920 resultados para Colectivos juveniles
Although bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) was an economically important rockfish species along the west coast of North America, overfishing has reduced the stock to about 7.4% of its former unfished population. In 2003, using a manned research submersible, we conducted fish surveys around eight oil and gas platforms off southern California as part of an assessment of the potential value of these structures as fish habitat. From these surveys, we estimated that there was a minimum of 430,000 juvenile bocaccio at these eight structures. We determined this number to be about 20% of the average number of juvenile bocaccio that survive annually for the geographic range of the species. When these juveniles become adults, they will contribute about one percent (0.8%) of the additional amount of fish needed to rebuild the Pacific Coast population. By comparison, juvenile bocaccio recruitment to nearshore natural nursery grounds, as determined through regional scuba surveys, was low in the same year. This research demonstrates that a relatively small amount of artificial nursery habitat may be quite valuable in rebuilding an overfished species.
Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) is widely distributed in the North Pacific Ocean and plays an important role in coastal subarctic ecosystems. The Japanese Pacific population of this species is one of the most important demersal fishes for commercial fisheries in northern Japan. The population is distributed along the Pacific coast of Hokkaido and the Tohoku area (Fig. 1), which is the southern limit of distribution of the species in the western North Pacific. In Funka Bay, the main spawning ground for this population, pollock spawn from December to March (Kendall and Nakatani, 1992). Planktonic eggs and larvae are transported into the bay, where juveniles usually remain until late July when they reach 60−85 mm in total length (Hayashi et al., 1968; Nakatani and Maeda, 1987). These juvenile pollock then migrate from Funka Bay eastward to the Doto area off southeastern Hokkaido (Honda et al., 2004). Many studies on eggs, larvae, and juveniles of the species have been conducted in or near Funka Bay, but little information is available on the ecology of the early life stages in the Tohoku area. Hashimoto and Ishito (1991) suggested that eggs are transported from Funka Bay southward to the Tohoku area by the coastal branch of the Oyashio Current, but there has been no study to verify this hypothesis.
Longline fisheries have grown throughout the world’s oceans for more than 40 years. This type of fisheries has captured high-quality fish (mature individuals rather than unwanted juveniles), has had minimal destructive effects on bottom habitats, and has produced a low bycatch of nontargeted fish (Brothers et al., 1999). Seabirds, however, are hooked accidentally when they swallow or are snagged on the baited hooks set by commercial longline crews (Brothers, 1991; Barnes et al., 1997; Tasker et al., 2000; Belda and Sanchez 2001; Jahncke et al., 2001
Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774), molusco exótico límnico de origem afroasiática, foi registrado pela primeira vez na Vila do Abraão, Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, em 2005. Atua como primeiro hospedeiro intermediário de diversos trematódeos de importância médica. As populações são compostas majoritariamente por fêmeas partenogenéticas que possuem um marsúpio onde se desenvolvem os juvenis. Os objetivos foram verificar: a presença de machos; se existem flutuações na produção de ovos e juvenis ao longo do tempo; quando a maturidade sexual é atingida e, a existência de parasitos relacionando sua presença com o número de ovos e juvenis. Para a contagem de ovos e juvenis, foram utilizadas fêmeas coletadas bimestralmente de setembro/07 a outubro/10, separadas em quatro classes de tamanho, segundo o diâmetro da concha: Classe I: < 3mm; Classe II: 3 a 5,99mm; Classe III: 6 a 8,99mm; Classe IV: > 9mm. Separamos cinco fêmeas/classe, totalizando 20 fêmeas/coleta, exceto nas amostras de setembro/07 (16 exemplares), abril/09 (19 exemplares) e de abril/10 (13 exemplares), totalizando 348 fêmeas. Para observação dos parasitos, ovos e juvenis o teto da cavidade palial foi retirado e o marsúpio dissecado. Classificamos os juvenis em classes de acordo com o número de voltas: com menos de duas; com duas a quatro e com mais de quatro. Os dados foram analisados utilizando Excel e SYSTAT 12. Para a histologia da gônada e do marsúpio, utilizamos cinco exemplares coletados mensalmente de setembro/12 a fevereiro/13, de cada classe de tamanho, totalizando 20 espécimes/coleta, exceto em outubro/12, quando 16 espécimes foram usados, pois somente um espécime da Classe IV foi encontrado. Os espécimes foram fixados em formalina Millonig de Carson, descalcificados em EDTA, incluídos em parafina e corados em hematoxilina e eosina. Foram encontrados 16 machos. Quantificamos 24.694 ovos e 31.474 juvenis, com as seguintes médias: