953 resultados para Cone.
本研究以河北围场县广发永化石点早中新世地层中的球果和果实、浙江宁海县杜岙化石点早上新世地层中的半矿化化石木、云南寻甸县金所和先锋化石点晚上新世地层中的丝炭和褐煤化木材为研究对象,对这三个化石点数百个植物大化石的形态或解剖结构进行了详细研究,鉴定出6个新的化石种,4个新记录种,7个未定种;其中2个化石属为我国新记录。根据其结构特征探讨这些化石类群与相关化石和现代植物的系统关系。并依据其现代亲缘种生长的生态和气候范围,对化石点沉积时期的植被和气候类型进行了推测。 果实中含有多种有价值的分类和系统发育的信息,对于种子植物的演化和系统发育研究具有重要的意义。在河北围场县发现大量保存较好的松科球果和姜科化石,为我们进一步研究松科植物和姜科植物解剖结构,以及探讨其系统演化提供难得的机会和直接的证据,同时为该化石地的植被演替和地层对比研究提供更多的植物学证据。对河北围场县广发永化石点球果和果实的形态研究,鉴定出三种松科球果化石种和一种姜科植物。分别为围场松(Pinus weichangensis sp. nov.)、围场云杉(Picea weichangensis sp. nov.)、围场铁杉(Tsuga weichangensis sp. nov.)以及化石Spirematospermum属未定种。其中围场云杉、围场铁杉球果在形态上与相应现代类群具有明显的差异,可能代表已灭绝的种类。Spirematospermum属未定种为一绝灭类型,是该属在我国的首次记录。这四种化石类群发现,反映早中新世化石该化石点气候与现代完全不同,为湿润的暖温带和亚热带气候。 浙江省在地质结构上位于东亚大陆边缘,是环太平洋岩浆活动带的重要组成部分。宁海县属于浙东南区属华南地层区,其第三纪地层嵊县群在该区分布广泛,其古植物研究仅限于孢粉和叶化石。本报告中首次对该层铜岭祝组的木化石进行了报道。对浙江宁海杜岙化石点早上新世地层中化石木样品的解剖研究,鉴定出三种木材类型,为史马库栎型木Quercus shimakurae、Liqumdambar cf. hisauchi和蔷薇科未定种。前者与现代栎属槲栎类、后者与枫香树属分别具有密切的亲缘关系,是我国首次报道栎属和枫香树属化石木。 云南现今复杂的地势地貌,独特的气候,丰富的植物种类和多样的植被类型是经历了长达数百万年的地质构造运动和自然环境演变的结果。第三纪时期由于大陆板块运动导致印度板块与亚洲板块的对接和碰撞,其地壳构造运动异常活跃。其第三系陆相地层广泛分布于古生代褶皱区的200多个互不相连的中、小型盆地及中、新生代断陷和拗陷型山间盆地中,并蕴涵了丰富的植物化石,为我们研究植被和植物演化提供了众多的证据。本次研究基于云南中部寻甸县金所煤矿和先锋煤矿的大量褐煤化和丝炭化材料,为进一步恢复云南晚第三纪气候和植被提供更多的依据,尤其是丝炭材料保存了木材精细而真实的结构,为木材准确鉴定和演化提供了可靠的依据。根据对云南金所和先锋化石点晚上新世沉积中褐煤化材料和丝炭样品解剖结构的研究,鉴定出8种化石木,包括2种裸子植物,5种双子叶植物和1种单子叶植物;分属5科7属。化石类群包括松属(Pinus)五针松组未定种Section Cembra sp.、云杉属未定种Picea sp、寻甸含笑Michelia xundianensis sp. nov.、多角含笑 Michelia angulata sp. nov.、Lithocarpoxylon cf. radiporosum、Castanoradix sp.、寻甸珍珠花Lyonia xundianensis sp. nov.、竹亚科未定种Bambusoideae sp。根据现今这些化石对应类群的生长和分布的气候区域,沉积时期的气候与现代气候较为接近。
