692 resultados para Colonisation -- Vanuatu
This airborne hyperspectral (19 bands) image data of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia is derived from Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data acquired on 1st and 3rd of July 2002, latitude -23.45, longitude 151.92. Processing and correction to at-surface data was completed by Karen Joyce (Joyce, 2004). Raw imagery consisted several images corresponding to the number of flight paths taken to cover the entire Heron Reef. Spatial resolution is one meter. Radiometric corrections converted the at-sensor digital number values to at surface spectral radiance values using sensor specific calibration coefficients and CSIRO's c-WomBat-c atmospheric correction software. Geometric corrections were done using field collected coordinates of features identified in the image. Projection used was Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 56 South and Datum used was WGS 84. Image data is in TIFF format.
Increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere are causing a rise in pCO2 concentrations in the ocean surface and lowering pH. To predict the effects of these changes, we need to improve our understanding of the responses of marine primary producers since these drive biogeochemical cycles and profoundly affect the structure and function of benthic habitats. The effects of increasing CO2 levels on the colonisation of artificial substrata by microalgal assemblages (periphyton) were examined across a CO2 gradient off the volcanic island of Vulcano (NE Sicily). We show that periphyton communities altered significantly as CO2 concentrations increased. CO2 enrichment caused significant increases in chlorophyll a concentrations and in diatom abundance although we did not detect any changes in cyanobacteria. SEM analysis revealed major shifts in diatom assemblage composition as CO2 levels increased. The responses of benthic microalgae to rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions are likely to have significant ecological ramifications for coastal systems.
The well-documented re-colonisation of the French large river basins of Loire and Rhone by European otter and beaver allowed the analysis of explanatory factors and threats to species movement in the river corridor. To what extent anthropogenic disturbance of the riparian zone influences the corridor functioning is a central question in the understanding of ecological networks and the definition of restoration goals for river networks. The generalist or specialist nature of target species might be determining for the responses to habitat quality and barriers in the riparian corridor. Detailed datasets of land use, human stressors and hydro-morphological characteristics of river segments for the entire river basins allowed identifying the habitat requirements of the two species for the riparian zone. The identified critical factors were entered in a network analysis based on the ecological niche factor approach. Significant responses to riparian corridor quality for forest cover, alterations of channel straightening and urbanisation and infrastructure in the riparian zone are observed for both species, so they may well serve as indicators for corridor functioning. The hypothesis for generalists being less sensitive to human disturbance was withdrawn, since the otter as generalist species responded strongest to hydro-morphological alterations and human presence in general. The beaver responded the strongest to the physical environment as expected for this specialist species. The difference in responses for generalist and specialist species is clearly present and the two species have a strong complementary indicator value. The interpretation of the network analysis outcomes stresses the need for an estimation of ecological requirements of more species in the evaluation of riparian corridor functioning and in conservation planning.
Natural regeneration faces increasing difficulties in dry forests from the Mediterranean basin, including for normally well-regenerating species such as maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton). In this paper, we studied female fertility, seed dispersal and spread rates in P. pinaster from the Spanish Northern Plateau, where natural regeneration failure is a main concern for forest managers. For this purpose we periodically collected data from seed traps and trees located at two core locations across several years. We found significant variation in interannual cone production, with the best seed trees being the same across years. In addition, we found highly skewed distributions of female reproductive effort and large fertility differences across stands located few kilometres away. Annual seed dispersal kernels fitted lognormal or 2Dt models depending on the stand analysed, with median dispersal distances between 14 and 25 m. Kernels fitted for maximum dispersal periods showed an outstanding intraseasonal variation of median dispersal distances, from 10 to 54 m, in association to variable patterns of rainfall and maximum wind speed. The amount of seed produced appeared to be enough to guarantee the natural regeneration of the stands during the typical 20-year regeneration period. Colonisation simulations concluded that Mediterranean maritime pine has a notable dispersion capacity, which is strongly influenced by levels of fecundity and, especially, by the number and frequency of long-distance dispersal events. The latter play a key role in tree dispersion processes through enlarging the occupied area and fostering the invasion of abandoned crop land.