Classe I: 0 ovos e 0,31 juvenis; Classe II: 24,19 ovos e 47,56 juvenis; Classe III: 114,84 ovos e 155,78 juvenis; Classe IV: 146,76 ovos e 158,41 juvenis. O teste de Kruskal-Wallis mostrou que existe variação significativa no número de ovos e juvenis ao longo do ano (p < 0,01 para ambos) e entre o número de ovos e juvenis entre as diferentes classes de tamanho de concha (p <0,01 para ambos). Foram contabilizados 27.877 juvenis com menos de duas voltas, 3.251 juvenis com duas a quatro voltas e 346 juvenis com mais de quatro voltas. Dentre 348 fêmeas, 111 estavam parasitadas (32% do total) por Centrocestus formosanus (Nishigori, 1924). O Teste de Mann-Whitney, levando em consideração todas as fêmeas, demonstrou que fêmeas parasitadas apresentaram menor número de ovos e juvenis que as não parasitadas ( p<0,01). Excluindo as fêmeas da Classe 1, o resultado do teste foi o mesmo (p< 0,01). Concluímos que: a população de M. tuberculata da Vila do Abraão não é formada somente por fêmeas; as fêmeas se reproduzem o ano todo, pois foram encontrados ovos e juvenis em todas as coletas; que quanto maior a fêmea há mais ovos e, em média, há mais juvenis no marsúpio; que a maturidade sexual é alcançada com aproximadamente 3 mm de diâmetro de concha, devido a presença de ovócitos vitelogênicos tardios e, que o parasitismo afeta negativamente M. tuberculata, reduzindo o número de ovos e juvenis formados
Large pelagic sharks are caught incidentally in the swordfish and tuna fisheries of the Mediterranean Sea. In our study, twelve shark species were documented as bycatch over three years from 1998 to 2000. Blue shark (Prionace glauca) was the predominant species in all gears and areas examined. Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus), and tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus) were the next most abundant shark species—found in more than half of the areas sampled. Catch composition varied both in the areas and gears investigated. Sharks represented 34.3% in weight of total catches sampled in the Alboran Sea and 0.9% in the Straits of Sicily. Higher shark catches were observed in the swordfish longline fishery, where a nominal CPUE value reached 3.8 sharks/1000 hooks in the Alboran Sea. Size distribution by fishing gear varied significantly. Albacore longline catches consisted mainly of juveniles, whereas subadult and adult specimens were more frequent in the swordfish longline and driftnet fishery. The percentage of sharks brought onboard alive was exceptionally high; only 5.1% of the specimens died. Few discards (seven blue shark) were recorded in the Greek longline fleet during onboard sampling in the Aegean Se
In West Africa (between Ivory Coast and Sénégal), estuarine environments vary from lagoons to high discharge rivers to inverse hypersaline estuaries. This results in a high diversity of estuarine fish species, with an important turnover and a core of ubiquitous species. The species richness of a given estuary depends on the combination of hydrological factors (marine or freshwater dominance) and biogeography (continental biogeographic regions). The catch rate is higher in lagoons and inverse estuaries than in normal estuaries, which can be explained by the predominance of small juveniles in the latter. Clupeids are the most abundant fishes all over the region, but different systems have different dominant species. Assessing the functioning of West-African estuaries provides useful comparisons to Asian estuarine systems.
Severe overfishing of sea cucumbers has occurred in most countries of the tropical Indo-Pacific. The release of juveniles is being examined at the ICLARM Coastal Aquaculture Centre in the Solomon islands as a means of restoring and enhancing tropical sea cucumber stocks. Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) are the tropical species that show the best potential for stock enhancement. Sandfish are of high value, widely distributed and relatively easy to culture in simple systemss at a low cost. This paper summarizes information about the culture of H. scabra and compares it to that of the temperate species Stichopus japonicus.
Two studies were conducted in consecutive years over the time period 14 January to 1 July to determine whether labor-savings and fish growth enhancement could be achieved by stocking Tilapia rendalli directly into ponds containing weeds left from a dry period. Six replicates 200 sq. m ponds located at the Malawi National Aquaculture Centre, Domasi were drained, left dry for 63 days and natural growth of weeds was allowed. All ponds were stocked with 200 T. rendalli fingerlings (study 1) or adults (study 2) averaging 4.6 g (40 mm TL) and 47.7 (130 mm TL), respectively. For T. rendalli juveniles, final standing stock, growth and offspring production were significantly (P<0.05) better in fed than in weedy ponds. Average weight of fingerlings were significantly (P<0.05) different between the two treatments. For T. rendalli adults, final standing stock, growth and offspring production were not affected by the presence of weeds.