在裸子植物系统学研究中,雌球果的形态与结构是最重要的性状之一。山于不同学者对裸子植物雌性生殖构造的形态学本质有着不同的见解,从而导致对该类群植物系统发育研究结果的差异。柏科在裸子植物中是唯一一个广布于南北两半球的科,前人对该科雌球果发育的研究涉及很少,为了进一步了解柏科植物雌球果的形态学本质,并为裸子植物传粉生物学和系统学的研究提供重要资料,本文选取了分布于北半球柏科中的7个属14个种,应用扫描电镜、半薄切片、石蜡切片及整体透明等方法,对其雌球果各部分的形态发生与发育过程作了详尽的研究,同时对传粉前后雌球果中的维管系统作了深入的分析。主要结果归纳如下: 1)雌球花苞片的形态、结构和排列方式等与叶相似;但传粉后,随着苞片基部的居间生长,其形态结构变得多样化: 2)在柏科了个属中,均未观察到种鳞发育,成熟球果的苞鳞得到充分发育; 3)各苞片腋内的胚珠发育过程,几乎是同时发育或呈向顶发育过程; 4)在圆柏属和柏木属球果顶端的苞片腋内也有胚珠发育,其它各属雌球花顶端的1-2对苞片腋内均没有胚珠发育; 5)在柏木属中,每一苞片腋内形成的胚珠数目较多,一般排成2-3行,同~苞片腋内的胚珠呈向基发育,同一行胚珠为离心发育; 6)圆柏属的雌球果发育呈现多种式样,其中包括由数枚侧生胚珠过渡到一枚顶生胚珠等情况; 7)柏科植物雌球花的维管系统在传粉前较为简单,即在苞片内仅具单一的维管束延伸到顶端,与营养芽相似。传粉后随着苞片基部的居间生长,其维管系统也随之复杂化。主要是在苞鳞内有新的维管束形成,一般是在苞鳞中间维管束的两侧各发出一束维管束,这两束维管束由球果轴发出的位置略高于中间一束,并在苞鳞基部迅速分枝,形成不同的排列式样。 成熟球果维管系统的排列方式与球果和苞鳞的形态有关,通常可分为三类:(1)具球形球果的种类,包括圆柏属、扁柏属、柏木属和福建柏属,其苞鳞内辐射状分枝的维管束形成两组,即~个具有木质部倒转的近轴系列和一个维管束J下常排列的远轴系列;(2)在苞鳞中只形成一组倒转的维管束,如侧柏属和翠柏属:(3)崖柏属雌球果的苞鳞中没有倒转的维管束形成。 观察结果表明:柏科植物雌球果均为复轴性构造,其球果中胚珠着生在球果轴上是由于苞片腋内种鳞退化的结果,因而不支持柏科植物雌球果的种鳞与苞鳞完全合生的观点。 通过对柏科植物雌球果发育的研究结果,也为探讨松杉类植物雌球果的演化趋势提供了重要线索。长期以来,众多研究者均认为,松杉类植物雌球果的演化趋势是种鳞和苞鳞逐渐合并的过程,但从柏科植物雌球果苞鳞腋内种鳞退化现象的发现表明,松杉类植物雌球果的演化趋势可能是一种种鳞逐渐退化的过程。柏科的种鳞已完全退化,而苞鳞则相对发育。 依据雌球果发育中胚珠发育顺序及苞鳞数目等特征,认为福建柏属最原始,而圆柏属则较为进化,其它各属则介于上述两属之间。 江泽平和王豁然(1997)提出,柏木亚科和澳洲柏亚科的主要区别在于球果可育苞鳞的着生位置,如前者球果顶部苞鳞没有胚珠发育,而后者则是球果顶部苞鳞腋内有胚珠发育。这一观点显然与柏木属和圆柏属的多数雌球果顶部的苞鳞腋内有种子产生的情况不相符合。 依据本文的研究的结果及前人对柏科和相近类群的研究资料,赞同保留独立的柏科和杉科;另外,以往侧柏曾被置于崖柏属中,但依据其雌球果苞鳞中有倒转的维管束发育,崖柏属的崖柏和北美香柏雌球果的苞鳞中均无倒转的维管束发育,我们支持其独立为侧柏属。
The exposure to the highest dimecron cone. (8 mg/1) resulted in severe histopathological changes in different tissues of Labeo rohita fingerling. Cell necrosis, cytoplasmic vacuolation and pycnotic nuclei were major abnormalities observed in liver tissue. The degeneration of glomeruli and proximal tubules, cytoplasmic vacuolation and focal haemorrhagic area were noted in case of kidney tissues. Major changes observed in intestinal tissues were degeneration of villi, disintegrity of mucosal layers, necrosis of epithelial cells etc. However, hypertrophy of cells and granulation of cytoplasm were major histopathological changes observed in fish at lower dimecron cones. (4 mg/1).
