912 resultados para Compositional Rule of Inference
Além dos elementos que integram a estrutura dos processos de democratização, este trabalho aborda o conjunto de medidas existentes para lidar com os problemas resultantes dos períodos de transição política, a partir da análise crítica dos modelos utilizados no curso da genealogia da justiça de transição. Na parte dedicada à crítica ao modelo de transição negociada, verificamos que, durante a segunda fase da genealogia, os estudos sobre os processos de transição adotaram como parâmetro de avaliação uma noção procedimental e elitista de democracia. Já na crítica aos modelos de primeira e terceira fases, observamos uma ênfase excessiva em um modelo retributivo de justiça de transição, que é encarado como ideal absoluto. Por fim, aplicamos as conclusões teóricas parciais a um estudo de caso, debruçando-nos sobre os mecanismos de justiça de transição manejados no Brasil.
Delegações legislativas e poder regulamentar: política e direito na administração pública brasileira
Esta tese objetiva analisar o fenômeno das delegações legislativas no Brasil, de forma a situar o princípio da indelegabilidade na interseção entre a ciência política descritiva e o Direito Administrativo. O trabalho está organizado em três partes. A primeira parte tem como foco a apresentação do debate sobre as delegações legislativas no conhecimento jurídico corrente, sua casuística e inconsistências. Inicia-se com o estudo do princípio da indelegabilidade legislativa, verificando suas origens e pressupostos, passando por seus corolários do Estado de Direito (rule of law), princípio democrático e separação de Poderes. Na sequência, será narrada a história da denominada nondelegation doctrine, desenvolvida nos EUA e que ensejou profícua discussão a merecer análise para o aprofundamento da questão no Brasil. Também serão objeto da Primeira Parte o exame da figura da lei delegada, prevista no art. 68 da Constituição, bem como das principais teorias sobre o poder regulamentar, verificando as suas espécies e características básicas. Por fim, será examinada a jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, destacando-se as dificuldades de uma definição clara quanto aos limites jurídicos às delegações legislativas. Na segunda parte, as delegações legislativas serão apresentadas como uma das engrenagens da dinâmica política presidencialista, tendo em vista o chamado presidencialismo de coalizão suas críticas, resultados e impactos na democracia brasileira. A experiência dos EUA será, mais uma vez, levada em consideração. Serão abordadas as teorias de public choice e o modo como elas são usadas para aperfeiçoar o debate sobre delegações legislativas, tornando-o mais próximo da realidade, numa construção pragmática do próprio Direito Administrativo daquele país. Finalmente, na terceira parte, será apresentada uma proposta de abordagem para as delegações legislativas no Brasil. A meta é oferecer parâmetros interpretativos, os quais poderão contribuir para a redefinição dos limites do poder regulamentar, enquanto mecanismo de delegação legislativa em benefício e promoção dos valores constitucionais. Almeja-se um desenho de poder regulamentar compatível com uma Administração Pública que seja funcional e capaz de atingir suas finalidades, dentro do projeto democrático da Constituição de 1988. Isto para, ao final, propor critérios objetivos que possam, em conjunto, auxiliar o intérprete no exame de legitimidade das delegações.
The origin of altruism remains one of the most enduring puzzles of human behaviour. Indeed, true altruism is often thought either not to exist, or to arise merely as a miscalculation of otherwise selfish behaviour. In this paper, we argue that altruism emerges directly from the way in which distinct human decision-making systems learn about rewards. Using insights provided by neurobiological accounts of human decision-making, we suggest that reinforcement learning in game-theoretic social interactions (habitisation over either individuals or games) and observational learning (either imitative of inference based) lead to altruistic behaviour. This arises not only as a result of computational efficiency in the face of processing complexity, but as a direct consequence of optimal inference in the face of uncertainty. Critically, we argue that the fact that evolutionary pressure acts not over the object of learning ('what' is learned), but over the learning systems themselves ('how' things are learned), enables the evolution of altruism despite the direct threat posed by free-riders.
