, Sciaenidae e Pimelodidae, distribuídos em 39 espécies identificadas (27 no canal e 26 no igarapé). As espécies foram em sua maioria constantes (FO>75%), e a diversidade foi similar ao longo do tempo, não havendo espécies dominantes em nenhum período de coleta. A estatística W mostra ambientes perturbados, nos meses mais chuvosos de março e dezembro, onde também foram registrados as maiores abundâncias (CPUEn e CPUEb), indicando a análise pode não ser adequada a ambientes onde há dominância de indivíduos de pequeno porte, fazendo com que o método confunda a existência natural de grande quantidade de indivíduos pequenos com uma troca de dominância. As análises multivariadas mostraram que os ambientes são significativamente diferentes, principalmente pela grande abundância numérica de A. aspredo no canal, e da P. squamosissimus no igarapé, que juntamente com o L. dorsalis, o H. marginatus, o A. aff. ucayalensis formam as principais espécies capturadas na Ilha. No canal houve maioria de espécies estuarinas, que se alimentam principalmente de zoobentos e peixes, e no igarapé, houve dominância de espécies dulcícolas, cujas preferências alimentares mudam ao longo do ano, aparentemente de acordo com o regime de chuvas. De maneira geral as espécies são de pequeno e médio porte (CT < 30 cm), imaturas (maioria em estádio A) e alimentando-se em pelo menos um período do ano. Apesar do ambiente favorável a pesca, 90% dos entrevistados tem no açaí sua principal fonte de renda, sendo a pesca colocada como fonte secundária, baseada nos períodos de safra e entre safra do açaí. A principal arte de pesca é o matapi que tem como alvo o camarão da Amazônia (Macrobachium amazonicum), seguida das malhadeiras e tapagens, cujas espécies alvo são na sua maioria as mesmas capturadas em abundancia nesse estudo. Pelo pequeno porte e baixo valor econômico, a pesca na ilha é realizada principalmente como fonte suplementar de proteínas, visto que a intensa atividade pesqueira e a perturbação causada pelas embarcações diminuem ainda mais esse número.
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os procedimentos adotados por alunos do Ensino Fundamental ao interpretarem e aplicarem regras matemáticas na resolução de problemas de regra de três simples e composta, bem como o processo de tratamento que é dado à linguagem, em especial, à linguagem matemática. O processo de reflexão acerca da linguagem desencadeou, a partir do nosso estudo, do movimento conhecido por Virada Linguística, espaço em que se discutiu que seria impossível filosofar a respeito de algo sem anteriormente refletir sobre a linguagem pelo motivo de considerar que qualquer experiência se realiza anteriormente na linguagem. A partir desse momento, surgem as primeiras interpretações daquilo que ficou conhecido como Filosofia da Linguagem. Foi a partir dessa perspectiva filosófica que procuramos ancorar nossas análises, principalmente nas ideias daquele que ficou conhecido como o maior expoente, Ludwig Wittgenstein. As ideias desse filósofo se dividem em duas conflitantes filosofias, a primeira em que busca uma análise lógica da linguagem, e a segunda que discute e analisa a linguagem a partir da noção de contexto, ou seja, onde as expressões linguísticas adquirem sentido. Nesta segunda fase de seu pensamento, discute entre outros temas a necessidade que o sujeito possui de „seguir regras‟, a qual subsidiou uma de nossas seções de análise. O cenário da pesquisa foi uma sala de aula com alunos do 7º ano da Escola de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Pará. A coleta do material aconteceu a partir de observações in lócus e por meio da aplicação de três baterias de testes envolvendo problemas matemáticos escolares de regra de três. Após o término das atividades, realizamos uma entrevista semiestruturada com alguns desses alunos e com o professor da turma. As análises desse material estão organizadas em três seções, as quais revelaram que grande parte desses alunos fracassou ao aplicar e seguir as regras matemáticas. Destacamos ainda que as ações desses alunos frente ao uso dos algoritmos também acontecem de maneira mecânica, pois aplicaram as regras e as seguiram sem atribuírem sentido, há ainda aqueles que se confundiram com as regras aprendidas em experiências anteriores.