Inflatable aerodynamic decelerators have potential advantages for planetary re-entry in robotic and human exploration missions. It is theorized that volume-mass characteristics of these decelerators are superior to those of common supersonic/subsonic parachutes and after deployment they may suffer no instabilities at high Mach numbers. A high fidelity computational fluid-structure interaction model is employed to investigate the behavior of tension cone inflatable aeroshells at supersonic speeds up to Mach 2.0. The computational framework targets the large displacements regime encountered during the inflation of the decelerator using fast level set techniques to incorporate boundary conditions of the moving structure. The preliminary results indicate large but steady aeroshell displacement with rich dynamics, including buckling of the inflatable torus that maintains the decelerator open under normal operational conditions, owing to interactions with the turbulent wake. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
Submarines are efficient sources of low frequency radiated noise due to the vibrations induced by the rotation of the propeller in a non uniform wake. In this work the possibility of using inertial actuators to reduce the far field sound pressure is investigated. The submerged vessel is modelled as a cylindrical shell with two conical end caps. Complicating effects such as ring stiffeners, bulkheads and the fluid loading are taken into account. A harmonic radial force is transmitted from the propeller to the hull through the stern end cone and it is tonal at the blade passing frequency (rotational speed of the shaft multiplied by the number of blades). The actuators are attached at the inside of the prow end cone to form a circumferential array. Both Active Vibration Control (AVC) and Active Structural Acoustic Control (ASAC) are analysed and it is shown that the inertial actuators can significantly reduce the far field sound pressure.
A one-dimensional analytical model is developed for the steady state, axisymmetric, slender flow of saturated powder in a rotating perforated cone. Both the powder and the fluid spin with the cone with negligible slip in the hoop direction. They migrate up the wall of the cone along a generator under centrifugal force, which also forces the fluid out of the cone through the powder layer and the porous wall. The flow thus evolves from an over-saturated paste at inlet into a nearly dry powder at outlet. The powder is treated as a Mohr-Coulomb granular solid of constant void fraction and permeability. The shear traction at the wall is assumed to be velocity and pressure dependent. The fluid is treated as Newtonian viscous. The model provides the position of the colour line (the transition from over- to under-saturation) and the flow velocity and thickness profiles over the cone. Surface tension effects are assumed negligible compared to the centrifugal acceleration. Two alternative conditions are considered for the flow structure at inlet: fully settled powder at inlet, and progressive settling of an initially homogeneous slurry. The position of the colour line is found to be similar for these two cases over a wide range of operating conditions. Dominant dimensionless groups are identified which control the position of the colour line in a continuous conical centrifuge. Experimental observations of centrifuges used in the sugar industry provide preliminary validation of the model. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Rhodopsin, encoded by the gene Rhodopsin (RH1), is extremely sensitive to light, and is responsible for dim-light vision. Bats are nocturnal mammals that inhabit poor light environments. Megabats (Old-World fruit bats) generally have well-developed eyes, while microbats (insectivorous bats) have developed echolocation and in general their eyes were degraded, however, dramatic differences in the eyes, and their reliance on vision, exist in this group. In this study, we examined the rod opsin gene (RH1), and compared its evolution to that of two cone opsin genes (SWS1 and M/LWS). While phylogenetic reconstruction with the cone opsin genes SWS1 and M/LWS generated a species tree in accord with expectations, the RH1 gene tree united Pteropodidae (Old-World fruit bats) and Yangochiroptera, with very high bootstrap values, suggesting