864 resultados para Concertos (Horn)
In the whole of Europe the most important composer of concertos for two violins is indubitably Vivaldi (1678-1741), who produced almost thirty works of this type during almost the full length of his creative career. The dissertation examines this particular side of Vivaldi’s activity, starting with an examination of the concerto in Rome, Bologna, and Venice at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The aspects investigated include the ‘conceptual’ origins of the double concerto for two violins in Vivaldi, the nature, distribution and interrelationship of their sources (particular attention being given to compositional revisions in the autograph manuscripts) and an analysis of the works themselves that takes in form, tonal structure, technical-instrumental character and performance practice. The concertos that have come down in particularly problematic non-autograph sources are discussed in detail and presented in critical editions. A reconstruction is offered of the two works (RV 520 and 526) that have survived only in incomplete form, lacking the part of the first soloist. The concertos for two violins composed in Germany by Telemann and J. S. Bach, the contemporaries of Vivaldi who paid greatest attention to the double concerto genre, are then described and analysed. The thesis ends with a complete list of modern editions of Vivaldi’s concertos for two violins and a select discography.
Über die Biogenese des Lichtsammelkomplexes des Photosystems II höherer Pflanzen (LHCII) in der Thylakoidmembran der Chloroplasten existieren wenige Daten. Deswegen soll die Aufklärung des Faltungsmechanismus in vitro anhand von zeitaufgelösten Messungen der Rückfaltung des Komplexes Rückschlüsse auf die Situation in vivo ermöglichen.Zur Beobachtung der Rückfaltung wurden Methoden der Fluoreszenz- und CD-Spektroskopie verwendet. Die Pigmentbindung und die Ausbildung von α-helikaler Sekundärstruktur erfolgt in einem schnelleren und einem langsameren apparenten Schritt (Sekunden und Minuten); beide Vorgänge sind eng gekoppelt und limitiert durch die Bindung der Carotinoide. In der schnelleren Phase ist die Bindung von Chl a und Lutein ausreichend für die Zunahme an α-helikaler Struktur. Ein thermodynamisch stabiler Komplex erfordert die Bindung von Chl b und Carotinoiden. In der schnellen Phase bindet Chl a vor Chl b und Lutein mindestens so schnell wie Chl b; beide Pigmente limitieren die Bindung von Chl b. Chl b ist notwendig für die Ereignisse der langsameren Phase.Bzgl. der Situation in vivo deuten die Daten auf (1) eine aktive Rolle der Pigmentbindung für die Membraninsertion des Proteins, (2) einen Schutz vor Photooxidation der Chlorophylle durch die obligatorische Carotinoidbindung und (3) die Möglichkeit der Umsetzung von LHCII-gebundem Chl a zu Chl b.
Wie viele andere Sprachen Ost- und Südostasiens ist das Thai eine numerusneutrale Sprache, in der ein Nomen lediglich das Konzept benennt und keinen Hinweis auf die Anzahl der Objekte liefert. Um Nomina im Thai zählen zu können, ist der Klassifikator (Klf) nötig, der die Objekte anhand ihrer semantischen Schlüsseleigenschaft herausgreift und individualisiert. Neben der Klassifikation stellt die Individualisierung die Hauptfunktion des Klf dar. Weitere Kernfunktionen des Klf außerhalb des Zählkontextes sind die Markierung der Definitheit, des Numerus sowie des Kontrasts. Die wichtigsten neuen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, die sowohl die Ebenen der Grammatik und Semantik als auch die der Logik und Pragmatik integriert, sind folgende: Im Thai kann der Klf sowohl auf der Element- als auch auf der Mengenebene agieren. In der Verbindung mit einem Demonstrativ kann der Klf auch eine pluralische Interpretation hervorrufen, wenn er auf eine als pluralisch präsupponierte Gesamtmenge referiert oder die Gesamtmenge in einer Teil-Ganzes-Relation individualisiert. In einem Ausdruck, der bereits eine explizite Zahlangabe enthält, bewirkt die Klf-Demonstrativ-Konstruktion eine Kontrastierung von Mengen mit gleichen Eigenschaften. Wie auch der Individualbegriff besitzt der Klf Intension und Extension. Intension und Extension von Thai-Klf verhalten sich umgekehrt proportional, d.h. je spezifischer der Inhalt eines Klf ist, desto kleiner ist sein Umfang. Der Klf signalisiert das Schlüsselmerkmal, das mit der Intension des Nomens der Identifizierung des Objekts dient. Der Klf individualisiert das Nomen, indem er Teilmengen quantifiziert. Er