In the South West Pacific region, the striking geographical correlation between the frequency of α+-thalassemia and the endemicity of Plasmodium falciparum suggests that this hemoglobinopathy provides a selective advantage against malaria. In Vanuatu, paradoxically, α+-thalassemia increases the incidence of contracting mild malaria in the first 2 years of life, but severe disease was too uncommon to assess adequately. Therefore, we undertook a prospective case-control study of children with severe malaria on the north coast of Papua New Guinea, where malaria transmission is intense and α+-thalassemia affects more than 90% of the population. Compared with normal children, the risk of having severe malaria was 0.40 (95% confidence interval 0.22–0.74) in α+-thalassemia homozygotes and 0.66 (0.37–1.20) in heterozygotes. Unexpectedly, the risk of hospital admission with infections other than malaria also was reduced to a similar degree in homozygous (0.36; 95% confidence interval 0.22–0.60) and heterozygous (0.63; 0.38–1.07) children. This clinical study demonstrates that a malaria resistance gene protects against disease caused by infections other than malaria. The mechanism of the remarkable protective effect of α+-thalassemia against severe childhood disease remains unclear but must encompass the clear interaction between this hemoglobinopathy and both malarial and nonmalarial infections.
The fungal parasite of nematode eggs Pochonia chlamydosporia is also a root endophyte known to promote growth of some plants. In this study, we analysed the effect of nine P. chlamydosporia isolates from worldwide origin on tomato growth. Experiments were performed at different scales (Petri dish, growth chamber and greenhouse conditions) and developmental stages (seedlings, plantlets and plants). Seven P. chlamydosporia isolates significantly (P < 0.05) increased the number of secondary roots and six of those increased total weight of tomato seedlings. Six P. chlamydosporia isolates also increased root weight of tomato plantlets. Root colonisation varied between different isolates of this fungus. Again P. chlamydosporia significantly increased root growth of tomato plants under greenhouse conditions and reduced flowering and fruiting times (up to 5 and 12 days, respectively) versus uninoculated tomato plants. P. chlamydosporia increased mature fruit weight in tomato plants. The basis of the mechanisms for growth, flowering and yield promotion in tomato by the fungus are unknown. However, we found that P. chlamydosporia can produce Indole-3-acetic acid and solubilise mineral phosphate. These results suggest that plant hormones or nutrient ability could play an important role. Our results put forward the agronomic importance of P. chlamydosporia as biocontrol agent of plant parasitic nematodes with tomato growth promoting capabilities.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Département d'Oran : colonisation, par A.D. Langlois ; dressée sous le patronage de la Société de Géographie d'Oran. It was published by Challamel et Cie. in 1883. Scale [ca. 1:800,000]. Covers northwest Algeria. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, roads, railroads and stations, canals, ruins, mines, territorial claims, shoreline features, forests, ground cover, and more. Includes also statistical tables on population and agriculture.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
Andryala (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) is a little-known Mediterranean-Macaronesian genus whose taxonomy is much in need of revision. The aim of the present biosystematic study was to elucidate species relationships within this genus based on morphological and molecular data. In this study several taxa are recognised: 17 species, 14 subspecies, and 3 hybrids. Among these, 5 species are Macaronesian endemics (A. glandulosa, A. sparsiflora, A. crithmifolia Aiton, A. pinnatifida, and A. perezii), 4 species are Northwest African endemics (A. mogadorensis, A. maroccana, A. chevallieri, and A. nigricans) and one species is endemic to Romania (A. laevitomentosa). Historical background regarding taxonomic delimitation in the genus is addressed from Linnaean to present day concepts, as well as the origin of the name Andryala. The origin of Asteraceae and the systematic position of Andryala is shortly summarised. The morphological study was based on a bibliographic review and the revision of 1066 specimens of 13 herbaria as well as additional material collected during fieldwork. The variability of the morphological characters of the genus, including both vegetative taxonomic characters (root, stem, leaf and indumentum characters) and reproductive ones (inflorescence, floret, fruit and pappus characters), is assessed. Numerical analysis of the morphological data was performed using different similarity or dissimilarity measures and coefficients, as well as ordination and clustering methods. Results support the segregation of the recognised taxa and the congruence of the several analyses in the separation of the recognised taxa (using quantitative, binary or multi-state characters). The proposed taxonomy for Andryala includes a new infra-generic classification, new taxa and new combinations and ranks, typifications and diagnostic keys (one for the species and several for subspecies). For each taxon a list of synonyms, typification comments and a detailed description are provided, just as comments on taxonomy and nomenclature, and a brief discussion on karyology. Additionally, information on ecology and conservation status as well as on distribution and a list of studied material are also presented. Phylogenetic analyses based on different nuclear and chloroplast DNA markers, using Bayesian and maximum parsimony methods of inference, were performed. Results support three main lineages: separate ones for the relict species A. agardhii and A. laevitomentosa and a third including the majority of the Andryala species that underwent a relatively rapid and recent speciation. They also suggest a single colonization event of Madeira and the Canary Islands from the Mediterranean region, followed by insular speciation. Biogeography and speciation within the genus are briefly discussed, including a proposal for the centre of origin of the genus and possible dispersal routes.