the possibility of convergent evolution. The hypothesis of convergent evolution was further supported when nonsynonymous sites or amino acid sequences were used to construct phylogenies. Reconstructed RH1 sequences at internal nodes of the bat species phylogeny showed that: (1) Old-World fruit bats share an amino acid change (S270G) with the tomb bat; (2) Miniopterus share two amino acid changes (V104I, M183L) with Rhinolophoidea; (3) the amino acid replacement I123V occurred independently on four branches, and the replacements L99M, L266V and I286V occurred each on two branches. The multiple parallel amino acid replacements that occurred in the evolution of bat RH1 suggest the possibility of multiple convergences of their ecological specialization (i.e., various photic environments) during adaptation for the nocturnal lifestyle, and suggest that further attention is needed on the study of the ecology and behavior of bats.
Identification of venomous species of Persian Gulf cone snails and characterization of venom composition and their features is so important from the point of medical importance. Marine cone snails from the genus Conus are estimated to consist of up to 700 species. The venom of cone snails has yielded a rich source of novel neuroactive peptides or conotoxins. The present study was aimed to study the analgesic effect of Persian Gulf Conus textile and its comparison with morphine in mouse model. The specimens of Conus textile were collected of Larak Island from depth of 7 m. The collected samples were transferred to laboratory alive and were stored at -700 c. he veno s ducts were separated and ho ogenized with deionized water he ixture centrifuged at rp for inutes upernatant was considered as extracted veno and stored at - C after lyophylization. The protein profile of venom determined by using SDS-PAGE and HPLC used to investigate the extracted venom and to evaluate the analgesic activity, formalin test was carried out. SDS-PAGE indicated several bands ranged between 6 and 250 kDa. Chromatogram of the venom demonstrated more than 44 large and small fractions. The amount of 10 ng of Conus crude venom and analgesic peptide showed the best anti-pain activity in formalin test. No death observed up to 100 mg/kg, which is 250,000 times higher than the effective dose.Venom characterization of Persian Gulf Conus textile may be of medical importance and potential for new pharmaceutical drugs as well.
Cirripede larvae obtained in the zooplankton samples of the North Arabian Sea Ecological and Environmental Research (NASEER) cruise I (January, 1992) have been studied for their distribution and abundance. They were collected in the northern Arabian Sea waters (22°51'N to 24°58'N, 60°05'E to 65°59'E). Thirty- two samples were taken at 18 stations. The maximum number of larvae were collected from a station near Indus cone (Sta. 8), whereas an off shore station (Sta. 37) and one near the Makran coast (Sta. 60) had poor representation. Regular coastal collections from Manora Channel (24°48'N, 66°59'E), during the study period of one year (1994), have been also included to supplement the NASEER samples. Only one naupliar stage (VI) and a cyprid stage were identified. Relative abundance in day and night samples were also studied.
An analysis is given of velocity and pressure-dependent sliding flow of a thin layer of damp granular material in a spinning cone. Integral momentum equations for steady state, axisymmetric flow are derived using a boundary layer approximation. These reduce to two coupled first-order differential equations for the radial and circumferential sliding velocities. The influence of viscosity and friction coefficients and inlet boundary conditions is explored by presentation of a range of numerical results. In the absence of any interfacial shear traction the flow would, with increasing radial and circumferential slip, follow a trajectory from inlet according to conservation of angular momentum and kinetic energy. Increasing viscosity or friction reduces circumferential slip and, in general, increases the residence time of a particle in the cone. The residence time is practically insensitive to the inlet velocity. However, if the cone angle is very close to the friction angle then the residence time is extremely sensitive to the relative magnitude of these angles. © 2011 Authors.