Raman scattering study on Ga1-xMnxAs prepared by Mn ions implantation, deposition and post-annealing
Raman scattering measurements have been performed in Ga1-xMnxAs crystals prepared by Mn ions implantation, deposition, and post-annealing. The Raman spectrum measured from the implanted surface of the sample shows some weak phonon modes in addition to GaAs-like phonon modes, where the GaAs-like LO and TO phonons are found to be shifted by approximately 4 and 2 cm(-1), respectively, in the lower frequency direction compared to those observed from the unimplanted surface of the sample. The weak vibrational modes observed are assigned to hausmannite Mn3O4 like. The coupled LO-phonon plasmon mode (CLOPM), and defects and As related vibrational modes caused by Mn ions implantation, deposition, and post-annealing are also observed. The compositional dependence of GaAs-like LO phonon frequency is developed for strained and unstrained conditions and then using the observed LOGaAs peak, the Mn composition is evaluated to be 0.034. Furthermore, by analyzing the intensity of CLOPM and unscreened LOGaAs phonon mode, the hole density is evaluated to be 1.84 x 10(18) cm(-3). (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
The phonons of self-assembled InAs/InAlAs/InP quantum wires (QWRs) have been studied by Raman scattering. The QWR LO phonons show an unusual frequency shift with the increase of the InAs deposited thickness due to dislocations. The QWR LO phonons are found to follow the selection rule of the LO phonons in bulk zinc-blende semiconductors. Because of the intermixing of In/Al atoms and the multiplication of dislocations, the post-growth thermal annealing treatment leads to a shift of the QWR LO phonons to lower frequency.
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是世界上种植面积最大,总产量最高,食物加工种类最丰富的粮食作物,占世界人口35 %-40 %的人们以此为主要食物。因此小麦产量的高低和品质的优劣直接影响人们对食物需求的安全和满意程度,也影响着人类的营养平衡以及面粉和食品加工业的发展。随着生活水平的提高,人们对于小麦的品质越来越重视。培育优质专用小麦新品种,制定优质专用小麦品种品质生态区划,从而在不同程度上实现小麦的区域化种植和产业化经营具有重要的意义。 影响小麦品质的因素主要是遗传因素和环境因素,其中环境因素又包括各种自然生态因素和人为因素。研究表明,小麦品质的环境间的差异大于品种间的差异,气候条件是影响小麦品质的最重要的因子,小麦品质的地域间的差异反映出了小麦的品质区域分布规律。为了满足市场对不同品质小麦的需求,对小麦进行区域化研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本研究结合四川的地理、气候特点,研究不同品质类型与生态环境的关系,为在复杂的生态环境内进行品质区划提供依据。 本研究首先根据四川省小麦种植区域的生态特点,在四川省多个典型生态区:川南丘陵的荣县、川西南高原的西昌、川西平原的双流布点种植,采用的小麦试验材料为不同品质类型:中筋小麦川育12、川育14、川育16由本所提供;弱筋小麦川麦32和强筋小麦川麦36由四川省农科院作物所提供。通过研究品质性状与品种及各个生态因子包括地点、土壤土质差异等的关系,明确不同生态环境中适宜种植的小麦品种类型,强筋小麦、中筋小麦更适合于在荣县、双流地区种植,弱筋小麦更适合于在西昌地区种植,为品种品质区划奠定基础。 其次,选择了本课题组育成的稳定中间品系,对其品质性状SDS沉降值进行了多年测定。分析了品质性状SDS沉降值与多种气候因子的相关性,结果表明SDS沉降值与日均温、日照时数成正相关,与降水量成负相关,为品质育种提供了理论依据。 此外,以中筋小麦新品种小麦川育14为材料,应用三元二次正交旋转回归模型设计试验,研究主要栽培因子播期、密度和施肥量对产量的影响,并建立函数模型。经计算机模拟寻优,筛选出了高产高效栽培组合措施,并确定了置信域。结合四川省不同的地理情况,在平原和丘陵地区分别进行实验,并各自建立了高产高效栽培组合措施,为川育14品种的推广提供了理论指导。 