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This paper presents a review of recruitment and catch predictions based on an index of abundance of juveniles and pre-recruits (fishery independent index) in the Cuban lobster fisheries. This methodology can provide information based on fisheries data that can improve the management of the fishery.
The West Indian Ocean is rich in biodiversity and marine resources. This paper gives an overview of fisheries development and resource management in the region. There are many shared issues that must be addressed within countries and at the regional level. These are illustrated by examples from three countries. In Mozambique the issues of lack of information about artisanal fisheries, excessive harvesting of juveniles and conflicts between artisanal and commercial sectors are highlighted. Elements in addressing this include targeted research and decision-making support tools. The challenges faced in Somalia stem primarily from the political instability that contributed to an absence of sound fisheries policy. An example of a highly participatory process to develop the policy provides a model for other countries. In Tanzania, the issue of dynamite fishing was addressed by local communities initiating a program to promote wise use of the resources. There is a clear opportunity for better collaboration and greater integration of fisheries research and management on a regional basis. There is also much to be learnt by the sharing of experiences between countries. This has been initiated by some recently launched regional cooperation projects, but there are still many challenges facing this region.
The seed of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra jaeger is being produced at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in India. This article describes the techniques being used in the production of seed and the experiments being carried out for the rearing of juveniles. Trials to grow juveniles in hatcheries on prawn farms have shown spectabular results that are both cost efficient and environmentally friendly.
The major constraint to the development of aquaculture in Nigeria has been the non-availability of fingerlings in required numbers of cultivable species. A specifically designed trap to collect mullet (Liza falcipinnis; Liza grandisquamis) juveniles during high tides was successful in collecting juveniles year-round. The collectors was more successful during night spring tides than during neap tides or daytime collections. Thus, the use of traps, especially in the tidal zones, could provide a cost-effective method of stocking fish farms by collecting juveniles and seed from the natural environment.
Esta dissertação tem como centralidade a discussão sobre formação continuada vivida por professoras/es no contexto de um coletivo docente chamado Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Professoras/es Alfabetizadoras/es Narradoras/es (GEPPAN). Em encontros que ocorrem mensalmente, um grupo de professoras/es é instigado a compartilhar a própria prática alfabetizadora vivida no cotidiano escolar (GARCIA, 2012), o que tem permitido a cada integrante assumir-se como professor/a pesquisador/a (FREIRE, 1996; GARCIA, 2001).Tal investigação se inscreve em um contexto no qual a formação de professores tem sido anunciada, especialmente pelas políticas públicas, como responsável pela má qualidade da educação. Assim, ao colocar a formação docente como foco central do problema, as ações governamentais também anunciam e criam programas e projetos formativos como medidas eficazes para o sucesso escolar. No entanto, historicamente, os modelos instituídos de formação continuada não têm garantido a tão almejada melhoria na qualidade do ensino, especialmente quanto ao processo alfabetizador. Igualmente, não têm garantido espaçostempos onde as/os professoras/es tornem-se protagonistas de sua própria formação. Neste sentido, o interesse por trazer à cena as narrativas docentes se deve à intenção de reafirmar a legitimidade e a importância dos conhecimentos produzidos pelas professoras/es alfabetizadoras/es no cotidiano escolar conhecimentos tantas vezes apontados como não-saberes, ou conhecimentos menores, por isso ordinários (CERTEAU, 1996). As muitas experiências compartilhadas pelas professoras/es nos encontros do GEPPAN instigam a buscar compreender o que mobiliza docentes a se encontrarem e discutirem seu trabalho alfabetizador, bem como a investigar em que medida as ações neste coletivo docente conseguem ser vividas como experiências formativas e não apenas como informações (BENJAMIN, 1996). Diante desta experiência de formação continuada, tomada como foco da pesquisa, a conversa (SKLIAR, 2011; SAMPAIO, 2010; ALVES, 2004) é assumida como metodologia de pesquisa, reforçando a ideia de que as narrativas possibilitam o intercâmbio de experiências significativas e, neste movimento, abre possibilidades de ressignificar práticas, assim como transformar-se.
An outline is given of procedures to take in order to adopt an integrated rice-fish-vegetable farming system in India. Vegetables, which are cultivated in the dikes of the system, may include Luffa acutangula, Vigna unguiculata and Phaseolus vulgaris . When the water depth of the field rises to 30-40 cm, fish fingerlings (Puntius javanicus, Cyprinus carpio and Labeo rohita ) and prawn juveniles (Macrobranchium rosenbergii ) may be stocked. The advantages of such a system are listed and include year round employment opportunities for the farm family and improved farm family income and nutrition.