In previous immuno-epidemiological studies of the naturally acquired antibody responses to merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) of Plasmodium vivax, we had evidence that the responses to distinct erythrocytic stage antigens could be differentially regulated. The present study was designed to compare the antibody response to three asexual erythrocytic stage antigens vaccine candidates of P. vivax. Recombinant proteins representing the 19 kDa C-terminal region of MSP-1(PvMSP19), apical membrane antigen n-1 ectodomain (PvAMA-1), and the region II of duffy binding protein (PvDBP-RII) were compared in their ability to bind to IgG antibodies of serum samples collected from 220 individuals from the state of Pará, in the North of Brazil. During patent infection with P. vivax, the frequency of individuals with IgG antibodies to PvMSP119, PvAMA-1, and PvDBP-RII were 95, 72.7, and 44.5% respectively. Although the frequency of responders to PvDBP-RII was lower, this frequency increased in individuals following multiple malarial infections. Individually, the specific antibody levels did not decline significantly nine months after treatment, except to PvMSP119. Our results further confirm a complex regulation of the immune response to distinct blood stage antigens. The reason for that is presently unknown but it may contribute to the high risk of re-infection in individuals living in the endemic areas.
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most serious public health problems. The increasing prevalence of CKD in developed and developing countries has led to a global epidemic. The hypothesis proposed is that patients undergoing dialysis would experience a marked negative influence on physiological variables of sleep and autonomic nervous system activity, compromising quality of life.Methods/Design: A prospective, consecutive, double blind, randomized controlled clinical trial is proposed to address the effect of dialysis on sleep, pulmonary function, respiratory mechanics, upper airway collapsibility, autonomic nervous activity, depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life in patients with CKD. The measurement protocol will include body weight (kg); height (cm); body mass index calculated as weight/height(2); circumferences (cm) of the neck, waist, and hip; heart and respiratory rates; blood pressures; Mallampati index; tonsil index; heart rate variability; maximum ventilatory pressures; negative expiratory pressure test, and polysomnography (sleep study), as well as the administration of specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea, excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life.Discussion: CKD is a major public health problem worldwide, and its incidence has increased in part by the increased life expectancy and increasing number of cases of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Sleep disorders are common in patients with renal insufficiency. Our hypothesis is that the weather weight gain due to volume overload observed during interdialytic period will influence the degree of collapsibility of the upper airway due to narrowing and predispose to upper airway occlusion during sleep, and to investigate the negative influences of haemodialysis in the physiological variables of sleep, and autonomic nervous system, and respiratory mechanics and thereby compromise the quality of life of patients.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The multi stage filtration (MSF) is an alternative that permits to enlarge the spectrum of application of the slow sand filtration as for the effluent quality and run duration. In this research the use of MSF technology associated to a granular activated carbon (GAC) column as polishing mechanism of the final effluent was evaluated; in the slow sand filters GAC was used as an intermediate layer and non-woven synthetic fabrics were utilized as a first layer of the filter media. Five different tests were conducted, where the systems subjected to the treatment were: water from the Ipe Lake (Ilha Solteira, Sao Paulo, Brazil); water from the lake with water from a recreational fish pond; water from the lake with a phytoplankton and cyanobacteria overload simulation, with and without the use of the pre-filters as a stage of the treatment. The synthetic fabrics and GAC use resulted in the best turbidity removal and an efficient apparent and true color removal; in spite that the polishing columns reported similar results for those parameters. The utilization of GAC as an intermediate layer contributed to a better organic matter removal and the fabrics improved chlorophyll-a removal. The pre-filtration columns made an efficient algae and cyanobacteria removal, a function that was completed by the filters and reached >98% efficiency. The synthetic non-woven fabrics and GAC inclusion in MSF operation improved performance of this technology with ease of application and operation.