kann sich auf ein Objekt, eine bestimmte Anzahl von Objekten oder auf alle Objekte beziehen. Formal logisch lassen sich diese Funktionen mithilfe des Existenz- und des Allquantors darstellen. Auch die Nullstelle (NST) läßt sich formal logisch darstellen. Auf ihren jeweiligen Informationsgehalt reduziert, ergeben sich für Klf und NST abhängig von ihrer Positionierung verschiedene Informationswerte: Die Opposition von Klf und NST bewirkt in den Fragebögen ausschließlich skalare Q-Implikaturen, die sich durch die Informationsformeln in Form einer Horn-Skala darstellen lassen. In einem sich aufbauenden Kontext transportieren sowohl Klf als auch NST in der Kontextmitte bekannte Informationen, wodurch Implikaturen des M- bzw. I-Prinzips ausgelöst werden. Durch die Verbindung der Informationswerte mit den Implikaturen des Q-, M- und I-Prinzips lässt sich anhand der Positionierung direkt erkennen, wann der Klf die Funktion der Numerus-, der Definitheits- oder der Kontrast-Markierung erfüllt.
Variations of white matter integrity have been associated with interindividual differences in brain function. Still, little is known about the impact of white matter integrity on quantitative motor behaviour. Diffusion tensor imaging and continuous wrist actigraphy were measured on the same day in 12 individuals. Fractional anisotropy as measure of white matter integrity was correlated with the motor activity level. Positive correlations of fractional anisotropy and activity level were detected in the cingulum and the right superior longitudinal fasciculus underneath the precentral gyrus. Negative correlations were found in the left corticobulbar tract, in the right posterior corpus callosum and in the left superior longitudinal fasciculus. Volitional motor activity was associated with white matter integrity in motor relevant fiber tracts.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in ventilator-associated pneumonia is a serious and often life-threatening complication in intensive care unit patients, and new treatment options are needed. We used B-cell-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes from a volunteer immunized with a P. aeruginosa O-polysaccharide-toxin A conjugate vaccine to generate human hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies specific for individual P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide serotypes. The fully human monoclonal antibody secreted by one of these lines, KBPA101, is an IgM/kappa antibody that binds P. aeruginosa of International Antigenic Typing System (IATS) serotype O11 with high avidity (5.81 x 10(7) M(-1) +/- 2.8 x 10(7) M(-1)) without cross-reacting with other serotypes. KBPA101 specifically opsonized the P. aeruginosa of IATS O11 serotype and mediated complement-dependent phagocytosis in vitro by the human monocyte-like cell line HL-60 at a very low concentration (half-maximal phagocytosis at 0.16 ng/ml). In vivo evaluation of KBPA101 demonstrated a dose-response relationship for protection against systemic infections in a murine burn wound sepsis model, where 70 to 100% of animals were protected against lethal challenges with P. aeruginosa at doses as low as 5 microg/animal. Furthermore, a high efficacy of KBPA101 in protection from local respiratory infections in an acute lung infection model in mice was demonstrated. Preclinical toxicology evaluation on human tissue, in rabbits, and in mice did not indicate any toxicity of KBPA101. Based on these preclinical findings, the first human clinical trials have been initiated.
Formal thought disorder (FTD) is one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia. To date there are no whole brain volumetric studies investigating gray matter (GM) differences specifically associated with FTD. Here, we studied 20 right-handed schizophrenia patients that differed in the severity of formal thought disorder and 20 matched healthy controls, using voxel-based morphometry (VBM). The severity of FTD was measured with the Scale for the Assessment of Thought, Language, and Communication. The severity was negatively correlated with the GM volume of the left superior temporal sulcus, the left temporal pole, the right middle orbital gyrus and the right cuneus/lingual gyrus. Structural abnormalities specific for FTD were found to be unrelated to GM differences associated with schizophrenia in general. The specific GM abnormalities within the left temporal lobe may help to explain language disturbances included in FTD.