Wheat is one of the most important crops in the world. About 35%-40% people all over the world, take the wheat as their most important food. So the quality, as well as the quantity of the wheat makes a direct effect on people’s demands of food and their satisfaction. It also effects on human’s healthy, and the development of the Food processing industry. With the development of the living standard, people pay more attention to the quality of wheat. So, we set a special ecology zoning for wheat. It is significant to carry out planting the wheat in special zoning in varying degrees. The main factors affecting wheat quality are heredity and environment including many ecological factors and the factors in cultivation. As to the quality,the difference between ecology and cultivation is more important than the difference between special wheat. In so many factors, climate is the most important one. From the difference in quality between different zones,we can conclude the rule of distribution abort quality of wheat. Finding out the intersection of numerous wheat not only can meet the demand of food production,but also has important signification in theory and realism。In our research, according to the complex geography in Sichuan province, we study the relationship between numerous kinds of quality characters in wheat and the ecology. So, we can set a foundation for more research. In this research, firstly, we plant wheat in some typical ecological regions of SICHUAN province: RONGXIAN(south of SC)、XICHANG(south of SC), SHUANGLIU(west of SC). The materials of the experiments: ChuanYu12, ChuanYu14, ChuanYu16(from our institute), Chuanmai32, Chuanmai36 (from the Chinese academy of agriculture sciences of Sichuan. Through the research on the relationship between the quality of wheat and those ecology factors, we can make a definition that which area is perfect matched with which kind of wheat. And it can satisfy the demand of people. Secondly, select many sorts of wheat from our research group. All of them are selected and bred more than 3 years(2003-2005). And we make every-year determination as well. We’ve gotten SDS value from those 9, and various data on factors of climate. We also got to know the relation ship between those numbers. Thirdly, use Chuanyu14 as material, the mathematical model of the relation between the production of wheat and main agricultural measures such as date, density and fertilizer. The model was established by association of three elements two return, rotate and regression. We set a suitable model and get a suitable method which can make high harvest. Based on various kinds of geographical regions in Sichuan province, we set different models which can be used in plain and hill. So, we can plant Chuan Yu 14 in Sichuan province under the result in research.
细颗粒泥沙运动及冲淤变化在深水航道整治工程中至关重要,研究细颗粒悬沙运动,悬沙浓度是一个关键。研究悬沙浓度,首先要研究悬沙浓度的水平和垂向分布,其中,垂向浓度又是海水中悬沙三维分布研究的核心。 本文以2006年8月的长江口外海域的悬沙数据资料为基础,把经典的泥沙扩散理论模型和两相流颗粒浓度分布的运动理论模型的关于垂向含沙分布的理论,作为本研究的回归模型的理论依据,通过观测获得的悬沙浊度资料对应求出观测垂向剖面浓度,采用相关分析和多元线性回归的方法,分析了长江口外海域的悬沙浓度垂向分布特点,回归出悬沙垂向浓度分布模型,为了更好的揭示水动力条件对浅海陆架区悬浮物的影响,本文还用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对东海三定点分表中底三层的25小时连续海流资料进行分析,计算了三测站六个主要分潮的北、东分量潮流调和常数,由于原始记录带有扰动信息,经过预处理计算出来常规每小时一次的海流观测结果,把海流加入了悬沙垂向分布模型。并在整个研究区域验证了悬沙垂向浓度分布模型。结果表明:垂向浓度的大小与相对水深相关性良好,而水深对其的影响则表现在梯度变化方面。通过悬沙垂向浓度模型,由海水底层浓度和海流可以计算得到不同水层的悬沙浓度;有效性检验和拟合结果检验表明,该模型置信度较高,且能够较为有效的预测海水中、上层水体的悬沙浓度值。
基于合作路标的三角定位是自主式移动机器人的主要定位方法。路标的优化选择是提高定位算法精度的关键。本文在给出该算法原理的基础上 ,通过理论分析和实验证明了路标优化选择对提高定位算法精度的作用 ,并介绍了路标优化选择的准则