The final stages of pinchoff and breakup of dripping droplets of near-inviscid Newtonian fluids are studied experimentally for pure water and ethanol. High-speed imaging and image analysis are used to determine the angle and the minimum neck size of the cone-shaped extrema of the ligaments attached to dripping droplets in the final microseconds before pinchoff. The angle is shown to steadily approach the value of 18.0 ±0.4, independently of the initial flow conditions or the type of breakup. The filament thins and necks following a τ2 /3 law in terms of the time remaining until pinchoff, regardless of the initial conditions. The observed behavior confirms theoretical predictions. © 2012 American Physical Society.
The final stages of pinchoff and breakup of dripping droplets of near-inviscid Newtonian fluids are studied experimentally for pure water and ethanol. High-speed imaging and image analysis are used to determine the angle and the minimum neck size of the cone-shaped extrema of the ligaments attached to dripping droplets in the final microseconds before pinchoff. The angle is shown to steadily approach the value of 18.0 ± 0.4°, independently of the initial flow conditions or the type of breakup. The filament thins and necks following a τ(2/3) law in terms of the time remaining until pinchoff, regardless of the initial conditions. The observed behavior confirms theoretical predictions.
The ballistic performance of clamped circular carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) and Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibre composite plates of equal areal mass and 0/90 lay-up were measured and compared with that of monolithic 304 stainless steel plates. The effect of matrix shear strength upon the dynamic response was explored by testing: (i) CFRP plates with both a cured and uncured matrix and (ii) UHMWPE laminates with identical fibres but with two matrices of different shear strength. The response of these plates when subjected to mid-span, normal impact by a steel ball was measured via a dynamic high speed shadow moiré technique. Travelling hinges emanate from the impact location and travel towards the supports. The anisotropic nature of the composite plate results in the hinges travelling fastest along the fibre directions and this results in square-shaped moiré fringes in the 0/90 plates. Projectile penetration of the UHMWPE and the uncured CFRP plates occurs in a progressive manner, such that the number of failed plies increases with increasing velocity. The cured CFRP plate, of high matrix shear strength, fails by cone-crack formation at low velocities, and at higher velocities by a combination of cone-crack formation and communition of plies beneath the projectile. On an equal areal mass basis, the low shear strength UHMWPE plate has the highest ballistic limit followed by the high matrix shear strength UHMWPE plate, the uncured CFRP, the steel plate and finally the cured CFRP plate. We demonstrate that the high shear strength UHMWPE plate exhibits Cunniff-type ballistic limit scaling. However, the observed Cunniff velocity is significantly lower than that estimated from the laminate properties. The data presented here reveals that the Cunniff velocity is limited in its ability to characterise the ballistic performance of fibre composite plates as this velocity is independent of the shear properties of the composites: the ballistic limit of fibre composite plates increases with decreasing matrix shear strength for both CFRP and UHMWPE plates. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
We consider the problem of positive observer design for positive systems defined on solid cones in Banach spaces. The design is based on the Hilbert metric and convergence properties are analyzed in the light of the Birkhoff theorem. Two main applications are discussed: positive observers for systems defined in the positive orthant, and positive observers on the cone of positive semi-definite matrices with a view on quantum systems. © 2011 IEEE.
Convergence analysis of consensus algorithms is revisited in the light of the Hilbert distance. The Lyapunov function used in the early analysis by Tsitsiklis is shown to be the Hilbert distance to consensus in log coordinates. Birkhoff theorem, which proves contraction of the Hilbert metric for any positive homogeneous monotone map, provides an early yet general convergence result for consensus algorithms. Because Birkhoff theorem holds in arbitrary cones, we extend consensus algorithms to the cone of positive definite matrices. The proposed generalization finds applications in the convergence analysis of quantum stochastic maps, which are a generalization of stochastic maps to non-commutative probability spaces. ©2010 IEEE.