Please cite this paper as: PTCH promoter methylation at low level in sporadic basal cell carcinoma analysed by three different approaches. Experimental Dermatology 2010. Abstract: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer. Mutations of the PTCH hallmark gene are detected in about 50-60% of BCCs, which raises the question whether other mechanisms such as promoter methylation can inactivate PTCH. Therefore, we performed methylation analysis of the PTCH promoter in a total of 56 BCCs. The sensitivity of three different methods, including direct bisulphite sequencing PCR, MethyLight and high-resolution melting (HRM), was applied and compared. We found that HRM analysis of DNA from fresh tissue [rather than formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE)] was the most sensitive method to detect methylation. Low-level methylation of the PTCH promoter was detected in five out of 16 analysed BCCs (31%) on DNA from fresh tissue but only in two (13%) samples on short-time stored FFPE DNA from the very same tumors. In contrast, we were unable to detect methylation by HRM on long-time stored DNA in any of the remaining 40 BCC samples. Our data suggest that (i) HRM on DNA extracted from fresh tissue is the most sensitive method to detect methylation and (ii) methylation of the PTCH promoter may only play a minor role in BCC carcinogenesis.
Reduced motor activity has been reported in schizophrenia and was associated with subtype, psychopathology and medication. Still, little is known about the neurobiology of motor retardation. To identify neural correlates of motor activity, resting state cerebral blood flow (CBF) was correlated with objective motor activity of the same day. Participants comprised 11 schizophrenia patients and 14 controls who underwent magnetic resonance imaging with arterial spin labeling and wrist actigraphy. Patients had reduced activity levels and reduced perfusion of the left parahippocampal gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus, right thalamus, and right prefrontal cortex. In controls, but not in schizophrenia, CBF was correlated with activity in the right thalamic ventral anterior (VA) nucleus, a key module within basal ganglia-cortical motor circuits. In contrast, only in schizophrenia patients positive correlations of CBF and motor activity were found in bilateral prefrontal areas and in the right rostral cingulate motor area (rCMA). Grey matter volume correlated with motor activity only in the left posterior cingulate cortex of the patients. The findings suggest that basal ganglia motor control is impaired in schizophrenia. In addition, CBF of cortical areas critical for motor control was associated with volitional motor behavior, which may be a compensatory mechanism for basal ganglia dysfunction.
Altered structural connectivity is a key finding in schizophrenia, but the meaning of white matter alterations for behavior is rarely studied. In healthy subjects, motor activity correlated with white matter integrity in motor tracts. To explore the relation of motor activity and fractional anisotropy (FA) in schizophrenia, we investigated 19 schizophrenia patients and 24 healthy control subjects using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and actigraphy on the same day. Schizophrenia patients had lower activity levels (AL). In both groups linear relations of AL and FA were detected in several brain regions. Schizophrenia patients had lower FA values in prefrontal and left temporal clusters. Furthermore, using a general linear model, we found linear negative associations of FA and AL underneath the right supplemental motor area (SMA), the right precentral gyrus and posterior cingulum in patients. This effect within the SMA was not seen in controls. This association in schizophrenia patients may contribute to the well known dysfunctions of motor control. Thus, structural disconnectivity could lead to disturbed motor behavior in schizophrenia.
The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a higher order functional neural network that displays activation during passive rest and deactivation during many types of cognitive tasks. Accordingly, the DMN is viewed to represent the neural correlate of internally-generated self-referential cognition. This hypothesis implies that the DMN requires the involvement of cognitive processes, like declarative memory. The present study thus examines the spatial and functional convergence of the DMN and the semantic memory system. Using an active block-design functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) paradigm and Independent Component Analysis (ICA), we trace the DMN and fMRI signal changes evoked by semantic, phonological and perceptual decision tasks upon visually-presented words. Our findings show less deactivation during semantic compared to the two non-semantic tasks for the entire DMN unit and within left-hemispheric DMN regions, i.e., the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the retrosplenial cortex, the angular gyrus, the middle temporal gyrus and the anterior temporal region, as well as the right cerebellum. These results demonstrate that well-known semantic regions are spatially and functionally involved in the DMN. The present study further supports the hypothesis of the DMN as an internal mentation system that involves declarative memory functions.
The accurate position of the ventricular catheter inside the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle is essential to prevent proximal failure in shunt surgery. For optimal placement, endoscopic- and image-guided techniques are available.